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Bangla thugs threaten expat police volunteers, expose lack of police presence

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This country.....

That is a sentence that needs finishing.

Here, let me help.

This country, .... that did quite nicely since the 12th century and now is crawling with over fed, over inflated, overly self important Foreigners whining, bch'n and complaining that the Citizens will not kiss their backsides might be wise to just say "Off you go" to many of them.

And by that, I mean the rats of the well known red zones that are actually an embarrassment to many other Foreigners who live here in happy, peaceful, product lives and are .. wait for it ....

GRATEFUL to be here.

The flights leave daily ... Farang-atopia .. is just one ticket away!

Go for it.

Projecting. cheesy.gif

OK, no one else will get that ... I did .. gotta admit ... funny.

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They just need more training. They should shadow a 'real" cop for a couple of weeks at least. They could learn many valuable skills: how to not enforce laws, how to look the other way, creative places to put brown envelopes, how to determine correct amount to send up the food chain, ways to pass time in station rather than waste time patrolling (it can get dangerous out there), how to agree, nod head and then do what ever feel like doing.... etc etc


"Col Pongphichan noted that expat police volunteers have no law-enforcement rights whatsoever unless a regular officer on duty is with them, which is often the case."

So why are they demanding that people move on? Som nam na.

Because Micky mouse in uniform does not understand basic Thai to comprehend that he is nothing but a clown


Although no one is going to say "Oh good" loud music and drunk kids...

I have to be honest.

At that age, at that time of night ... if a Foreigner full of his own self importance and no legal authority told me, a Local . to "pack up and leave..."

It would be SHOWTIME, and I mean NOW.

A foreigner, most likely Farang, telling a Thai to move on ...

Amazing Farang ... really. Where do these people get off with BS like this?

Hire 9,000 more cops try 90,000. I don't see a cop in daylight forget nightime. Its a Zoo out here on Huay Kaew Rd in the evening. Motorbikes/cycles roaring/screaming up and down. As traffic levels are low they really wind up those rice rockets with their after market mufflers. There is an ambulance that parks all evening at the Shell across the road surrounded by young people yelling. 3 or 4 times an evening up till 3.00 a.m. he winds up the siren full blast and flies out of there with nary a car on the road that needs a warning its all fun and games except for us older members of society. Yeah I know love it or leave blah blah blah don't expect any common sense it does not exist blah blah blah. Save it heard it all before give your fingers a rest.


This country.....

That is a sentence that needs finishing.

Here, let me help.

This country, .... that did quite nicely since the 12th century and now is crawling with over fed, over inflated, overly self important Foreigners whining, bch'n and complaining that the Citizens will not kiss their backsides might be wise to just say "Off you go" to many of them.

And by that, I mean the rats of the well known red zones that are actually an embarrassment to many other Foreigners who live here in happy, peaceful, product lives and are .. wait for it ....

GRATEFUL to be here.

The flights leave daily ... Farang-atopia .. is just one ticket away!

Go for it.

"GRATEFUL to be here." .... Ha-ha-ha ... Really ... ? Are you that un-wanted in your home-country ... ? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Although no one is going to say "Oh good" loud music and drunk kids...

I have to be honest.

At that age, at that time of night ... if a Foreigner full of his own self importance and no legal authority told me, a Local . to "pack up and leave..."

It would be SHOWTIME, and I mean NOW.

A foreigner, most likely Farang, telling a Thai to move on ...

Amazing Farang ... really. Where do these people get off with BS like this?

Hire 9,000 more cops try 90,000. I don't see a cop in daylight forget nightime. Its a Zoo out here on Huay Kaew Rd in the evening. Motorbikes/cycles roaring/screaming up and down. As traffic levels are low they really wind up those rice rockets with their after market mufflers. There is an ambulance that parks all evening at the Shell across the road surrounded by young people yelling. 3 or 4 times an evening up till 3.00 a.m. he winds up the siren full blast and flies out of there with nary a car on the road that needs a warning its all fun and games except for us older members of society. Yeah I know love it or leave blah blah blah don't expect any common sense it does not exist blah blah blah. Save it heard it all before give your fingers a rest.

Have you considered moving? Thailand is a big place.

i am serious, if I lived in a toilet like that, I would man up and find a way out.


This country.....

That is a sentence that needs finishing.

Here, let me help.

This country, .... that did quite nicely since the 12th century and now is crawling with over fed, over inflated, overly self important Foreigners whining, bch'n and complaining that the Citizens will not kiss their backsides might be wise to just say "Off you go" to many of them.

And by that, I mean the rats of the well known red zones that are actually an embarrassment to many other Foreigners who live here in happy, peaceful, product lives and are .. wait for it ....

GRATEFUL to be here.

The flights leave daily ... Farang-atopia .. is just one ticket away!

Go for it.

"GRATEFUL to be here." .... Ha-ha-ha ... Really ... ? Are you that un-wanted in your home-country ... ? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You lost me there. Have you forgotten what happy, lucky, grateful .. etc ... mean?

I pity you .. really.

I found a life much better than the USA, for me, personally.

And the problem is?

So, that is my story.

WHY are YOU here?


Quick note to all the people who seem to hate me for being happy in the Kingdom.

Wife and I going to dinner at a wonderful 5 Star riverside restaurant in BKK.

You may need to find someone else to cry to about how miserable life in the Kingdom is.

Oh! And may be out of pocket Sunday too, may head to the beach for the day.


"Despite having the report and photos for more than a week, Col Pongphichan on Wednesday said that no effort had been made to find the culprits, as the report did not constitute an official complaint"

Anything to avoid doing his job! Colonel, how about being pro-active and demonstrating you could be a good policeman? Show some initiative and leadership without some one prodding you along later! whistling.gif


The Police need there sleep too.........

Thai kid in my neighborhood broke is arm the other day....no doctors......This was in Rayong. He had to come back in the morning. I heard about it the day after or I would have takeb to the all mighty bastion of health.....Bangkok Rayong Hospital.


Although no one is going to say "Oh good" loud music and drunk kids...

I have to be honest.

At that age, at that time of night ... if a Foreigner full of his own self importance and no legal authority told me, a Local . to "pack up and leave..."

It would be SHOWTIME, and I mean NOW.

A foreigner, most likely Farang, telling a Thai to move on ...

Amazing Farang ... really. Where do these people get off with BS like this?

foreigner, most likely Farang, telling a Thai to move on ...

Fair chance the foreigner is a farang...idiot comment


"Col Pongphichan noted that expat police volunteers have no law-enforcement rights whatsoever unless a regular officer on duty is with them, which is often the case."

So why are they demanding that people move on? Som nam na.

With all due respect, Sir.....Do you deliberately mis-state what an author has written, have difficulty in reading accurately, or are you reacting with some undisclosed personal bias towards the "ex-pat police volunteers? It was clearly stated that "The people were asked to leave, as parking the car [and] drinking alcohol [there] is not allowed and playing loud music was not appropriate at the police box..." The expat police volunteers, who are in a formal relationship with the Royal Thai Police as R.T.P. Liaison Officers, in addition to being readily available to answer the many questions which the foreign visitor may have, fulfill a very important function in that they act as a liaison between non-Thai speaking "foreigners" and the Thai RTP officers, usually as a result of the said "foreigner" more often than not being in an inebriated state and having done something that, without the aid of the Volunteer, could easily result in the "offender" spending the night in a Thai jail, not a pleasant place at all!! They are not "cowboys" or "wannabees" and have been carefully screened before being accepted as a Liaison Officer. In this case, from the reports provided, the volunteer was doing precisely what he or she is expected to do, no more and no less. Drunks are one thing...a common item to be found on Bangla Road and treated with respect by the volunteers. There is absolutely no indication or suggestion that this officer was acting in any way inappropriately, (S)he witnessed the infractions and, informing them as to the nature of their transgression, ASKED them to move on, as is the volunteer's job to do. Drunken thugs out to pick a fight are fortunately a rarity...most people, drunk or sober are out for a good time..good meaning happy! Not, as was the case with these thugs, a group of drunken low-lifes who are a disgrace to themselves and their country of origin. They constitute a disruptive and hazardous presence, a presence which runs counter to the safety and well-being of those decent folks who deserve the protection of both the Thai RTP officers and the Volunteers who donate their time and efforts to make it a safer place.....even for people such as yourself who react with a "Som nam na" remark. Sometime, Mr. rwdrwdrwd, if you do visit Bangla Road, you may find yourself in need of the services of one of those dedicated volunteers! One thing of which I am certain is that should you require the services of one or more of these officers, "Som nam na" will not be a comment voiced by them!!


Foreigners need to stop playing Hardy Boys in Thailand.

Would be nice to have the "Hardy Boys" explain the western foreigner's side of the story to the RTP? Perhaps you speak fluent Thai but most foreigner do not coffee1.gif


This country.....

That is a sentence that needs finishing.

Here, let me help.

This country, .... that did quite nicely since the 12th century and now is crawling with over fed, over inflated, overly self important Foreigners whining, bch'n and complaining that the Citizens will not kiss their backsides might be wise to just say "Off you go" to many of them.

And by that, I mean the rats of the well known red zones that are actually an embarrassment to many other Foreigners who live here in happy, peaceful, product lives and are .. wait for it ....

GRATEFUL to be here.

The flights leave daily ... Farang-atopia .. is just one ticket away!

Go for it.

"GRATEFUL to be here." .... Ha-ha-ha ... Really ... ? Are you that un-wanted in your home-country ... ? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Allow me to add to Bangkokequity's remark in responding to yours, Kannikapor88. Like Bangkokequity, I am GRATEFUL to be here.. to enjoy all that Thailand has to offer...friendly people, wonderful weather, beautiful scenery and food, a chance to learn another language, AND, at some point in the not that distant future, be eligible to gain Permanent Residence and even citizenship! And no, I am not unwanted in my home country...I came here for a purpose, discovered how much I loved it here and decided to make it my home if at all possible. From your snide remark, I would have to assume that you quite possibly fall into one or other of those described by Bangkokequity....the "over fed, over inflated, overly self important Foreigners whining, bch'n and complaining that the Citizens will not kiss their backsides" Thailand, believe it or not, I have found to be a welcoming place albeit rife with problems that have plagued many a developing country. I have done much travelling in my lifetime and found that the old saying "'people tend to treat others as they are being treated" is very, very true....and I have Thailand to be no different.


Maybe....The drunken gang took offense to being told to ' move on ' by what they saw as just a silly falaang in a fancy dress suit,,,, I can imagine the angered thoughts running through their drunken minds like ' who the <deleted> does this foreigner he think he is taliking to us like this in OUR country'' etc... they know he has no power so went for more numbers... lucky he was not hacked to bits actually...



Another sad chapter of Thainess... Feel for the volunteers. Go volunteers, go! have your saying and get rid of those thugs. If there's no support, then <deleted> it and let the police to the cleanup work and enjoy your extra free time. I gave 'em a rain check whan they asked me to volunteer. Have better things to do but to be the virtual toilet paper of the RTP.


It also confirm that this very word "Police" for those volunteers is probably inappropriate. coffee1.gif

Agree. They should take out the word "police" and replace it with the word "translator". The new name would be the expat translator volunteers. This way there would be no confusion in what the "volunteers" should be doing and, hopefully, this would weed out the rambo expat types. The uneducated and delusional expats that fall in love with their uniform and actually believe they are police with powers. Let the Thais do their own dirty work of handling drunken thugs. My gut feel is that the real reason they are taking action on this matter is image and not the safety of the volunteers. Not a good image having drunken thugs breaking the law in front of the police station. Just my humble opinion.


Although no one is going to say "Oh good" loud music and drunk kids...

I have to be honest.

At that age, at that time of night ... if a Foreigner full of his own self importance and no legal authority told me, a Local . to "pack up and leave..."

It would be SHOWTIME, and I mean NOW.

A foreigner, most likely Farang, telling a Thai to move on ...

Amazing Farang ... really. Where do these people get off with BS like this?

foreigner, most likely Farang, telling a Thai to move on ...

Fair chance the foreigner is a farang...idiot comment

There are plenty of self important non-farang foreigners in this country too. Or do you just have something against farangs?


Foreigners need to stop playing Hardy Boys in Thailand.

Sir....Either your ignorance as to what constitutes an R.T.P. Liaison Officer (comprised of volunteer ex-pats) is showing or you are just being offensive! The expat police volunteers are in a formal relationship with the Royal Thai Police as R.T.P. Liaison Officers, In addition to being readily available to answer the many questions which the foreign visitor may have, fulfill a very important function in that they act as a liaison between non-Thai speaking "foreigners" and the Thai RTP officers, usually as a result of the said "foreigner" more often than not being in an inebriated state and having done something that, without the aid of the Volunteer, could easily result in the "offender" spending the night in a Thai jail, not a pleasant place at all!! They are not "cowboys" or "wannabees" and have been carefully screened before being accepted as a Liaison Officer. Many are retired police officers with extensive service in their home country and have a desire to GIVE something to both the country in which they have chosen to reside and to the visiting tourists or any other non-Thai speaking person who is in need of help. "Playing Hardy Boys"...such a frivolous and undeserved comment! In this case, from the reports provided, the volunteer was doing precisely what he or she is expected to do, no more and no less. Drunks are one thing...a common item to be found on Bangla Road and are treated with respect by the volunteers. There is absolutely no indication or suggestion that this officer was acting in any way inappropriately, (S)he witnessed the infractions and, informing them as to the nature of their transgression, ASKED them to move on, as is the volunteer's job to do. Drunken thugs out to pick a fight are fortunately a rarity...most people, drunk or sober are out for a good time..good meaning happy! Not, as was the case with these thugs, a group of drunken low-lifes who are a disgrace to themselves and their country of origin. They constitute a disruptive and hazardous presence, a presence which runs counter to the safety and well-being of those decent folks who deserve the protection of both the Thai RTP officers and the Volunteers who donate their time and efforts to make it a safer place.....even for people such as yourself who deride what most decent people would find commendable.


It also confirm that this very word "Police" for those volunteers is probably inappropriate. coffee1.gif

Agree. They should take out the word "police" and replace it with the word "translator". The new name would be the expat translator volunteers. This way there would be no confusion in what the "volunteers" should be doing and, hopefully, this would weed out the rambo expat types. The uneducated and delusional expats that fall in love with their uniform and actually believe they are police with powers. Let the Thais do their own dirty work of handling drunken thugs. My gut feel is that the real reason they are taking action on this matter is image and not the safety of the volunteers. Not a good image having drunken thugs breaking the law in front of the police station. Just my humble opinion.

Translator volunteer why not, but many if not most of them do not speak Thaitongue.png

They Speak English Russian Deutsch Italian French yes, but Thai?

Personally I would advice for Auxiliary Volunteer, not police auxiliary volunteer, just auxiliary volunteer, like that it means nothing LOL

and they could always say it means we are auxiliary policemen, why not, but the word police would not be seen any more.


Around Bangla the volunteers is ok sometimes they really can help with translation for a local police, but around Rawai and Nai-Harn have 2 "volunteer" they just help collecting money what i guess local guys can do themselves without any help.....

How on earth do they help collecting money? (real question no irony)


Around Bangla the volunteers is ok sometimes they really can help with translation for a local police, but around Rawai and Nai-Harn have 2 "volunteer" they just help collecting money what i guess local guys can do themselves without any help.....

How on earth do they help collecting money? (real question no irony)
I think he is referring to traffic stops, all legal, they are assisting with.

Maybe....The drunken gang took offense to being told to ' move on ' by what they saw as just a silly falaang in a fancy dress suit,,,, I can imagine the angered thoughts running through their drunken minds like ' who the <deleted> does this foreigner he think he is taliking to us like this in OUR country'' etc... they know he has no power so went for more numbers... lucky he was not hacked to bits actually...


correct and agree, that's exactly how it would have been perceived. ... alcohol and angry that they were told to move by a foreigner.

As for the volunteer, he's lucky things didn't go bad, it could have been a deadly situation.

Sometimes it's best to say nothing ...


Foreigners need to stop playing Hardy Boys in Thailand.

Sir....Either your ignorance as to what constitutes an R.T.P. Liaison Officer (comprised of volunteer ex-pats) is showing or you are just being offensive! The expat police volunteers are in a formal relationship with the Royal Thai Police as R.T.P. Liaison Officers, In addition to being readily available to answer the many questions which the foreign visitor may have, fulfill a very important function in that they act as a liaison between non-Thai speaking "foreigners" and the Thai RTP officers, usually as a result of the said "foreigner" more often than not being in an inebriated state and having done something that, without the aid of the Volunteer, could easily result in the "offender" spending the night in a Thai jail, not a pleasant place at all!! They are not "cowboys" or "wannabees" and have been carefully screened before being accepted as a Liaison Officer. Many are retired police officers with extensive service in their home country and have a desire to GIVE something to both the country in which they have chosen to reside and to the visiting tourists or any other non-Thai speaking person who is in need of help. "Playing Hardy Boys"...such a frivolous and undeserved comment! In this case, from the reports provided, the volunteer was doing precisely what he or she is expected to do, no more and no less. Drunks are one thing...a common item to be found on Bangla Road and are treated with respect by the volunteers. There is absolutely no indication or suggestion that this officer was acting in any way inappropriately, (S)he witnessed the infractions and, informing them as to the nature of their transgression, ASKED them to move on, as is the volunteer's job to do. Drunken thugs out to pick a fight are fortunately a rarity...most people, drunk or sober are out for a good time..good meaning happy! Not, as was the case with these thugs, a group of drunken low-lifes who are a disgrace to themselves and their country of origin. They constitute a disruptive and hazardous presence, a presence which runs counter to the safety and well-being of those decent folks who deserve the protection of both the Thai RTP officers and the Volunteers who donate their time and efforts to make it a safer place.....even for people such as yourself who deride what most decent people would find commendable.

Re: They are not "cowboys" or "wannabees" and have been carefully screened before being accepted as a Liaison Officer.

Carefully screened! Really? Convicted wife beaters, pimps, fencing of stolen goods, drug dealers ... ring a bell?

Re; In this case, from the reports provided, the volunteer was doing precisely what he or she is expected to do, no more and no less. Drunks are one thing...a common item to be found on Bangla Road and are treated with respect by the volunteers.

Wrong! Wrong! As Col Pongphichan pointed out the expat police volunteers have no law-enforcement rights whatsoever unless a regular officer is on duty is with them. Rather that instigate racial hatred and resentment, the volunteer(s) should have stepped aside and phoned in the problem. It's not that complex. As there was no reporting of violent behavior prior to the Thais being asked to move along, the volunteers showed extremely poor judgement and, contrary to your opinion, acted in an inappropriate way.


If they felt anyway threatened or were witnessing a breach of the Law, maybe these 'plastic' police could have phoned the real Police ?


This country.....

That is a sentence that needs finishing.

Here, let me help.

This country, .... that did quite nicely since the 12th century and now is crawling with over fed, over inflated, overly self important Foreigners whining, bch'n and complaining that the Citizens will not kiss their backsides might be wise to just say "Off you go" to many of them.

And by that, I mean the rats of the well known red zones that are actually an embarrassment to many other Foreigners who live here in happy, peaceful, product lives and are .. wait for it ....

GRATEFUL to be here.

The flights leave daily ... Farang-atopia .. is just one ticket away!

Go for it.

And if all the foreigners left Thailand would be in worse s*it than it already is. Thais are from my experience nice people but like everywhere you have people who are brain dead. Thailand has them just like every other country. Having said that, wouldnt it be nice is these morons actually had consideration for other people and I mean ALL people?

Still I suppose when you are told you are great (sounds like the Arabs strangely enough) there are always people who believe it

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