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Fatal accident on the 118 highway involving foreigner


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any driving accident with a farlang,he is the blame straight away.you can not win

Four accidents i have been involved in and the local was always to blame. I always received compensation and in one case where insurance wasn't involved the Police made sure i got money for repairs when the the person who crashed into me was paid at the end of the month.

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The speed limit on the 118 and similar roads going out of the city needs to be drastically reduced. There are too many shops and businesses on either side of the road and u-turns to expect to be able to travel at speed through it all. This is fantasy talk though. If the speed was much lower the motorcyclist would have more chance to survive the crash. This is the same road we had the big thread on a few weeks ago about locating the police speed camera.

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The speed limit on the 118 and similar roads going out of the city needs to be drastically reduced. There are too many shops and businesses on either side of the road and u-turns to expect to be able to travel at speed through it all. This is fantasy talk though. If the speed was much lower the motorcyclist would have more chance to survive the crash. This is the same road we had the big thread on a few weeks ago about locating the police speed camera.

And 3 cyclist were killed by a drunk motorist May 5.

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Giving some thought to this accident...... If the p/u driver was on the correct side of the road, left hand side of the road, say going Northbound, and was going to turn right, into the U turn , and had gotten far enough into the Southbound lanes to have the moto hit him, how did the moto hit so far into the right corner fender of the p/u ? If you accept the directions of above example, by the time the p/u was that far out into the southbound lanes,. he would have been at least facing East or better, the Southbound moto should have hit him on the other fender. Maybe one or the other was driving on the wrong side of the road. Strange things happen at 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning especially if a couple of drinks were involved.

Need to get the facts m'am just the facts.

PS Apologies to Folky..... I haden't noticed the second page and your earlier post.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Giving some thought to this accident...... If the p/u driver was on the correct side of the road, left hand side of the road, say going Northbound, and was going to turn right, into the U turn , and had gotten far enough into the Southbound lanes to have the moto hit him, how did the moto hit so far into the right corner fender of the p/u ? If you accept the directions of above example, by the time the p/u was that far out into the southbound lanes,. he would have been at least facing East or better, the Southbound moto should have hit him on the other fender. Maybe one or the other was driving on the wrong side of the road. Strange things happen at 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning especially if a couple of drinks were involved.

Need to get the facts m'am just the facts.

That's basically what I was asking in post #26. The position of the bike and rider, the position of the truck, and the impact area on the truck suggests they were traveling in either the same direction and the truck turned right from the center lane, or the bike came up on the right side of the truck as it was turning, or... as so frequently happens here, the bike was going straight and the truck pulled a right-hand U-turn across two lanes of traffic and the bike ran into it.

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Coming back from Kwan Phayao yesterday, about lunchtime, we had past the Doi Saket turn off and a couple of intersections later there were emergency vehicles grouped and a body was just being covered with a white sheet.I guess it was a motor bike accident.One dead and another grieving family. It was not raining, visibility was fine its just the madness that seems to be getting worse as the traffic increases.

I had only just remarked to my wife how many idiots we had seen driving on a relatively short trip, it makes be think twice about driving any long distances.

There was no report in the media. I guess its just another day in CM

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I also suspect the truck was making a U-turn from the far left lane- he might have been at the 7/11 to the left of the Tesco Express- look at the scrape-mark the bike made in pic #4- it looks like it was moving forward (in the left side of the road on the same side as Tesco) and hit the right front fender of the truck, as the scrape goes in that direction and slightly to the right, and was possibly forced into the opposite side by the impact. A wider-angle picture would likely tell the story.

Edited by flare
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That is a really bad place to have a u turn perhaps it should be earmarked for closure,in fact during holiday times it is closed for a week , and traffic flows better. The traffic police actually man this u turn during peak periods as it is so bad.

I have lived for 5 years by that U-turn and it has never been closed once. Other ones at the road are closed at Songkran but not this one. Also the traffic police man every U turn from the 121 until that one during peak times.

Edited by Throatwobbler
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This cropped picture shows the scrape- it's not definitive, but it does look like the bike was moving in the same side of the road as the truck was coming from:


From the photos it looks more like that the motor bike was trying to do the U-turn and has hit the front right of the pick up truck and the bike has been forced into the other lane.

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This cropped picture shows the scrape- it's not definitive, but it does look like the bike was moving in the same side of the road as the truck was coming from:


Yes as Gonzo pointed out that is really the only way a bike could hit the truck on the drivers side

But then again when thinking about it even if the truck overtook the bike on the bikes left then thru it right for a U turn the impact & resulting damages to the truck

do not look like that type of strike

The damages to the truck look mire like the truck was stationary or close to it & poked his nose into the oncoming (rapidly) bike.

Any other pass & turn type hit would have been a more of a sliding/grazing type strike. The damage on this truck is incredible...looks like the box section

of frame the bumper attaches to is sheared off

Side not to those fighting about helmets

The first pic which I wont post as it shows the deceased has a helmet in an odd position near body...likely his helmet

secondly a helmet helps but does not guarantee survival in an impact such as this

RIP & condolences to family of deceased...Yes these U turns are bad news


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Giving some thought to this accident...... If the p/u driver was on the correct side of the road, left hand side of the road, say going Northbound, and was going to turn right, into the U turn , and had gotten far enough into the Southbound lanes to have the moto hit him, how did the moto hit so far into the right corner fender of the p/u ? If you accept the directions of above example, by the time the p/u was that far out into the southbound lanes,. he would have been at least facing East or better, the Southbound moto should have hit him on the other fender. Maybe one or the other was driving on the wrong side of the road. Strange things happen at 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning especially if a couple of drinks were involved.

Need to get the facts m'am just the facts.

That's basically what I was asking in post #26. The position of the bike and rider, the position of the truck, and the impact area on the truck suggests they were traveling in either the same direction and the truck turned right from the center lane, or the bike came up on the right side of the truck as it was turning, or... as so frequently happens here, the bike was going straight and the truck pulled a right-hand U-turn across two lanes of traffic and the bike ran into it.

Look at where the truck is hit. head on collision. That is not the impact from turning across someone when both are travelling in the same direction.

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That is a really bad place to have a u turn perhaps it should be earmarked for closure,in fact during holiday times it is closed for a week , and traffic flows better. The traffic police actually man this u turn during peak periods as it is so bad.

I have lived for 5 years by that U-turn and it has never been closed once. Other ones at the road are closed at Songkran but not this one. Also the traffic police man every U turn from the 121 until that one during peak times.

It has not been closed for ten years.

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Side not to those fighting about helmets

The first pic which I wont post as it shows the deceased has a helmet in an odd position near body...likely his helmet

secondly a helmet helps but does not guarantee survival in an impact such as this

Obviously a helmet doesn't guarantee survival, but a properly-secured quality full-face helmet would likely still be on his head rather than laying next to him (assuming someone didn't remove it, which is also possible), and he might at least have made it to the hospital. Come on, the helmets worn by the majority of riders here are crap to the point of being useless- at least with a better helmet he may have greatly improved his odds of survival (and the poster who witnessed the aftermath said the head injury seemed to be the cause of death). I agree a helmet isn't magic, but it sure seems like a good one could have helped here. Edited by flare
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Giving some thought to this accident...... If the p/u driver was on the correct side of the road, left hand side of the road, say going Northbound, and was going to turn right, into the U turn , and had gotten far enough into the Southbound lanes to have the moto hit him, how did the moto hit so far into the right corner fender of the p/u ? If you accept the directions of above example, by the time the p/u was that far out into the southbound lanes,. he would have been at least facing East or better, the Southbound moto should have hit him on the other fender. Maybe one or the other was driving on the wrong side of the road. Strange things happen at 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning especially if a couple of drinks were involved.

Need to get the facts m'am just the facts.

That's basically what I was asking in post #26. The position of the bike and rider, the position of the truck, and the impact area on the truck suggests they were traveling in either the same direction and the truck turned right from the center lane, or the bike came up on the right side of the truck as it was turning, or... as so frequently happens here, the bike was going straight and the truck pulled a right-hand U-turn across two lanes of traffic and the bike ran into it.

Look at where the truck is hit. head on collision. That is not the impact from turning across someone when both are travelling in the same direction.

I think 'head on' would have accordioned the front of the truck backwards towards the cab. This damage is a strike to the front quarter, just in front of the wheel well, shearing the metal away from the cab. Perhaps it was the rider's body that crumpled the bodywork above the fender while his bike tore into the section just behind the grill work. That can only come from the bike hitting the truck from the truck's right side. The question remains whether the truck was making a U-turn, starting his action from the far side of the road and crossing one or two lanes of traffic, not seeing the bike and rider traveling down the road, or if the truck was making a legal U-turn and the bike tried to zip past in the inside before he could make the turn.

Looking at the original photos suggests to me that the truck was crossing two lanes of traffic. It seems to be at 90 degrees to the flow of traffic. That would be difficult to do, especially so close to the turning point, if it were making a normal U-turn. Starting from the U-turn lane, a truck that size wouldn't be 90 degrees to the flow of traffic until it were already well into the first lane of on-coming traffic, not back blocking the front of the U-turn lane.

Conjecture on my part, obviously. But that's how I read the photos.

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any driving accident with a farlang,he is the blame straight away.you can not win

total BS = a myth spread by bar-stool Thai experts who haven't a clue about the system. - they probably thing "sakdina" is a type of canned fish!.

It has all to do with how much 'influence' you have and who you know - not all farang are tourists. I've got the better deals in some accidents.

I was listening to the news on telly and heard them talk of a fatal road accident - it really annoys me as to why they mention it was a foreigner. For a start they probably don't know for certain, and can you imagine the outrage in your home country if every accident involving an Asian, for example, stated a foreigner was involved.

Edited by Neeranam
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Side not to those fighting about helmets

The first pic which I wont post as it shows the deceased has a helmet in an odd position near body...likely his helmet

secondly a helmet helps but does not guarantee survival in an impact such as this

Obviously a helmet doesn't guarantee survival, but a properly-secured quality full-face helmet would likely still be on his head rather than laying next to him (assuming someone didn't remove it, which is also possible), and he might at least have made it to the hospital. Come on, the helmets worn by the majority of riders here are crap to the point of being useless- at least with a better helmet he may have greatly improved his odds of survival (and the poster who witnessed the aftermath said the head injury seemed to be the cause of death). I agree a helmet isn't magic, but it sure seems like a good one could have helped here.

Preaching to the choir bro wink.png I have ridden & raced bikes for decades & always wear one.

All I was pointing out is I know quite a few deaths that occurred while wearing one due to rapid deceleration...as in hitting a stationary or near

stationary object from high speeds. You stop your brain does not

Yes Helmets all of the time is a logical idea.....& more so here than anywhere else I have lived.

but it sure seems like a good one could have helped here.

We cannot say a helmet would have helped here as we do not even know if he wore one.

Also these holier than thou posts that always pop up in a death are misplaced at best given the circumstances/lack of info & basic respect.

Edited by mania
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I think the truck was parked up at the market. On finishing shopping, the driver pulled straight across the three lanes to do the u-turn thinking the road was clear but the bike was in his blind spot probably doing 80-90kph. Truck still in first gear, the first the driver woukd have known about the bike was it hitting his truck. I've been in a similar position on the bike, but had just enough time to react with the rear wheel sliding all over the place. And I'm sure we've all had something suddenly appear out of the blind spot after forgetting to look over the shoulder, just fortune we miss them.

Just a guess from the photos though.

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Side not to those fighting about helmets

The first pic which I wont post as it shows the deceased has a helmet in an odd position near body...likely his helmet

secondly a helmet helps but does not guarantee survival in an impact such as this

Obviously a helmet doesn't guarantee survival, but a properly-secured quality full-face helmet would likely still be on his head rather than laying next to him (assuming someone didn't remove it, which is also possible), and he might at least have made it to the hospital. Come on, the helmets worn by the majority of riders here are crap to the point of being useless- at least with a better helmet he may have greatly improved his odds of survival (and the poster who witnessed the aftermath said the head injury seemed to be the cause of death). I agree a helmet isn't magic, but it sure seems like a good one could have helped here.

Preaching to the choir bro wink.png I have ridden & raced bikes for decades & always wear one.

All I was pointing out is I know quite a few deaths that occurred while wearing one due to rapid deceleration...as in hitting a stationary or near

stationary object from high speeds. You stop your brain does not

Yes Helmets all of the time is a logical idea.....& more so here than anywhere else I have lived.

but it sure seems like a good one could have helped here.

We cannot say a helmet would have helped here as we do not even know if he wore one.

Also these holier than thou posts that always pop up in a death are misplaced at best given the circumstances/lack of info & basic respect.

We cannot say a helmet would have helped here as we do not even know if he wore one.

Also these holier than thou posts that always pop up in a death are misplaced at best given the circumstances/lack of info & basic respect.

Yes 100% correct thumbsup.gif

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Just on Wednesday afternoon ,on the 1001 ,Mae joe road between the Superhighway and middle ring road ,i saw a young Thai lad dead on the road .He had been riding a motorcycle which was near him .Lots of blood and him lifeless and lots of police around waiting for the rescue pickup to take away the body .

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I think the truck was parked up at the market. On finishing shopping, the driver pulled straight across the three lanes to do the u-turn thinking the road was clear but the bike was in his blind spot probably doing 80-90kph. Truck still in first gear, the first the driver woukd have known about the bike was it hitting his truck. I've been in a similar position on the bike, but had just enough time to react with the rear wheel sliding all over the place. And I'm sure we've all had something suddenly appear out of the blind spot after forgetting to look over the shoulder, just fortune we miss them.

Just a guess from the photos though.

Not saying this is what happened but you may not be to fare off. I have seen this done by many a vehicle on a daily bases at this market and u-turn. This market with its popularity became out of control with food stalls and parking on the hi way about 2008. If memory serve me it was about 2010 the police had to step in to bring control over this area by forcing the market to remove food stalls from the front and making cars not park on the hi way.

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When I am driving along on my motorbike and see a vehicle waiting to do a U-turn in front of me, I immediately go into fear mode.

Many times when I am on my motorbike and the only vehicle approaching a car or larger vehicle waiting to do a U-turn, the driver will pull out and put his foot down before I have passed him, then out of panic I pull back the throttle and swerve, many times the vehicle missing me side on by only inches. When this happens it scares the crap out of me.

At one time when this happened with a driver of a pick up, I gave him the finger and then he stopped a few metres in front of me, guessing that if I drive passed him he would roar up behind me knocking me off my bike. So I stopped behind him both of us playing the waiting game. Not until he drove off and out of sight did I continue to proceed. Realising that someone in a car or a pickup has a huge advantage over a motorcyclist, each time this happens I just let it go. But over the last few years this seems to be happening far too often now.

If this is what happened in the case of the OP, I hope they throw the book at the driver of the UTE, farang or not.

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No mention a "farang" was involved in any of the facebook posting I have seen from the police, friends of deceased, etc.

It was and unfortunately I know the individual.

What an awful position for him to be in- regardless of possible fault, it obviously wasn't his intent to hurt anyone- he's got a heavy burden to deal with. As a rider my thoughts go out to the deceased, but I can also feel for the driver.

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I think the truck was parked up at the market. On finishing shopping, the driver pulled straight across the three lanes to do the u-turn thinking the road was clear but the bike was in his blind spot probably doing 80-90kph. Truck still in first gear, the first the driver woukd have known about the bike was it hitting his truck. I've been in a similar position on the bike, but had just enough time to react with the rear wheel sliding all over the place. And I'm sure we've all had something suddenly appear out of the blind spot after forgetting to look over the shoulder, just fortune we miss them.

Just a guess from the photos though.

I agree with you, except for the speed. I think if the bike were going that fast, the inertia would have carried both bike and rider further down the road, especially the bike. They tend to skid quite far. Notice that the rear top box also didn't travel very far. The left side of the bike is pretty beaten up. He must have just tried to swerve right when he made impact with the truck, the bike's rear moving left throwing the rider into the quarter panel.

Anyone who rides a motorbike long enough has been close, often a few times. There but for fortune...

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No mention a "farang" was involved in any of the facebook posting I have seen from the police, friends of deceased, etc.

It was and unfortunately I know the individual.

Would you be able to shed any light on how he has been treated by the police?

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No mention a "farang" was involved in any of the facebook posting I have seen from the police, friends of deceased, etc.

It was and unfortunately I know the individual.

Would you be able to shed any light on how he has been treated by the police?

Read post 20.

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