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how to deal with the last days of a beloved pet...

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My dog is 13.....one her ninth life. Healthy for now but when the day comes I hope yo have a plan. Some vets will some wont.You need to have your ducks in a line for that day.

I read Scotts story awhile back and it ripped my heart out.

Edited by NickJ
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Each situation is different. I can see euthanasia when an animal is in real pain, otherwise I see it as laziness. Selfishness.

I had the option of dosing Hipo (eee-poh) with Valium. She had CHF, and the drug would probably have suppressed her breathing. She suffered, not pain, but fear, the last twenty minutes or so, looking over at me, wanting my help. But I just couldn't do it, so I stroked her and we both suffered together.

A part of me died with her.



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everyone who reads the pets section will know i have a beloved whom i and the wife regard as our son that we never had in over 28yrs.

i have always said please god let me go first[he is 5 in jan.] myself i couldnt let my boy go to another home or bear to see him in pain so i spoke to a vet who would be willing to put him to sleep[at a price he wouldnt refuse].the other alternative is what seastallion recomends.

god forbid i never have to find myself in that position.

love me love my dog. meatboy.

Get a grip on real life, it is no easy passage for any creature. And if it's only a dog you have this passion for you have had a sad life.

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I think OP is making a very sensible point. I've known a few dogs die at 2-3 years old (snake bite or something) and it's as painful as losing a human family member. Sure they 'should' live a lot longer, but you never know.

When I die I'm happy for them to feed me to the dogs, it's better than being thrown in the ground or burnt since at least I'll be able to help them sustain themselves a little.

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This poem has helped many who are upset at having to euthanize their dog.

Brings a tear to the eye crying.gif

If it should be, that I grow frail and weak,

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then, you must do what must be done

For this, the last battle, can’t be won.

You will be sad, I understand

Don’t let your grief then stay your hand,

For this day, more than the rest,

Your love and friendship stand the test.

We’ve had so many happy years,

What is to come can hold no fears,

You’d not want me to suffer, so,

When the time comes, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they’ll tend,

Only, Stay with me to the end,

And hold me firm and speak to me,

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know, in time you will see,

It is a kindness you do to me

Though my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I’ve been saved.

Don’t grieve it should be you,

Who decides this thing to do,

We’ve been so close, we two, these years,

Don’t let your heart hold any tears.

Smile, for we walked together,

For a little while.

I knew not to start reading this thread. Terribly sad to even think about. Lovely poem but heart wrenching stuff if your a dog lover. I have lost 3 dogs in my life one my childhood buddy and 2 more when I was in my late teens and early twenties. It was difficult to deal with back then but youth makes you more optimistic about the future. I have 2 dogs here in Thailand now both basically puppies but reading this has made me realise I will be devastated when me little mates decide to go. I definitely know that these will be my last dogs, as much as I love them, I don't think I could go through it all again. For now I hope I got at least 10 years with the little buggers, these days, probably closer to 15. Now im gonna go hug my dogs thumbsup.gif

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My neighbour's ancient cat suffered through its last days, his wife would hear nothing with regard to having her put down.

Presuming a willing vet could have been found.

It was so sad.

My Mrs turned up with 2 kittens and she is under no doubt that I do not feel the same. and they had better be gone by Monday.

One cat is enough.

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An overdose of Insulin will make them lose consciousness very rapidly & not distress them in anyway.

that is correct but the Insulin has to be injected and the injection must be intravenous. not an easy task for a layman.

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everyone who reads the pets section will know i have a beloved whom i and the wife regard as our son that we never had in over 28yrs.

i have always said please god let me go first[he is 5 in jan.] myself i couldnt let my boy go to another home or bear to see him in pain so i spoke to a vet who would be willing to put him to sleep[at a price he wouldnt refuse].the other alternative is what seastallion recomends.

god forbid i never have to find myself in that position.

love me love my dog. meatboy.

Get a grip on real life, it is no easy passage for any creature. And if it's only a dog you have this passion for you have had a sad life.

not as sad as YOU.you must be so lonely having never been LOVED.

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Was looking after 4 strays a few years back when 3 went down with distemper. Seemed to be going around the village, loads of dogs suffering. The local Vets were of no help (euthanize) and we were left to watch our dogs suffer. When paralysis set in it just got too much watch.

Fortunately one died fairly quickly but two lingered on. In the end I overdosed them on sleeping tables and broke their necks with a tool I use in the garden. One of the worse days of my life.

Since then any strays that decide to call our place home, in addition to getting them spayed (seems Thai’s only wish to keep male dogs) I give them a course of vaccinations. One poor stray had a terrible tic infestation, so bad that he scratched off his earlobe. Thankfully made a full recovery.


Edited by Kron
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Anyone seen a man eating Dog?

Think about it.....laugh.png

plenty on walking street.giggle.gifbah.gifbah.gif

Do you have any heart or are you just an insensitive buffoon?

as you already replied to faraday,this is for you GU.if this post insinuating i have no heart and an insensitive buffoon for me,if so f--- o-- twit.

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There is at least one vet and, I am told, an animal hospital in Sri Racha (close to Chon Buri) who will end a pet's suffering. Local vet in Surasak will give directions to me when the time comes for my own 4 dogs.

Edited by hugh2121
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Anyone seen a man eating Dog?

Think about it.....laugh.png

plenty on walking street.giggle.gifbah.gifbah.gif

Do you have any heart or are you just an insensitive buffoon?

as you already replied to faraday,this is for you GU.if this post insinuating i have no heart and an insensitive buffoon for me,if so f--- o-- twit.

Another mental midget.

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everyone who reads the pets section will know i have a beloved whom i and the wife regard as our son that we never had in over 28yrs.

i have always said please god let me go first[he is 5 in jan.] myself i couldnt let my boy go to another home or bear to see him in pain so i spoke to a vet who would be willing to put him to sleep[at a price he wouldnt refuse].the other alternative is what seastallion recomends.

god forbid i never have to find myself in that position.

love me love my dog. meatboy.

Get a grip on real life, it is no easy passage for any creature. And if it's only a dog you have this passion for you have had a sad life.

not as sad as YOU.you must be so lonely having never been LOVED.


why argue with an ignorant who does not understand what we feel for our pets.

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An overdose of Insulin will make them lose consciousness very rapidly & not distress them in anyway.

that is correct but the Insulin has to be injected and the injection must be intravenous. not an easy task for a layman.

Insulin is always injected intramuscularly.

Edited by faraday
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An overdose of Insulin will make them lose consciousness very rapidly & not distress them in anyway.

that is correct but the Insulin has to be injected and the injection must be intravenous. not an easy task for a layman.

Insulin is always injected intramuscularly.

according to my vet that would lead to a prolonged death and the pet suffering. i can't judge whether his information is correct.

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You have it all wrong Love for animals is because there are no conditions

Humans always have a price for their time - either money or worry or anxiety or selfishness

Love for animals beats love for humans any day

Humans constantly disappoint because of self-centredmess or superficiality


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You have it all wrong Love for animals is because there are no conditions

Humans always have a price for their time - either money or worry or anxiety or selfishness

Love for animals beats love for humans any day

Humans constantly disappoint because of self-centredmess or superficiality


who's always happy to see you? even when stoned drunk,their family never visits and they dont take half your flipping stuff if they leave.


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An overdose of Insulin will make them lose consciousness very rapidly & not distress them in anyway.

that is correct but the Insulin has to be injected and the injection must be intravenous. not an easy task for a layman.

Insulin is always injected intramuscularly.

according to my vet that would lead to a prolonged death and the pet suffering. i can't judge whether his information is correct.

I'm very surprised by what he told you, in fact, astonished.

An overdose of Insulin leads to death in humans & animals, & if he understands anything about physiology, must surely know this.



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What a strange influence religion has on people

Vets are, to all intents and purposes, scientists. They use facts and science to learn their trade.

They use facts and science to diagnose.

They know when animals are on their last legs and death is inevitable from scientific factual techniques

They love animals, clearly

I'm sure they enjoy curing animals, must be a wonderful feeling to stop an animal in pain and enable it to recover

Yet religion and religious beliefs over here render them from hero to zero when an animal is undoubtedly terminally ill and in pain

I find it rather incomprehensible but I do not / can not condemn them for it.

I do condemn the nonsense of all religions that leads to this hypocrisy - JUST MY OPINION

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What a strange influence religion has on people

Vets are, to all intents and purposes, scientists. They use facts and science to learn their trade.

They use facts and science to diagnose.

They know when animals are on their last legs and death is inevitable from scientific factual techniques

They love animals, clearly

I'm sure they enjoy curing animals, must be a wonderful feeling to stop an animal in pain and enable it to recover

Yet religion and religious beliefs over here render them from hero to zero when an animal is undoubtedly terminally ill and in pain

I find it rather incomprehensible but I do not / can not condemn them for it.

I do condemn the nonsense of all religions that leads to this hypocrisy - JUST MY OPINION

How about people who put the dog down because dog has a kennel cough and its cheaper to put down than to give antibiotics?

I said it before and will say it again, i am totally against putting animals down because apparently someone thinks its the right thing to do.

Dogs unlike people know when its time to go, and go on their own terms. Best thing in my opnion loving owner can do is provide safe and pain free environment and let them pick their own time for death.

I mentioned one of my oldies passed, i have another one, almost 16 years old. She can not really stand, because her legs do not hold up, not hear or see well.

I would never put her down,because every time i sit down with her on the floor, she comes to life and acts like a puppy for at least few mins

I carry her out to the park, let her sit in the grass, i guide her around the house, i bring water and food to her, i do not let other 5 dogs pick on her.

Sure i spend a lot of time on looking after her, but would not have it any other way and when its time, i am sure she will let me know and go at her own pace.

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Yeah cool Konying, fair enough and good on you, there is no right or wrong. I'll never know the correct strategy

So many variables in euthanasia, It's good that you have the ability to make those choices and sacrifices. Good one

I find it puzzling that vets the world over intervene to ease an animal's suffering yet some stop at the ultimate intervention

Western vets don't take euthanasia lightly and hate doing it but I can see some logic in their devotion to stopping an animal's suffering, even the last diagnosis and treatment.

as for this part:

How about people who put the dog down because dog has a kennel cough and its cheaper to put down than to give antibiotics?

Assume that's rhetorical because everyone knows how (un)reasonable this is. I hope vets don't do this. I was talking about Vets

I said it before and will say it again, i am totally against putting animals down because apparently someone thinks its the right thing to do.

Does a loving and devoted owner not have this right? Afterall the crux of this issue here is that devoted and loving owners are struggling with Thai vet's reticence

Dogs unlike people know when its time to go, and go on their own terms. Best thing in my opnion loving owner can do is provide safe and pain free environment and let them pick their own time for death.

Pretty sure there are human euthanasia clinics in the world today which would suggest that people do indeed know when it's their time to go. Dignitas for one.

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What a strange influence religion has on people

Vets are, to all intents and purposes, scientists. They use facts and science to learn their trade.

They use facts and science to diagnose.

They know when animals are on their last legs and death is inevitable from scientific factual techniques

They love animals, clearly

I'm sure they enjoy curing animals, must be a wonderful feeling to stop an animal in pain and enable it to recover

Yet religion and religious beliefs over here render them from hero to zero when an animal is undoubtedly terminally ill and in pain

I find it rather incomprehensible but I do not / can not condemn them for it.

I do condemn the nonsense of all religions that leads to this hypocrisy - JUST MY OPINION

How about people who put the dog down because dog has a kennel cough and its cheaper to put down than to give antibiotics?

I said it before and will say it again, i am totally against putting animals down because apparently someone thinks its the right thing to do.

Dogs unlike people know when its time to go, and go on their own terms. Best thing in my opnion loving owner can do is provide safe and pain free environment and let them pick their own time for death.

I mentioned one of my oldies passed, i have another one, almost 16 years old. She can not really stand, because her legs do not hold up, not hear or see well.

I would never put her down,because every time i sit down with her on the floor, she comes to life and acts like a puppy for at least few mins

I carry her out to the park, let her sit in the grass, i guide her around the house, i bring water and food to her, i do not let other 5 dogs pick on her.

Sure i spend a lot of time on looking after her, but would not have it any other way and when its time, i am sure she will let me know and go at her own pace.

To be fair I would put any animal down when in the last stages of a terminal illness, in other words when the poor thing is only experiencing pain and suffering with no chance of any recovery

But then again I agree with the same set of rules for myself as well, if I cannot manage it for myself I hope that there is someone there who will help me on my way so to speak, there can be no finer action on the part of a friend or lover who would be willing to do this for me ( I understand that this last sentence is highly debateable)

We had an animal cemetery at our farm that even contained a couple of horses.

The love for an animal is not to be even compared to the love of another human being in my opinion, if it is then there is something not quite legit in the arrangement

I "love" our two Poms but in a totally different way that I love my friends or my relatives, if you dont know the difference than it is you who has a problem and I do not in any way diminish the love that definitely does exist for our furry friends.

Our Rottie Tug who was unable to even rise to go for a pee and had a built in terror of the Smell of a Vet was on his last legs and in great pain, moaning and shaking with pain.

Knowing his fear of the Vets ( The Vet told me that Tug had had more intravenous saline solution than any other dog in his memory) and with heart breaking I together with his best mate my son carried him out into the field in a blanket and shot him in the back of the head.

My love and the love of my son for Tug was not a selfish love but that of a good mate and friend not wanting their friend to suffer any more!

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Yeah cool Konying, fair enough and good on you, there is no right or wrong. I'll never know the correct strategy

So many variables in euthanasia, It's good that you have the ability to make those choices and sacrifices. Good one

I find it puzzling that vets the world over intervene to ease an animal's suffering yet some stop at the ultimate intervention

Western vets don't take euthanasia lightly and hate doing it but I can see some logic in their devotion to stopping an animal's suffering, even the last diagnosis and treatment.

as for this part:

How about people who put the dog down because dog has a kennel cough and its cheaper to put down than to give antibiotics?

Assume that's rhetorical because everyone knows how (un)reasonable this is. I hope vets don't do this. I was talking about Vets

I said it before and will say it again, i am totally against putting animals down because apparently someone thinks its the right thing to do.

Does a loving and devoted owner not have this right? Afterall the crux of this issue here is that devoted and loving owners are struggling with Thai vet's reticence

Dogs unlike people know when its time to go, and go on their own terms. Best thing in my opnion loving owner can do is provide safe and pain free environment and let them pick their own time for death.

Pretty sure there are human euthanasia clinics in the world today which would suggest that people do indeed know when it's their time to go. Dignitas for one.

No it was not rhetorical at all. It is sad reality.

No i do not have the right as the owner, just as i do not have this right if it came to a human family member. May be if dog could speak and said kill me, then i would change my position, but until then i feel the only right thing to do is to provide quality care for the sick or old animal.

From personal experience seeing 2 people die in my hands, i would not agree with your last statement. I can also say with certainty again from personal experience, the 2 people who were very very sick, did not want to die and held on to every second they could.

The hardest thing was to watch them and eventually when they were in a coma to tell them to let go and it was ok to go.

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