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What Floor do you feel comfortable about not having Mosquitos

Nice Boyd

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Nice Boyd

No disrespect but If you have a lift in the condo you will have Mosquitos at some time .

They don't like to fly high but just like any opportunist Dracula they will take the lift to get at yer blood, stupid they are not !! Until you whack em with a bat ,then they are dead stupid.

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I am one of those unfortunates that mosquitoes love. If there's ONE mosquito in a room of 100 people, it will find me. I live in a single storey house so I am at war constantly. There is nothing more satisfying than the noise of a zap-racket.

There's two schools of thought about mosquito control: deny them the water to lay eggs in (so they go elsewhere and return in clouds,) or provide them the water but include fish/insecticide. Each female can lay 400 at a time. Each time you zap one, it's 400 fewer bites.

Make war not love.

It has been proven that B vitamins or lots of beer will keep them away . They don't like the smell of your skin if you get enough B vitmains in your body. I was thinking about trying it out myself.

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Theoretically, most species of mosquitos and other flying insect can't fly above the 7th floor. However, most buildings that tall have elevators (lifts). These flying insects can make their way into the lift and fly out when the door opens on the 10th floor, etc.

You often see Swifts hundreds of feet up in the Thai sky catching insects when its a high pressure day, it all depends on air pressure where the insects are

This is very true, but I dont think that those insects are mosquitoes. Certainly other insects go up that high, or even higher.

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I think that proximity to the sea also counts for something. Where I am the prevailing wind most of the year comes directly off the sea, and of course there aren't many mosquitoes flying or breeding out there.

So a high floor on the beach is probably better than a high floor further inland where there will probably be much more in the way of brackish water. Look at the many lakes/ponds at the back of Jomtien 2nd Road.

Au contraire...

We live on the 29th floor, right on Wong Amat beach, have wonderful breezes most days, do not have any live plants anywhere in the condo, and yet we get mosquitoes, which consider me to be an all you can eat buffet. Like the poster above, they will find me no matter what.

The condo folks spray each condo every month - do not ever breathe the fumes from that stuff or you will be praying to the porcelain gods for the rest of the day. I also keep one of those plug-in liquid repellants in the bedroom, and one near my desk, running 24/7; that seems to have solved the problem.

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It's been proven? Really?

If you read scientific articles about the subject published online. Of course no guarantees. Google provide you with the answers and sometimes they are just gossip.

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30th is good, nothing flies so high except helicopters :-)

I'm moving on up to the East side. ...

To a deluxe apartment in the sky ?

Oh yes, they're movin' on up!

They finally got a piece of the Pielaugh.png

all together now

Fish dont fry in the kuchen

Beans don;t burn.........guitar.gif

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I get them on floor 27. Someone has stagnant water on the balcony. I also have ants and cockroaches...

The electric mozzie repellants with the liquid seem to work for me, and for the ants, I recommend the ARS green plastic ant traps. We had ants when we first moved in, tried everything to get rid of them, and then stumbled on the ARS traps - no more ants. Available in all the supermarkets.

Bottom left in this link: http://www.ars.co.th/product_ars.php?lang=eng&page=3

No idea on the cockroaches.

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