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Radio operators in hot water for blocking Prayut's show


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it's stated in there broadcasting license conditions that they should broadcast governemet announcements

don't try to pretend that you don't understand what I wrote. this trick will not work.

you are an adept of sick idea of Anglo-saxon (or British) superiority because you use my mistake in English grammar as an argument against my point of view. that means that you believe that the fact that I am not a native English proves that I am wrong.

if this is not a British superiority idea, I don't know what is.

"It's stated in the broadcasting license conditions that they (should) broadcast government announcements" I'm not sure if the word should is legally binding rather the word (required) would seem more likely if stating law, ie after a car accident you are required to stop and give assistance, Not you (should) give assistance. You are required to stop at a red traffic light, not you (should) stop at a red traffic light. but ok up to you.

I DID NOT use your English mistake as an argument for your point of view, Like I said in my last post HAVE ANOTHER READ MATE.

Firstly mate NOWERE did I say I believe you are a not an native English speaker, I sugessted taking a few English lesson, get your facts right mate.

A little more education for ya mate, MOST Australians, English American, ETC ETC ETC have had English lesson, It's part of the school curriculum just is math, geography, So now what?w00t.gif

"should" is the wrong word in this context, one more mistake in Englishwhistling.gif . it's required to broadcast government announcements under the Thai law.

how do you know what level of education do I have (so I need to study more)? or you believe that anyone in the world with good education should speak English like a native?

still British superiority idea...

Ahhhh now your starting to see that even a single word in the wrong place can have greater implications than you realized. to your credit you see the mistake, no harm no foul.

As for your "how do you know what level of education do I have" I've never motioned you level of education but keep getting hung up on it. We are not all gifted with great talent and eloquent use of language be it English or any other, and I often trespass, ok, I was taking the p*ss mate ok, you good now?

I myself have quite a poor level of formal education, But that has no Bering on a level of understanding comprehension and inelegance.

"still British superiority idea" Again superiority is not excusive to the British people, history clearly shows this as fact. I'm not British. not that there's anything wrong with that...

If the law requires air time for the PM then let the law be obeyed.

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the Reds would do whatever it takes to avoid there supporters to hear the truth, the government point of view.

Reds don't need reconciliation. they need people's hatred.

all red stations should be shut and there owners banned to take part in media business for life.

There you go. That's the attitude that will make this country move forward!!!

One side is bad and the other side is good - it's all black and white!blink.png

keep your moral relativism for yourself. "any conflict is a both side's fault" "world is not black and white" - we know this kind of ranting

in some situation one side is right and another is wrong. and only those indoctrinated by degrading left ideas would not admit this.

"wolfhound is right but man-eater is wrong"

so in this specific case, you are of the opinion that the Generals are right to force people to air their radio show. ... ?

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Listen to the man lose your radio station.

It is of course feasible as to why his show has not been aired in those provinces being that they are RED controlled. The reds would not want their people to see any kind of progress or hope unless it was them offering it.

He's threatening to send them to military camps to have their attitude adjusted.You're calling this progress? Hmmm.
You missed my point. For years... Maybe even decades those in the north were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked. Whether or not this is military or junta or this new gov they are still refusing to air differing points of view and censoring the airwaves there by refusing to air Mr. P's show. The same as when other gov was in power and the only thing the people heard was how good thak or his sis were doing and how everyone else was bad.
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keep your moral relativism for yourself. "any conflict is a both side's fault" "world is not black and white" - we know this kind of ranting

in some situation one side is right and another is wrong. and only those indoctrinated by degrading left ideas would not admit this.

"wolfhound is right but man-eater is wrong"

so in this specific case, you are of the opinion that the Generals are right to force people to air their radio show. ... ?

absolutely! I never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as the present one

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Propaganda mechanisms, readjustment centers and extraordinary police powers are the examples of other nations past failures. The lessons learned seem to be repeated on the premise that this is a different and unique situation.

The ultimate outcome will most likely take its place in the hallmark-hall-of-failures.

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keep your moral relativism for yourself. "any conflict is a both side's fault" "world is not black and white" - we know this kind of ranting

in some situation one side is right and another is wrong. and only those indoctrinated by degrading left ideas would not admit this.

"wolfhound is right but man-eater is wrong"

so in this specific case, you are of the opinion that the Generals are right to force people to air their radio show. ... ?

absolutely! I never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as the present one

well, that is a fair statement and a position that you have the freedom / right to hold. I disagree completely with your opinion, but it's more than that.

I prefer to focus on what matters most, first... That is the form of government and not the subjective and relative issue of good or bad, better or worse government.

When the form of government is right - and in my case, that means a democratic government respecting human rights and representing all the citizens - then the other issues can be worked on... like good governance, social justice, addressing corruption, etc...

As for me, I have never seen a government so abusive of the Thai people and their basic rights...

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As some posters have mentioned, it is probably a condition of commercial radio licenses in Thailand that they broadcast certain government messages when properly notified.

However, it is probably also true that every government message does not qualify for this condition.

I would think the Junta's messages in the first few weeks after the coup were of a sufficiently urgent nature that they would qualify, and all licensed stations should broadcast them.

But the PM's weekly messages appear to me to be nothing more than his personal philosophical musings, mixed in a with a little policy direction. There is nothing urgent in these messages.

I do not think it is in the license requirements for these commercial radio stations that they become the free mouthpiece for the government.

However I could be wrong, and the totalitarian nature of the Thai government could be worse than I realize.

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keep your moral relativism for yourself. "any conflict is a both side's fault" "world is not black and white" - we know this kind of ranting

in some situation one side is right and another is wrong. and only those indoctrinated by degrading left ideas would not admit this.

"wolfhound is right but man-eater is wrong"

so in this specific case, you are of the opinion that the Generals are right to force people to air their radio show. ... ?

absolutely! I never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as the present one


That my friend is a totally inane statement. History has shown there has never been a "good" (my definition - free of corruption and caring for ALL the people) Thai government .

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Some posters are missing the point, even if a radio station is forced/made to broadcast this rubbish, it does not mean it is going to reach the peoples' ears.

Can you imagine rice farming families all over Isaan huddling around the HMV wireless listening to the drivel coming out of Bangkok.

I doubt it. Just as I doubt the redshirt radio had as much affect on the people as did the cash payments, free bus trips, food and drinks and the lies and bs from Dubai.

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keep your moral relativism for yourself. "any conflict is a both side's fault" "world is not black and white" - we know this kind of ranting

in some situation one side is right and another is wrong. and only those indoctrinated by degrading left ideas would not admit this.

"wolfhound is right but man-eater is wrong"

so in this specific case, you are of the opinion that the Generals are right to force people to air their radio show. ... ?

absolutely! I never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as the present one

Ok your entitled to your opinion and that's cool just as others are to theirs, Now lets look at the facts on public record shall we.

Sure there are some good things that have come about under this government, much more peace on the streets, tackling human trafficking, and corruption. But there are a few issues that could be better, ie Threats of execution, criminalizing of protesting, human rights, article 44, Attitude adjustments, restrictions on the press, TV stations radio stations being shut down, accusations of military and official involvement in human trafficking, breaking International obligations under UN and Human Rights which Thailand is a signatory, etc etc

Now to be fair there was another government that also did good things for Thailand the people ;ie Swampy airport finally finished, the national health care system, Micro loans to villagers to start a small business cutting the loan sharking, funds for village developments, OTOP (one Tambon one product), Income in the north east rose by 46%, poverty fell from 21% to 11%, A balanced budget, resulting in a fiscal surplus in 2003-2005, and the public sector debt fell from 57% GDP to 46% of GDP, massive infrastructure programs, Foreign exchange reserves doubled from $30 billion 2001 to $64 Billion.2006.

But there are also issues under his government, "war on drugs" corruption, misuse of power, etc etc.

But you never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as this present one, Again cool that's your right. Cheers.

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absolutely! I never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as the present one

Ok your entitled to your opinion and that's cool just as others are to theirs, Now lets look at the facts on public record shall we.

Sure there are some good things that have come about under this government, much more peace on the streets, tackling human trafficking, and corruption. But there are a few issues that could be better, ie Threats of execution, criminalizing of protesting, human rights, article 44, Attitude adjustments, restrictions on the press, TV stations radio stations being shut down, accusations of military and official involvement in human trafficking, breaking International obligations under UN and Human Rights which Thailand is a signatory, etc etc

Now to be fair there was another government that also did good things for Thailand the people ;ie Swampy airport finally finished, the national health care system, Micro loans to villagers to start a small business cutting the loan sharking, funds for village developments, OTOP (one Tambon one product), Income in the north east rose by 46%, poverty fell from 21% to 11%, A balanced budget, resulting in a fiscal surplus in 2003-2005, and the public sector debt fell from 57% GDP to 46% of GDP, massive infrastructure programs, Foreign exchange reserves doubled from $30 billion 2001 to $64 Billion.2006.

But there are also issues under his government, "war on drugs" corruption, misuse of power, etc etc.

But you never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as this present one, Again cool that's your right. Cheers.

Threats of execution? Really?

Nice gloss-over of the "issues" with Thaksin's government, about a page worth covered by "etc etc". Unfortunately for Thaksin, those "issues" are what will see him in jail for the rest of his life if he ever comes back.

BTW did it ever occur to you that he hasn't been here very long?

Edited by halloween
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absolutely! I never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as the present one

Ok your entitled to your opinion and that's cool just as others are to theirs, Now lets look at the facts on public record shall we.

Sure there are some good things that have come about under this government, much more peace on the streets, tackling human trafficking, and corruption. But there are a few issues that could be better, ie Threats of execution, criminalizing of protesting, human rights, article 44, Attitude adjustments, restrictions on the press, TV stations radio stations being shut down, accusations of military and official involvement in human trafficking, breaking International obligations under UN and Human Rights which Thailand is a signatory, etc etc

Now to be fair there was another government that also did good things for Thailand the people ;ie Swampy airport finally finished, the national health care system, Micro loans to villagers to start a small business cutting the loan sharking, funds for village developments, OTOP (one Tambon one product), Income in the north east rose by 46%, poverty fell from 21% to 11%, A balanced budget, resulting in a fiscal surplus in 2003-2005, and the public sector debt fell from 57% GDP to 46% of GDP, massive infrastructure programs, Foreign exchange reserves doubled from $30 billion 2001 to $64 Billion.2006.

But there are also issues under his government, "war on drugs" corruption, misuse of power, etc etc.

But you never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as this present one, Again cool that's your right. Cheers.

Threats of execution? Really?

Nice gloss-over of the "issues" with Thaksin's government, about a page worth covered by "etc etc". Unfortunately for Thaksin, those "issues" are what will see him in jail for the rest of his life if he ever comes back.

BTW did it ever occur to you that he hasn't been here very long?

Yes, indeed it has. And it's becoming more and more obvious for each post he writes...coffee1.gif

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absolutely! I never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as the present one

Ok your entitled to your opinion and that's cool just as others are to theirs, Now lets look at the facts on public record shall we.

Sure there are some good things that have come about under this government, much more peace on the streets, tackling human trafficking, and corruption. But there are a few issues that could be better, ie Threats of execution, criminalizing of protesting, human rights, article 44, Attitude adjustments, restrictions on the press, TV stations radio stations being shut down, accusations of military and official involvement in human trafficking, breaking International obligations under UN and Human Rights which Thailand is a signatory, etc etc

Now to be fair there was another government that also did good things for Thailand the people ;ie Swampy airport finally finished, the national health care system, Micro loans to villagers to start a small business cutting the loan sharking, funds for village developments, OTOP (one Tambon one product), Income in the north east rose by 46%, poverty fell from 21% to 11%, A balanced budget, resulting in a fiscal surplus in 2003-2005, and the public sector debt fell from 57% GDP to 46% of GDP, massive infrastructure programs, Foreign exchange reserves doubled from $30 billion 2001 to $64 Billion.2006.

But there are also issues under his government, "war on drugs" corruption, misuse of power, etc etc.

But you never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as this present one, Again cool that's your right. Cheers.

Threats of execution? Really?

Nice gloss-over of the "issues" with Thaksin's government, about a page worth covered by "etc etc". Unfortunately for Thaksin, those "issues" are what will see him in jail for the rest of his life if he ever comes back.

BTW did it ever occur to you that he hasn't been here very long?

"Threats of execution Really?" Yu'p Really, on 2 separate occasions both on public record.

Do you remember him saying to journalist's I could have you taken out and shot if I want to use my full powers? you forget about that little chest nut?

Or just recently about officials involved in corruption, again threats of execution, you missed that one also huh? your not helping your case mate.

As far as "Nice gloss-over of the "issues" with Thaksin's government", No I didn't wright a page worth just I didn't write a page worth on the junta, so now what?

And Yeah it did occur to me, but when commenting on issues, there is a matter of opinion v's facts.

We are all entitled to our opinions and form conclusions, But Opinion's are what they are, facts are what they are. fair enough, cheers.

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No'p haven't forgotten the "war on drugs" issue, as I had put in my previous post.

The problem is the many people died as a result of the declared "war on drugs" .

There is a possible and highly likely scenario that has come to my ear's by a number of people, that the Mr. Big's of the drug trade had put out orders to eliminate any links informants back to them which would mean many many deaths, NOT the first time this has happened and won't be the last.

Also it would not be the first time that "the other mafia" are involved and don't want any connections linking back to them, so there cannot be 100% deaths attributed to any one side of the coin.

As for radio stations not relaying the governments message, I think they are making a mistake and that they in fact should relay the speeches' by the PM therefor illuminating the : RED'S will to anything to keep control, the RED's don't reconciliation they need peoples hatred propaganda.

Now question is are they urgent messages vital to the public for safety/security or are they A person philosophical point of view and rhetoric linked to and agenda?

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keep your moral relativism for yourself. "any conflict is a both side's fault" "world is not black and white" - we know this kind of ranting

in some situation one side is right and another is wrong. and only those indoctrinated by degrading left ideas would not admit this.

"wolfhound is right but man-eater is wrong"

so in this specific case, you are of the opinion that the Generals are right to force people to air their radio show. ... ?

absolutely! I never witnessed such a good government in Thailand as the present one

So you arrived here yesterday?

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the Reds would do whatever it takes to avoid there supporters to hear the truth, the government point of view.

Reds don't need reconciliation. they need people's hatred.

all red stations should be shut and there owners banned to take part in media business for life.

There you go. That's the attitude that will make this country move forward!!!

One side is bad and the other side is good - it's all black and white!blink.png

keep your moral relativism for yourself. "any conflict is a both side's fault" "world is not black and white" - we know this kind of ranting

in some situation one side is right and another is wrong. and only those indoctrinated by degrading left ideas would not admit this.

"wolfhound is right but man-eater is wrong"

Timmy Timmy Timmy .... jai yen yen..... You are talking as though you actually believe this nob is going to bring back democracy here...it never was and never will be ! Given to understand that out of the 200 senators 123 will be directly chosen (oops ..sorry 'appointed") by retired bureuacrats and army. Stop taking Thai politics so seriously..the Thais don't give a toss about us or our opinions. They are quite capable of stuffing up their country without any suggestions from us.

just my 2 cents worth.


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I think its all rather amusing. Fair play to them for a bit of Tat after a bit of Tit

I would imagine all but the most virulent Junta-ites, would say "Give it a Rest Mate" after a year of droning on

Edited by ExPratt
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Listen to the man lose your radio station.

It is of course feasible as to why his show has not been aired in those provinces being that they are RED controlled. The reds would not want their people to see any kind of progress or hope unless it was them offering it.

He's threatening to send them to military camps to have their attitude adjusted.You're calling this progress? Hmmm.
You missed my point. For years... Maybe even decades those in the north were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked. Whether or not this is military or junta or this new gov they are still refusing to air differing points of view and censoring the airwaves there by refusing to air Mr. P's show. The same as when other gov was in power

and the only thing the people heard was how good thak or his sis were doing and how everyone else was bad.

I'm really interested in your comment "For years ...Maybe even decades those in the North were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked" That is a very very serious allegation, it may be true, do you have any references to prove these murders, sackings or whatever actually happened.

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Listen to the man lose your radio station.

It is of course feasible as to why his show has not been aired in those provinces being that they are RED controlled. The reds would not want their people to see any kind of progress or hope unless it was them offering it.

He's threatening to send them to military camps to have their attitude adjusted.You're calling this progress? Hmmm.
You missed my point. For years... Maybe even decades those in the north were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked. Whether or not this is military or junta or this new gov they are still refusing to air differing points of view and censoring the airwaves there by refusing to air Mr. P's show. The same as when other gov was in power

and the only thing the people heard was how good thak or his sis were doing and how everyone else was bad.

I'm really interested in your comment "For years ...Maybe even decades those in the North were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked" That is a very very serious allegation, it may be true, do you have any references to prove these murders, sackings or whatever actually happened.

why don't you google about the political stages literally torn down in the north and the singers banned for putting on shows there because they sung for the yellows. Go more in the past and you will maybe learn more
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Listen to the man lose your radio station.

It is of course feasible as to why his show has not been aired in those provinces being that they are RED controlled. The reds would not want their people to see any kind of progress or hope unless it was them offering it.

He's threatening to send them to military camps to have their attitude adjusted.You're calling this progress? Hmmm.
You missed my point. For years... Maybe even decades those in the north were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked. Whether or not this is military or junta or this new gov they are still refusing to air differing points of view and censoring the airwaves there by refusing to air Mr. P's show. The same as when other gov was in power

and the only thing the people heard was how good thak or his sis were doing and how everyone else was bad.

I'm really interested in your comment "For years ...Maybe even decades those in the North were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked" That is a very very serious allegation, it may be true, do you have any references to prove these murders, sackings or whatever actually happened.

why don't you google about the political stages literally torn down in the north and the singers banned for putting on shows there because they sung for the yellows. Go more in the past and you will maybe learn more

OK I will do more research into that, but you've not answered my question about decades of one choice radio. Are you saying there was only government radio ? If so that was the case in many countries around the world, e.g. in the UK the BBC had a monopoly of the Radio waves for many decades and it was only fairly recently that free commercial radio became so big. I can imagine the uproar that would occur in Britain if all the independent radio stations were forced to broadcast government propaganda !!! If there was only government radio for decades then the politicians and military or whoever was running the country had control over that radio to allow their views to be broadcast.

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Listen to the man lose your radio station.

It is of course feasible as to why his show has not been aired in those provinces being that they are RED controlled. The reds would not want their people to see any kind of progress or hope unless it was them offering it.

He's threatening to send them to military camps to have their attitude adjusted.You're calling this progress? Hmmm.
You missed my point. For years... Maybe even decades those in the north were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked. Whether or not this is military or junta or this new gov they are still refusing to air differing points of view and censoring the airwaves there by refusing to air Mr. P's show. The same as when other gov was in power

and the only thing the people heard was how good thak or his sis were doing and how everyone else was bad.

I'm really interested in your comment "For years ...Maybe even decades those in the North were only given one choice on the radio. Red shirt propaganda. Anyone with an opposing view was booted out, killed, or blocked" That is a very very serious allegation, it may be true, do you have any references to prove these murders, sackings or whatever actually happened.

why don't you google about the political stages literally torn down in the north and the singers banned for putting on shows there because they sung for the yellows. Go more in the past and you will maybe learn more

Slightly off track but dont forget how the red shirts just marched in bullying and beating up people at Changmai gay pride in Ch20 ??


Edited by rijit
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Dear thesetat2013

I checked on the internet. All the red-shirt sites are blocked, but from what I've seen, Thaksin won the election in 2001. The red-shirt movement was formed in 2006 to oppose the coup that outed Thaksin. Now if these 2 facts are true, then how could the North and Northeast have been subject to red-shirt propaganda for "decades".

The violence by the yellow-shirts or their proxies the army has been well recorded and as for booting people out and blocking isn't that exactly what is happening right now. Two wrongs don't make a right !!!

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