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GOP presidential hopeful Walker signs abortion ban bill


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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

Okay, I'll bite: Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

First of all: "the liberals" is not a thing!

Liberals are different people, with different opinions on different subjects.

On the issue of abortion, I am for the "German" approach: completely legal and free in the first 3 months, late term-abortion only in certain cases, like rape, incest or when the life or health of the mother or the baby are in danger!

Some liberals go for Anytime, anyplace and anywhere.

And as much as I am against that, it is still a better idea than never and nowhere!

It is not morally inconsistent, as much as it is morally and scientifically WRONG to completely rule out abortions.

Especially, if you "pro life" does mainly mean "pro birth" with "you conservatives"!

Because after the baby is born, most the rightwingers don't give two hot sh1t$ about what happens to mother and child!

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

Well, thinking that abortion is not murder doesn't necessitate that you think it a good thing and that it should be available anywhere, anyplace, anytime. You might think that it should be so available, but that's not necessitated by you thinking that it is not murder. For example, you might think it a misdemeanor requiring a fine. Also, you might, for example, think that there should be restrictions on abortion just like those imposed by Walker. On the other hand, if you think that abortion is murder, then drawing a line at 20 weeks and saying that murder OK before that 20 weeks but not OK after is logically no different than drawing it at 5 years.

Perhaps what you're saying is that abortion is murder under any and all circumstances and insofar as the law Scott Walker has signed goes some way to criminalize some abortions (those after 20 weeks) then that's a step in the right direction - And this regardless of whether or not Scott Walker regards all abortion as Murder. In which case you are not being in any way inconsistent, but cheering him on to criminalize the act further. Is that a fair account?

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Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

The old "I know you are but what am I" argument. Brilliant! Again, Republicans know they're full of shit, they don't care. Dogma trumps all else.

Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? That's your throwback? What are talking about? Republicans are passing laws to prevent abortion, Democrats don't get to hold out for what they want. It's being forced down their throats by the ideologues.

Scott Walker has his personal convictions. The Koch brothers told him what they were. He's far too stupid to get elected President, but would be perfect representing the GOP as its candidate. It doesn't really matter.

I wish him the best of luck. I'm pulling for him.

I guess answering the question isn't something you can do.

When liberals get backed into a debating corner, they always start lying like you just did with your comment that governor Walker needed the Koch brothers (who have little say in the Republican party) to set his moral compass. Unless you have evidence to the contrary, you lied.

You are making statements you cannot and do not defend. Abortion is the act of killing an unborn child. Answer the question.

This is why it's impossible to have a rational discussion with an anti-abortionist. By saying over and over again that it's murder, there's really nothing else more to say. But what you're refusing to do is listen to the pro-choice side. Do you even know what the pro-choice position is? I don't think you do. It's not about having the right to have an abortion any time, anywhere, under all circumstances, blah blah blah. RATHER, it's about allowing the woman to make her own choice. And her family, and her doctor, etc. The government has no business interfering in the lives of women during such a crucial and stressful time. Why are you guys advocating more and more government involvement in peoples' private lives? So whether she decides to have the baby, give it up for adoption, or have an abortion, it matters not to me. Only that it's her choice. That's it, and that's all.

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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.



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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

According to the OP, 20% of Americans don't want to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest.

That's a relatively large number of heartless religious nutters who care not about the woman involved.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

Wow! Comedy is not your forte. Tell you what; cut out your eye, I mean it is only a collection of cells. Right?

Despite your ignoramic comment about George Bush, you do know that Roe vs Wade did not allow abortions?

Aborting an unborn child is murder. To put abortion in perspective for you personally; if abortion is so categorically a 'right,' why did your parents allow you to live if abortion was an option?

My eye is a part of my body that I want. That is not an argument for not discarding a collection of cells that are not a part of my body. Poo is a collection of cells, too. Do you keep all your poo? I recommend getting warts and tumours removed, despite them being "collections of cells"....will you keep your cancer if you get one, after all, it is a collection of cells. Actually, a tumour is more genetically "you" than a foetus is to it's mother. Stupid, emotive, spurious argument.

Aborting an unborn child could be murder....but at what point is the collection of cells a "child"?

To answer your highly inflammatory question...as if it's not obvious...because my parents wanted me and planned for me. I was not a product of rape or incest.

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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.



What you and the so-called "pro-life" supporters are missing is that after the fact, after the abortion is performed, there is tissue and parts being thrown away that could help actual living people. Why throw it away?

It's not as if the abortion was performed for the sole purpose of harvesting tissue.The patient does not get paid.

Actually, going down that road....if my daughter could get pregnant and the embryo could provide, say, stem cells that could save the life of her living child or her brother....I would say "Get impregnated and abort that "collection of cells"!

A legal abortion is performed, and the patient gives consent for the discarded tissue to be used. I see no problem with that. From the videos, it's apparent that if the patient does not consent, then the tissue is incinerated.

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You must have missed that part about the "crunchy" method of extracting the fetus in order to preserve the organs.

Or positioning the fetus into a breech position in order to get an intact head.

All the while munching her crisp lettuce and sipping her red wine.

Edited by chuckd
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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

The old "I know you are but what am I" argument. Brilliant! Again, Republicans know they're full of shit, they don't care. Dogma trumps all else.

Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? That's your throwback? What are talking about? Republicans are passing laws to prevent abortion, Democrats don't get to hold out for what they want. It's being forced down their throats by the ideologues.

Scott Walker has his personal convictions. The Koch brothers told him what they were. He's far too stupid to get elected President, but would be perfect representing the GOP as its candidate. It doesn't really matter.

I wish him the best of luck. I'm pulling for him.

Anyone that wants abortion banned should be forced to adopt a child that is born of an unwilling mother.

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Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.
Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?
But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

The old "I know you are but what am I" argument. Brilliant! Again, Republicans know they're full of shit, they don't care. Dogma trumps all else.

Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? That's your throwback? What are talking about? Republicans are passing laws to prevent abortion, Democrats don't get to hold out for what they want. It's being forced down their throats by the ideologues.

Scott Walker has his personal convictions. The Koch brothers told him what they were. He's far too stupid to get elected President, but would be perfect representing the GOP as its candidate. It doesn't really matter.

I wish him the best of luck. I'm pulling for him.

I guess answering the question isn't something you can do.
When liberals get backed into a debating corner, they always start lying like you just did with your comment that governor Walker needed the Koch brothers (who have little say in the Republican party) to set his moral compass. Unless you have evidence to the contrary, you lied.

You are making statements you cannot and do not defend. Abortion is the act of killing an unborn child. Answer the question.

This is why it's impossible to have a rational discussion with an anti-abortionist. By saying over and over again that it's murder, there's really nothing else more to say. But what you're refusing to do is listen to the pro-choice side. Do you even know what the pro-choice position is? I don't think you do. It's not about having the right to have an abortion any time, anywhere, under all circumstances, blah blah blah. RATHER, it's about allowing the woman to make her own choice. And her family, and her doctor, etc. The government has no business interfering in the lives of women during such a crucial and stressful time. Why are you guys advocating more and more government involvement in peoples' private lives? So whether she decides to have the baby, give it up for adoption, or have an abortion, it matters not to me. Only that it's her choice. That's it, and that's all.

Yes I do know the other side. When someone tries to change the meaning of a word or act they are simply wrong. Abortion at any stage is murder. I cannot be any clearer.
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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

According to the OP, 20% of Americans don't want to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest.

That's a relatively large number of heartless religious nutters who care not about the woman involved.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

Wow! Comedy is not your forte. Tell you what; cut out your eye, I mean it is only a collection of cells. Right?

Despite your ignoramic comment about George Bush, you do know that Roe vs Wade did not allow abortions?

Aborting an unborn child is murder. To put abortion in perspective for you personally; if abortion is so categorically a 'right,' why did your parents allow you to live if abortion was an option?

My eye is a part of my body that I want. That is not an argument for not discarding a collection of cells that are not a part of my body. Poo is a collection of cells, too. Do you keep all your poo? I recommend getting warts and tumours removed, despite them being "collections of cells"....will you keep your cancer if you get one, after all, it is a collection of cells. Actually, a tumour is more genetically "you" than a foetus is to it's mother. Stupid, emotive, spurious argument.

Aborting an unborn child could be murder....but at what point is the collection of cells a "child"?

To answer your highly inflammatory question...as if it's not obvious...because my parents wanted me and planned for me. I was not a product of rape or incest.

Nice try. At conception. But that is an argument for another day. But, at conception the fetus has all the genes. Making your argument spurious.

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?
But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

The old "I know you are but what am I" argument. Brilliant! Again, Republicans know they're full of shit, they don't care. Dogma trumps all else.

Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? That's your throwback? What are talking about? Republicans are passing laws to prevent abortion, Democrats don't get to hold out for what they want. It's being forced down their throats by the ideologues.

Scott Walker has his personal convictions. The Koch brothers told him what they were. He's far too stupid to get elected President, but would be perfect representing the GOP as its candidate. It doesn't really matter.

I wish him the best of luck. I'm pulling for him.

Anyone that wants abortion banned should be forced to adopt a child that is born of an unwilling mother.

Shouldn't that be the other way around? Those for abortion should be forced to adopt.
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You must have missed that part about the "crunchy" method of extracting the fetus in order to preserve the organs.

Or positioning the fetus into a breech position in order to get an intact head.

All the while munching her crisp lettuce and sipping her red wine.


And I'm sipping my Hong Thong while I reply....what has munching lettuce got to do with discussing discarded tissue?

If the crunchy method destroys usable bits, then why not discuss other less crunchy methods?

You miss the point completely,

If the abortion is legal, and the tissue, collection of cells, body parts are going to be otherwise incinerated, but could help real living people, why not use that tissue/collection of cells/organs ?

This "body parts harvesting" sideline is just that; an emotive sideline and does not actually make an argument against abortion (because the "harvesting" occurs after and independantly of the abortion). In fact, it's an argument FOR abortion. If an unwanted "collection of cells" can be given to someone who wants them and can save lives with them.....

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Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

The old "I know you are but what am I" argument. Brilliant! Again, Republicans know they're full of shit, they don't care. Dogma trumps all else.

Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? That's your throwback? What are talking about? Republicans are passing laws to prevent abortion, Democrats don't get to hold out for what they want. It's being forced down their throats by the ideologues.

Scott Walker has his personal convictions. The Koch brothers told him what they were. He's far too stupid to get elected President, but would be perfect representing the GOP as its candidate. It doesn't really matter.

I wish him the best of luck. I'm pulling for him.

Anyone that wants abortion banned should be forced to adopt a child that is born of an unwilling mother.

By this standard I am more than qualified to want abortion banned.

My first wife and I adopted two children at birth and they are now productive members of society.

Aborting either of them as babies would have deprived society of a couple of very good people.

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Lucky for Walker Trump is against abortion too, eh. smile.png

Wait till Walker says the wrong thing and The Donald turns his flamethrower blasts on him, as is undoubtedly inevitable no matter how much Walker may think he's keeping his cheese chilled.

There's the Soviet urban legend some guy got up the courage to tell Stalin he was a tyrant so Ol' Joe hacked off the guy's head. Then Joe cut out the guy's heart and gave it to his widow. Maybe not such a legend actually.

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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.



The link is to a far out rightwing extremist media that wouldn't know fact or reality if they visited Planned Parenthood and obtained permission to keep inspectors in PP facilities 24/7 indefinitely.

Edited by Publicus
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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.



The link is to a far out rightwing extremist media that wouldn't know fact or reality if they visited Planned Parenthood and obtained permission to keep inspectors in PP facilities 24/7 indefinitely.

And if abortion is such a grand thing, explain why you do not practice it upon yourself.

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This is why it's impossible to have a rational discussion with an anti-abortionist. By saying over and over again that it's murder, there's really nothing else more to say. But what you're refusing to do is listen to the pro-choice side. Do you even know what the pro-choice position is? I don't think you do. It's not about having the right to have an abortion any time, anywhere, under all circumstances, blah blah blah. RATHER, it's about allowing the woman to make her own choice. And her family, and her doctor, etc. The government has no business interfering in the lives of women during such a crucial and stressful time. Why are you guys advocating more and more government involvement in peoples' private lives? So whether she decides to have the baby, give it up for adoption, or have an abortion, it matters not to me. Only that it's her choice. That's it, and that's all.

Yes I do know the other side. When someone tries to change the meaning of a word or act they are simply wrong. Abortion at any stage is murder. I cannot be any clearer.

Yes, I understand completely that you believe abortion is always murder. I get it. No need to keep repeating. I understand 100%.

Now can you understand this point: Many people do not agree with you.

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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.



Already proven to be false accusations. Next!

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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.



Already proven to be false accusations. Next!

They know all this has been proven to be bullshit. They don't care. Repeat a lie long enough... That's all the Republican party has left is lies. Get ready for more swift boat lies and douchebaggery as the Republicans take on HRC armed with nothing but more Benghazi.

Among the tin foil hat wearing, Fox News lemmings the anti- abortion, anti-healthcare, anti-vet assistance, anti-poverty, anti-being a human being, all makes perfect sense. It's a world where guys like Scott Walker actually believe they have a prayer of being elected President of the United States.

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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.





The link is to a far out rightwing extremist media that wouldn't know fact or reality if they visited Planned Parenthood and obtained permission to keep inspectors in PP facilities 24/7 indefinitely.

That's the best you can come up with?

1. The link I provided, and the one you find fault with, is this:


2. Following that link will take you to an article stating Planned Parenthood received $540.6 Million in financial aid in various forms from the federal government.

3. Reading that link one will find this opening statement:

"Planned Parenthood’s net revenue increased 5% to total of $1.21 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013, and about 45% of that revenue--$540.6 million--was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants."

4. Follow that up with a look at the annual report of Planned Parenthood will take you to this site:

Planned Parenthood Annual Report


5. On pages 17 and 18, you will find the claims made by CNS News that $540.6 Million and 45% of the revenue of Planned Parenthood was, in fact, federal government "support" as reported by the "far out rightwing extremist media"...and the annual report of Planned Parenthood itself.

It would seem CNS News is actually reporting the news rather factually and with a great deal of reality.

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I'm sure you have links to support your claims.

How about sharing them?

He never does.

Find them for yourselves, they are out there!

Not on Faux Noise, though!

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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.


Already proven to be false accusations. Next!

They know all this has been proven to be bullshit. They don't care. Repeat a lie long enough... That's all the Republican party has left is lies. Get ready for more swift boat lies and douchebaggery as the Republicans take on HRC armed with nothing but more Benghazi.

Among the tin foil hat wearing, Fox News lemmings the anti- abortion, anti-healthcare, anti-vet assistance, anti-poverty, anti-being a human being, all makes perfect sense. It's a world where guys like Scott Walker actually believe they have a prayer of being elected President of the United States.

What part of the video has been proven bullshit?

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Just perhaps, Governor Walker is trying to stem this sort of practice in the abortion industry.

The selling of aborted fetus' parts is a booming business, at least for the leading abortion provider in the US.

Planned Parenthood had an annual budget in 2013 of $1.21 Billion, which included some $540.6 Million in federal funding. They performed 327,166 abortions during that fiscal year.

Now we hear they are selling body parts as a sideline. Here are some rather disturbing videos if you choose to watch them.


Already proven to be false accusations. Next!

They know all this has been proven to be bullshit. They don't care. Repeat a lie long enough... That's all the Republican party has left is lies. Get ready for more swift boat lies and douchebaggery as the Republicans take on HRC armed with nothing but more Benghazi.

Among the tin foil hat wearing, Fox News lemmings the anti- abortion, anti-healthcare, anti-vet assistance, anti-poverty, anti-being a human being, all makes perfect sense. It's a world where guys like Scott Walker actually believe they have a prayer of being elected President of the United States.

What part of the video has been proven bullshit?

:Let's leave out one word from your question:

What part of the video has been proven?

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I'm sure you have links to support your claims.

How about sharing them?

He never does.

Find them for yourselves, they are out there!

Not on Faux Noise, though!


"I'm sure somebody, somewhere has said these videos are fakes but I have no clue where they are so I'll just make a wild assertion and not even try to back it up."

The least you could have done was dig up something from HuffPo or Salon that made the silly claim the videos were taken out of context. You didn't even have the common sense to do that.

But, never mind. I have decided to help you out and post links to the entire luncheon/business meetings.

You can now watch the entire discussion about selling aborted baby parts in order to get one of the Planned Parenthood doctors a new Lamborghini, as she jokingly implied.




PS: Looks like Pinot is MIA.

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Already proven to be false accusations. Next!

They know all this has been proven to be bullshit. They don't care. Repeat a lie long enough... That's all the Republican party has left is lies. Get ready for more swift boat lies and douchebaggery as the Republicans take on HRC armed with nothing but more Benghazi.

Among the tin foil hat wearing, Fox News lemmings the anti- abortion, anti-healthcare, anti-vet assistance, anti-poverty, anti-being a human being, all makes perfect sense. It's a world where guys like Scott Walker actually believe they have a prayer of being elected President of the United States.

What part of the video has been proven bullshit?

:Let's leave out one word from your question:

What part of the video has been proven?

How do you prove a video? It says what it says. There are no hidden meanings, they are not speaking in tongues or Latin. It is plain, everyday, common English.

One thing you might have done before your knee jerk post was to look and see who is protesting the video, along with blaming the organization that made the video tape.


1. Pelosi: Investigate makers of Planned Parenthood video



2. Hillary even agrees with the practice, which by itself proves the practice is real.

Hillary Clinton on Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts: They’re “Important Services”



3. Four Democratic members of Congress have called for an investigation of the video maker...but not Planned Parenthood.


4. Coca-Cola, Ford, Xerox Detest Being Listed as Planned Parenthood Sponsors in Light of Baby Parts Selling Scandal

July 24, 2015|2:47 pm
Three major American corporations have told the nation's largest abortion provider that they no longer want to be listed as corporate sponsors after two recent viral videos purport to show representatives of Planned Parenthood discussing the sale of baby body parts.
Officials from Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox have told The Daily Signal, a news site founded by the conservative Heritage Foundation, that they have asked the abortion giant to remove their companies' names from the abortion provider's list of corporate donors.
The move comes after the Daily Signal posted the names of Planned Parenthood's 41 corporate sponsors — a list that is no longer available on the Planned Parenthood website — following the controversy surrounding the recently released undercover videos by Center for Medical Progress.
Do you still think there is any doubt about the business practices of Planned Parenthood and the selling of aborted baby body parts?
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