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! DEATH ! - Do You Fear Death?


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I am either off to another adventure or there will be no more "I". Life will go on and what I have done while living my life I hope will leave the world a better place.

I do a lot of charity through Rotary and support a few charities. I am even Santa Claus at a school in maehongson.

I give to help children stay in school.

I will make room for a newborn.

Have you ever thought what life would be like without death. With every tree and insect still alive. Life is not possible without death.

I am 70 now and happy every day. I do not dwell on death because I am much too busy living.

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I don't fear death. I just hope it is quick and painless.

I wonder though how all the greedy bastards feel on their death beds knowing they can't take it with them and someone else will be spending the nickels and dimes they squeezed all their lives.... Funny how we start life with nothing and end with nothing.

I like this post, you get all those greedy b@stards like the Blairs, Branson, most UK MPs, and other Capitalist scum who keep screwing the ordinary people, watch their millions mount up.

Then you have their spoilt offspring who will inherit all their millions, only because of an accident of birth, sitting by their deathbeds with their eyes filled with tears, while really wanting to get up and dance.

Which is why, if I were rich, I'd spend it all before I died, and if I couldn't do that I'd give it to the local dog shelter before the spoiled brats got any of it. A parents obligation is to give them a decent education so they can make their own way in the world, not to allow them to live in idle luxury for their entire life.

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I don't fear death. I just hope it is quick and painless.

I wonder though how all the greedy bastards feel on their death beds knowing they can't take it with them and someone else will be spending the nickels and dimes they squeezed all their lives.... Funny how we start life with nothing and end with nothing.

I like this post, you get all those greedy b@stards like the Blairs, Branson, most UK MPs, and other Capitalist scum who keep screwing the ordinary people, watch their millions mount up.

Then you have their spoilt offspring who will inherit all their millions, only because of an accident of birth, sitting by their deathbeds with their eyes filled with tears, while really wanting to get up and dance.

Which is why, if I were rich, I'd spend it all before I died, and if I couldn't do that I'd give it to the local dog shelter before the spoiled brats got any of it. A parents obligation is to give them a decent education so they can make their own way in the world, not to allow them to live in idle luxury for their entire life.

Great post, but I think the problem with leaving it to charity is that the charity will only get some of it, and the rest will go into other peoples pockets.

If I was a billionaire, I would be looking to find some way of making sure no one would gain from it except the organisation I left it to.

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I worked with an old fella, once, who won the pools about a month before he retired. Poor sod died in his sleep a week later.

I would hope for a little time to reflect on my life before I shuffle off as oppose to a sudden end. Remember the good times and a last kiss from my loved ones.

I would also hope that my funeral is a party to end all parties. Drink and be merry for you may be next!!!

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“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is <deleted>, which I suspect it will be.” Irvine Welsh , Trainspotting

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I do not fear death. I fear PAIN associated with death.

Same same. I don't fear death...in fact I almost look forward to it. No, not in a suicidal or death-wish sort of way, just that it's the only way to find out what happens after you die. I look forward to getting that answer.

But since death is coming like it or not, might as well make the best out of life in the time that we have. Which is why I'm in Thailand, living the life.

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An Aussie, Kerry Packer, had a trip to the other side.

He returned (to life). His comment - "Nothing".

There's many documented cases where people actually "died" and were brought back to life. In nearly all of these cases, the stories were amazingly identical. That is, people reported seeing some light and were moving towards it, or something to that effect. But clearly, they were not dead long enough to find out the full answer. That's my understanding.

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I do not fear death. I fear PAIN associated with death.

Same same. I don't fear death...in fact I almost look forward to it. No, not in a suicidal or death-wish sort of way, just that it's the only way to find out what happens after you die. I look forward to getting that answer.

But since death is coming like it or not, might as well make the best out of life in the time that we have. Which is why I'm in Thailand, living the life.

Having to go back home to live would be worse than death for me.

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