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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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i just showed this to my wife and she thinks it funny and social acceptable. don't expect Thailand to change any time soon.

firstly though we have to accept that your wife is representative of the entire population of Thailand..

SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".

Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted

a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.

Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.

When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.

Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.


"My request today is simple. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Find somebody, anybody, thats different than you. Somebody that has made you feel ill-will or even hateful. Somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable. Somebody who practices a different religion than you do. Somebody who has been lost to addiction. Somebody with a criminal past. Somebody who dresses below you. Somebody with disabilities. Somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle. Somebody without a home.

Somebody that you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, and always be disgusted by.

Reach your arm out and put it around them.

And then, tell them theyre all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them.

If you or I wanna make a change in this world, thats where were gonna be able to do it. Thats where well start.

Every. Single. Time."

Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing

I cant do that, i'm not a hypocrite, besides Jesus has that job cornered and i cant compete.

Actually, Jesus is dead so there probably is a vacancy


i just showed this to my wife and she thinks it funny and social acceptable. don't expect Thailand to change any time soon.

Sad but true Steve.

My gf didnt get the fuss either.

What was that comment last year about ugly chicks not wearing bikinis or something? From the big boss.

Now if they had just put a pic of an ugly farang chick in a bikini on that poster instead of a black guy we could have beat each other up about sexism instead.


i just showed this to my wife and she thinks it funny and social acceptable. don't expect Thailand to change any time soon.

firstly though we have to accept that your wife is representative of the entire population of Thailand..

Did you ever were in Thailand? I mean not as tourist..Answer-no..Yes, his wife thinks same as mine and same as ordinary Asian. Not only Thai.


Having lived here for 13 years, yes I am sure.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful pictures, they are both fair skinned.

As is the the picture of the guy for good.

Colour is playing a role.

Only the ugly picture has a dark skinned individual. Something completely unnecessary if tattoos and earrings were the criteria for ugly.

I understand your points and I have also lived here for ages, but what if the handsome kid was dark and the ugly white? Then it would be racist as well.

Educational resources should not show images of people to describe ugly or prettiness. Its tasteless and wrong, but not per definition racist. You don't know what the designer of this fine piece of had in mind when he made it.

I feel I do.

Whether they were being deliberately offensive or not I can't say.

But they made a deliberate choice to use a dark skinned face to represent ugly.

Colour played a role in their reasoning.

They see dark skin as a trait that is undesirable and ugly.

The institutionalised racism of many UK police forces in the early 80s might be an appropriate comparison.

Quote The institutionalised racism of many UK police forces in the early 80s might be an appropriate comparison Unquote

I disputed that claim then and I dispute it now. I don't care what the politically correct authorities found. From reading your previous views on these forums, pc appears to be your thing. The British police are the world's finest despite their occasional over-reactions in response to severe provocation. Sorry for being off topic and personal but I just couldn't let that accusation slip by.

Cliche alert!!!!



Tame stuff. A long long time ago , just after MBK opened in Bangkok , I was looking in the DK bookshop ( no longer there ) for a decent Thai - English dictionary. I picked up a small book apparently written by somebody in the Thai army ( a colonel if I remember correctly ).

The very first page had a hand drawn picture of a woman's genitals with all the ' bits ' labeled. The next page had a picture of a mans genitals similarly labeled.

On page three things got straight down to the nitty gritty with :

Hello . What is your name ? My name is Somchai.

To this day this is the only time I can recall that I regret being a cheap Charlie. The said book was only a hundred baht or so but I really regret not buying it on the spot as an interesting artifact of days gone by.

SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".
Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted
a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.
Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.
When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.
Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.

2 years ago there was a English teacher from Cameroon in my town. Many people invited him to their home for eating together. .

.Or gave some home-made food for him.He never paid in local restaurants.. But he still was considered to be an ugly. I don't think it's a racism.


i just showed this to my wife and she thinks it funny and social acceptable. don't expect Thailand to change any time soon.

firstly though we have to accept that your wife is representative of the entire population of Thailand..

Did you ever were in Thailand? I mean not as tourist..Answer-no..Yes, his wife thinks same as mine and same as ordinary Asian. Not only Thai.

Cliche alert!!! - False Syllogisms



"My request today is simple. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Find somebody, anybody, thats different than you. Somebody that has made you feel ill-will or even hateful. Somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable. Somebody who practices a different religion than you do. Somebody who has been lost to addiction. Somebody with a criminal past. Somebody who dresses below you. Somebody with disabilities. Somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle. Somebody without a home.

Somebody that you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, and always be disgusted by.

Reach your arm out and put it around them.

And then, tell them theyre all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them.

If you or I wanna make a change in this world, thats where were gonna be able to do it. Thats where well start.

Every. Single. Time."

Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing

I cant do that, i'm not a hypocrite, besides Jesus has that job cornered and i cant compete.

Actually, Jesus is dead so there probably is a vacancy

As the 'Moody Blues' once sang about Timothy Leary ( this is really going back a bit ) he's on the outside looking in. There is a wonderful German expression, 'alters wurstigkeit' which means basically 'old age indifference' that could describe my feelings about the whole post although i have written several pieces myself. i've been on this stage of life for some time now and the play has been quite wonderful so far. There but for the grace of God go i is not unfamiliar to me, i've managed to get through it all by hard work and good fortune and i wish others the same. Life is varied and full of surprises, it's the differences which make things so interesting, there is a place for bigots like me who were brought up on the thrilling tales of the brave and resourceful racists who carved out our empire from which we still feed in one way or another, on the poems of Rudyard Kipling, many of which could not be published now,think of the 'white mans burden', there is a place for the peace makers, the war mongers, the religious, the agnostics,the homosexuals, the heterosexuals,killers and healers and all the other labels one would like to hang on to people. I don't really care now but i don't want to be told what to think or what to feel. As the great racist Winston Churchill once said,'' Judge me how you will but don't inform me of the judgement''


I just showed it to my wife and all she did was shake her head and say, "ignorant people".

congratulation! you're married with farang girl! But we here talks about Thai...


SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".

Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted

a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.

Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.

When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.

Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.

2 years ago there was a English teacher from Cameroon in my town. Many people invited him to their home for eating together. .

.Or gave some home-made food for him.He never paid in local restaurants.. But he still was considered to be an ugly. I don't think it's a racism.

Allow me to paraphrase.

You met one guy from Cameroon and he was ugly.

So they're all ugly.

Not that youre racist.

You might not be racist but you sure as hell aren't the sharpest tool in the tool shed.

So using your logic, everyone from your culture is dumb as dog s$@# because you are?

Thanks for that contribution mate. What an absolute classic. You are a real insightful human being.



But he still was considered to be an ugly.

By school children?

Some of children refused to attend his lessons.He stayed here for 3 years.Never get an one girlfriend..Even from local karaoke bar..And he was tall, slim young(26 y.o.) boy with great smile..O.k., it looked great just for me..


SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".

Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted

a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.

Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.

When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.

Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.

2 years ago there was a English teacher from Cameroon in my town. Many people invited him to their home for eating together. .

.Or gave some home-made food for him.He never paid in local restaurants.. But he still was considered to be an ugly. I don't think it's a racism.

Allow me to paraphrase.

You met one guy from Cameroon and he was ugly.

So they're all ugly.

Not that youre racist.

You might not be racist but you sure as hell aren't the sharpest tool in the tool shed.

So using your logic, everyone from your culture is dumb as dog s$@# because you are?

Thanks for that contribution mate. What an absolute classic. You are a real insightful human being.

you must have long finger nails to pick all those hairs. Did you go to extra PC classes to get like that


SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".

Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted

a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.

Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.

When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.

Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.

2 years ago there was a English teacher from Cameroon in my town. Many people invited him to their home for eating together. .

.Or gave some home-made food for him.He never paid in local restaurants.. But he still was considered to be an ugly. I don't think it's a racism.

Allow me to paraphrase.

You met one guy from Cameroon and he was ugly.

So they're all ugly.

Not that youre racist.

You might not be racist but you sure as hell aren't the sharpest tool in the tool shed.

So using your logic, everyone from your culture is dumb as dog s$@# because you are?

Thanks for that contribution mate. What an absolute classic. You are a real insightful human being.

you must have long finger nails to pick all those hairs. Did you go to extra PC classes to get like that
Do you meaning picking hairs or splitting them?

I know its trendy to throw the PC taunt around and if the cap fits I'll wear it but in this case Im baffled how you think you shoe-horn PC into what I said.

Sure you got the right acronym?


is sad that whatever intent of the illustrator had in this attempt to differentiate the meanings of handsome or ugly it is a fail that appears to be rascist.

But after giving it some consideration I am at a loss as to how to give some other differentiation that cannot be questioned. Handsome or ugly is a culturally based perception although now being dramatically impacted by commercial media propaganda in reversed application geographically inrespect of skin tone.

Personally I find now that the skin tone of Europeans generally looks sickly and unappealing by comparison to Asians.

It is not a question of handsome, ugly, pretty or beautiful. To me it it is what appears more healthy.

So it saddens me to see many young Thai futiley "bleaching" themselves in pursuit of pale skin and presenting as wax dummies.


SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".

Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted

a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.

Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.

When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.

Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.

2 years ago there was a English teacher from Cameroon in my town. Many people invited him to their home for eating together. .

.Or gave some home-made food for him.He never paid in local restaurants.. But he still was considered to be an ugly. I don't think it's a racism.

Allow me to paraphrase.

You met one guy from Cameroon and he was ugly.

So they're all ugly.

Not that youre racist.

You might not be racist but you sure as hell aren't the sharpest tool in the tool shed.

So using your logic, everyone from your culture is dumb as dog s$@# because you are?

Thanks for that contribution mate. What an absolute classic. You are a real insightful human being.

You have certainly got the wrong end of the stick mate, Read what he has written. He said they regarded him as ugly,he did not mention anyone else.

Up to now you all rant an rave on at the way things are done here, Its the culture ,thats what they believe to be right and, thats the way it is,its not racist

I think Cameroon people are ugly as well,but I dont hate them, some are friends. All it is is the Culture


is sad that whatever intent of the illustrator had in this attempt to differentiate the meanings of handsome or ugly it is a fail that appears to be rascist.

But after giving it some consideration I am at a loss as to how to give some other differentiation that cannot be questioned. Handsome or ugly is a culturally based perception although now being dramatically impacted by commercial media propaganda in reversed application geographically inrespect of skin tone.

Personally I find now that the skin tone of Europeans generally looks sickly and unappealing by comparison to Asians.

It is not a question of handsome, ugly, pretty or beautiful. To me it it is what appears more healthy.

So it saddens me to see many young Thai futiley "bleaching" themselves in pursuit of pale skin and presenting as wax dummies.

They could have used 2 faces of the same colour.

Or not used people at all.

Its not rocket science (no disrespect intended to you, Dumbastheycome).


is sad that whatever intent of the illustrator had in this attempt to differentiate the meanings of handsome or ugly it is a fail that appears to be rascist.

But after giving it some consideration I am at a loss as to how to give some other differentiation that cannot be questioned. Handsome or ugly is a culturally based perception although now being dramatically impacted by commercial media propaganda in reversed application geographically inrespect of skin tone.

Personally I find now that the skin tone of Europeans generally looks sickly and unappealing by comparison to Asians.

It is not a question of handsome, ugly, pretty or beautiful. To me it it is what appears more healthy.

So it saddens me to see many young Thai futiley "bleaching" themselves in pursuit of pale skin and presenting as wax dummies.

They could have used 2 faces of the same colour.

Or not used people at all.

Its not rocket science (no disrespect intended to you, Dumbastheycome).

You still cannot understand why???


SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".

Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted

a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.

Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.

When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.

Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.

2 years ago there was a English teacher from Cameroon in my town. Many people invited him to their home for eating together. .

.Or gave some home-made food for him.He never paid in local restaurants.. But he still was considered to be an ugly. I don't think it's a racism.

Allow me to paraphrase.

You met one guy from Cameroon and he was ugly.

So they're all ugly.

Not that youre racist.

You might not be racist but you sure as hell aren't the sharpest tool in the tool shed.

So using your logic, everyone from your culture is dumb as dog s$@# because you are?

Thanks for that contribution mate. What an absolute classic. You are a real insightful human being.

I didn't allow to paraphrase me. It's just in your sick mind this guy from Cameroon was ugly. Stop drinking and go to bed.Call it a day.


i just showed this to my wife and she thinks it funny and social acceptable. don't expect Thailand to change any time soon.

firstly though we have to accept that your wife is representative of the entire population of Thailand..

Did you ever were in Thailand? I mean not as tourist..Answer-no..Yes, his wife thinks same as mine and same as ordinary Asian. Not only Thai.

Cliche alert!!! - False Syllogisms


You are wrong. It's true syllogism.And you didn't answer the question..Where do you live? I'm sure not in Thailand.


I just showed it to my wife and all she did was shake her head and say, "ignorant people".

congratulation! you're married with farang girl! But we here talks about Thai...

She's 100% Thai, but more sophisticated (in the worldly sense) than most. She's traveled abroad extensively and has spent a few years living in other countries. She's seen firsthand how some westerners burn themselves to a crisp on the beach, risk cancer in tanning beds and even apply spray tans, so she's not bound by the same skin color/attractiveness constructs that many Thai people are.


I just showed it to my wife and all she did was shake her head and say, "ignorant people".

congratulation! you're married with farang girl! But we here talks about Thai...

She's 100% Thai, but more sophisticated (in the worldly sense) than most. She's traveled abroad extensively and has spent a few years living in other countries. She's seen firsthand how some westerners burn themselves to a crisp on the beach, risk cancer in tanning beds and even apply spray tans, so she's not bound by the same skin color/attractiveness constructs that many Thai people are.

Sure it explains everything about attitude of your wife. But do you really think that the most of Thai girls have same experience(living in farangland) as your wife?

SOme of arguments by the "Political Correctness gone Mad" brigade are bizarre. From the if the shoe was on the other foot, to "hey, this is thailand".
Its simple. if you see a porno picture on the screen. Do you argue?. Its Pornographic or its not. Simple. Think about the foreign journo who posted
a dick pic on the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs Line account.
Was there any argument about if it was a lewd image?. No, It was clearly pornographic.
When you see racism, its racist or its not. There's no borderline racism.
Its very admirable, those trying to defend (justify) the picture. They will defend until they cannot defend it anymore and it is so obvious (as it is now), then admit it.

loved to have seen a chick in a bikini on a school poster. Ugly or beautiful.

A very ambiguous remark for some that can spot racism but seems to be unable to avoid a remark that some women would find is sexist.

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