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Trump the main attraction at 1st Republican election debate

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If you don't understand his plan you haven't been paying attention. He's been telling it to people for ages now.


He has no legitimate strategy or plan for any of the serious policy issues facing the next president.

He talks about building a wall and bombing Iraq's oil fields, but these half-baked ideas don't withstand a minimal amount of scrutiny.

He's a blowhard that uses one-liners and quips to distract from his inability to deliver well thought out policy positions. Eventually it will catch up to him and he'll be exposed as a fraud, but my fear is that by that time he'll have burnt the Republican party to the ground.

But the fanboys don't care about that. They like his "straight talk". wacko.png

When did he say he wants to destroy Iraq's oil fields?

What he did say was that he wants US troops on the ground to capture them from IS. I'm sure he wants to keep them for the US, but he's not saying so, yet.


Where should I begin? How about with:

"If you don't understand his plan, you haven't been paying attention" whistling.gif

Real estate mogul and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “bomb the hell” out of oil sites he says are controlled by the Islamic State terrorist group


It's a half-baked idea that appeals to those of limited intelligence because it's a good soundbite. But when you actually give it some thought, it's a terrible idea. And this is true for practically every idea that Trump has put forth. There's absolutely no substance to any of them, and most of them would be counterproductive.

Here's a video of his eloquence on the topic:

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He has no legitimate strategy or plan for any of the serious policy issues facing the next president.

He talks about building a wall and bombing Iraq's oil fields, but these half-baked ideas don't withstand a minimal amount of scrutiny.

He's a blowhard that uses one-liners and quips to distract from his inability to deliver well thought out policy positions. Eventually it will catch up to him and he'll be exposed as a fraud, but my fear is that by that time he'll have burnt the Republican party to the ground.

But the fanboys don't care about that. They like his "straight talk". wacko.png

When did he say he wants to destroy Iraq's oil fields?

What he did say was that he wants US troops on the ground to capture them from IS. I'm sure he wants to keep them for the US, but he's not saying so, yet.


Where should I begin? How about with:

"If you don't understand his plan, you haven't been paying attention" whistling.gif

Real estate mogul and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “bomb the hell” out of oil sites he says are controlled by the Islamic State terrorist group


It's a half-baked idea that appeals to those of limited intelligence because it's a good soundbite. But when you actually give it some thought, it's a terrible idea. And this is true for practically every idea that Trump has put forth. There's absolutely no substance to any of them, and most of them would be counterproductive.

Here's a video of his eloquence on the topic:

I stand corrected. I have heard many of his speeches, but never heard that one. I did hear him say he wants to put troops into Iraq.

I stand corrected. I have heard many of his speeches, but never heard that one.


Thank you. Everyone (myself included) should admit when we make errors on these topics. Far too often, some members just dig deeper when it would just be easier to acknowledge the mistake and move on.


If you don't understand his plan you haven't been paying attention. He's been telling it to people for ages now.


He has no legitimate strategy or plan for any of the serious policy issues facing the next president.

He talks about building a wall and bombing Iraq's oil fields, but these half-baked ideas don't withstand a minimal amount of scrutiny.

He's a blowhard that uses one-liners and quips to distract from his inability to deliver well thought out policy positions. Eventually it will catch up to him and he'll be exposed as a fraud, but my fear is that by that time he'll have burnt the Republican party to the ground.

But the fanboys don't care about that. They like his "straight talk". wacko.png

When did he say he wants to destroy Iraq's oil fields?

What he did say was that he wants US troops on the ground to capture them from IS. I'm sure he wants to keep them for the US, but he's not saying so, yet.

They don't understand why Trump wants to bomb oil fields because they just listen to sound bites taken out of context.

Someone also posted that there is no correlation between the number of supporters that show up at a rally and the number of votes they get.

Of course, they had *zero* evidence to back this up.

Another "fact" they pulled out of an unknown orifice.

The misinformed, the liars, the intellectually lazy really don't have an argument - they are just winging it and making up shit as they go along trying to make Trump look bad but only making themselves look bad process. Fling around enough crap and soon they will get some on themselves and that's exactly what's happening.

Yeah, I hope he burns the current GOP to the ground as most of the candidates are RINO's, Republican's in name only.

Example: Note that while Trump is calling out people like Bush, he hasn't said anything bad about Cruz and Cruz hasn't said anything bad about Trump.

Easy to spot the RINO's - The GOP wants to run a guy that they can buy off and that they can control, something they can't do with Trump so the GOP is in attack mode, even exploring options to get him banned from future GOP debates despite the fact that he is polling at 32% according to the latest Reuters poll. Double the number of his closest competitor in the GOP, Jeb Bush who has 16%

The GOP wants to give us another Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney, etc...A bunch of losers that didn't have the balls to do what Trump is doing.

As for the Trump haters, they are really wetting the bed.

They protest just a bit too much.

And the more Trump's support numbers go up, the more hysterical and ridiculous they become.

Perhaps they don't want to end the Bush or Clinton Presidential Dynasty, or they have fantasies of putting that Communist in drag into office.

Trump isn't at the top of my list but I will take him over some squishy-spined career politician that has been bought by special interest groups and will just be 4/8 years of the same shit.

No thanks.


Trump never said he wants to destroy Iraq's oil fields.

These guys are lying, intellectually lazy, grossly misinformed, or a combination of all.


Now about those people who are: lying, intellectually lazy, grossly misinformed, or a combination of all. gigglem.gif


Trump is really starting to ht the right notes.

Thousands of people showed up to hear Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump speak at an Alabama rally Friday, in which the business tycoon vowed, "we're going to make America better than it's ever been."


BUt ask him HOW he will make America better and the fun will begin.

I think he covered that part fairly well earlier tonight or today for those of you overseas.

And Trump won't have people like Caroline Kennedy as Ambassador to Japan getting hoodwinked by the Japanese or by the Chinese for that matter.

No. Trump will have the shrewdest, sharpest negotiators in the business world doing those dealings.

Either people know very little about Donald Trump or they greatly underestimate him.

He didn't become a self-made multi Billionaire on luck.

He will fill his cabinet with the sharpest minds in America.

And he didn't go to Alabama and put on a phony southern accent like Hillary Clinton does either.

Keep underestimating him.

And expect to see him get a significant bump in the next round of polling after his earlier speech tonight/today because it has much of the political forums buzzing with excitement.

Just be thankful that the election isn't this November, because the only thing that can stop Trump right now is Trump peaking too early with 14+ months to go.

He will fill his cabinet with the sharpest minds in America

Any Republican elected president would need to fill his cabinet with Republicans to reflect the composition of the Republican party. That would include putting a number of the present and future loser candidates for prez in his administration....

A new Republican party prez would appoint as the cabinet secretaries people such as the following, or people exactly like them, Mike Huckabee as for instance Secretary of Education to get religion back in the public schools, Scott Walker as Sec of and Against Labor, Rick Santorum as Sec of HHS, Rick Perry as Sec of Homeland Security, Dr Ben Carson as Ambassador to the UN, Marco Rubio as ambassador to Cuba, Carly Fiorina as SecState, Lindseed Graham as SecDef, Chris Christie as Sec of Transportation so he could reroute the Keystone pipeline through New Jersey and Florida and on to Texas through Utah and Mitt's front lawn.....one gets focused on the notion of what a new Republican party president would mean.

Imagine The Donald as ambassador to the CCP China....Ted Cruz as Attorney General....the beat goes on....the sharpest minds in the meat freezer.


Trump is wonderfully funny to watch. To see him calling the other candidates grovelling toads, behaving like a group of fish tank hookers hoping to get picked by the cash rich hornbags (Koch of the day) on the other side of the two way mirror .... well, it's just priceless. Then Trump just flies off in his own corporate jet (F'ing A!!!) and takes another dump on them from another location. I have to say that he's much better value than Ross Perot ever was. Perot always reminded me of what would come from breeding a thin leprechaun with a yappy lap dog. Trump's vulgarity is so, so, refreshing - like playing ACDC very loud at a party full of prissy Conservatory students. May the force be with you Donald, may your hair never wilt or weather.

If someone told me 2 months ago that Trump was a viable candidate, I would have laughed at them.

Now I think he will actually win it. My instincts tell me he will anyways.

The guy is a no BS straight talker and is a refreshing change from the usual politicians that run for office.

The fact that he doesn't walk around on egg shells and doesn't run his campaign based on focus groups and polls is a nice change.

He just says what he thinks without a filter.

My guy is Ted Cruz, but the more I see Trump, the more I like him.

Another analogy would be that Trump is "Bluto" (John Belushi) in the movie "Animal House"

While I hope that Trump WOULD win it, I don't think he can. He has alienated many Republicans with his attacks on the grey men and Americans do not have a history of electing anti establishment figures. If they did, Perot would have been president.

More likely is that many in the GOP will stay home and allow a Dem, any Dem to win, regardless of how goofy they are.

Perot could have become president. He was leading in the polls for a three way race and THEN announced he was quitting. When he re-entered he could never regain his momentum.



The bed-wetters are in hysterics over Trump's massively successful showing tonight, especially in the media.

And the Stadium looked about 95-98% full, despite NBC's claim of "about half full" as I saw different on my TV

The MSM is also complaining how they're weren't any Black people there, despite the Reverend that gave the opening Prayer service who was Black as well as others in the crowd.

Of course, the liberals and their shills in the media like Chris Matthews always see things as racial when it comes to conservatives.

Did the MSM complain about the lack of "diversity" at a recent Bernie Sanders rally?



MSM reports after the Trump event said attendance was 30,000 of a seating capacity of 43,000. Yet the Trump fan base has gone down the rabid hole of crowd hysteria when any political pro with experience will tell you crowd size large, small, in between, has no bearing whatsoever on the voting that occurs on any given election day. There is absolutely no correlation, cause effect, association, connection. None.

Contrary to the post, MSM has been pointing out the Sanders crowds and supporters are white middle class and upper middle class well educated people of a civic mind. The Trump crowds are white and people of a public mind, even if it is a reactionary and simplistic state of mind.

On the issue of people of color, Trump did have the usual Republican party house negro up on the platform in the usual high visibility token role. Since Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice grossly discredited themselves over Iraq and many other things, Dr. Ben Carson is the new Republican token house negro.

Interesting choice of words you employ. Does that mean that the Clintons are "honorary negroes."


Trump never said he wants to destroy Iraq's oil fields.

These guys are lying, intellectually lazy, grossly misinformed, or a combination of all.


Now about those people who are: lying, intellectually lazy, grossly misinformed, or a combination of all. gigglem.gif

Oh, how cute. I have a stalker.

Trump said he would bomb Iraq's oil fields to drive ISIS out, then rebuild them which is different than destroying them - understand the difference?

Obviously not, so again, you take things out of context.

You probably think giving Iran nukes and unfreezing their assets is a great idea, even though many of those assets will go to ISIS.

At least Trump will take action, unlike Obama who yesterday played his 248th round of Golf since in office

I'll simplify things and post it in a language you understand; :yawn:


If you don't understand his plan you haven't been paying attention. He's been telling it to people for ages now.


He has no legitimate strategy or plan for any of the serious policy issues facing the next president.

He talks about building a wall and bombing Iraq's oil fields, but these half-baked ideas don't withstand a minimal amount of scrutiny.

He's a blowhard that uses one-liners and quips to distract from his inability to deliver well thought out policy positions. Eventually it will catch up to him and he'll be exposed as a fraud, but my fear is that by that time he'll have burnt the Republican party to the ground.

But the fanboys don't care about that. They like his "straight talk". wacko.png

When did he say he wants to destroy Iraq's oil fields?

What he did say was that he wants US troops on the ground to capture them from IS. I'm sure he wants to keep them for the US, but he's not saying so, yet.

They don't understand why Trump wants to bomb oil fields because they just listen to sound bites taken out of context.

Someone also posted that there is no correlation between the number of supporters that show up at a rally and the number of votes they get.

Of course, they had *zero* evidence to back this up.

Another "fact" they pulled out of an unknown orifice.

The misinformed, the liars, the intellectually lazy really don't have an argument - they are just winging it and making up shit as they go along trying to make Trump look bad but only making themselves look bad process. Fling around enough crap and soon they will get some on themselves and that's exactly what's happening.

Yeah, I hope he burns the current GOP to the ground as most of the candidates are RINO's, Republican's in name only.

Example: Note that while Trump is calling out people like Bush, he hasn't said anything bad about Cruz and Cruz hasn't said anything bad about Trump.

Easy to spot the RINO's - The GOP wants to run a guy that they can buy off and that they can control, something they can't do with Trump so the GOP is in attack mode, even exploring options to get him banned from future GOP debates despite the fact that he is polling at 32% according to the latest Reuters poll. Double the number of his closest competitor in the GOP, Jeb Bush who has 16%

The GOP wants to give us another Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney, etc...A bunch of losers that didn't have the balls to do what Trump is doing.

As for the Trump haters, they are really wetting the bed.

They protest just a bit too much.

And the more Trump's support numbers go up, the more hysterical and ridiculous they become.

Perhaps they don't want to end the Bush or Clinton Presidential Dynasty, or they have fantasies of putting that Communist in drag into office.

Trump isn't at the top of my list but I will take him over some squishy-spined career politician that has been bought by special interest groups and will just be 4/8 years of the same shit.

No thanks.

Someone also posted that there is no correlation between the number of supporters that show up at a rally and the number of votes they get.

Of course, they had *zero* evidence to back this up.

Another "fact" they pulled out of an unknown orifice.

A political newman novice would of course be ignorant of the reality of it.

A political ideologue would of course be in denial against it as he creates his own reality and there is a lot of rightwing political creationism going on at this thread.

Political professionals everywhere, not only in the United States, have learned over a couple of hundred years not to judge the outcome of the election by crowd size whether the size of rallies and campaign stop crowds are large, small or medium. The novice makes the common mistake of connecting crowd size to the election outcome, and so does the fool. Crowd size and election result have no direct or ontological bearing or relationship what so ever and this is fact.

The right has simply gone down the rabid hole on Trump crowd size and are also obsessing about Bernie Sanders' crowd size. The fact is the headcounters of crowd size are completely wrongheaded to project such numbers to the election outcome. The two have no relationship what so ever period. The right are indeed counting shadows on the wall of the cave.


Aren't we already "bombing the hell out of them"? Reading the DOD reports someones getting a drop daily.

It's the war of the bombing drones and much better than getting your sons and daughters killed for that mindless wasteland.

If it weren't for collateral damage we could nuke the hell out of em and be happy doing so. I'm on Donny's side.


You probably think giving Iran nukes and unfreezing their assets is a great idea, even though many of those assets will go to ISIS.


I came to this thread to share a link to a trump story, but saw this comment and will first clear up a gross misunderstanding being displayed here.

Iran is mostly Shia. ISIS is Sunni. The Shias and Sunnis have been in conflict for 1400 years. This is the basis of a lot of the troubles in Iraq today. (Besides the small matter of a full-fledged U.S. invasion and gross mismanagement of the war and its aftermath)

The Iranians would not give any support to ISIS. On the contrary, the Iranians are currently supporting the Iraqi army in fighting ISIS. And although the U.S. denies it, there appears to be some coordination between the Iranian forces helping the Iraqi army and U.S. Drone strikes against ISIS. So when it comes to fighting ISIS, the U.S. and Iran may well be--albeit, reluctant--allies.

Also, Iran won't be "given" any nukes. But that's a different thread.


The trump link

21 questions for Trump -- never asked

by mainstream media


AMY GOODMAN: David Cay Johnston, you also talk about how he discusses his experience as a manager allowing him to run the federal government far better than President Obama or Hillary Clinton. Can you talk about that?

DAVID CAY JOHNSTON: Oh, yes. Well, you know, Fortune magazine does these analyses of whos a good employer. Wegmans supermarkets, where I am here in Rochester, New York, is often cited as a really good employer, and with good reason. So they looked at 496 major companies, and Trumps casino company was at the bottom or almost at the bottom in terms of management competence, how it treated its workers, its return to its investorsevery metric they had, near the bottom. Donald is not a manager. He is a dealmaker.

And the principal elements of Trump deals are these: You borrow a lot of money. You then arrange later to pay back less than you owed, whether you do it through private transactions, by threatening to go to bankruptcy court, or actual bankruptcy, in the case of his casino company. You dont pay people who work for you or vendors whats promised.

And what I dont understand, Amy, is not one major news organization has even tried to check these things out. I got one phone call from The Washington Post about this piece, "21 Questions for Donald Trump." Nothing has appeared. And thats because, in this country, politics reporters cover the horse race, and they do not vet the candidates the way they should.



Build walls!





I think Trump's brilliant at articulating policies in ways his Neanderthal supporters can understand. The Grrr! Policy is definitely a vote-getter.

Go Trump/Palin 2016!



Build walls!





I think Trump's brilliant at articulating policies in ways his Neanderthal supporters can understand. The Grrr! Policy is definitely a vote-getter.

Go Trump/Palin 2016!


It took 10 thousand years to assimilate the Neanderthals, things move quicker these days.

Building a wall is not such a bad idea. There's a definite need for critical infrastructure spending that's not being addressed,

Deportation is impossible and "bombing the hell out of em" unrealistic. facepalm.gifTo many injured bystanders, not good.


Build walls!





I think Trump's brilliant at articulating policies in ways his Neanderthal supporters can understand. The Grrr! Policy is definitely a vote-getter.

Go Trump/Palin 2016!


It took 10 thousand years to assimilate the Neanderthals, things move quicker these days.

Building a wall is not such a bad idea. There's a definite need for critical infrastructure spending that's not being addressed,

Deportation is impossible and "bombing the hell out of em" unrealistic. facepalm.gifTo many injured bystanders, not good.

I rest my case.




Ignore them at your own risk, but seeing 40,000 voters turn out 14+ months before an election to hear and see a candidate is extraordinary.

Especially 40,000 Southerners to see and hear a Billionaire New Yorker "Yankee" to boot.

Based on the people and the entities that are attacking Trump, I would say he's doing and saying exactly the right things.

By the same token, early NFL front runners seldom make the Superbowl, let alone win it.

That makes no sense. Horses that have a big early lead usually win the horse race. So? Anyone running for President against Hillary Clinton has a big advantage - now that makes some sense.

And therein lies the fundamental truth about the conservatives approach to the very crucial next election. After two terms of a chronically disconnected Democrat president and despite having house majorities for most of those terms, the Republicans can only think in terms of stopping Clinton and spawning a shallow pool of fractious and mediocre alternatives. If Trump is going to be their nominee, then be prepared for two years with the 'winners' on the Clinton-Jolie ticket.


Trump never said he wants to destroy Iraq's oil fields.

These guys are lying, intellectually lazy, grossly misinformed, or a combination of all.


Now about those people who are: lying, intellectually lazy, grossly misinformed, or a combination of all. gigglem.gif

Oh, how cute. I have a stalker.

Trump said he would bomb Iraq's oil fields to drive ISIS out, then rebuild them which is different than destroying them - understand the difference?

Obviously not, so again, you take things out of context.

You probably think giving Iran nukes and unfreezing their assets is a great idea, even though many of those assets will go to ISIS.

At least Trump will take action, unlike Obama who yesterday played his 248th round of Golf since in office

I'll simplify things and post it in a language you understand; :yawn:

You seem not to understand that Iran is Shia and hates Sunnis ( IS is Sunni ). Whatever they may do with the cash, they won't be giving it to IS.


Build walls!





I think Trump's brilliant at articulating policies in ways his Neanderthal supporters can understand. The Grrr! Policy is definitely a vote-getter.

Go Trump/Palin 2016!


You do realise that the Neanderthals were not stupid, don't you? Perhaps you subscribe to the myth, but it's not true.


Build walls!





I think Trump's brilliant at articulating policies in ways his Neanderthal supporters can understand. The Grrr! Policy is definitely a vote-getter.

Go Trump/Palin 2016!


You do realise that the Neanderthals were not stupid, don't you? Perhaps you subscribe to the myth, but it's not true.

Once again, I rest my case.

If you ignore the common shorthand use of the term to denote cluelessness/uncouthness and choose instead to cite what scientific research says about Neanderthals as if that were an argument, congratulations--you've successfully identified yourself as a Trump supporter.



Build walls!





I think Trump's brilliant at articulating policies in ways his Neanderthal supporters can understand. The Grrr! Policy is definitely a vote-getter.

Go Trump/Palin 2016!


You do realise that the Neanderthals were not stupid, don't you? Perhaps you subscribe to the myth, but it's not true.

Once again, I rest my case.

If you ignore the common shorthand use of the term to denote cluelessness/uncouthness and choose instead to cite what scientific research says about Neanderthals as if that were an argument, congratulations--you've successfully identified yourself as a Trump supporter.


LOL! I've been a Trump supporter from day 1.


Build walls!





I think Trump's brilliant at articulating policies in ways his Neanderthal supporters can understand. The Grrr! Policy is definitely a vote-getter.

Go Trump/Palin 2016!


You do realise that the Neanderthals were not stupid, don't you? Perhaps you subscribe to the myth, but it's not true.
Once again, I rest my case.

If you ignore the common shorthand use of the term to denote cluelessness/uncouthness and choose instead to cite what scientific research says about Neanderthals as if that were an argument, congratulations--you've successfully identified yourself as a Trump supporter.


LOL! I've been a Trump supporter from day 1.

Not only are you a Trump supporter, you're a superhero: Captain Obvious



Build walls!





I think Trump's brilliant at articulating policies in ways his Neanderthal supporters can understand. The Grrr! Policy is definitely a vote-getter.

Go Trump/Palin 2016!


This is an algorithmic analysis of Trump's speaking style. Trump is communicating at a 3rd or 4th grade level. The other candidates are communicating at a 9th or 10th grade level. Trump knows marketing and he knows his customers.


"August 6th Republican candidates debate, Trump answered the moderators questions with linguistic austerity. Run through the Flesch-Kincaid grade-level test, his text of responses score at the 4th-grade reading level...Trumps low grade at the debates wasnt a fluke. His comments from an August 11 news conference in Michigan earned only a 3rd-grade score."

Sadly, today's GOP is the party of simple words, simple answers, and simpletons.



I haven't read all the posts here and if this should be a double post, please accept my apologies for being a Johnny-come-lately.

Just in case you didn't have the time to watch the whole debate in its full length, you can find the highlights of the show here.

Even if politicians are generally useless, at least you can have a lot of fun about them with Bad Lip-Reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufGlBv8Z3NU



What happened to him since them? Did he have a number of mini strokes? did he go to clown college?

How did his hair got so much blonder laugh.png

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