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Decisions made for returning to the USA


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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

most of us cant relocate to the US because we arent american

And so it is....but I believe OP's post was more about repatriating ....where ever that may be

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A big consideration is that OP has a child. While you might prefer an Isaan shack, I doubt it is in a child's best interest.

not many drive by shootings in Issan shack country

not many school massacres either

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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

90 contacts outside of this public forum appreciated my story.

I am sure they cannot all be wrong and you are right?

And later......Well sorry to say, it already helped someone that is trying to get himself and his wife back to the USA.

Well....IT's confirmed now....thumbsup.gif

OP was not just trying to tell a nice story about his life.whistling.gif

He is a missionary. His mission .....convert all us lost souls (farangs) who live in Thailand to come to the blissful land of US.blink.png

Yes, it would seem his agenda is pretty clear. Amazing how eventually, these threads always reveal the true nature of the OP. And he still won't answer your simple questions!

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I did not see where he was trying to persuade anyone to do anything. I appreciated and enjoyed his story and just viewed it as one person's experience; sharing with a forum group who, with Thailand and Thai people as an important part of our lives, have quite a bit in common.

I agree with SpokaneAl. I interpreted the OP as simply a heads-up to those that think that living in the US is not an option because it's too expensive. Perhaps the OP was a little over the top (personally, I don't think many of the pictures were necessary, but I would certainly not feel the need to criticize his taste in wife, decor or cars). I do however, think that many people have possibly benefited from the information in his post, and some of the constructive discussion that has ensued. The negative discussions and personal attacks seem to be just petty schoolyard squabbling and bullying.

In my case, my wife and I live in Thailand, and have no immediate plans to return to the US. I can, however, appreciate that some former expats have returned to the US for various reasons that make sense to them. For us, we will live wherever conditions are more favorable to us at the time - we have not burned bridges in the US, and will not burn bridges in Thailand. There are many things that come into play when deciding where to live: family, economics, health, and so on. Labeling an expat who returns to their home country after a number of years as some kind of "loser" or "failure" shows a complete lack of understanding of the factors that come into play in making a decision like this.

In the event that the balance of conditions change as to make the US more favorable to us in the future, I have no doubt that we'll move back. Until then, we're staying here. Very simple.

Life is about choices. We suffer the consequences of bad choices, and enjoy the fruits of good choices. The OP seems to be happy with the choice he has made. Hopefully, each of us make the choices that bring us the most happiness, and it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Don't disagree with anything you say.....and glad to hear things are working out for you in Thailand (as with many of us)

Only problem I have is OP's story ....it is incomplete and failure to respond directly to questions implies he is hiding something, all the while repeating his "mantra" and mission ...."life is good in USA and if I can do it, so can you" in his followup posts. If farangs here in Thailand WANTED to repatriate, they would, and have , if they have the means as OP did.

I don't see where he really "helped" anyone, although OP has indicated he saved one soul....and 90 others have contacted him (read his followup posts)...is he looking for "pats on the back"?

Although his story is nice....it reeks of an attempt by him to justify repatriating as he ALWAYS had "doubts".....

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Success stories like this are hard to find. Why were you in Thailand to begin with? Nice temples?

If it was then I will give your scene a great chance at success. Typically these situations don't last because men taking wives from Thailand have certain character flaws whistling.gif which creep up every now and again on both sides making "normal" lives and relationships, which you seem to be alluding to, untenable.

Wow. He said he was working as an engineer and was tired of commuting back and forth from the USA.

I understand where he is coming from. If you want to be critical, do so on the basis that his results will not apply to most TVFers because;

1) He had transferable job skills and an education, 2) He was young enough and willing to start over and 3) He has money . Many foreigners in Thailand haven't a pot to urinate in, live a hand to mouth existence, are bereft of manners and have either moved because they had abandoned families or were fleeing the law. There are far too many mentally deranged people working in IT or bitter retirees without hobbies and friends who blame everyone else for their problems. Good for him.

Personally, I detest Florida. It's a crime ridden expensive state prone to hurricanes, termite infestations, home invasions, morbidly obese violent bigots who are quick to use a gun and a corrupt local government structure that gives Pattaya and Patong a run for its money. If someone can live in Florida good for them.

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Agree very lucky to meet my wife.

Was driving to Vientienne and got lost in Isaan.

I had never been to that part before, just fate that I was in the right place at the right time for me to meet her.

She is already westernized.

8 years on, still tells my mother how lucky she is to be married with me and my mother says I am the lucky one which I am.

I did the right things, cared about and supported her father who she is very close to.

When ever he runs into a rough patch, always there to help him out

Will help him come to the USA with us when all the requirements are met

she says I rescued her from poverty, I feel like she rescued me from myself

Very, very lucky and there is not one day goes by that I do not tell her how lucky I am to have her

wonderful woman.

And I'm sure she is .....you are one lucky man...

But I find curious that she was "already westernized" when you met her .....and in your OP you stated that her father was "dirt poor" so much so you gave him your house and furnishings in Issan when you left .

Issan girl from poor family westernized? What did she do for a living before you met her?

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Agree very lucky to meet my wife.

Was driving to Vientienne and got lost in Isaan.

I had never been to that part before, just fate that I was in the right place at the right time for me to meet her.

She is already westernized.

8 years on, still tells my mother how lucky she is to be married with me and my mother says I am the lucky one which I am.

I did the right things, cared about and supported her father who she is very close to.

When ever he runs into a rough patch, always there to help him out

Will help him come to the USA with us when all the requirements are met

she says I rescued her from poverty, I feel like she rescued me from myself

Very, very lucky and there is not one day goes by that I do not tell her how lucky I am to have her

wonderful woman.

And I'm sure she is .....you are one lucky man...

But I find curious that she was "already westernized" when you met her .....and in your OP you stated that her father was "dirt poor" so much so you gave him your house and furnishings in Issan when you left .

Issan girl from poor family westernized? What did she do for a living before you met her?

BP - You should listen to yourself. The last post you insisted the OP answer your questions. Why? You are beginning to sound like a broken record.

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Agree very lucky to meet my wife.

Was driving to Vientienne and got lost in Isaan.

I had never been to that part before, just fate that I was in the right place at the right time for me to meet her.

She is already westernized.

8 years on, still tells my mother how lucky she is to be married with me and my mother says I am the lucky one which I am.

I did the right things, cared about and supported her father who she is very close to.

When ever he runs into a rough patch, always there to help him out

Will help him come to the USA with us when all the requirements are met

she says I rescued her from poverty, I feel like she rescued me from myself

Very, very lucky and there is not one day goes by that I do not tell her how lucky I am to have her

wonderful woman.

And I'm sure she is .....you are one lucky man...

But I find curious that she was "already westernized" when you met her .....and in your OP you stated that her father was "dirt poor" so much so you gave him your house and furnishings in Issan when you left .

Issan girl from poor family westernized? What did she do for a living before you met her?

BP - You should listen to yourself. The last post you insisted the OP answer your questions. Why? You are beginning to sound like a broken record.

Just asking ANOTHER question.....this is a forum isn't it?facepalm.gif

But your right....he probably won't respond as he hasn't in the past! Obviously has things to hide! blink.png

Cracks in his fairy tale story?bah.gif

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Agree very lucky to meet my wife.

Was driving to Vientienne and got lost in Isaan.

I had never been to that part before, just fate that I was in the right place at the right time for me to meet her.

She is already westernized.

8 years on, still tells my mother how lucky she is to be married with me and my mother says I am the lucky one which I am.

I did the right things, cared about and supported her father who she is very close to.

When ever he runs into a rough patch, always there to help him out

Will help him come to the USA with us when all the requirements are met

she says I rescued her from poverty, I feel like she rescued me from myself

Very, very lucky and there is not one day goes by that I do not tell her how lucky I am to have her

wonderful woman.

And I'm sure she is .....you are one lucky man...

But I find curious that she was "already westernized" when you met her .....and in your OP you stated that her father was "dirt poor" so much so you gave him your house and furnishings in Issan when you .

Issan girl from poor family westernized? What did she do for a living before you met her?

Op , do you know how your post tricker a lot of ego in myself

Not your fault lol

But I can't keep it to myself anymore.

Then I think my husband is also very very lucky to meet me. Cuz he think that western woman is ruin by feminism. They are not so feminine anymore. But your woman is not match western. They are confident high educcated and take care of themself. Then my hubby met me a Thai girl who is very traditional and from middle class family. So it like he meet his match

Ok to emphasis how lucky my husband are. I will show the pic of myself ( to rub my own ego and maybe it will go away lol)

Today Is a day that Thai Buddhism will go to temple. It was call " asarahaboosha "

Now my ego is well rub..... Feww

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Ok it's like a god punish me for my bad behavior TOT

I can't delete my photo. Edit button don't show up. Is this normal? Anybody help me please

Yep, did you also go to temple?

*** thank you moderator to delete my picture. You done it very fast not like other website I have been using. I'm really impressed. Thumb up!

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Only read the last two pages.

I wonder how many who go home after a number of years actually do for the benefit of their family or if they actually want to go back themselves.

Being a selfish <deleted> I chose to stay here and let my kids suffer the consequences of being brought up the Thai way. Probably better as at least they have a father who can take them and pick them up from school everyday. I'd be working 12 hours a day in Scotland to be able to have a similar standard of living apart from they would never see me. I maybe self justifying here but I certainty wouldn't want them going to an American school having to walk through a metal detector and knowing that every month or two some nutter with a gun shots up his class.

In Scotland I'd be worrying about them getting pregnant at 13 or getting drunk.

If I weren't so selfish and took a big gamble going back, how would I feel when they chose to leave school at 15 and become Anarchists living in a commune. ACTUALLY THAT WOULD BE OK WITH ME but I'd have wasted years life working my ass off, on the off chance that they want to be brain surgeons.

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After reading Puggadongs posts, I have to say that I have never seen a more obvious example of a native English speaker pretending to be Thai. As a former English teacher of 13 years and a Thai speaker, I know the mistakes a Thai makes and they are nothing like your deliberate mistakes.

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Yep I mean that. I don't know how to use karaoke word. I know that idiom but can't say my mom and me are alike. And yeah why do we have to look at elephant tail ? Lol don't mind it I babble.

I wonder about what op said he rescue his woman. I hope for the better.

Cuz one time I went to huahin with my hubby. I see one Thai girl come with his farang husband. She seem to abuse her power over the worker at the pool.

What can I say. Money is power. Money Chang people. I wish the op change his wife for the better. If she come from poor family I hope when she is rich she will still have compassion for other people who struggle hard because she was like that before

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Actually after reading your poss, I have to say that I have never seen a more obvious example of a native English speaker pretending to be Thai. As a former English teacher of 13 years and a Thai speaker, I know the mistakes a Thai makes and hey are nothing like your deliberate mistakes.

Sorry everybody you can pass this comment. It's all about myself not about topic

You really mean me .In the case you mean me and you teach Thai people. You must know gat test I got 265/300. And I was in top uni in Thailand and I also study the faculty that most student in Thailand want to. And I'm not that good with English compare with my peers. But in my circle everyone is good with English

I also already post photo of myself including my mom because I can't resist the urge to not do it. It not good to reveal your identity in internet. I wouldn't like my friend to know it's me. I use alias name.

Well that is one reason why I marry with my husband . Cuz for my whole life no one understand what I talking or what joke I make. He is quite old but good looking and very smarts. He know everything i would like to discuss.

If you were me you will understand how I feel. I feel left out. And no one understand me .

My personality is infj. No wonder why i feel like that.

Now I end up talking a lot about myself


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I often wonder why we all need to think that someone else's paradise has to be ours and vice versa. Someone in an identical situation financially and socially to the OP might have made the exact opposite decision. We are all here for differing reasons and not being able to afford a decent lifestyle in the USA or Euro is only one of them. I frankly would still stay here if I made it big someday but would upgrade (slightly) my living arrangements. But all in all Thailand offers a lot of sizzle for your steak, in more ways than one.

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Actually after reading your poss, I have to say that I have never seen a more obvious example of a native English speaker pretending to be Thai. As a former English teacher of 13 years and a Thai speaker, I know the mistakes a Thai makes and hey are nothing like your deliberate mistakes.

Sorry everybody you can pass this comment. It's all about myself not about topic

You really mean me .In the case you mean me and you teach Thai people. You must know gat test I got 265/300. And I was in top uni in Thailand and I also study the faculty that most student in Thailand want to. And I'm not that good with English compare with my peers. But in my circle everyone is good with English

I also already post photo of myself including my mom because I can't resist the urge to not do it. It not good to reveal your identity in internet. I wouldn't like my friend to know it's me. I use alias name.

Well that is one reason why I marry with my husband . Cuz for my whole life no one understand what I talking or what joke I make. He is quite old but good looking and very smarts. He know everything i would like to discuss.

If you were me you will understand how I feel. I feel left out. And no one understand me .

My personality is infj. No wonder why i feel like that.

Now I end up talking a lot about myself


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What photo? By the way, your English is very much like bargirl English.

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What photo? By the way, your English is very much like bargirl English.

That's hurt! as I said my English is not that good compare to my friends. What do you expect ?. I don't study arts and language in uni .Atleast I can pass the English test anyway. Lol it's not some sexy photo from bar girl which you expect. So don't mind me.

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What photo? By the way, your English is very much like bargirl English.

That's hurt! as I said my English is not that good compare to my friends. What do you expect ?. I don't study arts and language in uni .Atleast I can pass the English test anyway. Lol it's not some sexy photo from bar girl which you expect. So don't mind me.

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Ok, sorry. But I don't see any photos that you claim to have posted.

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ฮึฮึฮึ I was posting some photo that reveal myself totally. Then I delete it I don't want people who know me will know this is me.

But luckily I just think somthing that can prove myself and also not show who I am attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1438333067.084940.jpg

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Was that was rather revealing...not. Mai pen rai...

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After reading Puggadongs posts, I have to say that I have never seen a more obvious example of a native English speaker pretending to be Thai. As a former English teacher of 13 years and a Thai speaker, I know the mistakes a Thai makes and they are nothing like your deliberate mistakes.

Ahh you think you are so smart don't you? Have to admit I did have some slight doubt as to whether it was a parody profile but thought I would reserve judgement rather than make a fool of myself...

See post #321 - maybe you don't know as much as you think you do!


OK so she has removed the photo she posted as evidence - which for your info was very much of a Thai person with her hand in front of her face and the name Puggaddon clearly written on her hand in marker pen.

Edited by Shadychris
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After reading Puggadongs posts, I have to say that I have never seen a more obvious example of a native English speaker pretending to be Thai. As a former English teacher of 13 years and a Thai speaker, I know the mistakes a Thai makes and they are nothing like your deliberate mistakes.

Ahh you think you are so smart don't you? Have to admit I did have some slight doubt as to whether it was a parody profile but thought I would reserve judgement rather than make a fool of myself...

See post #321 - maybe you don't know as much as you think you do!

Lol I already delete photo even I already hide my face behide my palm. I'm very very shy. But just have some alibi that I'm real is more than enough. Thank you so much Shadychris :D

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At the end of the day, it's a bragging post - and this is due to the photos, plus will it not help anyone who is on the fence about leaving Thailand or not as financial and educational preconditions will vary vastly. Several questions of curious posters were left unanswered, so I give this post a 2 out of 10.

90 contacts outside of this forum pretty much dispute what you are saying. Are they all wrong and you are right?

Well sorry to say, it already helped someone that is trying to get himself and his wife back to the USA.

Do I win anything getting a 2 out of 10 for this post?

Well, 99% of my outside of this forum contacts, including my dog, say that it's a bragging post, are they all wrong and you are right? Your post gets a 1 out of 10 - can't get any worse than that! I repeat - the OP is a bragging post!

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After reading Puggadongs posts, I have to say that I have never seen a more obvious example of a native English speaker pretending to be Thai. As a former English teacher of 13 years and a Thai speaker, I know the mistakes a Thai makes and they are nothing like your deliberate mistakes.

Ahh you think you are so smart don't you? Have to admit I did have some slight doubt as to whether it was a parody profile but thought I would reserve judgement rather than make a fool of myself...

See post #321 - maybe you don't know as much as you think you do!


OK so she has removed the photo she posted as evidence - which for your info was very much of a Thai person with her hand in front of her face and the name Puggaddon clearly written on her hand in marker pen.


I'm absolutely positive, if you don't believe me - fine but no need for insults.

If I taking a photos of my wife, with Sawan Chan 7 write on she palm you will believe I am Thai peoples?

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Sawan Chan 7

I like you post cuz I can't believe how thick you are.!

And well , that make me laugh so hard !

My husband far more smarter than me. He always make fun about how he have to explain everything to me all the time.

You can just believe that. Because I can't think what more can I prove myself without showing who I am.

I happend to think of one lol

Now you will know why? If you really teach English serch the university name

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