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Return of Thailand's protest leader raises fears for fragile calm

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Return of Thailand's protest leader raises fears for fragile calm

BANGKOK (REUTERS)-- The return to public life in Thailand of a fiery pro-establishment politician risks ending a period of calm and could lead to the delay of an election the ruling military has promised to hold next year, an opposition leader said on Friday.

Suthep Thaugsuban led occasionally violent protests backed by the Bangkok-based establishment against the populist government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in 2014.

The military eventually ousted the government in May last year, to Suthep's delight, saying it had to take power to end the demonstrations and avoid more bloodshed.

Suthep, a former deputy prime minister and top member of the pro-establishment Democrat Party, spent a year as a Buddhist monk but returned to public life this week with the launch of an organisation called the Great Mass of the People Foundation, which he described as a "collective, peaceful force".

Full story: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/07/31/uk-thailand-politics-idUKKCN0Q50L220150731

-- Reuters 2015-07-31


the mans an idiot, if he starts anything they should lock him up. Last thing we need is someone like this trying to stir things up, Jutaporn is just as bad and the only reason he has been quiet is because he is sh*t scared of being locked up, pity they arent putting either of these two in front of the cours as they would both be put away


the mans an idiot, if he starts anything they should lock him up. Last thing we need is someone like this trying to stir things up, Jutaporn is just as bad and the only reason he has been quiet is because he is sh*t scared of being locked up, pity they arent putting either of these two in front of the cours as they would both be put away

well, maybe an idiot, I wouldn't know about that, but I think not an idiot.

but he is clearly an achiever. he has achieved quite a few things that he wanted to achieve.

not a man to be taken lightly and not a man to have as an enemy.

potentially dangerous man in my view.

forming an organisation aspiring to serve as a nationwide clearing house for all sorts of ideas related to reform, that is quite a mouthfull.


the mans an idiot, if he starts anything they should lock him up. Last thing we need is someone like this trying to stir things up, Jutaporn is just as bad and the only reason he has been quiet is because he is sh*t scared of being locked up, pity they arent putting either of these two in front of the cours as they would both be put away

well, maybe an idiot, I wouldn't know about that, but I think not an idiot.

but he is clearly an achiever. he has achieved quite a few things that he wanted to achieve.

not a man to be taken lightly and not a man to have as an enemy.

potentially dangerous man in my view.

forming an organisation aspiring to serve as a nationwide clearing house for all sorts of ideas related to reform, that is quite a mouthfull.

anyone living in the south knows exactly what he is like and its not pleasant, that includes all his family, idiot sums him up nicely as the other word I would use would have the post removed


The Thais followed him on stupid staged protests that disrupted huge tracts of Bangkok....they let him go to the temple and pretend to be a monk.....now they let him get back on stage and waffle tripe.....and now they whine about him....hopeless lot!!


He is a mafiosi, a rabble-rouser, and guarantees huge blocs of votes / 'protestors' from the South. He created anarchy and lawlessness in the capital last year which was the whole reason for the Army to step in with their last coup. -A total fait accompli.. Joins the monkhood for a year to convince Thais that he has noble intentions behind his actions, etc. cheesy.gif Shouldn't laugh.


He is a mafiosi, a rabble-rouser, and guarantees huge blocs of votes / 'protestors' from the South. He created anarchy and lawlessness in the capital last year which was the whole reason for the Army to step in with their last coup. -A total fait accompli.. Joins the monkhood for a year to convince Thais that he has noble intentions behind his actions, etc. cheesy.gif Shouldn't laugh.

I got the strong impression that he could only "shut-down Bangkok" with the tacit approval of "the establishment". All staged.


And Jatuporn is the opposition leader making the statement that Suthep may end a period of calm. Ironically Jatuporn being the very man whose supporters killed 24 out of 28 people and injured over 600 of the 700 injured and the reason calm was needed to be restored in the first place. The protestors of which had to sit behind anti-grenade netting in Lumpini park because of the volley of red grenades being lobbed into the park.

Jatuporn is certainly an interesting radical fundamentalist that I feel needs immediate mental health care.

Poor Jatuporn must still be a bit sour Suthep unlocked the voice of the majority through protest numbers never witnessed in Thailand previously. Protestors of which included farmers that surprise surprise Jatuporn's warriors abused, threatened and intimidated.

Good to see Suthep back anyway and working for the people.


oh god, ....

Suthep has done the dirty work for the established elite/military alliance. They owe him...

While the military has no further use for him, seeing as they achieved their goal of absolute power, one can hardly expect Suthep to go on his merry way without getting the payment he feels that he is owed...

Watch to see how his "foundation" and his scheming makes him richer than he was before...


Suthep doesn't speak for, nor represent my Thai family.

He should have bowed out from the publicity, all he's done now is put the country back on a path towards a collision.

He has just shown the Junta up, and more or less three his nose up at them, now all the red maniacs need to do is also state they're holding a reformation foundation meeting, and it cannot be denied nor stopped, as the precedents have been set by this knob end!!


I can see this getting very messy very quickly. If Suthep starts to try and dictate what the Junta does there will be a massive clash of egos between him and Prayut.

Interesting that Kasit has joined Suthep in this new crusade and is already stirring the pot:


"Kasit (Dem), chastising Prayuth: Your economic team is all talk! Open your ears and for once listen to your elders! https://t.co/EiMIjUFDOr"


Now we just need the red devils leader to come out as the opposing force,

and it will be carnage ,destruction,and deaths,back to square one again.

regards Worgeordie


the mans an idiot, if he starts anything they should lock him up. Last thing we need is someone like this trying to stir things up, Jutaporn is just as bad and the only reason he has been quiet is because he is sh*t scared of being locked up, pity they arent putting either of these two in front of the cours as they would both be put away

Well he became a monk, so he's officially excused from ever being arrested in his life time..... whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif


I can see this getting very messy very quickly. If Suthep starts to try and dictate what the Junta does there will be a massive clash of egos between him and Prayut.

Interesting that Kasit has joined Suthep in this new crusade and is already stirring the pot:


"Kasit (Dem), chastising Prayuth: Your economic team is all talk! Open your ears and for once listen to your elders! https://t.co/EiMIjUFDOr"

Can't think of anything more entertaining, It's not often you get to say som nam na to both sides of a fist-fight.

Roll on the day, the Thai people could only benefit (even i's after a brief period of turmoil).


Maybe the elections will have to be put back a bit, does not bother me, whilst there are no rallies there are is no violence.


Maybe the elections will have to be put back a bit, does not bother me, whilst there are no rallies there are is no violence.

Yes, add no planning, no policies, economic contraction, crazy proposals for wasting money on military expansion, general chaos and confusion. Why bother having elections ever again and watch Thailand become third world again in a very short time frame.


Suthep doesn't speak for, nor represent my Thai family.

He should have bowed out from the publicity, all he's done now is put the country back on a path towards a collision.

He has just shown the Junta up, and more or less three his nose up at them, now all the red maniacs need to do is also state they're holding a reformation foundation meeting, and it cannot be denied nor stopped, as the precedents have been set by this knob end!!

According to Jamie he does represent your family Haggis wink.png

This cretin needs to stay away as much as Thaksin does. Thaksin isn't owned many favours like the gangster from the south though is eh?


It seems no TVers spotted the comment about more delays with elections? If you all haven't caught on yet Thais like to prepare you in advance for their excuses. Seems to me the people are just getting prepped as to why there will be more delays in having an election. This all may be a setup just to keep those people in power longer.


It seems no TVers spotted the comment about more delays with elections? If you all haven't caught on yet Thais like to prepare you in advance for their excuses. Seems to me the people are just getting prepped as to why there will be more delays in having an election. This all may be a setup just to keep those people in power longer.

Setup or not, a good few feel that they have no intention whatsoever of holding elections until they are forced into it, so rumblings about further delays come as no surprise. These people are going nowhere.


When he recently left after one year as a Buddhist Monk he stated several times that he will not get involved again into political activities.

He is aware of the fact that should he try again in active political matters then the current military government will stop him about it due to the fact that he created in 2014 the violent road activities in Bangkok in order to destroy the then active government of Yingluck Shinawatra.


Suthep doesn't speak for, nor represent my Thai family.

He should have bowed out from the publicity, all he's done now is put the country back on a path towards a collision.

He has just shown the Junta up, and more or less three his nose up at them, now all the red maniacs need to do is also state they're holding a reformation foundation meeting, and it cannot be denied nor stopped, as the precedents have been set by this knob end!!

Suthep doesn't speak for nor does he represent my family up here in Khampaeng Phet either.

On the other hand neither did Yingluck or any of Thaksins lot and neither did the Democrats.

Unfortunately they had to vote or lose their vote next time.


If Suthep was a real man he would not have had to hide as a so called Monk. A coward with a lot of money. Hope he gets every thing he deserves for leading Thailand into financial disaster. He wanted to clean house once the Asian Economic Community came to Thailand but thanks to the junta he failed.


I simply don't understand how he is allowed to get away with saying and doing anything he likes while a bunch of University students still face sedition charges .

He is part of the establishment, the most powerful social force known to mankind.Countries like the UK, France, Spain, old colonial powers are ruled by the establishment, vote in who you will, the basic decisions are made in the drawing rooms of the rich. Students are, well, students.


If Suthep was a real man he would not have had to hide as a so called Monk. A coward with a lot of money. Hope he gets every thing he deserves for leading Thailand into financial disaster. He wanted to clean house once the Asian Economic Community came to Thailand but thanks to the junta he failed.

I am no fan of his but his actions and energy hardly speak of cowardice,he is, unlike others still in Thailand. He was a rich man to begin with so to me his actions speak more of genuine conviction, whether or not one agrees with him.

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