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Obama urges UK to stay in the European Union


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Obama urges UK to stay in the European Union

WASHINGTON: -- The UK must stay in the European Union to continue to have influence on the world stage, US President Barack Obama has told the BBC.

He said the UK's EU membership "gives us much greater confidence about the strength of the transatlantic union".

Speaking to the BBC's North America editor Jon Sopel, he said the EU "made the world safer and more prosperous".

He also admitted that the failure to pass "common sense gun safety laws" in the US was his biggest frustration.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33646704

-- BBC 2015-07-24

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Mr President BO

The UK does not have any influence on the World stage. Trying to have an influence on the World stage, has nearly led it to the point of bankruptcy.

At this point in time, the UK needs to deal with the '' Little Picture '' that little picture being the UK.

A quick read through the American threads on this forum. It appears to be the general consensus between Americans, that you are and have been an abject failure for the people of the US.

As an ordinary UK Citizen, who has no delusions of Granduer. I respectfully ask that you keep your nose out of the UK's business in its dealings with the EU. That you focus your attention on the shortcomings and problems that are currently blighting America. The very things that that the ordinary US Citizens, wants you to do.

America should be a leading light in Democracy.

It is time for YOU and the so called leaders of my own Country, as well as others to heed these words.

'' Government of the people, by the people, for the people ''

Abe Lincoln.

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Mr President BO

The UK does not have any influence on the World stage. Trying to have an influence on the World stage, has nearly led it to the point of bankruptcy.

At this point in time, the UK needs to deal with the '' Little Picture '' that little picture being the UK.

A quick read through the American threads on this forum. It appears to be the general consensus between Americans, that you are and have been an abject failure for the people of the US.

As an ordinary UK Citizen, who has no delusions of Granduer. I respectfully ask that you keep your nose out of the UK's business in its dealings with the EU. That you focus your attention on the shortcomings and problems that are currently blighting America. The very things that that the ordinary US Citizens, wants you to do.

America should be a leading light in Democracy.

It is time for YOU and the so called leaders of my own Country, as well as others to heed these words.

'' Government of the people, by the people, for the people ''

Abe Lincoln.

That's so good I want it repeated.

Cheers. thumbsup.gif

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we don,t want to be in simple.when we get the vote it is goodbye and no one can stop this.bye eu and this our business not amercia

You wish. Smoke and mirrors again. London CITY ( the banksters ) and the big companies don't want out of the EU. Cameron is just posing to get a better deal ( pay less to the EU). The referendum will be doctored again , but than he can say that "the people " voted to stay in.

BO should just take care of the US' BO. In less than 1,5 years , we're finally get rid of him.

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Agree that Cameron is just posing for a better deal, but I suspect he will not get one. The big German lady probably will not budge an inch. The issue then will be which way public opinion gets stoked. Still possible it all backfires and public pressure leads to exit.

Sorry to see the "Thai response" being pulled above - the keep your nose out of our business approach. We should be better than that. Obama has every right to say what he thinks about a trusted (?!) ally, just the same as we have a right to criticise American policy. If I say the Americans are crazy with their kowtowing to the NSA on gun control I don't want US politicians telling me to keep my nose out of their business. Democracy works across borders as well as within if it's oiled by open discussion.

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Urging the UK to stay in the EU is hardly sticking your nose in the UK's business, any more than your trying to tell America to implement gun control, legalize drugs, outlaw the death penalty and all the other stuff that gets constantly posted.

The EU is an important Union and it has many strengths. The fact that it has problems does not justify throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

If the UK decides to leave the EU, the US will support that decision. It may not like it, but it will support it.

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While the EU has its share of issues and citizens of the UK should be looking to make broad changes to the bureaucracy (which is smothering I admit), Obama believes that together, the countries in the EU are stronger than separately which was the same when the first 13 colonies united as one United States. If you think being a member of the EU is difficult, wait until you pull out of the EU and try to do business in the EU..... I think the UK should continue to "play chicken" with the EU until the EU bureaucrats buckle under and make the changes to keep the UK a member.

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True that Obama is worried about the US influence on the EU and effectiveness of the TTP in make the corporate elite in the US as rich as possible.

He is also worried about the rise of fascism in the UK to parallel what is already happening in America. He knows that if we scrap the HRA and also abandon all governance from the EU and the ECHR in favour of a newly written "Bill of Rights" we will became a greedy competitor and champion of abuse like the US.

The TTP is a piece of shit. But, the protection of liberty afforded by our association with Europe is not. So I say...let's stay in the EU.

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Urging the UK to stay in the EU is hardly sticking your nose in the UK's business, any more than your trying to tell America to implement gun control, legalize drugs, outlaw the death penalty and all the other stuff that gets constantly posted.

The EU is an important Union and it has many strengths. The fact that it has problems does not justify throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

If the UK decides to leave the EU, the US will support that decision. It may not like it, but it will support it.


By urging the UK to stay in the EU is exactly that. Sticking his nose in.

I very rarely post on US threads, for reasons that are mine and my reasons alone. I have certainly never stuck my nose into America's gun control, drugs or death penalty issues.

Really ? The EU is an important Union ? To whom ? Please list its strengths ?

I wont go into its problems, but it is hardly throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I have no doubt that the US will support whatever decision the UK comes to, whether it leaves the EU or not. After all, Americans are not stupid and know what side their bread is buttered. To follow that to its logical conclusion, if the US will support the UK whatever the outcome, why say anything in public ?

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I imagine that BO recognises that just as in a federalised USA where the industrial north financially subsidises the agricultural south in return for a flow of cheaper labour south to north, then the EU has to work the same way if it is to survive. If the citizens (taxpayers) of the northern countries are not prepared to accept that then the EU will disintegrate and the continent will be at war again within 100 years, which will be far from a great legacy to leave our great grand children.

I do agree however that at some point the UK has to decide whether it is a small island group off the west coast of Europe or a small island group off the east coast of the USA, for the last 70 years we have tried to keep a foot in both camps but with Europe moving politically further away from the USA and becoming a competitor in world influence/trade then the UK is runs the risk of being left out of both teams and being forced to watch the game from the touchline.

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Urging the UK to stay in the EU is hardly sticking your nose in the UK's business, any more than your trying to tell America to implement gun control, legalize drugs, outlaw the death penalty and all the other stuff that gets constantly posted.

The EU is an important Union and it has many strengths. The fact that it has problems does not justify throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

If the UK decides to leave the EU, the US will support that decision. It may not like it, but it will support it.


By urging the UK to stay in the EU is exactly that. Sticking his nose in.

I very rarely post on US threads, for reasons that are mine and my reasons alone. I have certainly never stuck my nose into America's gun control, drugs or death penalty issues.

Really ? The EU is an important Union ? To whom ? Please list its strengths ?

I wont go into its problems, but it is hardly throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I have no doubt that the US will support whatever decision the UK comes to, whether it leaves the EU or not. After all, Americans are not stupid and know what side their bread is buttered. To follow that to its logical conclusion, if the US will support the UK whatever the outcome, why say anything in public ?

What was said in public may be for the consumption of others, not just the UK.

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It seems to me that everyone from Washington DC to Timbuktu wants the UK to stay in the EU. Maybe they think that the British are not intelligent enough to make their own decision in the forthcoming Referendum! The more foreign politicians stick their noses into our business the more likely it is that the UK will leave the EU.

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Urging the UK to stay in the EU is hardly sticking your nose in the UK's business, any more than your trying to tell America to implement gun control, legalize drugs, outlaw the death penalty and all the other stuff that gets constantly posted.

The EU is an important Union and it has many strengths. The fact that it has problems does not justify throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

If the UK decides to leave the EU, the US will support that decision. It may not like it, but it will support it.

You mean the USA would have to like it or lump it! I wonder what strengths the EU has displayed these past few months with Greece? I think they have thrown the baby out with the bath water over this stupidity of trying to save the Euro!

This is going to come back and bight them in the A*se. One can only hope that the Euro fails before the referendum. It would be very hard for Cameron to say stay in the EU if it is all collapsing.

IMO, Obama saying the UK should stay in the EU is for Americas sake not the UK's. It is America that is losing influence around the world. Obama's folly with Iran has shown his allies in the ME that the US is not to be trusted. Russia is flexing their muscles over the Ukraine, And China over the southern seas.

Under Obama the world is a safer place, NOT. We now have the spectacle of Obama and Kerry trying to justify the deal they made with Iran.

But what must worry America is the UK's joining the New World Bank China is setting up in competition with The IMF (America). If the UK were to stay in the EU it would cost the country too much sorting out the mess, so might impede the UK staying in this new world bank.

Move over the west, China is coming! Bye bye America! thumbsup.gif

Just to add, How does the UK stay in the EU when they want greater integration, and the UK has said that it will not adopt the Euro currency in place of the GBP. There is no way any PM could justify such a move, certainly not until the Euro can prove it is a stable currency, here to stay! maybe in ten years?

You are either all in or all out, especially if the EU head for greater political union. Brussels governing over all the EU countries a single fiscal policy, (never going to work) over the next few years.

Personally we should be all out, We don't need them, they need us more! They would like to get their hands on the UK's money to bail themselves out of this mess they got themselves into. The UK would be in as bad a place if we had the Euro instead of the GBP.

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Urging the UK to stay in the EU is hardly sticking your nose in the UK's business, any more than your trying to tell America to implement gun control, legalize drugs, outlaw the death penalty and all the other stuff that gets constantly posted.

The EU is an important Union and it has many strengths. The fact that it has problems does not justify throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

If the UK decides to leave the EU, the US will support that decision. It may not like it, but it will support it.


By urging the UK to stay in the EU is exactly that. Sticking his nose in.

I very rarely post on US threads, for reasons that are mine and my reasons alone. I have certainly never stuck my nose into America's gun control, drugs or death penalty issues.

Really ? The EU is an important Union ? To whom ? Please list its strengths ?

I wont go into its problems, but it is hardly throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I have no doubt that the US will support whatever decision the UK comes to, whether it leaves the EU or not. After all, Americans are not stupid and know what side their bread is buttered. To follow that to its logical conclusion, if the US will support the UK whatever the outcome, why say anything in public ?

What was said in public may be for the consumption of others, not just the UK.

Then that makes his remarks even more insensitive and out of order.

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There's not a chance in hell that the UK will leave the EU. The combined forces of the British Establishment, business, media and "the great & good" (including Obama!)will see to that. It's far too important a decision to leave to the ignorant masses.

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I love when China works its way into these posts. China will depose America as the world's leader. Ha. 30 years ago when the Japanese were buying up everything in the USA, we were all supposed to learn Japanese. We all know how that worked out. China will go down the same road.

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