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BKK Police Chief Angered by Breathalyser Test Requests

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I've been forced to take the test three times by policemen (not volunteers) who tried to scam me that I was drunk even though I wasn't smelling of alcohol.


Rule of Law question:

At a drink driving checkpoint in Thailand do police first need probable cause before legally ordering a vehicle operator take a breathalyzer?

In another Asian country I was visiting, at a drink driving checkpoint probable cause was not required and police could legally order the vehicle operator to take a breathalyzer.

If the traffic cops in question were complying with Thai law then a mature, professional police chief would have commended them for standing their ground and upholding the law.


Not quite the same but similar in context. In Saudi Arabia a high ranking army officer on an internal flight operated his phone whilst in the air. He was met at the airport by the police and arrested for endangering the aircraft and its passengers. There is no need to writ the rules any clearer here they are very clear. It is just that some people believe they are not included in complying with the rules. An example should be made or it will be the norm.


The smart thing of course would have been to take the test to show no-one is above the law... but this is Thailand...

You are of course assuming that the Police Chief is smart, which judging by his actions is the opposite. Not only is he NOT smart he is an arrogant fool who suffers delusions of grandeur.


A perfect example of Thainess at its best, as someone said. Also a perfect example of what the road death toll is so high, laws dont apply to those who believe their status is high enough not to comply and heaven help the little people who get in their way.

well done to the volunteer, good job he wasnt trigger happy though.


I am pretty sure all the posters have covered every point why this self-righteous arse _ole should be shown the door and stripped of his rank....so I wont say a thing!


this policeman police chief or not should not have criticised the volunteer policemen who were doing their duty if he was sober and he said he was taking the breathalyser test wouldn't have been a problem he obviously thought he was above the law what he is saying is remove these volunteers and put people in who know who he is what a prat they want to remove all these prats who think they are above the law top policemen in general and substitute them with people who know the law .


So he thinks that he is "angered" by the breathalyzer test requests, does he?? Shall we let him in on a secret? The public is angered, but not not at the request,SIR.....at your refusal!! If indeed he had not ":had a drop", why not take the test? At some point after taking the test and passing with flying colours, then would have been the time for him to remonstrate with these officers with the question "Why are you wasting police and public's time testing obviously sober people?" Two possibilities as to why he would have treated the officers in this manner, neither of which are glowing endorsements of the RTP. One, he was fearful of being "stitched up" on a phony "FAIL" believing/knowing the RTP Traffic Division to be corrupt, or two, that he was fearful of failing any such test because he had been drinking and suspected/knew that he would fail any breathalyzer test!! Disgusting behaviour that once again, establishes to the masses, that the law here in Thailand, insofar as applying to everyone equally, does NOT exist!! This high ranking officer has abused his position and is a disgrace to his uniform.....in my humble and personal opinion which, I hasten to say, is based solely upon the scant evidence given and is not intended to reflect upon this high ranking officer's actual competence or character!! For that, I will leave in the capable hands of HIS superior(s) who hopefully can see that such incidents as these do nothing to advance the reputation of the ROYAL Thai Police Force or the country!!


I think what has most angered the chief is that the volunteers clearly didn't recognise him and know he he was. If the volunteers didn't know who he was maybe other people don't as well. Maybe everyone looks at him and thinks he is a nobody. That must be crushing his ego.


A perfect example of Thainess at its best, as someone said. Also a perfect example of what the road death toll is so high, laws dont apply to those who believe their status is high enough not to comply and heaven help the little people who get in their way.

well done to the volunteer, good job he wasnt trigger happy though.

Such a pity ............


do you know who I am ....

Impossible behavior

he should be forced to apologize in public

or get fired

Just fired - out the door so fast the soles of his feet would be on fire. Forget the apology - nobody would be interested enough to take any notice.


If he's so important why is he driving himself at night?

Where's his security and driver?

Don't ask leading (and not to be answered) questions.


Read all 6 pages.

You guys scare me. laugh.png

Poking holes in the very fabric of Thai society.

This is 'Thainess' incarnate! The country stands on it!


If im a top police chef in any country i surely travel with my own private motorcade and stuff like that... with sirens and flashlights and rounded up people around my route... there is absolutely no way anyone would breaCthalyze me that way for sure! w00t.gif

Would you please re-write your post so that it is some-way understandable?

Could you please learn to read and try applying a little comprehension skill.

Yes, the English is poor but the gist of the message is quite clear.


Wow, way to go to confirm there's a very big double-standard here ... same thing happened with the gun at the airport ... the laws/rules don't apply to me, I'm too important.


Please all the Thai appologists,come out of the closet.This is an everyday event in our nanny state countries,where the boys in whatever colour they wear can steamroller the peasants.


I am pretty sure all the posters have covered every point why this self-righteous arse _ole should be shown the door and stripped of his rank....so I wont say a thing!

I am speechless,unlike your goodself,I was relying on a witty post from someone so well informed about the workings of such a developed country,but then again I have been proved wrong.


Sad that the Thai people have to put up with these disgusting people.

We can only hope that Thai social media picks up on this disgraceful behaviour and worse public statement. It would be nice to think that he would be shamed into quitting......

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