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Thailand, Good Samaritans, and Oakleys


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At Ayuttaya some years back, an old Japanese lady decided to jump down from one of the ruins and missed, bouncing head over heels 15 meters or so to the ground. I rushed over to help her. I put my hat, which had my Oakleys on them on the ground beside me so I could properly administer to her. When the ambulance finally arrived, I helped get her on the stretcher, then turned to pick up the glasses, and only the hat was there. Someone had lifted them from right in back of me when I was helping the lady. There were at least 30 people standing there, so I would have figured someone would have seen who picked them up, but no luck.

Flash forward . . .

Today, I went to Ko Kret. You have to take a ferry there, and it is an old rickety thing. An old lady was in front of my trying to get out of the boat without much luck, so I jumped around her to help her. Well, I intended to. I hit my head on the overhead quite hard, knocking me back. I was quite woozy. After I recovered, I realized I had lost my new Oakley sunglasses. I had them on my hat when I hit my head, and they must have fallen to the deck of the boat. I went back and waited for the ferry to get back, but they denied having them.

I don't know what any of this means, except that next time I try to help someone here, if I have Oakleys on, they are going into my pocket. smile.png

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"There were at least 30 people standing there, so I would have figured someone would have seen who picked them up, but no luck."

She was not thai so people just looking ... no surprise there ... Seems like Oakley give bad luck or maybe too many thiefes ... I know what I would bet on ...

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I can well beleive it, I know someone whos grandad got into a car accident, the family new about it because someone phoned using his mobile phone to say the accident had happened, they were in the process of removing the pohone and any money within the vehicle from the old man.

its gets more sad than that since he ended up in hospital for a long time..... I guess still a samariton to let the family know

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