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New draft law spells doom for press freedom, Thai media group says


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New draft law spells doom for press freedom, media group says

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Media Reform Working Group yesterday called on the National Reform Council (NRC) to review the draft law on press-freedom protection, saying the proposed law would place the media completely under state control instead of promoting reform.

The working group is comprised of representatives from four professional media organisations, namely the Thai Journalists Association (TJA), the National Press Council of Thailand, the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association and the News Broadcasting Council of Thailand.

The NRC on Monday endorsed the report on media reform prepared by its media and information technology reform committee with a majority vote. The report proposed a new draft law aimed at protecting press freedom, while promoting ethics and media standards by setting up a professional media council to promote self-regulation within the media.

However, this council's structure, work procedures as well as the source of its finances have been heavily criticised from the very start.

"Many points in the draft law raised by a minority in the NRC were justified. They helped reflect some facts that we should be concerned about," the group said.

The group also claimed that making the state and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) the main sources of financing for this council could place media under state control. Also, forcing members of media to register and get professional certification would give the council the right to exercise excessive control. Besides, the group said, there were no clear work procedures for the council in place to help ensure transparency and accountability.

Another point of contention is that the new law would make media operators and their staff wholly responsible for violations, which the group said is far too strict.

The group also pointed out that the council would be formed in the same way as a bureaucratic organisation, which will not be transparent or accountable. This could cause the media to lose its independence.

"In other words, the media's self-regulation ability, which has been evolving over the last two decades, would go backwards," the group said. "The NRC's endorsement of this draft law would mean the media will be under complete state control. If the government has ill intentions, then the media will come under its power completely - something that has never happened before and can be very dangerous for society."

The group said media reform was a sensitive subject and needed thorough consideration. Hence, the NRC should not rush to meet its deadline, but should be open to recommendations and review all flaws.

The group said media reform must be based on reality and social changes as well as the history of media development.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/New-draft-law-spells-doom-for-press-freedom-media--30264965.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-22

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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Edited by JAG
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Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of privacy, big brother is watching you! Isn't this happening all over the world these days. If you watch CNN news it's pro U.S and anti China. Newspapers in the U.K are bias to one political party or the other. In Russia to print anti Putin articles is risking a court case. Even big corperate companies have control of the media. The use of watching what you do on the internet has been around for many years and is nothing new. This is the world we live in now, if you think Thailand is heavy handed on freedom, take a look at the patriot act in the U.S.A.

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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

Edited by robblok
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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

So let a free and fair judiciary take care of media outlets that break the law. In the countries where we come from that is more than enough and should be in Thailand too.

Que the cheerleaders.....

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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

what racist propaganda? please give some examples or are you making it all up again? press freedom is a fundamental of all democracies so none of your 'if they are red they can't speak' nonsense

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"if you think Thailand is heavy handed on freedom, take a look at the patriot act in the U.S.A." Uh, last time I looked Fox is still broadcasting it's agit prop. And they could hardly be called responsible, factual, fair & balanced or pro administration or democrat. This is about freedom of the press, and yes, it still exists in USA. Admittedly like quote goes "freedom of the press belongs to those who own presses" but with internet changing landscape, it is not really a problem to get the message out. To somehow equate computer crimes act etc of Thailand with "repression" of freedom of press and speech in USA is preposterous.

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There is no thing as "freedom of the press" in any country on this planet. Anyone who believes that it exists is either blind and deaf or a hopeless dreamer! An example - German publishers, radio and tv station owners had to sign an agreement that binds them to write and air only pro-american in a way that supports the transatlantic alliance and abolutely NEVER publish pro Russia. That's not a conspiracy theory or somehting, but can be found in public archives in Germany along with the proof that this agreement still is valid today. Everything is corrupted - just google "truth about embedded reporters" to get a better idea about how "press freedom" works. There you have your so-called "free" western world!

Edited by MockingJay
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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

what racist propaganda? please give some examples or are you making it all up again? press freedom is a fundamental of all democracies so none of your 'if they are red they can't speak' nonsense

I think you misunderstood, i never meant that the reds broadcast racist propaganda. I used this as an example that in my country the government also steps in in certain cases. To illustrate there is no 100% free media (maybe in the US I dont know) but i know you can't air or print anything where i come from.

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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

So let a free and fair judiciary take care of media outlets that break the law. In the countries where we come from that is more than enough and should be in Thailand too.

Que the cheerleaders.....

I don't care how its regulated.. by this board or a judiciary but some rules should apply to the media. You just can't broadcast anything you want.

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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

So let a free and fair judiciary take care of media outlets that break the law. In the countries where we come from that is more than enough and should be in Thailand too.

Que the cheerleaders.....

That was sarcasm, right? Please say yes! facepalm.gif

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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

Explain then the unabated and uncensored military propoganda broadcast on the military-owned Channel 5.

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"the proposed law would place the media completely under state control instead of promoting reform"


The placement of the media completely under Junta control does promote reform.

It's just the reform is away from democracy and towards an autocratic society.

Mission Accomplished General Prayut!

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I'm not a media expert, but what prevents anyone who has the means, to publish anything they want and sell to the public? If people like what is published it will become popular and sell well. Is there a law preventing this from happening?

Edited by AlQaholic
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Explain then the unabated and uncensored military propoganda broadcast on the military-owned Channel 5.

Channel 5 is a commercial operation, with ads. So it seems that enough people like "uncensored military propoganda" as to make advertising worthwhile, or companies are forced to advertise there to appease the military, or you are spouting BS (again).

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Libel laws are all you need for the media. Heck, the existing defamation laws pretty much scare the hell out of the media already. Why more laws?

As long as the media checks their facts and has corroboration of the the facts in their stories then they should be able to publish. If not, then they will be sued in court. It's that simple. What is going on here is exactly what the media groups claim. The government is trying to put them completely under their control. It's a logical step for a government that has been heading in this direction consistently and steadily from the beginning of the coup.

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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

what racist propaganda? please give some examples or are you making it all up again? press freedom is a fundamental of all democracies so none of your 'if they are red they can't speak' nonsense

I think you misunderstood, i never meant that the reds broadcast racist propaganda. I used this as an example that in my country the government also steps in in certain cases. To illustrate there is no 100% free media (maybe in the US I dont know) but i know you can't air or print anything where i come from.

Ah ok it's ambiguous. Yes of course racist comments must be limited by law, as in all countries, but here anything not yellow is censored and banned and there is zero press freedom

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Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

what racist propaganda? please give some examples or are you making it all up again? press freedom is a fundamental of all democracies so none of your 'if they are red they can't speak' nonsense

I think you misunderstood, i never meant that the reds broadcast racist propaganda. I used this as an example that in my country the government also steps in in certain cases. To illustrate there is no 100% free media (maybe in the US I dont know) but i know you can't air or print anything where i come from.

Ah ok it's ambiguous. Yes of course racist comments must be limited by law, as in all countries, but here anything not yellow is censored and banned and there is zero press freedom

Those red channels were pure hate speech, the dems could not even canvas red area's and got run of by threats of violence. Sorry but I don't see those red channels as a good thing for Thailand. Normal news sure.. but brainwashing like that is part of the reason why there is such a big divide.

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The new press council will be set up like a government bureaucracy. Opaque in its operations, financed by the government and have the power to bestow or revoke press credentials. It will not be enough to simply graduate from journalism school, or prove yourself an intrepid reporter and submit stories to media outlets. This will, in effect, be a government department in charge of controlling the press and what it can report and who can do the reporting.

This may sound good to people who support whoever's currently in power. But governments change, and people in power change. Would you want all future governments to have the same power? Because they will.

While press freedom may be prone to abuse, press control is even more prone to abuse.


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Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of privacy, big brother is watching you! Isn't this happening all over the world these days. If you watch CNN news it's pro U.S and anti China. Newspapers in the U.K are bias to one political party or the other. In Russia to print anti Putin articles is risking a court case. Even big corperate companies have control of the media. The use of watching what you do on the internet has been around for many years and is nothing new. This is the world we live in now, if you think Thailand is heavy handed on freedom, take a look at the patriot act in the U.S.A.

CNN is not pro USA, it is pro cronies, and surveillance in the hands of immature power grabbing generals with no oversight or accountability is a far cry from the Patriot Act.

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I'm not a media expert, but what prevents anyone who has the means, to publish anything they want and sell to the public? If people like what is published it will become popular and sell well. Is there a law preventing this from happening?

They don't need no stinking law, they just block access.

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I think you misunderstood, i never meant that the reds broadcast racist propaganda. I used this as an example that in my country the government also steps in in certain cases. To illustrate there is no 100% free media (maybe in the US I dont know) but i know you can't air or print anything where i come from.

what racist propaganda? please give some examples or are you making it all up again? press freedom is a fundamental of all democracies so none of your 'if they are red they can't speak' nonsense

Ah ok it's ambiguous. Yes of course racist comments must be limited by law, as in all countries, but here anything not yellow is censored and banned and there is zero press freedom

Those red channels were pure hate speech, the dems could not even canvas red area's and got run of by threats of violence. Sorry but I don't see those red channels as a good thing for Thailand. Normal news sure.. but brainwashing like that is part of the reason why there is such a big divide.

Divide = Counterbalance

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Spells doom, unless you think that state oversight of media content is a step forward. Never mind. Someone will be along soon to state that "The Thais are not ready for a free press"!

Of course a free press is important, but some safeguards are needed too. Those red TV and radio stations that indoctrinate people with lies are not good for the country. Rabble rousing like that should be closely examined and punished as its not based on facts and just divides the country. (yellow variant included)

If you are talking about the normal press.. then I 100% agree with you they should never be under state control even more so defamation laws should be removed so the press can do their job better. So I actually agree with you in general.

I know that in my country if you start broadcasting racist propaganda you will be shut down quite quickly and last time I checked there was no military government in the Netherlands but there was some state oversight.

what racist propaganda? please give some examples or are you making it all up again? press freedom is a fundamental of all democracies so none of your 'if they are red they can't speak' nonsense

I think you misunderstood, i never meant that the reds broadcast racist propaganda. I used this as an example that in my country the government also steps in in certain cases. To illustrate there is no 100% free media (maybe in the US I dont know) but i know you can't air or print anything where i come from.

What have the red tv as you called it done wrong ? What law have they broken ? If you did a bit of research you would have known that the junta claimed that they refused to broadcast the juntas propaganda. If you did however followed the news you would also have known that the court has granted them permission to broadcast again. The only racism around here are the BKK elites that see poor Thais as buffalos and are okay with human trafficing as these slaves are seen as below them and not human. May I remind you that these are the same people that backed the coup and the junta and which you are backing. If you dont believe me on the views of the BKK elites go and read the views of the Singha heir and her facebook rant, it made headlines during the protest. She said that all people are not equal and that buffalos (rural poor) should not be allowed to vote because they are not educated. Guess what that same differenciation as what she pleaded for are enshrined in the new constitution.

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There is very little press freedom in the World anymore either by government censorship or self censorship. In Thailand, there is no longer any real investigative reporting and in the past it was spotty at best. Too many libel and slander laws to navigate. In the US- hardly any good investigative pieces. Television reporting such as CNN and Fox are worthless. There is no depth.Their sole function is to make money. They could care less about what is the truth You actually get a better perspective on what is happening in the World with BBC or Al Jazeera. The print news in many countries give you a better view on what the truth is. Unfortunately, in Thailand, both of the major newspapers do not provide much analysis to the general public for obvious reasons to those of us who have been here awhile. It is also a cultural issue- questioning a source and then countering with an opposing view is confrontational - to be avoided at all costs. Regarding the US "Patriot Act'- one of the most ridiculous misnomers in history- used to allow government agencies to spy on innocent people; pick up people off the street and bring them to overseas locations and keeping people locked up in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba with no due process. History will not be kind to this in the future.

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Those red channels were pure hate speech, the dems could not even canvas red area's and got run of by threats of violence. Sorry but I don't see those red channels as a good thing for Thailand. Normal news sure.. but brainwashing like that is part of the reason why there is such a big divide.

you must be fluent in Thai which i am not or do you just believe what the yellow haters tell you they say?

I don't like much of what they say (that I have seen translated) as much as I don't like much of what the yellow channels say but I believe they have the right to say it in a free democracy and both sides bile should be countered with reasoned DEBATE not by one side having the GUNS

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Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of privacy, big brother is watching you! Isn't this happening all over the world these days. If you watch CNN news it's pro U.S and anti China. Newspapers in the U.K are bias to one political party or the other. In Russia to print anti Putin articles is risking a court case. Even big corperate companies have control of the media. The use of watching what you do on the internet has been around for many years and is nothing new. This is the world we live in now, if you think Thailand is heavy handed on freedom, take a look at the patriot act in the U.S.A.

Bias is unavoidable, largely because what qualifies as bias is subjective. That doesn't mean news should be controlled by the government, that will only result in government approved bias.

If you think the US Patriot Act has put the government in charge of the media you haven't watched, read, or listened to much news produced in the US.

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Why is it that everyone has to wander all over the place to try and make their point? The article is about the proposed laws concerning how the press/media would operate in Thailand. The examples given by various posters about certain American news outlets, and news in general is not the point. Even if you do not like what is reported there are still news outlets that cover every conceivable position on any given subject. The point being that there are people out there publishing every kind of take on any given subject and they are generally not restricted in what they say as Western law protects the press and media from the kind of thing these guys are trying to bring about in Thailand.

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There is no thing as "freedom of the press" in any country on this planet. Anyone who believes that it exists is either blind and deaf or a hopeless dreamer! An example - German publishers, radio and tv station owners had to sign an agreement that binds them to write and air only pro-american in a way that supports the transatlantic alliance and abolutely NEVER publish pro Russia. That's not a conspiracy theory or somehting, but can be found in public archives in Germany along with the proof that this agreement still is valid today. Everything is corrupted - just google "truth about embedded reporters" to get a better idea about how "press freedom" works. There you have your so-called "free" western world!

"That's not a conspiracy theory or somehting, but can be found in public archives in Germany along with the proof that this agreement still is valid today."

That is a very interesting claim. I don't suppose you could be more specific than "public archives in Germany"?

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