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6 UK men convicted in child sex ring case involving 2 girls

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It's no one's fault but the men's. The men of the community are morally obligated to protect and defend children with all they have if necessary.

Let's stop making any excuses for the behavior of grown men against little children, OK? Let's stop looking beyond the black hearts of these men for reasons. If those guys were real men this couldn't happen. End of.



The only thing they do not tell you that this sex ring was in the Muslim sector of the UK!

This is a phenomena perpetrated, I understand, by a small subset of men from a particularly backward region of Pakistan. This is the common factor that links the vast majority of the perpetrators. Therefore, they are also a small subset of the Muslim community in the UK.

A small subset, rubbish, in Rotherham there was 1400 Known cases of sexual depravity committed by those of a certain religion. Yet strangely only 6 men have stood trial for their crimes against these young white girls. Why have no others appeared in court,very simple, the PC authorities would still like to play down the numbers for the sake of community relations, couple this with the unwillingness of the Muslim community at large, to help in bringing these animals to justice. One thing you have to give the Muslims credit for is they stick by their own, unlike the apologist on this thread.

I did not say a small number of men; I said that the men involved are a small subset of the wider Islamic community in that they all come from a particularly backward part of the world, where atrocities against women seemingly occur without repercusion.

If we take your approach to its logical conclusion, you are saying that all men are rapists, which is a bit old and debunked. Not all men are racists and not all Mulsims are child abusers.


I think hey justify it to themselves because their idea of the perfect man was a rapist who married a 6 year old and who raped her when she was 9, if their scriptures are to be believed.

Correct ... According to the holy Quran the Prophet Muhammed married 9 year old Aisha and he was as such a pheadophile ... Disgusting religion or maybe mental illness ...

A quarter of a million Britons - more than one in every 200 adults - are paedophiles, according to figures released by Scotland Yard, the Telegraph reported in 2000.

In 2012/13, there were 18,915 sexual crimes against children under 16 recorded in England and Wales, according to the National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).

Included in that figure were 4,171 offences of sexual assault on a female child under 13 and 1,267 offences of sexual assault on under-13 male children.

In the UK, one in 20 children (4.8%) have experienced contact sexual abuse and over 90% of children who experienced sexual abuse, were abused by someone they know.


It is disgusting what these six guys did to the lives of these under age girls. On a happier note, once these individuals get convicted and sent to prison, they will be at the bottom of the food chain among other inmates. This means once identified by other inmates, they will have to pay protection, get punked out, or stabbed up.


I think hey justify it to themselves because their idea of the perfect man was a rapist who married a 6 year old and who raped her when she was 9, if their scriptures are to be believed.

Correct ... According to the holy Quran the Prophet Muhammed married 9 year old Aisha and he was as such a pheadophile ... Disgusting religion or maybe mental illness ...

half truths or suppressing a part of the truth are worse than lies. marriages of minors are even today still very common in the Middle East and especially South Asia (not limited to Muslims), but the consumation of the marriage is years later.

suggestion: google for "consumation" and "paedophile" whistling.gif


You may be surprised to learn that a girl of 13 can't give consent so her morals or lack of them are irrelevant. Your comments do show the utterly disgusting lack of moral compass you clearly possess in order to make such an observation in the first place, same applies to each esteemed member who liked your post.

this leads to the conclusion that the globally thousands of pregnant minors (representing a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands minors who have sex) were all raped.

yeah right! whistling.gif

i conclude that you possess a wealth of no idea concerning reality.


what was their religion?

You will be disappointed to know that the main guy who started it all is Sikh.

You will also be disappointed to know that not all the accused were Asian.

You will be delighted to know that most do appear to be Muslim.

You may even be disappointed to learn that "Girl A" appears to have started out as a willing little pommy slut.

You were doing good until your last sentence. "Willing little pommy slut"???

The depravity shown by this group of adults is an example of the very worst of mankind, I personally don't think it's possible for man to sink any lower.

I am not normally a member of the "Hang them high brigade" but this kind of co-ordinated, well planned and totally ruthless crime screams out for Capital Punishment. Where there is unequivocal proof (DNA, photographic or substantiated eye witness testimony) then the perpetrators of crimes like this have given away their right to remain among us. There is NO justification for ruining the life of a child just to satisfy a sexual urge, there is NO mental condition or ailment that can account for this kind of behavior.

I am genuinely not having a go at anyone in particular, but how anyone can use a phrase like "Willing little Pommy slut" when talking about a child victim of a violent sexual assault is beyond me, this IMHO is indicative of a more general problem present in society. Far too many people seem unable to grasp that children are not able to consent to having sex, yes we all know that they will engage in sexual activity but when it is with an adult that in itself is a crime and should be punished severely. The fact that people can use language like that when discussing children is totally beyond me, the time for some serious soul searching is long overdue when language like that is considered fair comment...

For those who oppose capital punishment, which is a reasonable position, then I am all for these dudes losing their junk. That will put an end to their uncontrollable urges, and let them live a long life of missing their special package.


You may be surprised to learn that a girl of 13 can't give consent so her morals or lack of them are irrelevant. Your comments do show the utterly disgusting lack of moral compass you clearly possess in order to make such an observation in the first place, same applies to each esteemed member who liked your post.

this leads to the conclusion that the globally thousands of pregnant minors (representing a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands minors who have sex) were all raped.

yeah right! whistling.gif

i conclude that you possess a wealth of no idea concerning reality.

In the US sex with a minor is considered statutory rape and can be punished with prison terms, whether consensual or not.

Don't know about the UK.


You may be surprised to learn that a girl of 13 can't give consent so her morals or lack of them are irrelevant. Your comments do show the utterly disgusting lack of moral compass you clearly possess in order to make such an observation in the first place, same applies to each esteemed member who liked your post.

this leads to the conclusion that the globally thousands of pregnant minors (representing a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands minors who have sex) were all raped.

yeah right! whistling.gif

i conclude that you possess a wealth of no idea concerning reality.

In the US sex with a minor is considered statutory rape and can be punished with prison terms, whether consensual or not.

Don't know about the UK.

I expect it's the same in the UK. And I agree with the legal position, which is under XX age, the minor can not make a competent decision.

But the legal position about "consensual" probably differs from the reality insofar as some of these minors will do what they want, regardless of the law and regardless of what their parents say. The implications of that have proven to be quite distasteful on this forum.

The legal position is that it's impossible to be consensual.

That men take advantage of unqualified consent is a crime that I abhor....nonetheless, there have been cases where men have been convicted after genuinely believing the girl was 17 or 18 because the "consenting" girl was in fact under age and lying. I don't suggest that was the case here, but the point does admit to the existence of promiscuous girls who are under age. .

It's down to the arbitrary "XX" whether something is legal or not.


You may be surprised to learn that a girl of 13 can't give consent so her morals or lack of them are irrelevant. Your comments do show the utterly disgusting lack of moral compass you clearly possess in order to make such an observation in the first place, same applies to each esteemed member who liked your post.

this leads to the conclusion that the globally thousands of pregnant minors (representing a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands minors who have sex) were all raped.

yeah right! whistling.gif

i conclude that you possess a wealth of no idea concerning reality.

In the US sex with a minor is considered statutory rape and can be punished with prison terms, whether consensual or not.

Don't know about the UK.

the legal definition of "statutory rape" is besides the point. i do not question the crime of adults having sex with minors which should be severely punished. but the point i referred to is "consent". and in that respect the poster writing "a girl of 13 can't give consent" is clearly detached from reality.

oldies of my generation started to have sex when 16 or 17 with our girlfriends who were the same age or a wee bit younger but rape was never an option, au contraire! we were late bloomers because we were dumb enough to believe what our parents, the priest and some teachers taught us.

a generation or two later things have changed. hardly any pressure from parents of teenagers to avoid sex but somehow pro-active advice how to avoid STD and/or pregnancies. this topic deals with a serious event/crime but i can't help to recall a joke the 16 year old granddaughter of my best friend told me more than a decade ago.

a twelve year old girl tells her eleven year old girlfriend "there's quite some hair growing... you know where." the younger girl answers "so what? does it bother you when having sex?"

that's the reality i referred to!


I think hey justify it to themselves because their idea of the perfect man was a rapist who married a 6 year old and who raped her when she was 9, if their scriptures are to be believed.

Correct ... According to the holy Quran the Prophet Muhammed married 9 year old Aisha and he was as such a pheadophile ... Disgusting religion or maybe mental illness ...

half truths or suppressing a part of the truth are worse than lies. marriages of minors are even today still very common in the Middle East and especially South Asia (not limited to Muslims), but the consumation of the marriage is years later.

suggestion: google for "consumation" and "paedophile" whistling.gif

These criminal acts did not take place in 3rd world Middle East or South Asia, they took place in a 1st world country,that banned such disgusting acts centuries ago. Plus you are aware that they TARGETED very young vulnerable girls from a different race.


You may be surprised to learn that a girl of 13 can't give consent so her morals or lack of them are irrelevant. Your comments do show the utterly disgusting lack of moral compass you clearly possess in order to make such an observation in the first place, same applies to each esteemed member who liked your post.

this leads to the conclusion that the globally thousands of pregnant minors (representing a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands minors who have sex) were all raped.

yeah right! whistling.gif

i conclude that you possess a wealth of no idea concerning reality.

In the US sex with a minor is considered statutory rape and can be punished with prison terms, whether consensual or not.

Don't know about the UK.

I think that the same is true in the UK.


I think hey justify it to themselves because their idea of the perfect man was a rapist who married a 6 year old and who raped her when she was 9, if their scriptures are to be believed.

Correct ... According to the holy Quran the Prophet Muhammed married 9 year old Aisha and he was as such a pheadophile ... Disgusting religion or maybe mental illness ...

half truths or suppressing a part of the truth are worse than lies. marriages of minors are even today still very common in the Middle East and especially South Asia (not limited to Muslims), but the consumation of the marriage is years later.

suggestion: google for "consumation" and "paedophile" whistling.gif

These criminal acts did not take place in 3rd world Middle East or South Asia, they took place in a 1st world country,that banned such disgusting acts centuries ago. Plus you are aware that they TARGETED very young vulnerable girls from a different race.

please be aware that you are barking up the wrong tree because you missed that paedophilia, which allegedly happened in the 8th century, and not a crime in a first world country was referred to.


I think hey justify it to themselves because their idea of the perfect man was a rapist who married a 6 year old and who raped her when she was 9, if their scriptures are to be believed.

Correct ... According to the holy Quran the Prophet Muhammed married 9 year old Aisha and he was as such a pheadophile ... Disgusting religion or maybe mental illness ...

The much disputed age of Aisha has been gone over many times before in another topic.

Her age is not given anywhere in the Koran. The only mentions of her age at the time of her marriage and the consummation of that marriage are in a Hadith written some 150 years after her death. In other Hadiths she is placed at historical events, the dates of which are not in dispute and well known, which, were she married at the age of 6 and the marriage consummated when she was 9, occurred before she was born!

Some Muslim scholars take her age as written in that Hadith, whilst others dispute it due to the above mentioned historical anomalies.

The truth about Muhammad and Aisha

Taking all known accounts and records of Aisha's age at marriage, estimates of her age range from nine to 19.

1400 years ago, and for centuries both before and afterwards, the onset of puberty was considered to be the age of consent and marriage in most parts of the world; if not all.

For example Margaret Beaufort was 13 when she gave birth to the future King Henry VII of England in 1457. The boy's father, Edmund Tudor whom she married when she was 12 and he 24, was her second husband.

Of course, we have no way of knowing whether or not Aisha had reached puberty; regardless of what her age on marriage actually was. The age of puberty can vary considerably according to ethnicity, health, diet etc. Today, for girls, it is usually between the age of 8 and 14 (source).

Today, the age of consent in many European countries is as low as 14. In just Cyprus, Ireland (17), Malta, Turkey and Vatican City (18) is it older than 16 (source).

In most Islamic countries it is 16 or over, and in many sex outside of marriage is illegal, whatever the ages of the participants and whether or not consent has been given. (source).

The men, and sometimes women, who groom and/or rape young girls or boys, whether the rapist is a Muslim taxi driver, a Catholic priest, a radio disc jockey, a TV personality, an MP, whoever, commit this vile act because they are evil, perverted monsters.

Their religion, or lack of it, and their ethnicity play no part.

But those who scour the internet for cases where the perpetrators are Muslim and post them in that other topic, whilst ignoring all other cases where the perverts are not Muslim, will refuse to acknowledge this as doing so will show their ignorant prejudice for what it is.


But those who scour the internet for cases where the perpetrators are Muslim and post them in that other topic, whilst ignoring all other cases where the perverts are not Muslim, will refuse to acknowledge this as doing so will show their ignorant prejudice for what it is.

and any rebuttals are actually "pearls before..." whistling.gif


dearly beloved,

a few years ago i thought the Koran is an exotic bird which catches and feeds on fish. being an avid Thaivisa reader i know now that it's something like an old book which i have never read but i feel qualified to judge and interprete its content.



For those who oppose capital punishment, which is a reasonable position, then I am all for these dudes losing their junk. That will put an end to their uncontrollable urges, and let them live a long life of missing their special package.

Actually it wouldn't stop them from committing harm. Sexual molestation is about control, not about sex. Sex is just the most blatant and intrusive way to control someone. This is also true of rapists who rape adult women. They are motivated by the need to control in their perverted fashion. They are all nasty bastards who should be removed from society.

These guys can't be cured and they can't be rehabilitated and worse, they can never be trusted. I could tell you what I'd do to them but what each thinks is up to him.

In the US sex with a minor is considered statutory rape and can be punished with prison terms, whether consensual or not.

Don't know about the UK.

England and Wales

The age of consent to any form of sexual activity is 16 for both men and women. The age of consent is the same regardless of the gender or sexual orientation of a person and whether the sexual activity is between people of the same or different gender.

It is an offence for anyone to have any sexual activity with a person under the age of 16. However, Home Office guidance is clear that there is no intention to prosecute teenagers under the age of 16 where both mutually agree and where they are of a similar age.



There are some sick puppies on this thread. There are some who are outright deniers and some that just do not have a clue.

Here is a list of grooming gangs, mostly Muslims of Pakistani Origin. Who have been convicted over the past 3 years.

All of these gangs had up to 12 members.

  • Rochdale
  • Rotherham
  • Bradford
  • Bristol
  • Oxford
  • High Wycombe
  • Oldham
  • Nottingham
  • Birmingham
  • Sheffield
  • Coventry
  • Peterborough
  • Oldham
  • Leeds
  • Aylesbury
  • South Shields

There are probably a few that I have missed.

Most of the victims were between 11 - 15 years old. Some were even younger. There is currently hundreds of active investigations ongoing.

To the so called '' Honorary MEMBER '' Who repeatedly trots out the same mantra. Where is your list of White Grooming gangs that have been convicted over the last 3 years ? Put up or shut up.

Some people on this thread need to take a long hard look at themselves in a mirror.


what was their religion?

You will be disappointed to know that the main guy who started it all is Sikh.

You will also be disappointed to know that not all the accused were Asian.

You will be delighted to know that most do appear to be Muslim.

You may even be disappointed to learn that "Girl A" appears to have started out as a willing little pommy slut.

The report I read said all 6 were Asian.

I am not delighted by anything I read on this story, and rather than being disappointed I am sad for the 12 year old child who was plied with drugs and alcohol and raped and abused on a daily basis.

I do not believe she was a 'slut' before being manipulated.

I guess you view a child who has been given drugs and alcohol as a willing sex partner.

The fact that she is/was a pommy hardly needs to be said.

Good post, i think the slut crap, is from someone who has issues with girls????. Anyway. All of the 6 are asian, not a new thing in the uk, these inbreds prey on the innocent


There are some sick puppies on this thread. There are some who are outright deniers and some that just do not have a clue.

Here is a list of grooming gangs, mostly Muslims of Pakistani Origin. Who have been convicted over the past 3 years.

All of these gangs had up to 12 members.

  • Rochdale
  • Rotherham
  • Bradford
  • Bristol
  • Oxford
  • High Wycombe
  • Oldham
  • Nottingham
  • Birmingham
  • Sheffield
  • Coventry
  • Peterborough
  • Oldham
  • Leeds
  • Aylesbury
  • South Shields

There are probably a few that I have missed.

Most of the victims were between 11 - 15 years old. Some were even younger. There is currently hundreds of active investigations ongoing.

To the so called '' Honorary MEMBER '' Who repeatedly trots out the same mantra. Where is your list of White Grooming gangs that have been convicted over the last 3 years ? Put up or shut up.

Some people on this thread need to take a long hard look at themselves in a mirror.

good post

These gangs are mainly muslims who have some serious issues with kiddie fiddling, and their religion is sick regards this issue too


For those who oppose capital punishment, which is a reasonable position, then I am all for these dudes losing their junk. That will put an end to their uncontrollable urges, and let them live a long life of missing their special package.

Actually it wouldn't stop them from committing harm. Sexual molestation is about control, not about sex. Sex is just the most blatant and intrusive way to control someone. This is also true of rapists who rape adult women. They are motivated by the need to control in their perverted fashion. They are all nasty bastards who should be removed from society.

These guys can't be cured and they can't be rehabilitated and worse, they can never be trusted. I could tell you what I'd do to them but what each thinks is up to him.

Excellant post and 1 million percent correct.Chemical castration does not stop urges, death penalty does


As grown men it is our responsibility to look after those kids regardless of what damage they have or what we may think of them. It is not their responsibility to stay clear of us or of danger. It is up to us to not be a danger but rather protection.

I really don't know what the Hell some people are thinking when they make certain comments...


totally agree


The only thing they do not tell you that this sex ring was in the Muslim sector of the UK!

This is a phenomena perpetrated, I understand, by a small subset of men from a particularly backward region of Pakistan. This is the common factor that links the vast majority of the perpetrators. Therefore, they are also a small subset of the Muslim community in the UK.

A small subset, rubbish, in Rotherham there was 1400 Known cases of sexual depravity committed by those of a certain religion. Yet strangely only 6 men have stood trial for their crimes against these young white girls. Why have no others appeared in court,very simple, the PC authorities would still like to play down the numbers for the sake of community relations, couple this with the unwillingness of the Muslim community at large, to help in bringing these animals to justice. One thing you have to give the Muslims credit for is they stick by their own, unlike the apologist on this thread.

I did not say a small number of men; I said that the men involved are a small subset of the wider Islamic community in that they all come from a particularly backward part of the world, where atrocities against women seemingly occur without repercusion.

If we take your approach to its logical conclusion, you are saying that all men are rapists, which is a bit old and debunked. Not all men are racists and not all Mulsims are child abusers.

Back when I was training to be a nurse, the nurse quarters were segregated and absolutely no visiting from the opposite sex, even parents. When I queried that, I was told by the ( female and only in her 30s ) manager that it was because all men were rapists. After the hospital board forced them to allow opposite sex visiting the accomodation supervisor resigned in protest.


You may even be disappointed to learn that "Girl A" appears to have started out as a willing little pommy slut.

There is no such thing as a willing child. Civilized countries recognize an "age of consent" below which a child can't give consent but rather can be manipulated.

But then what would you know about civilized people, being such a Muslim apologist regardless of atrocities?


I understand the age of consent thing...but she was a slut who hung out at the market getting picked up.

I'm not condoning the men at all....but it can't be denied that she, in her own mind regardless of legal definition of "willing" was willing.

Britain is famous for underage sex..it's almost a cultural thing with the kids these days.

"More children are having sex in Britain than in any other country in Europe, according to World Health Organisation figures published on Monday.

Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger - leading to 20 of them getting pregnant each day.

The spiralling level of teenage pregnancy not only robs young people of their childhoods but contributes to a vicious circle of family break-up, say experts.

Four out of 10 girls in England have underage sex - more than in any other European country."

Probably because half of Europe is now living in Britain......


You may even be disappointed to learn that "Girl A" appears to have started out as a willing little pommy slut.

There is no such thing as a willing child. Civilized countries recognize an "age of consent" below which a child can't give consent but rather can be manipulated.

But then what would you know about civilized people, being such a Muslim apologist regardless of atrocities?


I understand the age of consent thing...but she was a slut who hung out at the market getting picked up.

I'm not condoning the men at all....but it can't be denied that she, in her own mind regardless of legal definition of "willing" was willing.

Britain is famous for underage sex..it's almost a cultural thing with the kids these days.

"More children are having sex in Britain than in any other country in Europe, according to World Health Organisation figures published on Monday.

Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger - leading to 20 of them getting pregnant each day.

The spiralling level of teenage pregnancy not only robs young people of their childhoods but contributes to a vicious circle of family break-up, say experts.

Four out of 10 girls in England have underage sex - more than in any other European country."

Four out of 10 girls in England have underage sex - more than in any other European country."

Why would anyone be surprised by that. The west is obsessed with sex, and it's everywhere. Just look at how parents dress up their little Lolitas nowadays ( in Thailand too ). Just look at almost any movie on tv and it's got people jumping into bed all over the place. Have you ever read Cosmo or such, all saying what a great thing sex is ( no disagreement there ). So young girls grow up thinking it's something great to do.

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