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Prayuth likens Uighur refugees to breeding animals

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Bold assertions. Do you have any evidence that China has ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland?

5000 people get executed in China each year! There is a very high chance these folks will face execution, do you think China wants these guys back to give them flowers or something? Why do you think these people are trying to escape from China?

China has a terrible human rights record and does rather like executing people, there's no denying that. However, it's a big country with lots of murderers, rapists, embezzlers and others of that ilk. I suspect they make up pretty much all the 5000 each year.

The question remains: has China ever tortured and/or executed Uighur economic migrants who've been returned to their homeland? And if not your assertion that there's "a very high chance these folks will face execution" is completely groundless.

PRC oppresses, imprisons, extrajudicial killings whilst in prison etc of Falun Gong members; why do you believe the Uighur are exempt from such practices?

Just to add, PRC are using the same techniques they use in Tibet to try & destroy the Uighur culture, are Tibetans 'economic refugees' who should be shipped back to China?

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Why does it want its citizens back so much if they are not going to punish them? Why don't they let them go back to Turkey. And you have to look at the underlying causes which led these uyghurs to escape China in the hopes of finding a better homeland in the first place. I reiterate my stance regarding the fate of Uyghurs. They will most likely face intense intorregation and torture once they are shipped off to China.

You make your assertions but you haven't presented a shred of factual evidence that the Uighurs will face bad treatment when they go home. Do you have any evidence? Or are you simply making wild, Sino-phonic accusations?

What makes you think they wont be?

Why do you think PRC wants them back?

Name any country that wants so called trouble makers back? They dont, they want them gone, unless they want to teach others a lesson. 1+1 is quite easy to find the answer if you take off the blinkers.


Have to agree with the sentiment here.. stupid and dumb remark. But one has to wonder how many people in the USA think the same about illegal Mexicans and people in the UK and EU about illegal Muslim immigrants. There are quite a few people who think like this on this forum many would love to have the Thai tough immigration rules in their home country.

For the record I think this is a stupid remark and the general should be ashamed.

No need to wonder.

Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants
Most Support Path to Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants in U.S.With immigration shaping up to be a major issue in both the final years of the Obama administration and the 2016 presidential campaign, most Americans (72%) continue to say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in the country legally, if certain requirements are met.

I personally don't care anymore. Open up the boarder as far as I'm concerned. I don't live there. (Consider that a 'no real opinion' vote - lmao) Once the US has hit Third World status, maybe my Thai son and grandkids can go over for a vacation in cheap America.

"Luang Daa Farang, in Los Angles you can rent a hotel room in a 4 star hotel for the equivalent of 1000 THB and a dinner for the family would be the equivalent of 200 baht. And I hear that farang women will give you a 'long-time' for around 100 THB, but you have to watch out for them. They all want to marry rich Asians, but most of them have dead-beat farang boyfriends. You hear it all the time, 'My mom needs money because her 20 year old Lexus is in the shop again. You've got to watch them like hawk or they'll steal you blind"

Grandad Farang: Ha ha ha ha ha...........ha ha ha ha ha!!!


I could liken Prayuth to monitor lizards but that would be wrong...

Monitor lizards deserve much better than to be compared to The Anointed One bah.gif


Couldn't agree more. Interestingly in Australia our PM plays to the same internal audience regarding refugees..persistently calling them ilegal when in fact they are legal. The only difference is the Australian PM uses a more sophisticated tool i.e.The new Border Force law explicitly forbids under pain of arrest any doctors from commenting or reporting any health issues of refugees locked up on Manus Island or Naru.

With Prayuth, he is also tapping in to the deeply held Thai xenophobic and nationalsit tradition that most Thais feel. I doubt if there will be any negative comments from within Thai society. As for the rest of the civilised world? he does not give a s**t

The Uighur are legitimate refugees. What is perplexing about the general's comments is that;

1. China states that the Uihgurs are treated no differently than other Chinese citizens

2. Thailand is chasing after Chinese visitors and business

And now the general considers these Chinese nationals as subhuman.

It's a slippery slope when singles out a specific religious group. I remind the general that there are many people who find that people who pray before statues, put out food offerings for invisible spirits, who go to fortune tellers, and who put their faith in magical amulets to be primitive and backward.


I'm positive that what he said was misunderstood by people with poor Thai translation skills. coffee1.gif

Yeh right.


I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

You are actually correct in your comments about the [Muslim's] or the Islamic religion, and the Jihad or [struggle] to convert the world to Islam.

Unfortunately the OP has nothing to do with that, the issue is that the PM likened people to breeding animals and that is a serious problem for a PM to publicly say, regardless of personal views.


These are the picture of the Uighur being transported back to China in a safe and humane manner!

Are they? As far as I can tell they are pictures posted on Twitter with no proper sourcing information.

Furthermore, the airline name appears to include the letters SOU. There's no airline operating in Thailand containing those letters in its name. (You can check at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airlines_of_Thailand )

The uniforms also don't seem to match other images of Thailand SWAT.


These are the picture of the Uighur being transported back to China in a safe and humane manner!

Are they? As far as I can tell they are pictures posted on Twitter with no proper sourcing information.

Furthermore, the airline name appears to include the letters SOU. There's no airline operating in Thailand containing those letters in its name. (You can check at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airlines_of_Thailand )

The uniforms also don't seem to match other images of Thailand SWAT.

Try Chinese uniforms and airlines


Can anybody imagine if Obama,Blair,Hollande or Merkel would saying things like this??

Ok from Putin it would be expected.

But nobody cares about Thailand because the only thing people know about this amazing country is,it is the brothel of the world...


Can anybody imagine if Obama,Blair,Hollande or Merkel would saying things like this??

Ok from Putin it would be expected.

But nobody cares about Thailand because the only thing people know about this amazing country is,it is the brothel of the world...

only a certain type of people


What a stupid ,ignorant little man!

He shouldn't be in charge of a (water) tank let alone a country!

He probably thinks the same about you. You can have your vote when the time is right


Prayut don't need a PR manager as he just say what he is thinking and he thinks the same way most of Thais think about people who are not Thai!

So he do not respect human rights at all and its just a burden on him: he would love to ban all the hostigas, expartiats (oh <deleted> they still bring money into the country but anyway) and would love to ban all tourists: Thailand gets a quite and shameless country and well nobody in this world would care about anymore!


Maybe Prayuth spoke a bit harshly and maybe used crude analogies, but I think his point was they are immigrants that were not granted asylum, they don't bring anything unique to Thailand, Thailand is not going to subsidize them or spend money or resources supporting them. Granted this comes across as a hard line immigration approach, but all countries have immigration laws, quotas, criteria or reasons for allowing or harboring immigrants. The USA gets yelled at everytime some poor illegal immigrant family is expatriated back to Mexico, but never gets mentioned on the positive side about the literally millions of illegal immigrants that are allowed to stay in the USA every year from that country.

They don't bring anything unique to Thailand?

...and I suppose you do?...I just dread to think what it might be.....

I never claimed I bring anything unique to Thailand. But I do pay my way and follow all the laws. Immigration is a sore subject with many people and countries, especially when the have's have to deal with the have not's. It is a tough human issue. No doubts about it. If you want to twist things and go down paths and miss the entire idea I was trying to convey in my original post, then so be it.


Anyone with half a brain cell who has lived in Thailand and "GETS IT" understands exactly what he meant. (so I am not going to explain it those who are here for drinking and massage parlors) Unfortunately this has nothing to do with westerrn ""values"" or politically correct sensibilities but Thai values and the long standing Thai determination to maintain their identity and integrity as they see it, NOT as you think it should be..


Maybe Prayuth spoke a bit harshly and maybe used crude analogies, but I think his point was they are immigrants that were not granted asylum, they don't bring anything unique to Thailand, Thailand is not going to subsidize them or spend money or resources supporting them. Granted this comes across as a hard line immigration approach, but all countries have immigration laws, quotas, criteria or reasons for allowing or harboring immigrants. The USA gets yelled at everytime some poor illegal immigrant family is expatriated back to Mexico, but never gets mentioned on the positive side about the literally millions of illegal immigrants that are allowed to stay in the USA every year from that country.

This may be a timely reminder that ALL us citizens are illegal immigrants. The indigenous people did not invite you to their country. You're trespassing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90U2IqXEvSM

Well, not true. Most US people came to the United States well after it was established via immigrations from Europe or Asia or whatever. In my case, my grandparents all came from Greece and migrated legally to the USA early in the 1900s. I don't consider myself an illegal immigrant. every piece of this planet that now has a political boundary marker drawn on a map evolved over centuries to its present boundaries. Few if any "indigenous" people are the majority or even founding members of modern day countries. countries were dissolved, absorbed, etc.


Maybe Prayuth spoke a bit harshly and maybe used crude analogies, but I think his point was they are immigrants that were not granted asylum, they don't bring anything unique to Thailand, Thailand is not going to subsidize them or spend money or resources supporting them. Granted this comes across as a hard line immigration approach, but all countries have immigration laws, quotas, criteria or reasons for allowing or harboring immigrants. The USA gets yelled at everytime some poor illegal immigrant family is expatriated back to Mexico, but never gets mentioned on the positive side about the literally millions of illegal immigrants that are allowed to stay in the USA every year from that country.

This may be a timely reminder that ALL us citizens are illegal immigrants. The indigenous people did not invite you to their country. You're trespassing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90U2IqXEvSM

Well, not true. Most US people came to the United States well after it was established via immigrations from Europe or Asia or whatever. In my case, my grandparents all came from Greece and migrated legally to the USA early in the 1900s. I don't consider myself an illegal immigrant. every piece of this planet that now has a political boundary marker drawn on a map evolved over centuries to its present boundaries. Few if any "indigenous" people are the majority or even founding members of modern day countries. countries were dissolved, absorbed, etc.

youre living on land that was acquired thru contract and that contract was later breached


The word he used has been slightly misinterpreted but he's still an idiot.. I was very happy when he took over from Yingluck but now I'd rather she was still in power to be honest
All I see him doing is being rude about foreigners, BACKING corruption in the Courts and banning or changing anything of character in Thailand. Now, under his watch, many of the famous food stall streets in Bangkok will be disappearing over the next few months.

What next?


Anyone with half a brain cell who has lived in Thailand and "GETS IT" understands exactly what he meant. (so I am not going to explain it those who are here for drinking and massage parlors) Unfortunately this has nothing to do with westerrn ""values"" or politically correct sensibilities but Thai values and the long standing Thai determination to maintain their identity and integrity as they see it, NOT as you think it should be..

Considering those shipped back to China were seeking asylum in Turkey you make wish to clarify what this has to do with Thai "identity and integrity".

Do you support the Thai government's discrimination and statelessness of Thai Hill Tribes in the name of Thai "identity and integrity"?


Looks like The Boss has been watching news from the US and decided imitate that country's current #1 moron. Presume you mean Republican Donald Trump.


Looks like The Boss has been watching news from the US and decided imitate that country's current #1 moron. Presume you mean Republican Donald Trump.

The problem is the Donald is a standout in a whole pack of morons fortune tellers soothsayers and projectionists like "Just call me Jeb" how hokey can this guy get. He drops his last name during the campaigning process to fool one and all well its Bush synonymous with being in bed with the Saudi's, The failed and wrong Iraq war, bringing back from Iraq thousands of maimed and mutilated young Americans who fought for what? His brother George started this whole boondoggle and now has the nerve to charge the VA $100,000 for a speaking engagement what an insult. Shame George shame. The Donald is not sugar coating his words like his competition is he is on the attack and it is resonating with Americans fed up with past politics. He enjoys the media jousting and gives as well as takes. What a refreshing change. He is putting "telling it how it is" back in style. People are tired of all this "telling it how it should be but never happens" crap.


Looks like The Boss has been watching news from the US and decided imitate that country's current #1 moron. Presume you mean Republican Donald Trump.

The problem is the Donald is a standout in a whole pack of morons fortune tellers soothsayers and projectionists like "Just call me Jeb" how hokey can this guy get. He drops his last name during the campaigning process to fool one and all well its Bush synonymous with being in bed with the Saudi's, The failed and wrong Iraq war, bringing back from Iraq thousands of maimed and mutilated young Americans who fought for what? His brother George started this whole boondoggle and now has the nerve to charge the VA $100,000 for a speaking engagement what an insult. Shame George shame. The Donald is not sugar coating his words like his competition is he is on the attack and it is resonating with Americans fed up with past politics. He enjoys the media jousting and gives as well as takes. What a refreshing change. He is putting "telling it how it is" back in style. People are tired of all this "telling it how it should be but never happens" crap.

he may enjoy it but he is boosting hillary in the process

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