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Treatments for bleeding gums


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My Thai adult son has developed a bleeding gum situation.

It's one specific location at the rear of one of his front upper teeth.

Went to two hospital dental clinics, both said: more cleaning, more flossing etc. He has been doing both all of his life.

One clinic said it's not bleeding gums it's gum disease and there's no treatment.

He will quickly try more clinics.

Can any CM members recommend a more professional dental clinic, please.

Do any CM members have any professional knowledge of this condition and appropriate treatment?


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It sounds like it might be "gingivitis" a gum disease for which any dentist should be able to recommend suitable treatment, but excessive flossing or brushing is NOT recommended.

In most cases, the dentist or dental hygienist will be able to give the teeth a thorough clean and remove any hardened plaque (tartar), as well as demonstrating how to clean teeth effectively, to help prevent plaque building up in the future.

Regular check-ups are highly recommended.

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SS Dental Clinic on Nimman (close to Warm-up) has at least one Periodontist. Professor "Suptra." I was referred to her five years ago by my regular dentist, for a similar issue. About 2000 for the treatments...three different dentist have given my gums a clean bill of health ever since, and can just do regular cleanings at 500 per time, twice per year.

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Try using the green/white expensive Dentiste toothpaste. My gums seem a lot healthier when I use it.

My gums are fine and I get bleeding gums when I have a sinus infection. No sinus infection means no bleeding gums - the 2 seem to be related.

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Try Empress Dental near Baan Nai Fan 2. They will listen and try and solve the problem.

I live at Baan Nai Fan 2. Do they speak English? I would love to find a dentist nearby. Could you please explain more exacly where they are located?

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Try Empress Dental near Baan Nai Fan 2. They will listen and try and solve the problem.

I live at Baan Nai Fan 2. Do they speak English? I would love to find a dentist nearby. Could you please explain more exacly where they are located?

Thanks to all for the comments and for the several names of more specialist clinics, we'll go that route quickly. Thanks again.

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I've been susceptible to gingivitis all my life. Some people just are.

As mentioned, hard brushing when gums are bleeding is a bad idea. A dentist or periodontist can do a proper cleaning (root planing https://www.google.com/search?q=root+planing&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 may be needed).

Afterwards regular brushing with a good electric toothbrush, and regular flossing and mouthwash will be needed. Do not use the same brand of mouthwash more than a couple of days in succession as resistance can build up.

Edited by KittenKong
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Try Empress Dental near Baan Nai Fan 2. They will listen and try and solve the problem.

I live at Baan Nai Fan 2. Do they speak English? I would love to find a dentist nearby. Could you please explain more exacly where they are located?

On the other side of Canal Road, in between Kwan's Kitchen and the nearest 7-11. And yes, they speak English.

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Dental clinics all over the place in CM. I was never sure of which one to go to. But after a visit at Dental 4U on the north side of Thaphae Road not far east from Art Cafe, I was happy with them. They did a very good cleaning job. Very reasonable cost.

Some others living in CM will probably say there are better places....... and also worse..... but I think they do a pretty good job.

I don't have bleeding gums as long as I carefully floss and brush and rinse every night before bed. (the best time if you only do it once a day) If I start to slack off and not floss and brush... I get bleeding gums next time I floss and brush.. that's Gingivitis...... and it goes away if you get yourself back on schedule with regular everyday brushing and flossing..

If you don't get back on schedule and if you let Gingivitis worsen... it can lead to Periodontitis Disease..... which is much worse...and can lead to loss of bone mass where the tooth is inserted in the jaw... .and lead to loss of teeth.. and bad infection in the gums, bone and other facial areas.... not nice...

63 years old... and I have all my teeth except for my wisdom teeth that had to be removed when I was 21 because they came in impacted... and one molar that broke ten years ago and I had to get a root canal done and they put a gold cap on it...

Sometimes I pay extra for professional whitening.

Brushing and flossing and rinsing before bed.. .and a professional cleaning two or three times a years is very important..

The reason to do it AT LEAST before bed... is that our normal saliva flow that helps clean our teeth and mouth almost totally shuts down at night.... and any food just sticks there on our teeth or in between them... that's why flossing and brushing and rinsing before bed is the most important time to do it.

Edited by Catoni
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Try a natural way: oil pulling with coconut oil. I can tell you: IT WORKS! Just after a few days you will notice an improvement.

Not only cures gengivitis but whiten teeth as well, without needs of hard chemical. It keeps you mouth healthy and avoids new cavities.

Dentists won't prescribe this as they don't have anything to gain from it.




IT REALLY DOES WORK. You only have to adapt your schedule to the routine...

PS: I do not work for the coconut industry...

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There might be a nutritional aspect, too. Is your son a fast food kind of guy?

The only time I've had bleeding gums, I read in a book on vitamins that I should try eating chicken liver (suitably cooked), which I did. My bleeding gums stopped bleeding.

There's stuff on the net, if you're interested.

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some medications cause inflamed gums, too. I've read a lot of these dental threads over the years, and many don't realize that a normal teeth cleaning does not include deep cleaning/scraping/planing, but instead come on here and claim that the dentists are bad because they didn't do a thorough job. Couldn't be further from the truth. Dentist are for teeth, Endodentist are for roots, and Periodontist are for gums....

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some medications cause inflamed gums, too. I've read a lot of these dental threads over the years, and many don't realize that a normal teeth cleaning does not include deep cleaning/scraping/planing, but instead come on here and claim that the dentists are bad because they didn't do a thorough job. Couldn't be further from the truth. Dentist are for teeth, Endodentist are for roots, and Periodontist are for gums....

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some medications cause inflamed gums, too. I've read a lot of these dental threads over the years, and many don't realize that a normal teeth cleaning does not include deep cleaning/scraping/planing, but instead come on here and claim that the dentists are bad because they didn't do a thorough job. Couldn't be further from the truth. Dentist are for teeth, Endodentist are for roots, and Periodontist are for gums....

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I was told that using a "water pik" and adding some H2O2 to the water container will solve most issues and help the gums grow back strong. The information I had also said that they'll bleed like crazy for the first week or so until the issue is sorted.

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I was told that using a "water pik" and adding some H2O2 to the water container will solve most issues and help the gums grow back strong. The information I had also said that they'll bleed like crazy for the first week or so until the issue is sorted.

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Should definitely see a periodontist, not a regular dentist

Regular deep prophylactic scalings might be necessary if there are pockets between teeth and gums

If it is gingivitis, chlorhexidine mouthwash may be recommended. Only available in the proper doses at hospitals.

Since the problem is highly localized...it could be something else entirely, including a damaged nerve on the affected tooth.

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I recommend oil pulling with extra virgin coconut oil it's the most wondeful mouth cleanser and I think the op would benefit greatly.

sesame oil too is excellent to oil pull with, but coconut oil is my choice.

Please read up on many sites about oil pulling. And enjoy a very clean healthy mouth.

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I used to have bleeding gums when brushing teeth but at the advice of a dentist i changed my toothbrush to soft bristles and also massage my gums with the soft bristles when i am cleaning my teeth . Fixed it up . I also use an electric toothbrush but that is more personal preference.

The other thing i find is if i use regular toothpaste from Thailand i get mouth ulcers . They disappear if i use toothpaste from Oz or use the herbal toothpastes - especially that one that looks like possum shit. I suspect it is the additives for whitening in the toothpaste that inflame the ulcers.

But all the same get him to a good dentist .

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I used to have bleeding gums when brushing teeth but at the advice of a dentist i changed my toothbrush to soft bristles and also massage my gums with the soft bristles when i am cleaning my teeth . Fixed it up . I also use an electric toothbrush but that is more personal preference.

The other thing i find is if i use regular toothpaste from Thailand i get mouth ulcers . They disappear if i use toothpaste from Oz or use the herbal toothpastes - especially that one that looks like possum shit. I suspect it is the additives for whitening in the toothpaste that inflame the ulcers.

But all the same get him to a good dentist .

I think they put more "foaming agents" in the toothpaste here. That is why I use Dentiste; for me better than the "possum shit"

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I have found that the most professional, fair priced place to go with all dental problems is: The Faculty of Dentistry, at Chiang Mai University. Suan Dock Road. Tel. No.s: (053) 944437; 944491. Need to phone for appointment, maybe. You will initially see a qualified ( not a student) general dentist, who more than likely will make a diagnosis prior to referring you on to a specialist in the field required, (and one who is located at the same building.) Note some of these specialists are lecturers at UCM and are highly trained and use the latest hi-tech. Hope this helps, best of luck.

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There might be a nutritional aspect, too. Is your son a fast food kind of guy?

The only time I've had bleeding gums, I read in a book on vitamins that I should try eating chicken liver (suitably cooked), which I did. My bleeding gums stopped bleeding.

There's stuff on the net, if you're interested.


1. He's a degree qualified lecturer in sports science which includes nutrition, his wife the same, we eat very healthy, junk food maybe once a year.

2. Have been searching the net and got some information but my son wants to see a professional dentist within the right specialization - obviously a periodontist.

We will go to the dentistry faculty at CMU and take it from there.

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