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Trump the main attraction at 1st Republican election debate

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He's right about one thing. Rosie O'Donnell is quite the fat evil bitch biggrin.png

Well, hope you feel bigger and better from having said that. Brave fella.


The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

You hope. But no, there is and will be no criminal proceedings coming out of it. Right-wingers try sooooo hard to dig dirt on HRC, but they can't get it to stick, because, sadly for right-wingers, she's not corrupt. I saw about a dozen excerpts from Clinton's email exchanges. Things like, "you looked good in that blue dress at the airport".

Republicans are like naughty brothers who are jealous of how popular their sister is, so they keep running to mommy and daddy (congress and the courts) saying, "she sent emails, and we think they're bad! Punish her mom and dad. She's a naughty girl. and we're good. We believe the world was created 8,214 years ago and we think science is bunk. Punish her, pleeeeaase."


His response to the question of whether he could pledge to support the eventual nominee and not run as an independent candidate:

“I have to respect the person that, if it’s not me, the person that wins – if I do win, and I’m leading by quite a bit, that’s what I want to do,” he said. “I can totally make that pledge. If I’m the nominee, I will pledge I will not run as an independent. I am discussing it with everybody, but I’m, you know, talking about a lot of leverage."

Acute, coherent and to the point. I'd buy the guy a tuna fish salad sandwich any day.


Dirty backroom dealing is the hallmark of all Washington politics. Trump is no better or worse and far more entertaining smile.png

Ted Cruz (who's got his head in the sand) attended Harvard Law School and graduating magna cum laude. What an unoriginal boring clone.


The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

You hope. But no, there is and will be no criminal proceedings coming out of it. Right-wingers try sooooo hard to dig dirt on HRC, but they can't get it to stick, because, sadly for right-wingers, she's not corrupt. I saw about a dozen excerpts from Clinton's email exchanges. Things like, "you looked good in that blue dress at the airport".

Republicans are like naughty brothers who are jealous of how popular their sister is, so they keep running to mommy and daddy (congress and the courts) saying, "she sent emails, and we think they're bad! Punish her mom and dad. She's a naughty girl. and we're good. We believe the world was created 8,214 years ago and we think science is bunk. Punish her, pleeeeaase."

This criminal probe of Hillary is in the news. It is no secrete or conspiracy.

"Naughty brothers, Mommy, Daddy, punish her"????? What are you trying to do, get an award for most immature post?


I'm not a Democrat, or even American. but a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be formidable and, by sewing up Ohio and Florida, would almost guarantee victory.

You've got a point, and Kasich/Rubio would be a formidable adversary for the Dems. But it will never happen. Why? Kasich is too moderate (e.g., he doesn't hate gays enough). Rubio is too young and not quite American enough. The Reps have to send a team that will appease the looney far right. Bush may be the guy, but for VP, it will have to be someone like Walker or Cruz. And those dudes are way too far right for the majority of Americans.


After viewing the 1st Republican election debate today, it is evident the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president. After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments.

The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

"...the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president"

Well, well. All I can say is that your alternative reality is very different from mine. Tell me; do you also consider Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman as a suitable presidential candidates?

"After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments"

You mean an uppity black guy in the White House??

"Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away"

You sure are an optimist - I'll give you that!

But what do I know - I'm just a god hating, gun hating, freedom hating, tax loving, tree hugging liberal....coffee1.gif

Sarah Palin nor Michelle Bachman were part of this election debate. As far as Obama being "an uppity black guy in the White House," those are your words not mine.

I consider Obama to be dishonest, incompetent, and sorely lacking in leadership skills but that has nothing to do with being black, white, or a mixed race individual.

I certainly appreciate you sharing you are "God hating, freedom hating, tax loving, tree hugging liberal but this has nothing to do with this particular topic.

So what is the social expriment you mention?


A comedian on Saturday Night Live said that - not a candidate. wink.png

Sorry, UG, but even the SNL folks said they repeated verbatim what Palin said. Didn't have to change a thing.


I'm not a Democrat, or even American. but a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be formidable and, by sewing up Ohio and Florida, would almost guarantee victory.

You've got a point, and Kasich/Rubio would be a formidable adversary for the Dems. But it will never happen. Why? Kasich is too moderate (e.g., he doesn't hate gays enough). Rubio is too young and not quite American enough. The Reps have to send a team that will appease the looney far right. Bush may be the guy, but for VP, it will have to be someone like Walker or Cruz. And those dudes are way too far right for the majority of Americans.

Pretty silly thinking. The GIP will nominate whoever they think can win and Rubio is young, good looking, an excellent speaker and very conversant in the issues. He is is reminiscent of John F. Kennedy. He would be a great candidate and Kasich would bring age and experience to the ticket, like LBJ did.


Wonder how many pro republican posters are still here from the last election where, no matter how much vitriol against Obama, they where terribly terribly wrong.


A comedian on Saturday Night Live said that - not a candidate. wink.png

I know mate, I know...

Did they at least do the 'I am more conservative than Ronald Regan' pledge they all did last time round?


A comedian on Saturday Night Live said that - not a candidate. wink.png

Sorry, UG, but even the SNL folks said they repeated verbatim what Palin said. Didn't have to change a thing.

Sorry, but that is wrong (no matter what SNL might have said). I can't believe that people are still repeating this as being factual. She actually said, "Theyre our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands. Sarah Palin was CORRECT.


A comedian on Saturday Night Live said that - not a candidate. wink.png

Sorry, UG, but even the SNL folks said they repeated verbatim what Palin said. Didn't have to change a thing.

Sorry, but that is wrong (no matter what SNL might have said). She actually said, Theyre our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska. Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands. Sarah Palin was CORRECT.

And one of the places on my bucket list...


I'm not a Democrat, or even American. but a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be formidable and, by sewing up Ohio and Florida, would almost guarantee victory.

You've got a point, and Kasich/Rubio would be a formidable adversary for the Dems. But it will never happen. Why? Kasich is too moderate (e.g., he doesn't hate gays enough). Rubio is too young and not quite American enough. The Reps have to send a team that will appease the looney far right. Bush may be the guy, but for VP, it will have to be someone like Walker or Cruz. And those dudes are way too far right for the majority of Americans.

Pretty silly thinking. The GIP will nominate whoever they think can win and Rubio is young, good looking, an excellent speaker and very conversant in the issues. He is is reminiscent of John F. Kennedy. He would be a great candidate and Kasich would bring age and experience to the ticket, like LBJ did.

I agree with most of your points....except for the "GOP will nominate whoever they think can win" comment. The far right base still wield significant clout and they want someone who has strong conservative values on a number of issues, including abortion, immigration, gay marriage, gun rights, etc. Unfortunately for the GOP, the changing demographics in America means that people who believe the same as them are vastly outnumbered by people who don't.

So the correct statement would be the GOP will nominate the candidate who they think can win AND best exudes core conservative values.


A comedian on Saturday Night Live said that - not a candidate. wink.png

Sorry, UG, but even the SNL folks said they repeated verbatim what Palin said. Didn't have to change a thing.

Sorry, but that is wrong (no matter what SNL might have said). I can't believe that people are still repeating this as being factual. She actually said, "Theyre our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands. Sarah Palin was CORRECT.

Geez, UG, give it a rest. So you're defending Palin? It's not the accuracy of her statement necessarily, it's that she would even bring up this silly point at all. Everyone, including most Republicans, have already conceded that Palin on the ticket was a big mistake. Do you have to defend everything related to the GOP?


There are a lot of off-topic posts. This thread isn't about Obama or Hillary. I have removed one post and will continue to do so.


A comedian on Saturday Night Live said that - not a candidate. wink.png

Sorry, UG, but even the SNL folks said they repeated verbatim what Palin said. Didn't have to change a thing.

Sorry, but that is wrong (no matter what SNL might have said). I can't believe that people are still repeating this as being factual. She actually said, "Theyre our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands. Sarah Palin was CORRECT.

Geez, UG, give it a rest. So you're defending Palin? It's not the accuracy of her statement necessarily, it's that she would even bring up this silly point at all. Everyone, including most Republicans, have already conceded that Palin on the ticket was a big mistake. Do you have to defend everything related to the GOP?

You mean ignore that fact that you don't know what you are talking about? I am not a fan of Palin, but I can find LEGITIMATE complaints.


I'm not a Democrat, or even American. but a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be formidable and, by sewing up Ohio and Florida, would almost guarantee victory.

You've got a point, and Kasich/Rubio would be a formidable adversary for the Dems. But it will never happen. Why? Kasich is too moderate (e.g., he doesn't hate gays enough). Rubio is too young and not quite American enough. The Reps have to send a team that will appease the looney far right. Bush may be the guy, but for VP, it will have to be someone like Walker or Cruz. And those dudes are way too far right for the majority of Americans.

Pretty silly thinking. The GIP will nominate whoever they think can win and Rubio is young, good looking, an excellent speaker and very conversant in the issues. He is is reminiscent of John F. Kennedy. He would be a great candidate and Kasich would bring age and experience to the ticket, like LBJ did.

I agree with most of your points....except for the "GOP will nominate whoever they think can win" comment. The far right base still wield significant clout and they want someone who has strong conservative values on a number of issues, including abortion, immigration, gay marriage, gun rights, etc. Unfortunately for the GOP, the changing demographics in America means that people who believe the same as them are vastly outnumbered by people who don't.

So the correct statement would be the GOP will nominate the candidate who they think can win AND best exudes core conservative values.

Like Mitt Romney and John McCain?


I'm not a Democrat, or even American. but a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be formidable and, by sewing up Ohio and Florida, would almost guarantee victory.

That one has me in stitches.

Neither Kasich nor Rubio would "sew up" their native or home state, Ohio or Florida if either or both might get on the ticket.

With 270 Electoral College votes needed to be elected prez, the D party starts out with the same base it has achieved in each of the past four presidential elections, 240 EC votes, which always leaves the Ds needing only 30 EC more votes to win.

The Republican party conversely in each of the past four presidential elections has never had an EC base of more than 180 votes. So the Rs need 90 EC votes each time, which means to never bet the farm or even one hog on the R party to win the presidency.

Bush won Ohio twice, Obama won it twice. Bush won Florida once while his bro Jeb was governor, in 2000, and again in 2004. Obama won FL twice.

If in 2016 Republicans win Ohio and Florida they still lose and the probability of the R's winning both next year or even one of the two are slim. Speaking of Slim, he's already left town. For one thing, all reliable polling shows suburban Republican women across the country will vote for Mrs. Clinton. R's to win next year need for the first time to break even in the women's vote yet they will get less of it than ever as a percentage of the general electorate.




Your predictions have been wrong numerous times. You really should give up on the fortune-telling business.

And all the right wing republican 'followers' on here during the last election were right? ??


I'm not a Democrat, or even American. but a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be formidable and, by sewing up Ohio and Florida, would almost guarantee victory.

That one has me in stitches.

Neither Kasich nor Rubio would "sew up" their native or home state, Ohio or Florida if either or both might get on the ticket.

With 270 Electoral College votes needed to be elected prez, the D party starts out with the same base it has achieved in each of the past four presidential elections, 240 EC votes, which always leaves the Ds needing only 30 EC more votes to win.

The Republican party conversely in each of the past four presidential elections has never had an EC base of more than 180 votes. So the Rs need 90 EC votes each time, which means to never bet the farm or even one hog on the R party to win the presidency.

Bush won Ohio twice, Obama won it twice. Bush won Florida once while his bro Jeb was governor, in 2000, and again in 2004. Obama won FL twice.

If in 2016 Republicans win Ohio and Florida they still lose and the probability of the R's winning both next year or even one of the two are slim. Speaking of Slim, he's already left town. For one thing, all reliable polling shows suburban Republican women across the country will vote for Mrs. Clinton. R's to win next year need for the first time to break even in the women's vote yet they will get less of it than ever as a percentage of the general electorate.


I hope you're right. But Kasich is just the sort of centrist Republican who can attract independents and Rubio has the Kennedyesque youth appeal. Fortunately the GOP are more likely to prefer a red meat candidate or a Bush.


Neither Kasich nor Rubio would "sew up" their native or home state, Ohio or Florida if either or both might get on the ticket.

Having Governor Kasich on the ticket would go a long way to helping the GOP win back the White House. He's an excellent candidate, and I think we're going to see him move towards the head of the pack in the months to come. I don't agree with him on every issue, but that's not practical.

Trump better not get the nomination, because he will not win the presidency. Anyone who argues otherwise is delusional.

As far as I'm concerned, this election is about taking back the White House and holding the Senate. Every day that Trump continues to suck all the oxygen out of the room puts that in jeopardy.



Your predictions have been wrong numerous times. You really should give up on the fortune-telling business.

And all the right wing republican 'followers' on here during the last election were right?

The Republicans won back the House and the Senate. Stick to making up false information about Israel. laugh.png


Mrs .Clinton is not being investigated nor is she suspected by the inspectors general or the FBI of being a criminal while SecState.

You are as accurate as usual - NOT!

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.


I am accurate as usual when I say the New York Post linked in the post is a right wing rag owned by Rupert Murdoch which is why the far out right loves to quote it on everything all the time.

And as always the New York Post owned by Rupert Murdoch is out there in lunar orbit. Which puts the blue smoke and mirrors rightwingers quoting it out there with Murdoch and together lost in the dark matter soup of outer space.

My Thai fortune teller advises me btw that in the 2016 presidential election the Republican party will be unable to skirt disaster due to a pants suit. My Thai fortune teller told me to bet the farm on it.




Your predictions have been wrong numerous times. You really should give up on the fortune-telling business.

And all the right wing republican 'followers' on here during the last election were right?

The Republicans won back the House and the Senate. Stick to making up false information about Israel. laugh.png

Grasping at straws must be so much fun.

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