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free speech is fine as long as it is the truth and not simply because they are deliberately lying to support their own terrorist ideals and cause conflict. The reds are so used to getting what they want they are frustrated its has been curtailed so they are trying everything to get back to the way it was. Maybe she should have worn her red shirt with full of bullsh*t written on it, describes them a lot better


How does spreading false rumors undermine the credibility of someone who committed criminal insurrection?

Who did that then.. Ohhh I know the UDD financed Initially by Thaksin.

Prayuth did a military coup after which his authority was recognised by the King.


Telling lies? Well, I suppose that might be or probably is the case. But undermining the state by doing that? By alleging malfeasance by a citizen? Just nonsense. Fact is it seems you can be charged with undermining the state for saying anything that the government doesn't like. After all, if it doesn't like it, it's by definition undermining the State isn't it? Didn't think it was possible for anyone or any group of people to be as thin-skinned - and nasty about it - than Thaksin. But there you go.


Yep, as I stated yesterday. Never intended to uncover a truth. It was just to get something out their to plant a seed in the minds of the gullible.

I love her excuse that it is her right as a Thai citizen to criticise the premier. She has parroted the words of the students and to that end the students job is done. Never mind that what she said makes no sense and just shows she has no regrets and doesn't think that spreading false malicious rumours is a in fact against the law. According to her it is her right. She epitomises the red shirt ethos and has a warped sense of what is appropriate and what is against the law.

And she has given a great compliment to the government through her actions in having to make things up to try to discredit them.

And some wonder why.....now what did the students say again.....Thats right, "people are perceived through the colour of their political affiliation". Start acting responsible, stop trying to divide the nation, stop trying to create instability and stop trying to incite unrest. In other words stop doing all the things the red shirts are synonymous with.

Some wonder why certain groups are perceived in a certain way..Well here she is. Rinda is the pin up girl of why they are.


I wonder what what (or who) might have put the idea of starting false rumours into her head ?

Something picked up at Red School perhaps ? wink.png

When there are perfectly-good factual things to criticise the junta for, say submarines or treatment of the Uighurs or the failure to prepare for new elections as-promised, why the need to think up new ones ?

Then again, counterfeiting is a local industry, perhaps she was just demonstrating her right to originality ! rolleyes.gif


" Make this go away and I'll make it worth your while. " gigglem.gif

Brilliant photo and best reply in a long time.......you just made my day.

BTW is that the beloved police General Somyot?


Ha welcome to Thai Visa where every one is Honest and would never dream of spreading Rumors.

Nobody has ever spread false rumours in TVF.....:)


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Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.
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Considering the destabilizing nature of this rumor, and the panic it caused in Thailand, they should throw the book at her.

A hefty 200 baht fine would be appropriate.


she says: "..... she had no intention to destabilise the state. She said she had invoked her rights as a Thai citizen to criticise the premier."

So she believes she has a right to tell blatant serious lies.

Seems about tight, normal red / udd approach.

IMHO people like her don't work alone, she's probably part of an inner udd cell.

Which is why the general needs to be very vigilant.

Seriously scorecard? She has no more right to tell blatant lies than the current Junta, and boy have they told some porkies, without producing a shred of evidence either.

Lying seems to be a comfort thing with many Thais too, actually I know lots of different nationalities who lie all the time, the company Ibwork for does it, is there anything really anyone can do to prevent lies?

Some forum members also lie, and exaggerate and embellish posts quite often. It doesn't make it right, but it's par for the course.

This woman will be punished, but to say she was a threat to either national security or destabilising the country is stretching it rice paper thin.

Politicians lie all the time, put things into context, she will, and should be punished, but she's hardly a threat to a multi million baht millionaire, or to the country.

30 days in jail would be a short sharp shock and a lesson.

Anything beyond that is outrageous, when you consider the judicial system here is in dire need to a reform itself.

She said she had invoked her rights as a Thai citizen to criticise the premier.

But actually the laws to stop libel and slander exist to protect those very same "citizen rights." A citizen has the right to enjoy their private law-abiding life, without malicious gossip and untruths being spread about them. These laws are one of the very finest achievements of civilisation. Without laws to stop a person using lies to tarnish somebody's name, society would regress to people killing each other over gossip, left right and centre. Even decent law-abiding people get so angry when their name is dragged through the mud, if they didn't have the legal recourse they would certainly be looking into the more colourful alternatives. That is why these laws should be so cherished and respected by anyone who cares about society and indeed civilisation.


The is a perfect opportunity for Prayut to score some points in the press, with the UDD/Red Shirts, and civil rights activists. He can scare the crap out of her with the potential punishment for what she did and then he can forgive her and let her off with a two-year probation (provided she secretly gives up some names). He can't possibly hurt his reputation by being lenient/magnanimous.



....can anyone explain what is going on in that photo....

She's either giving the cop a tip on the likely winner of the 4.20 at Newbury or, perhaps more likely, discussing the latest strategy advice from the big boss in Dubai. whistling.gif


The is a perfect opportunity for Prayut to score some points in the press, with the UDD/Red Shirts, and civil rights activists. He can scare the crap out of her with the potential punishment for what she did and then he can forgive her and let her off with a two-year probation (provided she secretly gives up some names). He can't possibly hurt his reputation by being lenient/magnanimous.


I like the junta.. however Prayut is a PR disaster I doubt he is wise enough to do this.


Predictable circus show ... get over this womans massive threat to the nation there will be another along soon enough.....probably some academic or another student or something, maybe even an ethnic invasion or Cambodian threat... who knows with this bunch

Meanwhile back with the economy.................


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