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Thai Interior Min allays public concern over drought crisis


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Min of Interior allays public concern over drought crisis

BANGKOK, 17 July 2015 (NNT) - The Ministry of Interior is urging the Thai public to stay calm, saying that the Thai government has measures in place to cope with the drought crisis.

Interior Minister General Anupong Paochinda said Thailand will experience the worst of the drought crisis at the end of this month. He called for the country to develop a good water management system.

The minister added that wells have been drilled in drought-hit areas and the provincial waterworks authority has been instructed to increase its freshwater reserves. Water supplies will also be distributed to people living in remote areas, if there is no rainfall in the near future.

The Royal Irrigation Department has lowered the amount of water being released back into the rivers to 18 million cubic meters per day.

The minister claimed these measures should be able to sustain domestic water consumption until next month. He has told the public to remain calm, as the government has the situation under control.

-- NNT 2015-07-17 footer_n.gif

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"The minister claimed these measures should be able to sustain domestic water consumption until next month."

My concern is that there will be only two months of rain that will charge these giant water reservoirs. Will there be enough rain store for next year's requirements?

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Amazing that they've not started up some public service announcements with recommendations on saving water, and implementing at least some voluntary controls (washing cars, pressure washing the muck, watering military golf courses).

But maybe they are afraid of frightening the masses?

A young Kevin Bacon...

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I have said to them, I have asked them, I ask all to help, I have called on all sides.

Do these people actually implement plans, procedures, regulations or discuss with industry, Universities, private contractors or any one, thing or organisation that can formulate a management plan.

This is hilarious.

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This same old chestnut comes out each year and has been for the past decade or more, allaying people's concerns , not how the Administration is going to fix this problem ,the point of no - return has just about arrived , Thailand cannot possibly carry on year after year without improving the system , putting in more bores will only lower the water table, continued pull on these will lower the lakes and marshes till they disappear then salt starts to appear then no crops or farming just what Thailand needs, the only way to top up the aquifers is by rain and depending on the type of underground Geology it can take up to 3 years for water to travel 10 kms and if you lower the second aquifer you are in big trouble and come the wet season will we see the famous flood mitigation programme swing into action.coffee1.gif

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The minister claimed these measures should be able to sustain domestic water consumption until next month. He has told the public to remain calm, as the government has the situation under control.

I'm sure that news will come as great comfort to the communities in Ayudhya and several other areas north of BKK that had their residential water supplies run dry -- literally dry -- this past week.

Is that "under control"???

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The minister claimed these measures should be able to sustain domestic water consumption until next month. He has told the public to remain calm, as the government has the situation under control.

I'm sure that news will come as great comfort to the communities in Ayudhya and several other areas north of BKK that had their residential water supplies run dry -- literally dry -- this past week.

Is that "under control"???

Mate, if you have not read the script let me enlighten you:

Flooding after PTP came recently into Govt- PTP fault

Drought after PTP came to power-PTP fault

Not sure who previous floods and droughts can be nailed to, but I am sure someone like Robblok will help.

Edited by smutcakes
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What substantive data was used. None , just the endless propaganda of a useless and worthless bunch of incompetent narcissists. Calls for improved water management have been resounding for years with little or no real results. These people care far more about their precious ego and saving their jobs than they do about developing the country's water resources. Each one of them will be making merit and praying that mother nature not only provides the solution but that she has the sense to provide the rain in the catchment areas or they are all toast.

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The minister claimed these measures should be able to sustain domestic water consumption until next month. He has told the public to remain calm, as the government has the situation under control.

I'm sure that news will come as great comfort to the communities in Ayudhya and several other areas north of BKK that had their residential water supplies run dry -- literally dry -- this past week.

Is that "under control"???

Mate, if you have not read the script let me enlighten you:

Flooding after PTP came recently into Govt- PTP fault

Drought after PTP came to power-PTP fault

Not sure who previous floods and droughts can be nailed to, but I am sure someone like Robblok will help.

This isn't about which political faction deserves the blame, or is being blamed, for any particular flood or drought.

This is about the FAILURE of any Thai government in power in recent decades to make any real progress in addressing the country's water management needs -- not just supply, but water quality also.

Whomever is in power at the time always claims things are "under control," when of course in reality, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Famous last words, dont panic?

Quote "told the public to remain calm, as the government has the situation under control." Unquote. Nothing scares me more than when the government says they have things under control. Its like Yellen speak at the Fed. They have no plan they are winging it plain and simple. The velocity of all the money they have printed is dead in the water or in bank vaults. I should check her ancestry to see if she is related to Houdini as she constantly pulls rabbits out of a hat. Regarding raising interest rates forget it. She reads more than the false propaganda released by the government. I am amazed at the companies reporting for the 2nd quarter with all their glowing reports what a scam. They have set the bar so low a turtle could jump over the top. If your an investor put your money under the mattress it is safer there than to turn it over to all the Wall Street scammers. They are only to willing to sell you their stock that they have made a profit on. The are getting out while your getting in. This always happens at a market top. The economy ship is only staying afloat thanks to the sea of money being printed around the world. We are going back to the wild wild west days where anything goes.

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"The minister claimed these measures should be able to sustain domestic water consumption until next month."

My concern is that there will be only two months of rain that will charge these giant water reservoirs. Will there be enough rain store for next year's requirements?


Unless the 2 months are like the worst 2 month that caused the floods in 2011 I truly don't think so. I think it will take several years to do so. Remember that as soon as more water is released from the dams the farmers, businesses and all the soapy massages will be hoovering it up as may be the only water they get for months.

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The minister claimed these measures should be able to sustain domestic water consumption until next month. He has told the public to remain calm, as the government has the situation under control.

I'm sure that news will come as great comfort to the communities in Ayudhya and several other areas north of BKK that had their residential water supplies run dry -- literally dry -- this past week.

Is that "under control"???

I feel little sympathy for Ayudhya if their residential water supplies literally ran dry this week.

What I can say is join the club. The residential water supplies to the village where I live and hundreds more in rural Thailand ran out it mid January, six MONTHS ago.

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