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Phetchaburi Muslim community protests bacon factory

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Muslim Community Protests Bacon Factory

By Khaosod English

Saying they would suffer indignity and environmental damage, protesters from a Muslim community in Phetchaburi province present a petition yesterday against a bacon-making factory that would open close to three mosques.

PHETCHABURI — A group of Muslims rallied yesterday against a food company’s plan to construct a pork processing plant near their community southwest of Bangkok.

Around 50 members of a muslim community in the Cha Am district of Phetchaburi province submitted a petition to officials over the construction of a facility they say is an indignity to their faith.

In the letter, the residents said they are opposed to a plan by Hua Hin Inter Foods Co. to build a factory for making bacon, sausages and ham near the Muslim-majority community. Pork is considered unclean in the Islamic faith and consuming it is forbidden.

“We have considered the plan, and we believe the factory should not be located in this area because 99 percent of the people are Muslims,” the letter said. “People in the community feel it will violate their livelihoods and practice of Islam.”

Three mosques are clustered near to the site of the planned factory. The letter also raised concerns that wastewater from the pork processing may contaminate sources of drinking water in the area.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1438672537

-- Khaosod English 2015-08-04

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Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.


They live in a predominant Buddhist country so they should learn to get along with the other people in the community who don't share the same views.


Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Halal is not a food.

But you are welcome to ban yourself from eating anything halal related. No one will care.


They have a valid point..jpg

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I wouldnt like a factory of ANY kind opening where I live.


They have a valid point..jpg

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I wouldnt like a factory of ANY kind opening where I live.

Maybe you should move to a country that has real zoning laws. Thailand has almost no zoning laws or city planning. There's nothing preventing a land owner from opening up a factory next to your residence, other than an EIS (environmental impact statement) or the courts enforcing the pollution laws.


The article is not clear. If it is pork and bacon processing plant, I see no problem and agree with many of the above comments. But if they are smoking the bacon and releasing the smoke into the air, the locals may have a point.


Well they can always move to Yala or Pattani if they are not happy in Petchaburi. Here in Trat we now got loudspeakers put up behind or village that wake us up at 5 am for call to pray, the local Buddhist are accepting it even if they don't like it.


Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Didn't you know gambling is illegal in Thailand,remember big brother is watching,I really thought it was an offal post.


Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Didn't you know gambling is illegal in Thailand,remember big brother is watching,I really thought it was an offal post.

Maybe you could meat him halfway.


Funny enough Muslims elsewhere in the world works as butchers in industrial slaughterhouses, where they process thousands of pigs. They don't have any problem with that as long as they don't need to eat the meat.

You can probably use most religions as a cover for special treatment.


A number of off-topic generalisations removed (along with sensible replies).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


The article is not clear. If it is pork and bacon processing plant, I see no problem and agree with many of the above comments. But if they are smoking the bacon and releasing the smoke into the air, the locals may have a point.

what makes the smoke of a beef (tortured to death in halal fashion) bacon factory better?


As they are not forced to enter the factory this matter can be considered solved.

I - for one - lived here for a while before the first mosque (with minaret) was erected. Now I have four of these noise-polluters around me blasting non-Thai commercials of their fidel messages to all those who are also not interested in their (wrong) songs.

Nice would be if they would be starting all at the same time but this, of course, is not possible so we have five noise breaks daily.

Rather ten bacon factories around me than one mosque as bacon does not scream, does not create traffic jams and also does not create hatred. Last not least bacon is produced considerably more human than their halal-slaughtering business of theirs.

I don't mind but maybe they shut up - for once - too.


Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Didn't you know gambling is illegal in Thailand,remember big brother is watching,I really thought it was an offal post.

Have you got the guts to say that to his face?

Just kidneying. Liver and let liver.facepalm.gif


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I'm not Muslim, and I love a good BLT sandwich (though bacon in Thailand is rarely cooked enough for my taste, but I digress).

Still, I can think of about 100 reasons I wouldn't want a pig slaughtering, bacon processing operation in my backyard. But I suspect my chances of stopping it on the basis of air pollution, or noise, or traffic jams caused by hundreds of daily truckloads of pigs, or the stench, or groundwater pollution would be pretty much zero here in LOS. So I think they're pretty smart to pull out the religion card.

It's probably their best chance of avoiding tainted drinking water in the near future. Not to mention the awful racket that pigs make when you're brutally killing them in a way that saves a little money....

I salute them in their cause. Even though I don't follow their faith.


The article is not clear. If it is pork and bacon processing plant, I see no problem and agree with many of the above comments. But if they are smoking the bacon and releasing the smoke into the air, the locals may have a point.

what makes the smoke of a beef (tortured to death in halal fashion) bacon factory better?

Absolutely nothing... I think halal is a cruel and brutal way to kill animals. But I still stand by the point I made (provided the Muslim communities were there in these proportions first).


It is indeed refreshing to see this mob of whingers are not only whinging in the west, also in a third world country as well , ( Thailand used to be an emerging economy ) now if my memory serves me right I think under section 44 rule they can order the bacon factory too be built in the Mosque , me doth think that these people of religion nature protest to much, loosen up ladies and enjoy life. coffee1.gif


Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Totally agree. Its is all a terrible way to treat animals. Stay meat free. I thought Buddists couldnt eat meat anyway.

They have a valid point..jpg

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I wouldnt like a factory of ANY kind opening where I live.

Maybe you should move to a country that has real zoning laws. Thailand has almost no zoning laws or city planning. There's nothing preventing a land owner from opening up a factory next to your residence, other than an EIS (environmental impact statement) or the courts enforcing the pollution laws.

The law has nothing to do with me not wanting a factory built where I live. No matter what the law, doesnt change my mind.

Oh and I did move countries.


Funny enough Muslims elsewhere in the world works as butchers in industrial slaughterhouses, where they process thousands of pigs. They don't have any problem with that as long as they don't need to eat the meat.

You can probably use most religions as a cover for special treatment.

No its not only eating. Most muslims wont touch it.


Funny enough Muslims elsewhere in the world works as butchers in industrial slaughterhouses, where they process thousands of pigs. They don't have any problem with that as long as they don't need to eat the meat.

You can probably use most religions as a cover for special treatment.

No its not only eating. Most muslims wont touch it.

How do Muslim women get on with the pork sword then ?

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