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Don't believe |everything you see and read on social media

Lite Beer

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Don't believe |everything you see and read on social media

BANGKOK: -- IT'S never too late to warn social media users to question the content of material they see online - and whether it is true. Meanwhile, there is actually no sign of professional media outlets dying any time in the near future.

Professional media personnel, especially journalists and editors, are necessary as they have the ability and know-how to verify and analyse information; otherwise they would have lost the "battle" to social media ages ago.

On the other hand, however, some journalists can still make mistakes.

Take, for instance, the recent rumour spread online that the European Union had decided to boycott Thailand's military-backed government. This rumour was injected with a dose of credibility when a newspaper picked up on it and decided to present it as news.

The YouTube link on the so-called report was re-posted and shared repeatedly. Few people noticed that the video clip had been doctored and the logo of the TV station and the date of the report removed. Those who noticed this anomaly only turned to their friends to verify.

The Foreign Ministry and a representative of the EU came out to clarify things after a columnist from a large Thai-language newspaper wrote about this supposed boycott as if it had actually happened.

The EU office in Thailand put a post on Facebook saying: "In regards to reports that the EU has imposed sanctions on Thailand. This is not correct. The delegation understands the reports are referring to the conclusions [http://bit.ly/1HZ9h4f] of the Council of the European Union, which were adopted on June 23, 2014. No new conclusions on Thailand have been adopted since then."

(Note: Since the original link of the English version of the post referred to in the statement is broken, it has been replaced with a link to the Thai version.)

Immediately after this post, the column in question was removed from the newspaper's website, while the columnist's conduct has been a hot topic among other journalists, who waited to see how he would take responsibility for falling for incorrect information.

Yet the columnist, who goes by the pseudonym "Mudlek", insisted that he was right and decided to right a new piece instead, in which he claimed the EU and the United States were putting pressure on the military-backed government in many ways, regardless of what they have said officially.

The EU sanctions rumour is not the only item of misinformation that has done the rounds on social media recently. Other content is also being shared repeatedly, confusing people either on purpose or by accident, and a lot of this is related to Thai politics.

The most recent instance was the case of Rinda "Lin" Paruechabut, a business-woman who was recently arrested for spreading a claim online that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had transferred more than Bt10 billion to Singapore. She has confessed to posting this statement online and is now out on bail after posting a Bt100,000 guarantee. Rinda faces charges of violating Articles 14 and 116 of the Computer Act, as well as causing turmoil, public disobedience and panic.

Her lawyer, Pawinee Chumsri, said that though Rinda's offence allegedly affected national security, she was really only voicing her "opinion". Rinda, however, insists that she did not create the content - she had picked it up on LINE.

Another recent item on social media that caught everybody's attention this week was the Nasa chief Charles Bolden's live question-and-answer session about the New Horizon spacecraft's flight past Pluto.

Sadly, the session was bombarded with nasty, irrelevant chatter from Thai social-media users, in Thai language, and the subject once again was politics. Obviously, they didn't care that people across the world who were genuinely interested in the flyby were being disturbed.

Kittitouch Chaiprasith wrote on Facebook questioning the purpose of such troll-like behaviour and even traced the origin of these comments. He said that if the authorities wanted, they could find who these "trolls" were.

Now, if an ordinary social media user can trace posts back to the original creators, surely media professionals should also remember to do the same before picking up on what they consider news. After all, there's nothing wrong with being mindful while using social media.

On the bright side though, many people have been using social media constructively by sharing tips and tricks on saving water as Thailand struggles with a severe drought, such as using leftover dish-washing water to clean the floor and water the plants.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Dont-believe-everything-you-see-and-read-on-social-30264714.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-18

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So now Thailand's poor education system has come back to bite them on the ass. All children should be taught to question all information regardless of its source. This is the message from the lord Buddha. Perhaps they didn't read that part.

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My Father passed when I was 8 years old and my Grandfather was my main source of how to live and develop. His first two lessons were a good guide;

(1) Work today to eat tomorrow

(2) Do not believe anything you read or hear and only half of what you see with your own two eyes !!

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I'd be inclined to trust an article a bit more if it's headline didn't contain a spelling mistake.

Edited due to several spelling and grammar errors.

Glass houses and stones!

Edited by Bluespunk
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....fostering animosity against foreigners....nay....the whole non-Thai world.......and trying to undermine the present government....all in one 'effort'....

....should we guess.................1)......the nationality................2)...........the political 'colors'.....???

...from students to housewives.....to 'news' and 'postings in social media'....

...obviously the cancer has yet to be eradicated......

...as for any analysis in this article......none whatsoever....

...somebody else did the investigating......someone else merely reporting......stating the obvious....paraphrasing 'don't believe everything you hear/read in the news/newspaper

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My wife just responded to a thread running on a social media site which talks about Russian troops having landed in California. I'm assuming it got started by the recent report of incursions by air, which were turned away. Amazing. These people actually believed it!

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Take, for instance, the recent rumour spread online that the European Union had decided to boycott Thailand's military-backed government. This rumour was injected with a dose of credibility when a newspaper picked up on it and decided to present it as news.

Dont know if that is only a rumour ... Nobody likes a Junta so why not impose some kind of boycott, e.g. Thailands fishing industry will be hammered with a ban in oct. 2015 since EU know very well that they are not gonna get their sh1t together ...

Call it a boycott or a ban - dosent really matter as long as it hurts ... thumbsup.gif

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Take, for instance, the recent rumour spread online that the European Union had decided to boycott Thailand's military-backed government. This rumour was injected with a dose of credibility when a newspaper picked up on it and decided to present it as news.

Dont know if that is only a rumour ... Nobody likes a Junta so why not impose some kind of boycott, e.g. Thailands fishing industry will be hammered with a ban in oct. 2015 since EU know very well that they are not gonna get their sh1t together ...

Call it a boycott or a ban - dosent really matter as long as it hurts ... thumbsup.gif

The EU, a mob of non-elected grubs. How would you like to live in a sovereign country, look at the turmoil in Europe, with these dears telling your government or Junta how things should be done. And no, I am not condoning what has been going on in the fishing industry. Drawing a long bow about no one not liking a Junta, many do and many don't, so one shouldn't generalise. So you really want it to hurt? What a gem, you want to punish a nation for the misdeeds of some. How does the EU know what you are alleging, there is still three months to go, if it does not occur then be critical but not now when you have no idea what is happening in the background. But then maybe you believe everything you read and hear, or are privy to something we less mortals are not.

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You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand that social media will never give you the real truth and facts as it is . The Koh Tao case is an example of that .

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