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Farangs and large tattoos: ugly or lovely?

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That must be up there alongside some of the worst art work I have ever seen.

The chest piece has no detail, the colours are crap and the shading is non existent.

Her left thigh piece looks more like the work of a back street scratcher.

Please consult a proper tattooist if you are going to get any tattoos.

Remember cheap work isnt good, and good work isnt cheap.

If I was the woman in that photo I would be looking for a new tattooist to cover up that mess she has.

The whole thing screams LoSo.

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It's a personal thing. Body art & decoration has been practiced since the beginning of time. Different strokes for different folks.

Especially by criminals, rich sports stars and low life trailer trash.

and royalty

Yeah, he covered them already.

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Large tatts?? I find them ugly.

Discreet tatts I find OK.

I liken it to female nudity. I find a skimpily clad woman infinitely more sexy than one completely starkers, and then there is the thrill of unwrapping a woman wearing at least something.

It's unfortunate that those with the least to offer if life feel the need to have huge, mostly ugly, tattoos. If I was half as ugly as most of them I wouldn't be attracting attention to myself!! I should mention that I'm a velly hansum man......and I have a discreet tattoo.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Why stop at tattoos and body jewlery, why not have a go at bald people, ginger haired people, people that wear glasses, people that ride small motorcycles, people that ride big motorcycles, people that drove fortunerstongue.png ......

OP needs to get a life!

A pretty poor comparison considering three of your six examples are not personal choices and the others are the rides you choose. The rides, by the way, can easily be disposed.

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I have some tattoos. They have special meaning to me and me alone. They are unique, as unique as I am. They define me as a person and the path I have walked in my life. No one except me could possibly understand their significance to me.

I chose #293, #353 and #126 from the catalog.

Edited by BaldPlumber
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I have some tattoos. They have special meaning to me and me alone. They are unique, as unique as I am. They define me as a person and the path I have walked in my life. No one except me could possibly understand their significance to me.

I chose #293, #353 and #126 from the catalog.

This must be one of the best posts EVER - it really hits at the total banality of tattoos- ART - of course it's the same as a Monet- a row of stars on your neck - of course the same as Turner or perhaps El Greco or Michelangelo at a push.

The whole thing is driven by the tattoo industry and celebrity- must be worth billions .

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What on earth is the fascination with large body tattoos, esp for the farangs who come to T'land? Dark, swirling shapes up the legs starting at the ankle, the arms from shoulder to wrist covered with permanent messages of religious devotion or luv, necks with snakes, back, chest........all may be filled with black or coloured tattoos. And i'm not talking of kids but adults, like over age 25 who, one might think, have a working brain.

I see some young folks with rings in the nose, lip, tongue, eyelid (true); have heard of nipple, and labia rings (never seen) but gotta figure those people are desperate for attention and self-acceptance.

Any insights on this kind of body disfiguration, both tattoos and piercings. The old women esp, IMO, really ugly but many men too. The old Marine with King Neptune on his bicep i can easily understand. The old woman with the large black snake shape descending from her inner thigh down to her ankle, I turn away from such choices.

Some people prefer to be individuals in life and like to stand out from the crowd.

Tattoos actually date back hundreds of years and were a tribal thing making people aware of which tribe you belonged to.

Not all people are clean cut,you only live once,what others choose to do certainly shouldn't be any concern of yours.

The fact is though these days tatoos dont make anyone stand out in the crowd as the vast majority of the crowd have also had tatoo's done to make them stand out from the crowd LOL

Everyone wants to be different...like everyone else.

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It's a personal thing. Body art & decoration has been practiced since the beginning of time. Different strokes for different folks.

Especially by criminals, rich sports stars and low life trailer trash.

So jacky, which category do you put me in ? I have 4 small tatts, only one visible when I'm dressed. First one when I was 55 & last one at 65, I'm now 66. Don't for one minute regret any of them.

I have no criminal record... I'm certainly not rich or a sports star... & I don't live in a trailer.

Reading your comment, an old saying comes to mind....... You don't need a long neck to be a goose.

Apparently not.....just a tattoo at 55........goose is putting it mildly thumbsup.gif .

Having said that I had both ears pierced when I was 16 to be an individual. Haven't worn an earring for over 40 years after all the other trendoids followed suit.

Bit hard to undo a tatt.

Must admit I do like some of the nice colour art on some of the young ladies these days...the old indian ink stuff looks crap.

Edited by Mudcrab
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I am not sure if your are trolling and looking for a fight, or actually have a legitimate disgust and inquiry. Either way I am not going to intentionally add fuel to a fire. I see how many replies there are to this post, and haven't read all of them. With that being said, I feel that I have something to offer.

I am 32 years old and have a wife and daughter, all of us being born in the states. I am a business owner of 9 years. Without getting into the specifics.... I am heavily invested in online retail, and have multiple companies based in Kansas City, operating out of one central warehouse, shipping thousands (and thousands) of products world wide. I am fairly well informed, and well traveled. I have never spent a night in jail. My criminal record contains a few speeding tickets and parking tickets. I am telling you this to paint a picture of the kind of man that I am.

Now that you know all of this.... I am someone who you would consider "covered" in tattoos, as is my wife. I have zero regrets about having them. If anything they are an instant <deleted> detector. If someone will not look past what is on my outside, I have seen more of their character than they ever will of mine. These blinders have cost people my business dealings, friendship, and investments.

The reason for having them is fairly simple. For many they are at their root an expression of freedom. For some that is freedom from parents. For some that is freedom from the moors of their society. On another side, often it's for acceptance itself. When you feel alienated from the normal paths to acceptance, it is easy to embrace the fringe. Becoming a member of this is just as hard as any other social group, but common ground is usually the thread holding it all together.

For me.... It's a little bit of both. It started early. I wanted them when I was 9 years old. I saw a biker and pleaded with my mother to let me get a tattoo. She, as any decent mother would refused. So when I was 17 I lied about my age and got the 1st one. From there it has been one after another. Years into this whole thing I separated myself from the 2 groups mentioned above. It became clear as I became more financially stable and started to build a home life that this was now truly for me. In the same way that you might want to drive a BMW when a Toyota will due, or identify with a certain style of clothing as apposed to another, I identify with these tattoos.

I hoped that this showed you something that you didn't see before. If not, thanks for your time. Maybe you'll see me at a Tesco and think about what truly separates me from everyone else there.

At which Tesco in Thailand are we likely to find you?

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Imagine if mullets were permanent....

I never knew that those tattoos which are not permanent were called mullets.

Bet you had a chavy mullet back in the 80's or where you already middle aged by then ?

No I never, what has that got to do with being middle aged, or old aged, one of my best friends was in his late fifties, and got tattoos (permanent ones) to go

with his fat belly and facial hair just before he came here to Thailand to stay.

My dear Possum...what is your phobia about facial hair? It seems to crop up time and time again in your posts.

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That must be up there alongside some of the worst art work I have ever seen.

The chest piece has no detail, the colours are crap and the shading is non existent.

Her left thigh piece looks more like the work of a back street scratcher.

Please consult a proper tattooist if you are going to get any tattoos.

Remember cheap work isnt good, and good work isnt cheap.

If I was the woman in that photo I would be looking for a new tattooist to cover up that mess she has.

The whole thing screams LoSo.

The fact that she is on her back on a bed with her handbag next to her might be a better clue to her being LoSo than her tatts

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I once worked in a photo developing lab (and yes they do make copies)

my printer calls me over one time == have a look at this== photos of a

couple romping around in bed=heavily tattooed both of them, so what you

say, they were both over 85 and the woman nearly made me throw up, it

just looked so ugly especially the loose skin with badly looking tattoos

so that's what everyone else can look forward to.

PS; go out and tattoo your girlfriends name on you right now,, i know

you want to.

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I have to say when I see a woman with a tattoo my stomach turns So unsexy .

Usually its fat woman with very little good self image.

I don't know I'm quite enjoying this Benny Hill and Winston Churchill look. Edited by stoneyboy
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Yes Mudcrab it does doesn't it? Along with the fat bellies, tattoos. bad drivers, motorbikes on the sidewalks, the majority of good honest Thai people,

this is a forum with over 5000 members, and there are different posters here all the time, I do make a lot of posts, and some of the posters will notice I

have said something for the first time, and some for the tenth time and everywhere in between. I take it you have facial hair, so it bothers you.

Oh, one other thing, when I was a little boy, my father put a picture of a man with a beard and mustache on the mantelpiece to keep me away from the fire.

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I'd say it depends... A huge dragon or tiger on a well built man's back can be kind of cool. But in general, I find large tattoos on females absolutely revolting. No matter how attractive she would be, but if the has large tattoos on her legs and arms, I get the shivers and wanto to puke! Whenever something becomes a worldwide trend, it is time to do exactly the opposite - thus, I am searching for a way to remove my relatively small tattoo for good and I certainly will not jump on the bandwagon to get more.

2nd post an going :) Good to be here!

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I have some tattoos. They have special meaning to me and me alone. They are unique, as unique as I am. They define me as a person and the path I have walked in my life. No one except me could possibly understand their significance to me.

I chose #293, #353 and #126 from the catalog.

One of the best dark humor and hidden sarcasm I ever read in a forum and absolutely spot on! thumbsup.gif Well done!!!!! clap2.gif

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cheryl coles tattoo,

your not telling me you would kick her out of bed because of this,,,lol

some people

I would. That's totally gross

you must be the handum man i here lives in thailand,

What's my being good-looking

got to do with it? I think it looks

repulsive. I'm entitled to my

preferences, no? I'm not one of

those guys who couldn't get

anything above a 3 or 4/10

before they came to Thailand to

pay for it so I wouldn't turn a

blind eye to it just because she's

got a pretty face.

Slow down, that run-on sentence wore me out.

Tattoos on women, no thanks.

I like women and I especially like their skin. I want to look at bare skin; I don't want someone writing on it.

Tattoos on men, no problem.

I have no say in what other people do to their bodies--that goes for women too.

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I have some tattoos. They have special meaning to me and me alone. They are unique, as unique as I am. They define me as a person and the path I have walked in my life. No one except me could possibly understand their significance to me.

I chose #293, #353 and #126 from the catalog.

One of the best dark humor and hidden sarcasm I ever read in a forum and absolutely spot on! thumbsup.gif Well done!!!!! clap2.gif

And there was alcohol involved and possibly drugs involved......

He forgot to include that part ....lol


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