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Superstition/Witchcraft In LOS - Credible?


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acupuncture is based on a belief in meridians that simply aren't there.

Or haven't been identified physiologically yet.

Just the same as was previously thought, that there was not a Brain/Immune system connection.....when in fact, there is.

It also hasnt been identified that a peanut in the middle of Jupiter is controlling our every move

I think the words of Jefferson can be applied to a couple of contributors to this thread (or are they the same person??)

Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them;........."

Edited by cumgranosalum
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looks like you're learning.

The question if "a couple of contributers ... are the same person" is a good question.

Of course it would be possible for a person to get various mail addresses and then come up as various contributors. Might even be a computer program (AI) behind this.

Would that destroy a myth you believed in?

Any suggestion how to find out?

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acupuncture is based on a belief in meridians that simply aren't there.

Or haven't been identified physiologically yet.

Just the same as was previously thought, that there was not a Brain/Immune system connection.....when in fact, there is.

It also hasnt been identified that a peanut in the middle of Jupiter is controlling our every move

So do you disagree with both of my sentences......?

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  • 2 months later...

I think it would be unscientific to discard all superstitions, medicines and poultices just out-of-hand.

That is an extremely unscientific comment....as you seem to be implying that they may have some truth....this can be dismissed out of hand. There may on occasion be a misinterpretation of a naturally occurring scientifically explainable event, but basically even the most convincing "magic' is able to be discredited in just a few seconds by science - usually as a case of "association" rather than "causation".

people are very fond of saying that "there are many things in this world/universe that we cannot explain" - this is true - but to then suggest a supernatural explanation is just an irrational jump in logic.

Edited by Loeilad
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There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

Open your mind dude.

People like you

used to laugh hen others suggested the world was round.

The world is flat and they are wrong. I go for a walk every day and I don't fall off.



Thai superstitions are no less funny as Christianity and the Islam and Judaism, there is no proof for any of it. That is why they call it faith, great explanation to counter questions. But all in all no religion or afterlife has ever been proven and still billions believe in it. The marketing of religion is just so good. Nobody wants to believe its all over once we die (I would prefer an afterlife too but I use the brain I got and no solid evidence has ever turned up)

Edited by robblok
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There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

in that case Im doomed, theres a whole bunch of people Im quite happy to avoid and in my little (apparently superstitious and ignorant) mind I actually go so far as to believe it improves the quality of my life

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There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

There is no such thing as "western medicine" - there are only 2 kinds of medicine - the type that works and the type that doesn't.

Any medicine has to be shown to work - this is usually by peer reviewed trials. Good old fashioned evidence...... Science-based medicine.

Can the "other" type be harmful? Yes, of course it can....... if people avoid efficacious treatment of a problem in favour of "traditional" or superstition-based treatment it is quite possible they will find their condition worsens or even becomes fatal.

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Reality is that doctors in Western hospitals need practice in certain kinds of treatment for their careers, so they have to persuade (or force) their patients to accept this treatment. This happened to me after severe fire injuries in 1992, they came up with skin transplantations. They were so heavy after their career that in the end they didn't even ask anymore. I had to fight for my right to say "NO". In fact I never needed these transplantations,they would have only caused additional trouble.

So, be careful when Western doctors talk about "scientific evidence", sometimes no treatment ist the best treatment.

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There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

See, that's what I was talking about.

Just because you have a pretty good idea that something is likely to be true, and that it's counterintuitive to think otherwise....in FACT there is no proof that avoiding certain people is useful OR useless.

Yes, and there's no proof that unicorns don't exist either...

We have a pretty good idea at this point about how the body works and how 'everyday physics' works, and there's nothing in that extensive knowledgebase that would explain how avoiding certain people would help with healing (unless, of course they are infectious).

Maybe its because some people are mean spirited, and thrive on seeing the suffering of others?

If that were the case i think there would be quite a few thaivisa posters they would want to avoid.lol

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The possibility of self-healing is systematically underestimated by Western medicine, guess why.

Another example from my personal experience:

I've got arthrosis in my left knee, meniscus completely damaged. Hospital doctors told me I need an artificial knee, otherwise I would end up in a wheelchair very soon. That was in 2002. Again I refused, and now after 13 years I am still walking around and dancing. The sun (and some massage girls) healed it.

"Scientific evidence" in Western medicine is widely based on statistics, ie some kind of average. I prefer to live my own life, even though statistically I should be dead or at least crippled - according to Western medicine.

Not saying that all Western medicine is necessarily bad or useless. Just saying Be skeptical when they talk about science. Medical scientific frameworks might turn out to be nothing else than religions.

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You haven't been in Thailand very long have you? Despite the fact that Thailand claims to be mainly Buddhist the dominant set of beliefs here is animism. It pervadres everything from birth to death.

What's the length of time he's here got to do with anything?

We in the West have our fair share of "taboos" too. Many people will not put No. 13 on their doors, some wouldn't dream of walking under a ladder (and not just for the obvious reasons). Many have lucky, colors, articles of clothing, numbers, etc., etc., etc., ...the list goes on.

Many superstitions have been passed down in all cultures. People might not want to go against them just in case even if they don't really believe it.

My wife says she isn't superstitious, doesn't believe in ghost,etc.but she occasionally buys live fish to let go in the river near us for good luck. It actually seems to work so far so she won't be stopping I'm sure.

Also the other day she was talking with Chinese customer who claimed to be an expert In Feng Shui. I painted our house blue when we bought it. The lady told her that a blue house means money comes easy, but goes quickly. This has been true for her since since she got into real estate. (Apparently beige means the money will stay. Guess what color our new house we are building will be?)

I was visiting a friend a few years ago when his girlfriend came in and cuffed him on the head and said, angrily, "Don't you come in my dreams anymore!" He told her a number in her dream so she bought lottery tickets. But she didn't win.

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People that made the superstitious belief in virgin pregnancy a religious dogma shouldn't judge others about superstition.

This Christian dogma didn't come out of nothing. It's a result of the older dogma that sex is sin. This dogma is a mental disease, nothing else. It comes now in a modern version Allen "hypersexualiy " or "careless sexuality", and people in Europe get locked up in mental hospitals for this.

Witchcraft is a common belief in the West. Germans celebrate Walpurgis Night every year on April 30, and social media are full of witchcraft forums.

You don't like animism? How come you're talking to dogs all the time? How come so many are afraid of a black cat crossing?

You believe in money?

Pray tell what it is.

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There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

Open your mind dude.

People like you

used to laugh hen others suggested the world was round.

You open your mind.

You don't have any idea what the world looks like around you. The evolution started with sea creatures only distinguishing between light and dark. The round world is just your perception of reality.

I do actually find some Thai herbs helpful. A bunch of people who believe in ghosts dancing around me like a bunch of monkeys.... not much.

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There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

There is no such thing as "western medicine" - there are only 2 kinds of medicine - the type that works and the type that doesn't.

Any medicine has to be shown to work - this is usually by peer reviewed trials. Good old fashioned evidence...... Science-based medicine.

Can the "other" type be harmful? Yes, of course it can....... if people avoid efficacious treatment of a problem in favour of "traditional" or superstition-based treatment it is quite possible they will find their condition worsens or even becomes fatal.

Maybe you should have a grasp of what is meant by "western medicine"[1] before you go on your SJW crusade?

[1] http://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms?cdrid=454743

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Reality is that doctors in Western hospitals need practice in certain kinds of treatment for their careers, so they have to persuade (or force) their patients to accept this treatment. This happened to me after severe fire injuries in 1992, they came up with skin transplantations. They were so heavy after their career that in the end they didn't even ask anymore. I had to fight for my right to say "NO". In fact I never needed these transplantations,they would have only caused additional trouble.

So, be careful when Western doctors talk about "scientific evidence", sometimes no treatment ist the best treatment.

you realise that apart from expressing dissatisfaction with your treatment, you are in fact saying nothing at all about the topic in hand?

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You haven't been in Thailand very long have you? Despite the fact that Thailand claims to be mainly Buddhist the dominant set of beliefs here is animism. It pervadres everything from birth to death.

What's the length of time he's here got to do with anything?

We in the West have our fair share of "taboos" too. Many people will not put No. 13 on their doors, some wouldn't dream of walking under a ladder (and not just for the obvious reasons). Many have lucky, colors, articles of clothing, numbers, etc., etc., etc., ...the list goes on.

Many superstitions have been passed down in all cultures. People might not want to go against them just in case even if they don't really believe it.

My wife says she isn't superstitious, doesn't believe in ghost,etc.but she occasionally buys live fish to let go in the river near us for good luck. It actually seems to work so far so she won't be stopping I'm sure.

Also the other day she was talking with Chinese customer who claimed to be an expert In Feng Shui. I painted our house blue when we bought it. The lady told her that a blue house means money comes easy, but goes quickly. This has been true for her since since she got into real estate. (Apparently beige means the money will stay. Guess what color our new house we are building will be?)

I was visiting a friend a few years ago when his girlfriend came in and cuffed him on the head and said, angrily, "Don't you come in my dreams anymore!" He told her a number in her dream so she bought lottery tickets. But she didn't win.

You do realise that if I put a fish in the river and the next day won a million on the lottery, the 2 events are not connected - this is the difference between causation and association...... many people just don't seem to understand that.

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People that made the superstitious belief in virgin pregnancy a religious dogma shouldn't judge others about superstition.

This Christian dogma didn't come out of nothing. It's a result of the older dogma that sex is sin. This dogma is a mental disease, nothing else. It comes now in a modern version Allen "hypersexualiy " or "careless sexuality", and people in Europe get locked up in mental hospitals for this.

Witchcraft is a common belief in the West. Germans celebrate Walpurgis Night every year on April 30, and social media are full of witchcraft forums.

You don't like animism? How come you're talking to dogs all the time? How come so many are afraid of a black cat crossing?

You believe in money?

Pray tell what it is.

So you seem to be inferring that because superstition exists in the west it somehow justifies or mitigates superstition in the East? surely superstition is superstition is crap no matter what part of the world it is in?

Edited by Loeilad
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There is no credence with people who are given to superstitious beliefs. Real Buddhists do not travel those paths. Get yourself completely away from the influence that negative environment. You'll do better by simply fasting for a few days, on your own. Let a word to the wise be sufficient.wai.gifK?

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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