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A Personal Reflection on the State of Restaurant Service in CM

Frank James

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Today I returned to Butter is Better for lunch. I ordered the “Mac and Cheese”, which I had been eagerly anticipating since seeing it on the menu the day before. Once again I chose to sit at one of the small tables outside. On both occasions, I did this as a courtesy to the establishment, since all of the smaller tables inside were occupied, leaving only larger tables and booths. Since I was alone, I didn't want to waste space that could be used by a couple or a larger group.

Outside, it was overcast, but still rather hot, and the traffic on Chang Klan Road is always heavy, noisy, and unrelenting. It is somewhat thrilling to watch all of the near-misses at the poorly delineated Y intersection across the street, but eating is the main event for me.

Both days, service was slow to arrive and there was no follow up. A couple of German ladies came out to smoke and order some shakes, but those took some time, and nobody came out to check on any of us later. I was enjoying the food, as noted in another post, and didn't think much about it. At the end, I went inside to pay at the counter. Shades of Denny's in the States.

After living in CM for over six years I have come to expect a lower overall level of restaurant service. The cliché we sometime read about in these forums, of wait staff paying more attention to each other, and even more so to their phones, is too often the reality. I have found the best service in little Thai family joints with main dishes costing 60 baht tops.

Today, the waitress came out, gave me a rather Mona Lisa type indeterminate half-smile, holding a menu in her hand, and asked (I am NOT kidding!):

Waitress: “What do you want?”

Me: (Somewhat non-plussed, wondering if the question was about food, or something...existential.) “What do I want? I'm not really sure. I think I need to look at a...menu?”

She handed me the menu, which contains many pages of tempting delights, and then, as oftens happens here, she stood there, seemingly waiting for my quick decision.

Me: “I think I need a couple of minute, please?” She turned and walked back inside.

When she returned, I ordered the Mac/Cheese, and water to drink. She brought out water in a glass, room temperature, no ice and put it and the napkin-wrapped spoon & fork, down, and left again, without any exchange of words. Soon the dish arrived., unaccompanied by salt/pepper or any sort of condiments. It was quite tasty, but I would have liked a dash of salt. I got up and looked around, but found nothing outside

I found that I was still hungry afterward, and began to have a craving for the “Egg MicMoofin”. The waitress did not return. I could see through the window that inside, people were getting served promptly, and there was a great turnover of customers. I waited. And waited... I leaned back in my chair and threw back my head with my hands clasped behind and elbows out, which in America generally means, “I just had a fine meal, but a piece 'o pie might go good about now. Where'd that waitress go?”

Then I tried waving discreetly, every time I saw any of the staff inside, hoping to alert their peripheral vision. No such luck. After about forty minutes, I gave up, and went inside, to pay at the counter. In a calm, quiet, measured tone, I said , “I was out there a long time, hoping somebody would come, but nobody looked. No...body...looked. What if a customer had a heart attack out there? You all seem to pay attention to the people inside here. Why does nobody ever look outside?

Three waiters, a cook, and an older lady that might have been “The Boss”, all looked at me, all sort of smiling, nervously. One of the waitresses, NOT the one who served me, said, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” The one who did serve me, looked away.

I put down 200 baht for a 145 baht check, and walked out, slowly. I thought someone might come up to me to talk about the situation, but nobody did. I would NEVER make any sort of a “scene” in a restaurant. Mom raised me better than that. If I don't like a place, I just don't go back. No bad mouthing around town, no crappy reports in Trip Advisor. Never.

In this case, I DO like this place, a LOT, and I WILL be back. The food is fine. The service needs improvement, at least outside, where the AC is off. And when I do return, I will again sit outside, if it isn't terribly hot. And then we'll see.

I write this only in the interest of correcting a situation that might result in loss of business to a great place that deserves community support. I know how hard it is for a restaurant of any kind to survive in this city. We see evidence of that, as places come and go so quickly.

Thanks for reading this.

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Not that surprised...the concept of customer service seems to be disappearing rapidly and not just at the restaurant you specified.

Given that there is a TV member with the screen nic of "butterisbetter" who posted on the other thread about this restaurant, perhaps a PM to that member would be helpful in providing constructive criticism to the appropriate person(s).

(FWIW, I've had a couple of similar incidents at a local restaurant near my condo and I no longer frequent that establishment. Oddly enough, I too was sitting outside on those occasions.)

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Thanks for the write-up. The 2nd bad service report I have read in the last few minutes so I will definitely give BiB a miss in future.

The food is good but that couldnt care less service makes a meal there a bad occasion. I dont need it.

My own eggs benedict are ok- not as good as theirs, but my coffee is better. And no service issues.

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I have had so many similar experiences with bad restaurant service in Thailand that it isn't funny. However, I have found that speaking to the place about the problem at the end of the meal usually makes things worse. The usual reaction is that YOU are to blame and/or CRAZY for even speaking about it. But sometimes I still do tell them ... I'll never learn I guess. The easy thing is not go back but if you like the food ... then it becomes HOW MUCH do you like the food.

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Thailand is what it is and not what you wish it to be. It has plusses and minuses, good and bad, just as your home country has. I've found that to get along here and enjoy it you really need to accept it as it is. These are little issues about service, sometimes it is good and sometimes not, that is just the way it is.

Better perhaps to reflect on what you have escaped at home, the ridiculous taxes, intrusive government, fascist police, getting beaten up on the street at night or whatever your countries negatives are. My observation is that high strung people often don't do well here, you have to adapt and learn to enjoy.

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Bottom line for me is that if a place has good food at a good price I'll tolerate an AWFUL lot. And I do mean AWFUL. If not, they'll never see me again. Works for me.

But don't kid yourselves, really bad service can sometimes totally ruin restaurant meals. It's all relative.

Edited by Jingthing
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A post referring to Americans in a derogatory manner has been removed, also the quoted replies to it.

Please read the forum rules especially these:

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation

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The problem in Thailand is that due to the Buddhist principle of saving/ losing face, ie most people wont complain and would rather Wai and Smile even if the service has been crap. The knock on effect of that is that some of the people working in the service industry have become complacent because they know the chances are they wont get a complaint.

I m in the UK just now on a family visit, and in a couple of shops I ve been in, both IT related, staff have told me, politely of course, that their performance levels with customers are constantly observed for politeness, product awareness etc etc, and if they fall below a certain standard they are told formally to improve! ( or else!)

I m not necessarily advocating that for all areas, but can you imagine the culture shock for waiting on staff, or staff as you sometimes still see in retail outlets slumped across the desk having a nap !!

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Yes, I've noticed that often serving staff ignore the customers at the outside tables here -- not just at BIB. Sometimes Hubby and I have to bring the needs of outside customers to the attention of the wait staff at our favorite restaurants when we're dining inside and see the poor souls outside obviously trying to get the attention of the servers.

I don't know if it's because they have so few customers outside and aren't used to considering that area part of their "area" or because they don't want to deal with smokers or the heat or what.

We sometimes eat in the outside area at BIB because it's near our veterinarian and we often have our cats with us (in their little baskets). We figure it's ok to put the baskets on the floor by our table outside, but they probably wouldn't be welcome in the restaurant. Frankly, we don't even expect to be served. Usually Hubby goes into the restaurant to give them our order and get our water and later to let them know if we want anything else and to get refills for the water. Yeah, I know he shouldn't have it, but hey, we've been in Thailand a while and it's just easier. The food is worth it. At least they bring that out to us.

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This is absolutely not a problem where thailand globally that served well and quickly.

No, in this case the direction is west. It is one of our colleague and only him responsible for this glib service.

Note in passing that after had read some here dream about this address + 200b for breakfast I am not surprised to be treated as they deserve: Cochon customers

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This is absolutely not a problem where thailand globally that served well and quickly.
No, in this case the direction is west. It is one of our colleague and only him responsible for this glib service.
Note in passing that after had read some here dream about this address + 200b for breakfast I am not surprised to be treated as they deserve: Cochon customers


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Just sit inside. If they need the space they will ask or the newcomers will sit inside.

Mac n Cheese.....google it and make your own. its easy and can be done in a slow cooker with no oven.......We will never beat the crap service system here.

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This is absolutely not a problem where thailand globally that served well and quickly.
No, in this case the direction is west. It is one of our colleague and only him responsible for this glib service.
Note in passing that after had read some here dream about this address + 200b for breakfast I am not surprised to be treated as they deserve: Cochon customers


You didn't understand this? Hmmmmm.... Please permit me to interpret;

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe: all mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe.'
Better now? :)
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I have had so many similar experiences with bad restaurant service in Thailand that it isn't funny. However, I have found that speaking to the place about the problem at the end of the meal usually makes things worse. The usual reaction is that YOU are to blame and/or CRAZY for even speaking about it. But sometimes I still do tell them ... I'll never learn I guess. The easy thing is not go back but if you like the food ... then it becomes HOW MUCH do you like the food.

Something over 2 years ago I had a bit of an exchange with the manageress at this very restaurant. Nothing heated or outrageous. Actually, regarding a certain item, I was pointing out a price difference between the main store and one of their outlets. She immediately took note and asked one of her helpers to raise the price on the item in the showcase.

The conversation then continued pretty much like this:

Me- "What did you say?"

She- "I didn't say anything."

Me- "Oh sorry. I thought you said thank you."

She- "I don't have to say thank you."

Me- "That's no way to treat a customer."

She- "I have too many customers already." (That line I remember word for word!)

I didn't even need to look around because I knew that I was the only guest in the place at that time. Nothing more was said.

I don't care how good their food might be, they clearly don't need me, and I don't need their attitude.

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Thailand is what it is and not what you wish it to be. It has plusses and minuses, good and bad, just as your home country has. I've found that to get along here and enjoy it you really need to accept it as it is. These are little issues about service, sometimes it is good and sometimes not, that is just the way it is.

Better perhaps to reflect on what you have escaped at home, the ridiculous taxes, intrusive government, fascist police, getting beaten up on the street at night or whatever your countries negatives are. My observation is that high strung people often don't do well here, you have to adapt and learn to enjoy.

This is a classic of the type of post that--- "if you can't cut it here...some people are just too 'high strung'...you don't know how it works, maybe you need to take your old American candy ass back home, how 'bout?"

Like Omar used to say on 'The Wire'..."All in The Game, Yo!"

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Wouldnt mind if their food was particularly good. One time I called by and had the McMuffin thing they try to copy from McDonalds. It was terrible and not a patch on McDonalds.....and its very rare if ever you can say McDonalds is better at anything !!!

I guess its the fact that its done out like a classic American Diner that makes it so popular, makes some people feel like home?

Sadly to say, but yet another of the highly rated ( by some) places failing to live up to reputation, in my opinion of course ( which I am entitled to express hopefully without personal attack!!)

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O.P. I must say i was a bit disappointed in your report. You did not mention anything about if the flies were bothering you or not.

No flies or skeets today. They can't handle the noise and pollution of Chang Klan Road. But thanks for pointing that out.

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I would NEVER make any sort of a “scene” in a restaurant. Mom raised me better than that. If I don't like a place, I just don't go back. No bad mouthing around town, no crappy reports in Trip Advisor. Never.

Never, except Thaivisa I guess. rolleyes.gif

Anyway, I never had any major issue with the service at BiB. My main gripe is the terrible drinking water, which tastes like filtered tap water with a filter that hasn't been replaced in a long while. (maybe it has, it's just what it tastes like; anyway how much could some big Dew Drop water bottles cost anyway..)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Maybe it has something to do with it basically being a non-tipping country, and many of the expats are from non-tipping countries, too. Unemployment is still very low here, and the restaurants have a tough time hiring and retaining good staff. I've seen a few Burmese guys actually advance up the ladder fairly fast, after coming here, with not much more than a bus ticket.

The comparison to the attention you get in a store was spot on. I think if I wanted to beef up my contact list, I would start going to Central and Robinson.

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This is absolutely not a problem where thailand globally that served well and quickly.
No, in this case the direction is west. It is one of our colleague and only him responsible for this glib service.
Note in passing that after had read some here dream about this address + 200b for breakfast I am not surprised to be treated as they deserve: Cochon customers


Um, I have made a mistake with the phrase "customer pig" again trying to speak on the second degree.
Understand: Only your money interested me.
But perhaps it was a bit too much ...
My outrage is that the majority of comments agree to blame Thailand for a problem under the responsibility of a Western guy who practices Western rates.
And Also the systematic criticism of a country that we have chosen for know a better life seems to pass far beyond the bounds of the ridiculous.
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I would NEVER make any sort of a scene in a restaurant. Mom raised me better than that. If I don't like a place, I just don't go back. No bad mouthing around town, no crappy reports in Trip Advisor. Never.

Never, except Thaivisa I guess. rolleyes.gif

Anyway, I never had any major issue with the service at BiB. My main gripe is the terrible drinking water, which tastes like filtered tap water with a filter that hasn't been replaced in a long while. (maybe it has, it's just what it tastes like; anyway how much could some big Dew Drop water bottles cost anyway..)

How much is a bottle of water?

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