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US billionaire Koch warns conservatives must demand smaller government

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Koch warns conservatives must demand smaller government

DANA POINT, Calif. (AP) — Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch warned America is "done for" if the conservative donors and politicians he gathered at a retreat this weekend don't rally others to their cause of demanding a smaller, less-intrusive government.

"History demonstrates that when the American people get motivated by an issue of justice, that they believe is just, extraordinary things can be accomplished," he said on Sunday, going on to reference the American Revolution, abolition of slavery and women's and civil rights movements. "We, too, are seeking to right injustices that are holding our country back."

Listening intently inside a tightly guarded luxury resort in Southern California were 450 business leaders — many among them top political contributors — and the elected officials who receive that largesse. They've been strategizing with officials at the education, policy and activist groups that Koch and his brother David have spent years building up and funding.

That network has a budget of $889 million through the end of 2016 — and much of it will be directed at electing a Republican to the White House.

As such, five GOP contenders are speaking to the donor group, answering questions. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, responding to a question about why celebrity businessman Donald Trump is surging in GOP presidential polls, echoed Koch's sentiments that the country is at a crossroads.

"Americans instinctively understand that we have reached another one of those pivotal moments in our history where what's at stake is not what party is in charge but our identity as a nation and as a people," Rubio said. "And they want to see candidates that are passionate about that and will do something about it."

Trump wasn't as generous in his assessment of Rubio and the others who came to the Koch retreat, writing on Twitter: "I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are due to speak Sunday evening. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former technology executive Carly Fiorina took questions on Saturday.

Walker heaped praise on the donor crowd and said their patriotism reminded him of what he saw at tea party rallies, who may not have the net worth but who are also "fighting for their country.

"I wish the whole world could see what goes on here," Walker said of the donor conference.

The Koch donor conferences, held twice a year, are insular affairs.

Only those who have donated $100,000 or more to Koch-backed groups are invited. Yet even those deep-pocketed donors must check their mobile phones at the doors of some strategy sessions.

For the first time, a small number of reporters were invited to hear the 2016 candidates and attend some other forums. As a condition of attending, reporters were not permitted to identify any of the donors in attendance.

Most of the Koch-backed entities are nonprofits that do not have to disclose their donors. The two most politically active groups are American for Prosperity, which deploys activists to knock on doors and discuss issues important to the Kochs, and Freedom Partners, which has a super PAC that can spend directly on elections.

Although leaders for those two groups say they aren't endorsing anyone in the GOP primary, donors at the retreat have the ability to write million-dollar checks to boost a candidate's chances.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-03

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Trump wasn't as generous in his assessment of Rubio and the others who came to the Koch retreat, writing on Twitter: "I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

Trump, right again. The US needs a game changer, desperately. Donald Trump is the only one out there.


Trump wasn't as generous in his assessment of Rubio and the others who came to the Koch retreat, writing on Twitter: "I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

Trump, right again. The US needs a game changer, desperately. Donald Trump is the only one out there.

If Donald Trump is the answer, it must be a pretty stupid question....


Beautifully ironic:

"I wish the whole world could see what goes on here," Walker said of the donor conference.

The Koch donor conferences, held twice a year, are insular affairs.

Only those who have donated $100,000 or more to Koch-backed groups are invited. Yet even those deep-pocketed donors must check their mobile phones at the doors of some strategy sessions.


Trump wasn't as generous in his assessment of Rubio and the others who came to the Koch retreat, writing on Twitter: "I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

Trump, right again. The US needs a game changer, desperately. Donald Trump is the only one out there.

If Donald Trump is the answer, it must be a pretty stupid question....

Trump was honest and to the point.

"I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

The Donald might be a bit of a boor, a bit opportunistic, but he isn't bought and paid for by two of the most evil, disgusting men in the USA the Koch brothers. Trump speaks his mind and isn't given to PC based platitudes. He's a wind blowing from a different direction.


yes, start with the military, then eliminate the police , fire dept. and teachers. These clowns want everything from their Gov. but they don't want to pay any taxes for it. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


"Smaller government" is a euphemism for less regulation on their dirty businesses. Koch brothers are the most despicable people on the planet. The GOP candidates will do anything to get that sweet Koch cash. Doesn't matter how much the Koch policies hurt Americans. It's all about the money. Sheldon Adelson and the Kochs control the Republican party...or did until the comb over grabbed the lead.

The Republican party is in free fall off a cliff. They're incapable of governing because government doesn't work according to the Republicans, therefore they won't let it work because by definition, it doesn't work.

Can't wait for the debate. Can they bring their guns? I hope so.


Koch is not saying that the number of federal employees must be smaller (only pea-minded would think that), but that only stupid-minded persons should be hired to fill government positions, and that these persons should not question the motives of the rich.

In summary, the Kock brothers do not give one iota for the common person (whether democrat or republican), but only their own agenda. Just imagine if you were ultra-wealthy, and the government enacted legislation that prevented you from conducting shady business as usual; you too would be throwing millions of dollars (more money than the average Joe would see in a lifetime) to institute a regime change.

In the US, we call this an act of campaigning during the election cycle; in other countries they'd call it a coup d' etat.


Nothing more than a veiled threat to the candidates that they must do the Koch bidding if they are to receive those hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign money.


Trump speaks his mind and isn't given to PC based platitudes. He's a wind blowing from a different direction.

Judging by his hair, the wind's been blowing in a few directions.


Trump wasn't as generous in his assessment of Rubio and the others who came to the Koch retreat, writing on Twitter: "I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

Trump, right again. The US needs a game changer, desperately. Donald Trump is the only one out there.

If Donald Trump is the answer, it must be a pretty stupid question....

"Who can next and/or better lead America?"

Perhaps the answer is stupid but its pretty simple to deduce what the question is, and you think its a stupid question?

This explains a lot about why people are asking the question; and they are.


Its so... uninformed or disingenuous for others to indict or attack the reputation of a few conservative billionaires because the reason that the US is so screwed up in the first place... is because there are few conservative billionaires leveraging their money for their country. Take for example the National Endowment for Democracy (READ=NGO to overthrow governments) patron and darling George Soros. Soros sat down last year or so with Kerry and the Foreign Minister of Iran for dinner, a secretive private dinner. Nothing untoward there but did you know Kerry and the Iranian rep have deep connections? No, congress did not either. Soros has been within or behind dozens of revolutions, along with his patron left leaning State Department. Soros has the blood of many tens of thousands on his hands. At best the Koch brothers have feces or grease.

If the notion that money and politics mixing displays something dark this should equally apply to the dark places throughout the world where leftist monies are seizing and usurping governments- from Hong Kong to China to Thailand to Arab overthrows to Ukraine and to all the other color revolutions... every single one of them has the same dark, uber leftist Soros and US State Depart Operatives causing fighting in streets and deaths and they are nearly all lies built on local dissatisfaction. That a man could know such a thing and still indict someone like these brothers above shows a willful deceit or intentional stupidity. (In fact, my observation above is so spot on that currently Russia and China are expelling NGOs operating under pretense to spread Soros and NED overthrows).

The Koch brothers are about as contrived a demon as one could imagine. On any ledger of billionaire meddling they could not possibly equal the destructive effects to society and polity of Soros et al.


Koch said on Sunday, going on to reference the American Revolution, abolition of slavery and women's and civil rights movements. "We, too, are seeking to right injustices that are holding our country back." Wow does this guy know how to hang himself with words or what? quoting the American Revolution and abolition of slavery the last one is a real joke a pants pis*er. All he and his fellow billionaires want to do is enslave everybody period to do their bidding. They have so much money and power they think they are the chosen ones. Smaller government yeah sure only so there are less people to watch him and his buddy billionaires rake in more money and pay less taxes. Injustices that are hold our country back such as what a decent minimum wage unions food stamps soup kitchens welfare what a pile of crap. Its always about the money with these people forget the window dressing. Thats put out there for the sheeple that vote. He makes Joe Stalin look like a saint.


Didn't hear any mention of eliminating bailouts for banks and poorly run corporations. Nothing about reducing military spending to arms manufacturers to help clean out that bloated corrupt cesspool.

What about donations for buying political favours? Taxing multinational corporations? Reinstalling rule of law for all? Disassembling the fascist state? Getting rid of the parasitic Federal Reserve?

No prizes for seeing which part of society he wants to help...


Didn't hear any mention of eliminating bailouts for banks and poorly run corporations. Nothing about reducing military spending to arms manufacturers to help clean out that bloated corrupt cesspool.

What about donations for buying political favours? Taxing multinational corporations? Reinstalling rule of law for all? Disassembling the fascist state? Getting rid of the parasitic Federal Reserve?

No prizes for seeing which part of society he wants to help...

You could add a couple hundred more to the list. I love your last one the most. The Fed should have been audited and brought to heel years ago. Also check Fort Knox to see how many fake gold bars are there.


Trump wasn't as generous in his assessment of Rubio and the others who came to the Koch retreat, writing on Twitter: "I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

Trump, right again. The US needs a game changer, desperately. Donald Trump is the only one out there.

If Donald Trump is the answer, it must be a pretty stupid question....

Why is that?


Are these the same two greedy BTDS that tried to control the silver market years ago. A lot of people got burned in that fiasco.

No, not the same, but no need to let the facts get in the way of a good, hot aired, windbag rant.coffee1.gif You may try a search for Hunt brothers.


People with deep pockets buying politicians is exactly why Donald Trump has remarkably gained a solid following in the US...he will not be bought...the rest of the candidates are clamoring for campaign contributions which have predictable strings attached...


Trump wasn't as generous in his assessment of Rubio and the others who came to the Koch retreat, writing on Twitter: "I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

Trump, right again. The US needs a game changer, desperately. Donald Trump is the only one out there.

If Donald Trump is the answer, it must be a pretty stupid question....

Trump was honest and to the point.

"I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets?"

The Donald might be a bit of a boor, a bit opportunistic, but he isn't bought and paid for by two of the most evil, disgusting men in the USA the Koch brothers. Trump speaks his mind and isn't given to PC based platitudes. He's a wind blowing from a different direction.

The Donald is definitely "blowing wind".

But I believe the accepted term is actually " Breaking Wind".

He stinks!


1) "Listening intently inside a tightly guarded luxury resort in Southern California were 450 business leaders"

2) "Only those who have donated $100,000 or more to Koch-backed groups are invited. Yet even those deep-pocketed donors must check their mobile phones at the doors of some strategy sessions.

3) For the first time, a small number of reporters were invited to hear the 2016 candidates and attend some other forums. As a condition of attending, reporters were not permitted to identify any of the donors in attendance."

""I wish the whole world could see what goes on here," Walker said of the donor conference."

I too wish the world was allowed to see what goes on there Mr. Walker!

If they really have the good of the American people in mind, why are they so secretive about what they do, and say, and who they are?

If American voters knew what these wealthy,self serving slime balls were really up to, only other wealthy slime balls would ever support them!

Feel the Bern!


Koch and his Republican bosom buddies can talk the talk, but they can't walk the walk.

When they say 'smaller government' they mean cutting down or out programs they don't particularly like, like the IRS and Park Services and Day Care. But watch out if there's any talk of lessening any programs which benefit them - their high-priced lawyers and lobbyists will descend upon Washington senators faster than you can say 'too-big-to-fail'

A number of years ago, an investment fund was particularly popular with the very wealthy. One week, it was about to go belly-up. The super rich screamed at Washington, HELP!!! In a NY minute, Senators got special funding to prop up the fund. Problem solved. The super rich have no hard place to fall. Even if their businesses or investments tank, they'll always get bailed out by the feds. That's the part of federal government they want hands-off. Everything else can get trimmed or eliminated.

Bermie Sanders understands that, and is not afraid to stand up against cushioning the super-rich. He's the only candidate with that sort of courage. He's got my vote.


He meant smaller government for OTHER PEOPLE.

These Billionaire scumbags are "all in" for "favorable tax treatment" for THEMSELVES.

What part of the words "selfish <deleted>" don't you understand?



He meant smaller government for OTHER PEOPLE.

These Billionaire scumbags are "all in" for "favorable tax treatment" for THEMSELVES.

What part of the words "selfish <deleted>" don't you understand?


I liked your post till you got down to the word selfish. I think you could have come up with a stronger term. Scumbags I like. Opps sorry you did come up with something that was deleted. Yes these scumbags are now out in the open about controlling politicians. Koch did not want the name of the industrial giants mentioned guess he figured we the buying public would boycott their products. They are indeed now a shameless lot who have no feeling for their fellow man only their own personal greed. With all the greed in the world today if there is a heaven it will be very sparsely populated.


And, what we may ask, is wrong with a smaller government?

If you don't know what happens when you deregulate, try reading some history.


yes, start with the military, then eliminate the police , fire dept. and teachers. These clowns want everything from their Gov. but they don't want to pay any taxes for it. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Actually yes the Military is way too big & spends silly $$$$ & I think most Americans agree. If it were in protection/defense standing & not Nation building

setting up puppet regimes, defending those who do not deserve defending etc etc it could in fact be much much smaller....as it should be.

But more importantly the next three you mention...police,fire,teachers...All State level not Federal & as such paid for by State taxes & again most American support those things & have no problem

with the tax associated with them.

"Smaller Government" is usually directed at Federal Government & really the main reason the Constitution exists is to supposedly protect from

such over-reach.

That is not to say "Donor" groups such as these are any good nor any solution as they are just buying "their" puppets.

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