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Obama, Netanyahu make dueling appeals on Iran to US Jews

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Obama, Netanyahu make dueling appeals on Iran to US Jews

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made dueling appeals to the American Jewish community Tuesday as they sought to rally support for their opposing positions on the Iranian nuclear deal.

Netanyahu made his case in a live webcast with more than 10,000 participants, according to the U.S. Jewish groups that organized the event. The prime minister railed against the agreement to curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in sanctions relief, calling it a "bad deal" that leaves Tehran on the brink of a bomb.

"The nuclear deal with Iran doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb," he said. "It actually paves Iran's path to the bomb."

Netanyahu, one of the fiercest critics of the nuclear accord, also disputed Obama's assertion that opponents of the diplomatic deal favor war. He called that assertion "utterly false," saying Israel wants peace, not war.

Obama held a private meeting at the White House later Tuesday with Jewish leaders — some who support the deal, some who oppose it, and others whose organizations are undecided. The White House said Obama emphasized that the deal would allow the world to verify that Iran wasn't acquiring a nuclear weapon and affirmed his support for Israel's security.

Among the roughly two-dozen leaders joining Obama in the Cabinet Room were Michael Kassen and Lee Rosenberg of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is vehemently opposed to the deal, as well as Jeremy Ben-Ami of J Street, who is among the deal's most vocal proponents. The White House said representatives from the Orthodox Union, the Reform Movement, the World Jewish Congress and the Anti-Defamation League also attended.

The direct appeals from Obama and Netanyahu come amid an intense lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers plan to vote on the nuclear deal next month. The vote will be one of Congress' most significant national security decisions in recent years.

The White House is preparing for the likelihood that lawmakers will vote against the deal and is focusing its lobbying efforts on getting enough Democrats to sustain a veto. Only one chamber of Congress is needed to sustain a veto.

Obama spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that the White House is confident it can sustain a veto "at least in the House."

The president got a boost in the Senate Tuesday with Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Tim Kaine of Virginia and Bill Nelson of Florida announcing their support for the deal. However, the administration lost the backing of three prominent Jewish Democrats — New York Reps. Steve Israel and Nita Lowey and Florida Rep. Ted Deutch.

Obama also planned to give a speech Wednesday outlining what he sees as the strengths of the nuclear deal.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-05

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While Obama and John Kerry will sleep snug and comfy in their mansions after they will give back the keys

with their mega salaries and personal body guards, Israel will for ever now has to live under the threats

of the Iranians producing nukes on ballistic missiles very soon and under the noses of every one,,,


While Obama and John Kerry will sleep snug and comfy in their mansions after they will give back the keys

with their mega salaries and personal body guards, Israel will for ever now has to live under the threats

of the Iranians producing nukes on ballistic missiles very soon and under the noses of every one,,,

So is there somebody stopping Israel from taking out Iran's nuclear program or are they just going to jump up and down and have a temper tantrum?

Netanyahu took on the POTUS and he is reaping his rewards. Unfortunately, this whole fiasco is showing that Israel is not really much of a team player. It's their way or no way.

With or without an agreement, Iran's eyes are firmly on nuclear development, including possibly weapons. With an agreement there is more legal leverage in dealing with them. Without, they are simply like another North Korea.


While Obama and John Kerry will sleep snug and comfy in their mansions after they will give back the keys

with their mega salaries and personal body guards, Israel will for ever now has to live under the threats

of the Iranians producing nukes on ballistic missiles very soon and under the noses of every one,,,

So is there somebody stopping Israel from taking out Iran's nuclear program or are they just going to jump up and down and have a temper tantrum?

Netanyahu took on the POTUS and he is reaping his rewards. Unfortunately, this whole fiasco is showing that Israel is not really much of a team player. It's their way or no way.

With or without an agreement, Iran's eyes are firmly on nuclear development, including possibly weapons. With an agreement there is more legal leverage in dealing with them. Without, they are simply like another North Korea.

...or like another Israel.


While Obama and John Kerry will sleep snug and comfy in their mansions after they will give back the keys with their mega salaries and personal body guards, Israel will for ever now has to live under the threats of the Iranians producing nukes on ballistic missiles very soon and under the noses of every one,,,

People in the US should not be too proud of this agreement...Iran has called for the destruction of both Israel and the US...and it is believed that they have missiles which can deliver a nuclear payload to the US...

If a nuclear was is ever started...there is likely no place to hide...even remote areas of the world will have to deal with the radioactive fallout...capable of destroying all life as we know it...

But if you are Muslim...no problem...they believe they have those young nubile virgins waiting for them in the afterlife...so death is a desirable thing for them...


Who cares what Israel thinks or what the US Jews think. Ignore them. Times are a changin. Make the deal you need based on reality and move on. Iran already has nukes anyway. The sooner the USG starts dealing from reality the better for it's people and the world at large.


Who cares what Israel thinks or what the US Jews think. Ignore them. Times are a changin.

Our resident Israeli Firsters will most certainly take umbrage at this statement. But as an American who always puts America's best interests first, I strongly agree with the above.

Unfortunately the reality is that AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the US and has scores of members of congress on its payroll (and by payroll, I obviously mean regular donations to their re-election funds). In the last month they spent $11 million dollars trying to scuttle this common sense P5+1 Iran deal.


On the bright side, demographic trends clearly indicate that young Americans are not so easily tricked by Israel's Janus-faced words because new media has allowed them to see an unfiltered view of Israel's atrocities.



While Obama and John Kerry will sleep snug and comfy in their mansions after they will give back the keys

with their mega salaries and personal body guards, Israel will for ever now has to live under the threats

of the Iranians producing nukes on ballistic missiles very soon and under the noses of every one,,,

Quite the opposite.
The only alternative to diplomacy is war caused by Israel unnecessarily bombing Iranian nuclear facilities.
Israelis would then for certain be living with, not just threats, but the reality of missiles raining down on them from Iran's ally Hezbollah in Lebanon..
Why doesn't Israel make every effort to achieve peace with its neighbors rather than war... a much better way of removing threats.

While Obama and John Kerry will sleep snug and comfy in their mansions after they will give back the keys

with their mega salaries and personal body guards, Israel will for ever now has to live under the threats

of the Iranians producing nukes on ballistic missiles very soon and under the noses of every one,,,

Iran will never nuke Israel.

Contrary to the erroneous beliefs of many, Shi'a are not suicidal by nature.


Ignoring the predictable toxic obsessive Israel demonization rhetoric on this thread, I would like to say as an AMERICAN that ALL AMERICANS of all flavors ought to be very skeptical of this deal with Iran. I feel EMBARRASSMENT that my nation's leaders are so weak and acting like surrender monkeys towards Iran. Iranians know they got the much better deal in this and they know the USA acted out of weakness STUPIDLY when actually the USA came into the talks in an objectively much stronger position. At least Israelis don't have to feel such embarrassment that their leadership is spineless ... a small consolation I suppose.

I expect this deal to go through and the the U.S. congress not to have enough votes for an override, so I hope for the best but not expecting the best result from this deal. In the very unlikely event that there are enough votes to override Obama's veto, who do you think will be BLAMED for that? American Jews, that's who.

Forgetting nukes ... Iran and the USA remain in ENEMY mode. Sure it would be great for that to soften ... but there are some fundamental problems preventing that.

To wit:




Ignoring the predictable toxic obsessive Israel demonization rhetoric on this thread, I would like to say as an AMERICAN that ALL AMERICANS of all flavors ought to be very skeptical of this deal with Iran. I feel EMBARRASSMENT that my nation's leaders are so weak and acting like surrender monkeys towards Iran. Iranians know they got the much better deal in this and they know the USA acted out of weakness STUPIDLY when actually the USA came into the talks in an objectively much stronger position. At least Israelis don't have to feel such embarrassment that their leadership is spineless ... a small consolation I suppose.

I expect this deal to go through and the the U.S. congress not to have enough votes for an override, so I hope for the best but not expecting the best result from this deal. In the very unlikely event that there are enough votes to override Obama's veto, who do you think will be BLAMED for that? American Jews, that's who.

Forgetting nukes ... Iran and the USA remain in ENEMY mode. Sure it would be great for that to soften ... but there are some fundamental problems preventing that.

To wit:


So who you think should be blamed?


Ignoring the predictable toxic obsessive Israel demonization rhetoric on this thread, I would like to say as an AMERICAN that ALL AMERICANS of all flavors ought to be very skeptical of this deal with Iran. I feel EMBARRASSMENT that my nation's leaders are so weak and acting like surrender monkeys towards Iran. Iranians know they got the much better deal in this and they know the USA acted out of weakness STUPIDLY when actually the USA came into the talks in an objectively much stronger position. At least Israelis don't have to feel such embarrassment that their leadership is spineless ... a small consolation I suppose.

I expect this deal to go through and the the U.S. congress not to have enough votes for an override, so I hope for the best but not expecting the best result from this deal. In the very unlikely event that there are enough votes to override Obama's veto, who do you think will be BLAMED for that? American Jews, that's who.

Forgetting nukes ... Iran and the USA remain in ENEMY mode. Sure it would be great for that to soften ... but there are some fundamental problems preventing that.

To wit:



"there are enough votes to override Obama's veto, who do you think will be BLAMED for that? American Jews, that's who." cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Talk about seeking eternal victimhood! Of course they will be BLAMED ..that's what the OP is about, their lobbying!!!!


Who cares what Israel thinks or what the US Jews think. Ignore them. Times are a changin. Make the deal you need based on reality and move on. Iran already has nukes anyway. The sooner the USG starts dealing from reality the better for it's people and the world at large.

Iran does not already have nuclear weapons. Of course the sales point of this deal is that without the deal they are very close to having them and this deal supposedly retards that speed. But the deal doesn't deal with anything else about Iran's foreign policy.

Some people do care what Israel or American Jews think. You don't. That's valid for you.

The situation now is that the vast majority of Israelis oppose the deal and for good reasons for them, and among American Jews (people and leadership) there appears to be a fairly even split of opinion. I seriously doubt Bibi's efforts are going to change that split very much.

If I was an elected official, I'm not sure how I would vote. While as I've said I think the USA got a bad deal compared to Iran ... this is the deal on the table, so the question is it better than nothing. I don't really know for sure and don't envy the officials having to weigh the pros and cons of that decision.

Personally, I am already assuming the votes aren't there for an override ... though I do expect an initial veto.

The only thing that could change that I think is some kind of leak or news event that is damaging to the pro deal side.


Who cares what Israel thinks or what the US Jews think. Ignore them. Times are a changin. Make the deal you need based on reality and move on. Iran already has nukes anyway. The sooner the USG starts dealing from reality the better for it's people and the world at large.

Iran does not already have nuclear weapons. Of course the sales point of this deal is that without the deal they are very close to having them and this deal supposedly retards that speed. But the deal doesn't deal with anything else about Iran's foreign policy.

Some people do care what Israel or American Jews think. You don't. That's valid for you.

The situation now is that the vast majority of Israelis oppose the deal and for good reasons for them, and among American Jews (people and leadership) there appears to be a fairly even split of opinion. I seriously doubt Bibi's efforts are going to change that split very much.

If I was an elected official, I'm not sure how I would vote. While as I've said I think the USA got a bad deal compared to Iran ... this is the deal on the table, so the question is it better than nothing. I don't really know for sure and don't envy the officials having to weigh the pros and cons of that decision.

Personally, I am already assuming the votes aren't there for an override ... though I do expect an initial veto.

The only thing that could change that I think is some kind of leak or news event that is damaging to the pro deal side.

Let's hope you're right because the alternative to a deal with Iran would be bad news for everybody.


Assigning blame will not do.

Blaming Obama will not do.

Blaming Jews will not do.

Blaming Israel will not do.

Blaming Netanyahu will not do.

Sooner or later Iran will build its nukes.

Sooner or later something will have to be done about this.

Nobody - not Saudis, not Iraqis, not Israel, not Turkey, not UAE, not Syria, not US, not NATO will want to live under threat of a nuclear power controlled by Islam.

( and please, do not bring the example of Pakistan)

I do not want to waste my time on listening to either of two leaders. Neither the world will agree to pin its security on Shi'ites mood.

Israel is in the position with no choice.

It is under threat as we speak. All you have to do is listen to Iranian people and politicians. Both organised and orchestrated by clergy.

In terms of size Israel is vulnerable. It must act. It will.


Assigning blame will not do.

Blaming Obama will not do.

Blaming Jews will not do.

Blaming Israel will not do.

Blaming Netanyahu will not do.

Sooner or later Iran will build its nukes.

Sooner or later something will have to be done about this.

Nobody - not Saudis, not Iraqis, not Israel, not Turkey, not UAE, not Syria, not US, not NATO will want to live under threat of a nuclear power controlled by Islam.

( and please, do not bring the example of Pakistan)

I do not want to waste my time on listening to either of two leaders. Neither the world will agree to pin its security on Shi'ites mood.

Israel is in the position with no choice.

It is under threat as we speak. All you have to do is listen to Iranian people and politicians. Both organised and orchestrated by clergy.

In terms of size Israel is vulnerable. It must act. It will.

If by 'act' you mean an unprovoked air strike against Iran, then the consequences will be unforeseen and most probably disastrous for Israel.


Who cares what Israel thinks or what the US Jews think. Ignore them. Times are a changin. Make the deal you need based on reality and move on. Iran already has nukes anyway. The sooner the USG starts dealing from reality the better for it's people and the world at large.

Iran does not already have nuclear weapons. Of course the sales point of this deal is that without the deal they are very close to having them and this deal supposedly retards that speed. But the deal doesn't deal with anything else about Iran's foreign policy.

Some people do care what Israel or American Jews think. You don't. That's valid for you.

The situation now is that the vast majority of Israelis oppose the deal and for good reasons for them, and among American Jews (people and leadership) there appears to be a fairly even split of opinion. I seriously doubt Bibi's efforts are going to change that split very much.

If I was an elected official, I'm not sure how I would vote. While as I've said I think the USA got a bad deal compared to Iran ... this is the deal on the table, so the question is it better than nothing. I don't really know for sure and don't envy the officials having to weigh the pros and cons of that decision.

Personally, I am already assuming the votes aren't there for an override ... though I do expect an initial veto.

The only thing that could change that I think is some kind of leak or news event that is damaging to the pro deal side.

Israeli Jews living in the US should first and foremost be concerned about the US because they live there. You know, integration and all.

If there is any conflict in ideas or agreements where Israel and the US is at odds then Israelis in the US should side with what thevUS decides.

Isnt that what is expected of people from other countries and religions? The standard, if you dont like it you are free to leave statements we hear from many should also apply to Israeli Jews. If they dontbagree they should leave.


While Obama and John Kerry will sleep snug and comfy in their mansions after they will give back the keys

with their mega salaries and personal body guards, Israel will for ever now has to live under the threats

of the Iranians producing nukes on ballistic missiles very soon and under the noses of every one,,,

So is there somebody stopping Israel from taking out Iran's nuclear program or are they just going to jump up and down and have a temper tantrum?

Netanyahu took on the POTUS and he is reaping his rewards. Unfortunately, this whole fiasco is showing that Israel is not really much of a team player. It's their way or no way.

With or without an agreement, Iran's eyes are firmly on nuclear development, including possibly weapons. With an agreement there is more legal leverage in dealing with them. Without, they are simply like another North Korea.

The POTUS engineered a situation where a casus belli would be unavoidable for Israel, and probably also for Saudi Arabia. Israel will attack Iran, of that I have no doubt. Any delay we have pending this serves merely to demonstrate how Obama has thrown Israel under a bus, at least as far as the majority of the U.S sees it.

Assigning blame will not do.

Blaming Obama will not do.

Blaming Jews will not do.

Blaming Israel will not do.

Blaming Netanyahu will not do.

Sooner or later Iran will build its nukes.

Sooner or later something will have to be done about this.

Nobody - not Saudis, not Iraqis, not Israel, not Turkey, not UAE, not Syria, not US, not NATO will want to live under threat of a nuclear power controlled by Islam.

( and please, do not bring the example of Pakistan)

I do not want to waste my time on listening to either of two leaders. Neither the world will agree to pin its security on Shi'ites mood.

Israel is in the position with no choice.

It is under threat as we speak. All you have to do is listen to Iranian people and politicians. Both organised and orchestrated by clergy.

In terms of size Israel is vulnerable. It must act. It will.

If by 'act' you mean an unprovoked air strike against Iran, then the consequences will be unforeseen and most probably disastrous for Israel.

Israel is already provoked by Iran's PROXIES in the region, so don't kid yourself about that.

As far as a potential Israeli strike on an Iranian nuclear development targets, I think that is unlikely but possible and if it happens it will be based on information that Israel will be able to share with it's allies or shall I say ally.

Disastrous for Israel? Perhaps, but Bibi is arguing this deal is already disastrous for Israel ... so don't think Israel is ever going to down without a fight IF it comes to that. Hoping of course it doesn't.


Who cares what Israel thinks or what the US Jews think. Ignore them. Times are a changin. Make the deal you need based on reality and move on. Iran already has nukes anyway. The sooner the USG starts dealing from reality the better for it's people and the world at large.

Iran does not already have nuclear weapons. Of course the sales point of this deal is that without the deal they are very close to having them and this deal supposedly retards that speed. But the deal doesn't deal with anything else about Iran's foreign policy.

Some people do care what Israel or American Jews think. You don't. That's valid for you.

The situation now is that the vast majority of Israelis oppose the deal and for good reasons for them, and among American Jews (people and leadership) there appears to be a fairly even split of opinion. I seriously doubt Bibi's efforts are going to change that split very much.

If I was an elected official, I'm not sure how I would vote. While as I've said I think the USA got a bad deal compared to Iran ... this is the deal on the table, so the question is it better than nothing. I don't really know for sure and don't envy the officials having to weigh the pros and cons of that decision.

Personally, I am already assuming the votes aren't there for an override ... though I do expect an initial veto.

The only thing that could change that I think is some kind of leak or news event that is damaging to the pro deal side.

No amount of leaks will change a thing, Kerry and Obama are already not a party to off the table deals between Iran and the IAEA, Obama promised congress would get to review the entire deal, that like all his other promises has turned out to be horse manure.

Some of our esteemed members care not a jot about the merits of the deal, I would go so far as to suspect they would like Israel and their supposedly beloved Palestinians to go up in a plume of radioactive smoke. Obama may be inept but he knows full well the deal will unravel with war very soon, the press will cover for his duplicity though.


Netanyahu is not afraid of Iran's nuclear capability, he is afraid of losing a common enemy of the US and Israel which keeps America giving every time Israel sidles up to the table to ask for more money. Don't worry Bebe, Iran will still be our enemy too, but we (the rest of the world) won't have to fear they are going to launch a nuke at us for a few decades.


I agree it is very unlikely to get the override votes. But it's not impossible as the votes haven't happened yet so in theory it's still possible. I agree Israel demonizers are often either openly or sneakily in favor of the clear goals of the Iran regime in regards to Israel (and the USA). As far as the accusation that Obama thinks there is NO CHANCE this deal won't lead to war very soon, I will put that in the category of possible but I don't perceive that.

There is a difference between priorities of the USA and Israel. For the USA, Isis threat is more prominent, not Iran and Iran's proxies as for Israel.


Netanyahu is not afraid of Iran's nuclear capability, he is afraid of losing a common enemy of the US and Israel which keeps America giving every time Israel sidles up to the table to ask for more money. Don't worry Bebe, Iran will still be our enemy too, but we (the rest of the world) won't have to fear they are going to launch a nuke at us for a few decades.

A few decades? Wow. I want some of what you're smoking!


Assigning blame will not do.

Blaming Obama will not do.

Blaming Jews will not do.

Blaming Israel will not do.

Blaming Netanyahu will not do.

Sooner or later Iran will build its nukes.

Sooner or later something will have to be done about this.

Nobody - not Saudis, not Iraqis, not Israel, not Turkey, not UAE, not Syria, not US, not NATO will want to live under threat of a nuclear power controlled by Islam.

( and please, do not bring the example of Pakistan)

I do not want to waste my time on listening to either of two leaders. Neither the world will agree to pin its security on Shi'ites mood.

Israel is in the position with no choice.

It is under threat as we speak. All you have to do is listen to Iranian people and politicians. Both organised and orchestrated by clergy.

In terms of size Israel is vulnerable. It must act. It will.

If by 'act' you mean an unprovoked air strike against Iran, then the consequences will be unforeseen and most probably disastrous for Israel.

Unprovoked? Did you read my post? They simply have no choice.

Against Iran? No. Israel does not need to destroy Iran. Iran atomic power and weapons production capacity? Yes.

Unforeseen? Very much foreseen. And disastrous for Iran. So much so that if Iranian mullahs care about their own - they should have dropped their plans now and for free.

But where and when did you see mullahs care about their own? They promise them a personal harem but nobody had come back yet to claim the damages.

Any creature cornered with no choice is very VERY dangerous! And as I said above Israel is left no choice.


Israel does face existential threats (from multiple enemies).

Iran's regime may feel threatened, but as a sovereign nation it is not really under the same level of existential threats as Israel. An Israeli strike on their nuclear program would not be a total attack but of course it could escalate into an actual war depending on Iran's reaction. Israel would expect a reaction but if it was too strong, yes, that could spark a major war and yes the USA would be in it.

'"The nuclear deal with Iran doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb," he said. "It actually paves Iran's path to the bomb."' Well, that would certainly even things up.
'Netanyahu, one of the fiercest critics of the nuclear accord, also disputed Obama's assertion that opponents of the diplomatic deal favor war ... saying Israel wants peace, not war.' Uh, huh. Funny how the ever constant impression of Netanyahu is one of a warmonger.
'"The nuclear deal with Iran doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb," he said. "It actually paves Iran's path to the bomb."' Well, that would certainly even things up.
'Netanyahu, one of the fiercest critics of the nuclear accord, also disputed Obama's assertion that opponents of the diplomatic deal favor war ... saying Israel wants peace, not war.' Uh, huh. Funny how the ever constant impression of Netanyahu is one of a warmonger.

Have you looked around Israel's neighborhood? Israel without a strong military would be nothing. Literally.

There would be no Israel. Yes I know Israel demonizers dream about that day coming ... but sorry, Israel has other ideas about it.

Also I think the "warmonger" charge is relative. Do you see Bibi leading mass rallies and parades chanting Death to Iran and burning Iranian flags?


Both THE US National Intelligence Estimate and the Israeli Intelligence agree that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program! Iran has the right to develop nuclear energy as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Iran is justifiably wary of the USA given that the USA overthrew a democratically elected government to steal Iran's oil assets and install the brutal regime of the Shah.

Iran has never threatened to attack Israel; they have simply stated that the racist Zionist regime should be an historical footnote and many people around the world agree with that statement.

The current deal is the best that can be achieved and Iran has surrendered considerable sovereignty to achieve the deal.

All threats to launch a military strike against Iran are illegal under the UN Charter - not that the USA or Israel seem to give a damn about their legal obligations.


Both THE US National Intelligence Estimate and the Israeli Intelligence agree that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program!

Iran has the right to develop nuclear energy as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Iran is justifiably wary of the USA given that the USA overthrew a democratically elected government to steal Iran's oil assets and install the brutal regime of the Shah.

Iran has never threatened to attack Israel; they have simply stated that the racist Zionist regime should be an historical footnote and many people around the world agree with that statement.

The current deal is the best that can be achieved and Iran has surrendered considerable sovereignty to achieve the deal.

All threats to launch a military strike against Iran are illegal under the UN Charter - not that the USA or Israel seem to give a damn about their legal obligations.

Iran has attacked Israel many times already via their proxies.

Racist Zionist regime?

Welcome to my ignore list.

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