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If I had $5m, age 60, would I relocate? Where? Occupy my time?


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If Thailand is on your list and you hope to settle down with a nice Thai wife...save yourself the time and headaches by just sending your 5M and stay in your home country. This is the preferred Thai way and how things will turn out anyway if you follow the hope.

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If Thailand is on your list and you hope to settle down with a nice Thai wife...save yourself the time and headaches by just sending your 5M and stay in your home country. This is the preferred Thai way and how things will turn out anyway if you follow the hope.

Don't judge everything by what you've experienced personally.

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if i were you I'd spend most of it on a brain transplant.

you are a fool

Just as I thought, someone who's been a member for 5 minutes and only joined so he can make disparaging remarks. Get a life.

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I would find a nice small island with very few people, or a lake with very few people, no particular place in the world. I would have my property in a very private location, like a compound where i could have minmum interaction with other people, except for a dozen os so nubile young ladies to cater to my needs.

A little bit of fishing, some beers and all is good.

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Reading between the lines, it seems that the consensus is that $5m is insufficient.

At age 60, working? I doubt it.

May need to adjust expectations until there is equilibrium?

Say expected life is 80yo - 20 years for $5m.

5 million US dollars at today's exchange rate =175 million baht!..are you telling me you cannot live off that for 20 years?

Now of course if the amount you have suggested is not true and all you have is 5 million baht then the answer is yes you cannot.

this whole topic is non sensical.

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I hate to disappoint you but $5 mil isn't enough to do everything you might want to do. True rich people have a private jet so they never have to deal with an airport terminal again. $5 mil won't touch the price of that plane much less the hired crew, maintenance and fuel.

The more money you have the more you get exposed to and the more you want. $5 mil will take you places where people have $10 mil second homes in an exotic places and get there on their private Boeing. You will be there but you still won't cut the mustard.

The more you have the more you want until you learn to be satisfied with enough to be comfortable. $5 mil will let you live without worrying about money unless you are a pessimist and see the world falling apart. It will just let you have everything you comfortably need.

Remember, if you have $5 mil you can't spend most of it or you will no longer have money and be back to where you started.


Your TV name sort of says it, doesn't it?

Five million dollars is not rich, but it should be enough to do what you have said--even if you fly business class, drink imported booze and food, wear tailored clothes, and stay in four star hotels. I would have a base somewhere and travel to different locations.

No need to act rich, you can spend a lot of money just going where you want and doing what you want to do--of course that has to be within reason too, no penthouse suites at Claridge's, not Bugatis, and no 30m yachts.

$5m @ 6% is $300k a year, and that should be easily done at little risk. Certainly, you can travel to the lower cost areas of the world, including most of SEA, South America and Africa, and have a good time on $300k--you may even be able to watch expenses and travel to Europe, North America, and other more expensive areas of the world.

However, if you have no one to whom to leave your money, I would plan on spending $4m by the time I was 70 or 75, have one hell of a good time and leave your remaining $1m to while away your final years--@ 6%, that's still $5k/mo--you may be able to live in Thailand with that.

Of course, medical insurance needs to be taken care of unless you are from a nanny state and would return for care or wish to bet on the come.

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$5mil is nice but not a lot ... you can live comfortably but not extravagantly. Buy no assets, these will tie you down. Don't get married, there is no need to and she is entitled to half ($2.5 mil is a lot less comfortable to live on). Travel as much as you can and then pick 4-6 places you like. Spend 1-3 months in each of these. Spend your time learning: to fly an airplane, ride a horse, fly fish, ski, shoot 3 gun, wakeboard, trail ride in Moab etc

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

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I always thought that USD1m was a lot of $$$.

Now, it seems that it is but a pittance. The average expat in LOS must have too much $$$?

I know expats who can carry their worldly possessions in one bag. Further, there are numerous thread on the OAP, visa runs etc.

Why protect 100% of your capital?

t takes acumen, time, persistence & diligence to accumulate even USD1m

I have found investment advisors t be glorified salesmen - in many cases insurance boys.

At 60 years of age, living in Thailand, you can PLAY VERY HARD & VERY FAST!

I am ready to play hard. Do I need a personal trainer - PO!

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

I agree. With some of the responses one would assume that there are several members who lunch with Donald Trump.

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

I agree. With some of the responses one would assume that there are several members who lunch with Donald Trump.

reading some other responses one would assume that there are several members who think a street food vendor deserves one and a Burger King deserves three Michelin stars. it's them who need to get their heads out of their asses and realise that even in Thailand spending $150k is quite possible without engaging in orgies or having Beluga caviar with Krug champagne for breakfast every day.

not to mention in this context that it is absolutely irrelevant what this amount means in Sweden or for the majority of this planet's population.

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I'm very surprised how many of the posts suggest $5mill is not a lot. Even with zero interest I think that would see me through the rest of my life with ease if I kept my current lifestyle and the USD doesn't tank.

Going back a while (multiple decades) when I had more money, I found that my spending rate seemed to match my income (often buying freebie toys for friends who couldn't afford it themselves). I did okay and accumulated GBP 500K at age 25 (which was still a decent amount of money at that time, though not so much in today's economy). It's all gone now though.

I hit broke twice in my life already, and bounced back twice also, but now I live on much less than earnings, and always try to have more at the end of the month than the previous month.

One thing I found that made me content (in Thailand), was to travel every 2 weeks between a point A and B. It doesn't increase spending that much (though I was paying 2 rents), but it stopped me getting bored of the daily grind, as there were always new people to meet and real news from people you already know rather than hearing the same old thing every day. It gives a bit of format to your life, where we as expats can fall foul of not having that if we're not very self disciplined.

I can't advise on investments as the whole economy looks like it's ready to implode to me (maybe 'unethical' stocks might fare better than most when the music stops, but who knows). I'd go with the wealth preservation route rather than trying to gain. It's enough money already, and no need to add risk at 60 years old. Pick an 'exit date' and work out your budget from there, taking into account that inflation is a lot higher than is stated on MSM.

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

I agree. With some of the responses one would assume that there are several members who lunch with Donald Trump.

reading some other responses one would assume that there are several members who think a street food vendor deserves one and a Burger King deserves three Michelin stars. it's them who need to get their heads out of their asses and realise that even in Thailand spending $150k is quite possible without engaging in orgies or having Beluga caviar with Krug champagne for breakfast every day.

not to mention in this context that it is absolutely irrelevant what this amount means in Sweden or for the majority of this planet's population.

No one said anything about not being able to use 150K USD each year in Thailand, i most likely could do that easily with a "batshit crazy" life but batshit crazy != comfortable. And it certainly is relevant if 150K USD is enough to live COMFORTABLY on i you compare it to the amount of money the humans on this planet have each year. To the vast majority of the planets population 10% of 150K USD would give them more than a comfortable life.

Some people just don't get that what THEY think is comfortable does not equal rest of the worlds view of comfortable. And that is a good sign of delusion.

Just a link to a dictionary what comfortable means: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/comfortable

I'll also link the word that most seem to associate to comfortable: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/extravagant

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Sort of amazed at the replies.

5 mil is a lot of money.

IMHO the best advice is JupiterJim #37.

I would not chose LOS as my primary place. The standards and quality of life is far less here. I would live in the US and travel where ever...
Spending no more than 2-3 months/year here... with Central Amer and Europe being the most traveled destinations.

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

I agree. With some of the responses one would assume that there are several members who lunch with Donald Trump.

reading some other responses one would assume that there are several members who think a street food vendor deserves one and a Burger King deserves three Michelin stars. it's them who need to get their heads out of their asses and realise that even in Thailand spending $150k is quite possible without engaging in orgies or having Beluga caviar with Krug champagne for breakfast every day.

not to mention in this context that it is absolutely irrelevant what this amount means in Sweden or for the majority of this planet's population.

150K = $3000 , or over 100,000 baht, per week! If you are spending that every week you aren't eating cart food and sleeping on the beach.

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

Not sure where you got the $150k number, the OP said $5M--five million dollars, about SEK 42.65M--that's 42 million 650 thousand SEK.

Certainly, you are not in the top 1% in the US, or anywhere in Europe, on $150k.

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With $ 5 million you could buy /rent one of the most luxurious 180 degree sea view penthouse condos, pay a full time live in attendant

to care for home and chauffeur you around town in your new Mercedes. You could have meals catered in or dine out - anywhere and have your choice of exotic Asian beauties brought in to spend time doing WHATEVER you wish. No cold weather, few rules for the affluent and a really carefree life. Where ? PATTAYA !

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

Not sure where you got the $150k number, the OP said $5M--five million dollars, about SEK 42.65M--that's 42 million 650 thousand SEK.

Certainly, you are not in the top 1% in the US, or anywhere in Europe, on $150k.

Obviously you have no idea what kind of money most of the people in the world make. To be in top 5% in Sweden you ONLY have to have something like 600k SEK... do i have to remind you that Sweden ranks pretty damn high in the world when it comes to median income?

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With $ 5 million you could buy /rent one of the most luxurious 180 degree sea view penthouse condos, pay a full time live in attendant

to care for home and chauffeur you around town in your new Mercedes. You could have meals catered in or dine out - anywhere and have your choice of exotic Asian beauties brought in to spend time doing WHATEVER you wish. No cold weather, few rules for the affluent and a really carefree life. Where ? PATTAYA !


I heard a rumour that Pattaya has loose, crude, sinful ladies - true?

Does Pattaya have bible studies focussed at Pentecostals? Where? When?

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Fang, how can people answer questions that you are asking yourself if they don't know you?

Man-up and make your own decisions...............coffee1.gif


Money opens up a lot of doors to more possibilities,....but he still has to make he's own choice....

It means nothing having money if you can not make your own decisions.....

I never had money and I have been travelling for over 30 years made lot's of real good friends on the way, shared great times with great and gorgeous girls, was never bored, never let anybody take decisions for me, always took my responsibility to direct the course of my life,...


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$5 million invested at a measly 3% would still give you $150,000 a year. If you can't live comfortably on that there's something wrong.

$5 million is 174,457,500.00 Thai Baht

If you can't live on that for a few years then you are either throwing money away or doing something crazy with it.

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

Not sure where you got the $150k number, the OP said $5M--five million dollars, about SEK 42.65M--that's 42 million 650 thousand SEK.

Certainly, you are not in the top 1% in the US, or anywhere in Europe, on $150k.

Obviously you have no idea what kind of money most of the people in the world make. To be in top 5% in Sweden you ONLY have to have something like 600k SEK... do i have to remind you that Sweden ranks pretty damn high in the world when it comes to median income?

The top 1% income in the US is $380k/yr, the top 5% is $159k/yr--http://www.financialsamurai.com/how-much-money-do-the-top-income-earners-make-percent/.

Many US expats I know make $150k/yr or more, so do most professionals in the States. Sorry, if Swedes don't get that much.

However, my question was where did you get the $150k figure? The OP said $5m.

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Yes, there are some very rich people in this world. However, this thread applies to a mere $5m. Where would we live? What would we do to occupy ourselves.

Personally, very little would change.

A new Fortuner for the wife?

Headaches with tax planning.

These are quality problems.

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If someone thinks that 150K USD isn't enough for a comfortable life in Thailand (or anywhere in the world) they are severely delusional. That kind of money is something like 400k baht each month, 13k a day. To spend that kind of money living a "comfortable" life you would have to do some batshit crazy things each and everyday. But then again, some guys here might like orgies with him as the only man and 5 women (not judging) and call that "comfortable".

Just a reality check for some of you guys... 150K USD is about 1,35 million SEK which in turn puts you in the "1% club" in Sweden (hell, in Europe). I'm sure that with that kind of money you would also get your foot in that same "1% club" in the USA. Absolutely nothing wrong in belonging in that "club" but if you do then you need to get your head out of yoru ass and realize the reality of how much money 150K USD actually is for about 6 billion humans.

I agree. With some of the responses one would assume that there are several members who lunch with Donald Trump.

reading some other responses one would assume that there are several members who think a street food vendor deserves one and a Burger King deserves three Michelin stars. it's them who need to get their heads out of their asses and realise that even in Thailand spending $150k is quite possible without engaging in orgies or having Beluga caviar with Krug champagne for breakfast every day.

not to mention in this context that it is absolutely irrelevant what this amount means in Sweden or for the majority of this planet's population.

150K = $3000 , or over 100,000 baht, per week! If you are spending that every week you aren't eating cart food and sleeping on the beach.

i could explain my posting to you but i can't make you understand. and that means waste of time whistling.gif

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No one said anything about not being able to use 150K USD each year in Thailand, i most likely could do that easily with a "batshit crazy" life but batshit crazy != comfortable. And it certainly is relevant if 150K USD is enough to live COMFORTABLY on i you compare it to the amount of money the humans on this planet have each year. To the vast majority of the planets population 10% of 150K USD would give them more than a comfortable life.

Some people just don't get that what THEY think is comfortable does not equal rest of the worlds view of comfortable. And that is a good sign of delusion.

Just a link to a dictionary what comfortable means: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/comfortable

I'll also link the word that most seem to associate to comfortable: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/extravagant

-who cares what you consider "batshit crazy"?

-who cares what you consider relevant or not?

-who cares what you, a dictionary or the rest of the world considers "comfortable"?

-who cares that you deem it necessary to look up the definition of "comfortable" in a dictionary?

-who cares that delusional people present untrue claims and blames such as

Some people just don't get that what THEY think is comfortable does not equal rest of the worlds view of comfortable. And that is a good sign of delusion.

none of the posters made this claim!

read again what was posted and stop ridiculing yourself tongue.png

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I have a feeling that most on here, if given US$5 million wouldn't live in Thailand. Some would of course, even if just for tax purposes. In the past, Naam has indicated tax purposes but that was after finding staying in the USA difficult. Naam also has said he prefers the USA - Florida.

Weegee simply said "U.S.A." and he isn't American. I agree with him. A person with money can vacation in LOS or anywhere else he wants to. Few would choose any third world country if he had money.

I choose to live in my own home which I can legally own in the US and I have weather I much prefer to LOS and all of the toys I want. I'm 45 minutes from an international airport. In the meantime I have 1st world infrastructure, cleanliness of streets, town and surroundings, safe wiring, the rule of law on highways and elsewhere, and a right to be here with no one's permission.

It would be interesting to see how many guys would stay in LOS.


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