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New trend of young, educated Thai women with farang husbands emerges: researcher

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I'm quite surprised to see people here surprised...

Just one question...

If you got a degree and have now a good job, would you marry with a prostitute in your home country?

And I believe it'd be quite the same abroad (Thailand included).

What do you think?

It's not about education

If girl sell themselves before mean having lot of sex partner

Then it'll be very hard for guy to get deep connection with her which lead to that emotion we called love

It's rare to find love from these girl but still have probability

lol unless you don't care about love and nice mother for your children then you don't have to think much. Just taking very good care of her and your relationship with her will be alright. but if you fail to do that she will not hesitate to go for another male.

Anyways you can hope that deep down inside she is just a nice person and care enough for you too maybe hehe

About Thai guy are as**hole

We also have good guy. But they tend to be a loner. And good Thai guy often get cheated by Thai woman. I can say that from people around me.

But if a guy have good job or rich and have social life then they would likely to have mistress or go to " ab ob nuad" brothel. And most of Thai wife prefer they choose brothel lol as long as they have got the money. And the guy they think they are not wrong to do that.

Most of Thai guy drooling at artificial beauty aka girl with lot of make up ( fake eyelash , foundation, color contract lense, unnaturally white skin, hairpiece and surgery) but from my serch in Google or from my foreign husband. They like it more natural beauty not artificial one or it's just my husband lol . I mean you can wear make up but you shouldn't look like different person when you take those stuff off.

When girl wear make up like this they will get lot of positive attention from Thai guy . They will turn their head back. ( boobs is not including hehe) ImageUploadedByTapatalk1438222275.024345.jpg

Even you are fair skin thai girl and nice facial bone structure with subtle make up you still be consider pretty but not stunning like girl above

Guess you don't include petting when you say sex.

I know that female virginity is a high value in Thailand.

Not for me, my socialisation happened in times (and the capitals) of "free love". I prefer females who are sexually practiced, and I'm far from regarding them as prostitutes if they are. I'm with one of these rather hippiesque girls, socialised in Amsterdam and Thailand, and I'm glad she's not an amateur.

Funny enough, male virginity seems not to be considered a high value. Rather contrary, males are expected to have sexual experience. Where should they get it from if all females insist on remaining virgins?

The girl on the photo is lovely, I wonder how long it took her to get curls like this.

To me she looks rather shy, like a teeniebopper who wants to be sexy but is a bit afraid of sex. I like her boobs, though, when her curls flow over them :D


It's not real hair. It's a wig. A hair piece Her real hear is straight. Take a close look.

About girl with sex experience. If that is your taste then it's cool for you . I have my own taste for men too and I got my husband :D

girl who have many sex partners. It'll be hard for them to get connect with guy. They have some study about how many partner girl have affect the marriage lead to divorce

Those woman with few partner or virgin tend to have more successful marriage.

I'm so lazy to search again. Lol so you can do it yourself if you are interested.

It's about hypergamy. And comparing with other guy they have sex before so it harder to satisfy them.

Anyways it's just stat. You can do as you please. It's your choice. :)

I don't know much either. And still learning. Hope I will be fine with my life lol

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They don't say whether the farangs are old, fat and bald as per usual, or young hunky men.

They did, try reading the article again.

Instead of old rich men, they prefer young and educated men and their economic background matches their education.

Quite right. I missed that.

Well there are not many young hunky farang men in LOS that would be wanting to be tied down when they can have all the sex they can handle without being committed ( pun intended ), so I would say there aren't going to be that many marriages in the OP's category.

funny thing about having all the sex you can handle it gets boring quickly. about 3 months in my case and then it was time to look for something more meaningful x


My wife will like this....She doesn't like Thai men and her hobbie is matchmaking friends.....8 married already in just 2 years, and more 8 in the way... one of them with an US millionaire..... One of these days she will start recycling old farangs and I will be the first one to go.

Ohhhh...welll. She is not just a lot younger and very beautiful...she is smart too!

Tell her I have high salary/education and elite job but I am not interested in children and

my lifestyle does not allow the keeping of "pets". Anybody to set me up with? I'd like to meet a woman like a Plastic Surgeon, Royal Thai AirForce Colonel, or wealthy business owner with at least 500k baht income per month. Nobody? Right, I thought so.

I have friend like that. Usually, they wait till they find right person. If they don't then they can live by theirselves happily ever after. Unless they get force by family to marry some guy that their family want

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Not so easy to command a Thai daughter what to do. Not all of them obey to authorities, at least the anarchistic ones won't.

My girlfriend's family are just defining benchmarks and a deadline for decision.

At what age do you think a Thai woman should make a final decision about whom to marry?


What a load of rubbish. it is still because FRARANG WHITE MEN are better and have better pension plans. Nothing more nothing less

and what does pension have to do with a couple in their 30's

Jesus not all of us here are retired.

quit with the myopia already, your experience is NOT universal.


Too many old farts are commenting in this thread, this is about love between young educated people, please move on ;)


Young foreigners in Thailand are most likely to end up without a pension later. Very tricky situation and I would advice any young foreigner to somehow invest in their futures through saving, properties or investment schemes. Difficult but not impossible. Also don't burn your bridges back home. Your Thai wife might pass away before you do and then what? Be prepared.


About 4 years ago a high ranking official said Thai girls should marry western men so they can be economy better off. I guess the real reason is Western men have more respect for women then Thai men.

oh, good, i was waiting for the "real reason". sigh.


Without ol' farts, would there be a quality ThaiVisa?

What can a younger dude offer that an ol' dude cannot (besides longevity)?

Maybe what the younger dude has to offer is not in demand by the Thai lady.


My wife will like this....She doesn't like Thai men and her hobbie is matchmaking friends.....8 married already in just 2 years, and more 8 in the way... one of them with an US millionaire..... One of these days she will start recycling old farangs and I will be the first one to go.

Ohhhh...welll. She is not just a lot younger and very beautiful...she is smart too!

Tell her I have high salary/education and elite job but I am not interested in children and

my lifestyle does not allow the keeping of "pets". Anybody to set me up with? I'd like to meet a woman like a Plastic Surgeon, Royal Thai AirForce Colonel, or wealthy business owner with at least 500k baht income per month. Nobody? Right, I thought so.

I have friend like that. Usually, they wait till they find right person. If they don't then they can live by theirselves happily ever after. Unless they get force by family to marry some guy that their family want

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Not so easy to command a Thai daughter what to do. Not all of them obey to authorities, at least the anarchistic ones won't.

My girlfriend's family are just defining benchmarks and a deadline for decision.

At what age do you think a Thai woman should make a final decision about whom to marry?

If you mean those exceptional high profile woman who get Atleast 500k per month lol or surgeon doctor or business heir then I insist on my word.

Those girl usually come from traditional family. And girl have to listen to their parents. And have to marry guy that their parents agree

If you can read Thai, then you can read those Thai girl story ask for advice in pantip.com when they in love with a man who her parents think he is not good enough for their daughter and end it

From people around me that I know. They marry around 30 years old

But my opinion, which age? I really don't know. I can tell you 20s maybe when you are ready lol

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What a load of rubbish. it is still because FRARANG WHITE MEN are better and have better pension plans. Nothing more nothing less

and what does pension have to do with a couple in their 30's

Jesus not all of us here are retired.

quit with the myopia already, your experience is NOT universal.

So many Old guys coming to Thailand is a new phenomena ( 15 years) ..sometimes they don't seem to comprehend that Thailand existed before then. Thais married foreigners before then ( mostly younger ) ,pensions, the nearest hospitals, issan women, don't like being called a farang, my wife's family don't respect me, not saying hello to or ignoring other foreigners ..blah, blah , blah..were not ever on the agenda then.

The view point here is very myopic.


Thank you thank you thank you puddadong it's refreshing to hear the Thai women's side of love and attitudes. Yes I've woken up in the morning and didn't recognize my partner because of all the makeup. I never made that mistake again. Prefer a naturally beautiful woman both inside and out with a little makeup.

if puggadong, is a woman or a thai, then im the general

old, white man troll for sure


I'm Thai woman lol the same feeling when I learn my husband over 40. Feel like a fool.

If you talk about my English I think mine is intermediate level. My friend even write English essay better than me. I'm normal I assure. I'm normal if you compare me with real educated Thai woman who like English. I like English song and fiction.

Maybe it because my husband influence when I chat with him and he use some advance word. I will open dictionary in my phone then I will remember it. I read only romantic fiction so know mostly vocabulary they use in love story hehe

I like makeup lol if you have Thai gf and want advice about natural make up I can show her how to do that( and prove myself lol it's not important anyway) . But I can personally contract with girl only. My hm is very jealous


Without ol' farts, would there be a quality ThaiVisa?

What can a younger dude offer that an ol' dude cannot (besides longevity)?

Maybe what the younger dude has to offer is not in demand by the Thai lady.

You think it's quality with them?


'... most of these women do not possess the appearance which is valued by Thai men (Chinese-like faces, white skin and skinny bodies).' Considering the lack of attractive attributes displayed by the average Thai male, they might want to lower their sights somewhat - perhaps down to their average height.

'“Westerners like to think that Thai women are good at cooking and doing chores ...' They do? How many western men does she think took the time, in their formative dating years, to taste their future partner's cooking?


No. I'm suggesting that what the old farts contribute to this forum is, on the whole, bereft of insight, intellect or humour.

Areas, I dare say, which you are uniquely qualified to recognise.


No. I'm suggesting that what the old farts contribute to this forum is, on the whole, bereft of insight, intellect or humour.

You could be talking about yourself.


All of my Thai wife's friends either have or have had problems with their marriage to Thai men. Reason is all the men want Mia noi's,and that's saying it kindly

wanting mia nois is only because they have a penis, not necessarily because they are bad.


i have read and been told by many Thai women that it has a lot to do with size

I reckon quite a few foreigners want to hear this.. because they don't measure up back home


Can you please stop putting up these posts about size ?

Okay, so some Thai women prefer a size that is bigger, hence the attraction to foreigners. And stacks of women in England go out with black men because they are bigger. For women, surely, there's more to life than running around the place and looking for men who are bigger.


Without ol' farts, would there be a quality ThaiVisa?

What can a younger dude offer that an ol' dude cannot (besides longevity)?

Maybe what the younger dude has to offer is not in demand by the Thai lady.

youth can offer attractive physical appearance that women prefer regardless of underlying education or lack thereof, although there's no lack of obese younger farangs seen in thailand. at mainstream non freelance clubs in bkk physically attractive westerners can meet local women without much difficuly but not so true for an older less attractive guy. you can see the older less attractive ones at freelance clubs where you may also see young fit farangs. thing is the young fit ones sort of shake their head at the idea of giving money to someone to pretend they like them.


This issue is pretty silly isn't it ?

Let's get real here. A man from England will be in Thailand, he's 55 years old, and has one or two ex-wives back home. Now, he's not going to get a girl-friend who is 33 in England, so, simple, he's in Thailand, and he can get a girl-friend who is 33 a lot easier than back home.

What about younger men who get a Thai girlfriend ? Okay, if you are male and 35 years old, and you try and go out with a Thai girl who is 25, and this is back home in England or Australia. Well, if she was raised in England/Australia, well, your chances of going out with her are about the same as trying to go out with any other girl in England/Australia. Also, you will notice that Thai girls (and all the other coloured girls raised in England) behave almost the same as all the other girls. It's not really the case that it's easier to go on a date with somebody coloured rather than 'white'.

What if you are 35 years old, you're in Thailand, and you try and go out with a Thai girl is 25 ? We've got to get real here. The lady might speak reasonable English, but her culture and thinking is not going to be the same as yours. She's unlikely to be from a rich family, and that means it does boil down to you financially supporting her. If you don't, well, it will end in tears.

And let's just say your Thai girlfriend is from a rich family, unlikely, but it might happen. In that case, it's likely you're going to have to buy all sorts of status symbols and expensive stuff to keep her. She won't want you in the first place unless she thinks you've got money. And once you're with her, well, it will cost you money to support her.

I'm sorry, but in all honesty, why get a Thai girlfriend if you can get one back home ? If you're in Thailand for work, because the job in Bangkok pays more than the job in London, fine, you're going to stay for a few years, fine, get a Thai girlfriend whilst you're in Thailand. But do remember, the extra problems involved in such relationships.

most young (under 40) mixed marriages i know both partners work, including my own. we pool our money the same as any western relationship.

Did you find your Thai lady in Thailand ? Are you in Thailand ? I take it your pay packet is far greater than hers ? :)

Actually, even if you are back home in England/Australia/America/Canada, it's still pretty likely that your pay packet is bigger than hers.

Now, if she was born and raised in England, well yes, maybe her packet is as big as yours.


I think we have beaten a dead horse long enough now. Lets get on to a different topic.

new topic name idea

" Old trend of young to old non educated financially needy thai women with farang husbands continues"


I think we have beaten a dead horse long enough now. Lets get on to a different topic.

But the dream and goal of meeting up with a Thai lady, and she really does love you because it's you, is something that lots of men hold. And that's what this issue of young educated Thai women with foreigner husbands is all about.

But most of us do actually accept that we are foreigners in Thailand, the reason why our chances of getting any girlfriend are far greater than back home is because we've got money. We shouldn't have a problem accepting that Thai women like us because we've got money. Get real, back home, a man with a nice BMW is going to have a better chance of getting whatever girlfriend than a man who's not got a flash car.

And anyway, once you've got a Thai girlfriend because she knows you've got money, well, she might genuinely like you. And after she's been with you for a few years, and you become not so well off, well, she might carry on with you. It might happen.


It's all about money,

I'm sure when My wife met Me here in London, if I were stacking shelves at the local supermarket & lived in a bedsit, it wouldn't have gone very far.

It matters little that She's Thai, woman world wide want financial security, the financial crash here a few years back, saw long term seemingly stable marriages go tits up very quickly once the money stopped coming in.

A survey carried out here in the UK a good few years back, said the average women under 30, wanted a Tall dark hansom man, living with his own 3 bed semi, driving a BMW or Mercedes, minimum earnings of £50,000, way above the common man in the UK.

It's life the world over, for sure the bar girls, mostly married to have a better life for themselves & their family's, but lets not think for one minute a middle class Thai girls going to Marry a farang that stack shelves back in his native country.

So true. How many of Mick Jaggers girlfriends/ wives would have given him a second look if he were a building site labourer biggrin.png ? Plus of course Hugh Heffner, Trump etc etc etc.


Wow. So all those posters with young, university educated wives who never ask for money for their family are real after all biggrin.png

yes some are ,and in the circles some of us move in its quite common,we don't all just spend our lives in bars marrying the first young girl who tells us how wonderfully good looking we are,many of us met our wives through business and no we do not all run a bar,however if a guy marries a bar girl and it works out ,good for him

I'm quite surprised to see people here surprised...

Just one question...

If you got a degree and have now a good job, would you marry with a prostitute in your home country?

And I believe it'd be quite the same abroad (Thailand included).

What do you think?

It's not about education

If girl sell themselves before mean having lot of sex partner

Then it'll be very hard for guy to get deep connection with her which lead to that emotion we called love

It's rare to find love from these girl but still have probability

lol unless you don't care about love and nice mother for your children then you don't have to think much. Just taking very good care of her and your relationship with her will be alright. but if you fail to do that she will not hesitate to go for another male.

Anyways you can hope that deep down inside she is just a nice person and care enough for you too maybe hehe

About Thai guy are as**hole

We also have good guy. But they tend to be a loner. And good Thai guy often get cheated by Thai woman. I can say that from people around me.

But if a guy have good job or rich and have social life then they would likely to have mistress or go to " ab ob nuad" brothel. And most of Thai wife prefer they choose brothel lol as long as they have got the money. And the guy they think they are not wrong to do that.

Most of Thai guy drooling at artificial beauty aka girl with lot of make up ( fake eyelash , foundation, color contract lense, unnaturally white skin, hairpiece and surgery) but from my serch in Google or from my foreign husband. They like it more natural beauty not artificial one or it's just my husband lol . I mean you can wear make up but you shouldn't look like different person when you take those stuff off.

When girl wear make up like this they will get lot of positive attention from Thai guy . They will turn their head back. ( boobs is not including hehe) attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1438222275.024345.jpg

Even you are fair skin thai girl and nice facial bone structure with subtle make up you still be consider pretty but not stunning like girl above

That is a spectral apparition. Painted and hideous. Ladyboy, I'd reckon.

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