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Trump the main attraction at 1st Republican election debate

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Your predictions have been wrong numerous times. You really should give up on the fortune-telling business.

In the election next year the Democrats need a net gain of only five seats to regain majority control of the Senate and Republicans in the House are already battening down the hatches over there.

Three R US senators up for re-election already have a political toe tag on 'em while other Rs in the Senate up for re-election next year are steadily falling behind. Nothing is settled yet but...

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Sorry, UG, but even the SNL folks said they repeated verbatim what Palin said. Didn't have to change a thing.

Sorry, but that is wrong (no matter what SNL might have said). I can't believe that people are still repeating this as being factual. She actually said, "Theyre our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands. Sarah Palin was CORRECT.

Geez, UG, give it a rest. So you're defending Palin? It's not the accuracy of her statement necessarily, it's that she would even bring up this silly point at all. Everyone, including most Republicans, have already conceded that Palin on the ticket was a big mistake. Do you have to defend everything related to the GOP?

You mean ignore that fact that you don't know what you are talking about? I am not a fan of Palin, but I can find LEGITIMATE complaints.

You do understand that she brought this "Russia next-door neighbor" thing to demonstrate her "foreign policy" experience. Surely you got that point.

You've got a point, and Kasich/Rubio would be a formidable adversary for the Dems. But it will never happen. Why? Kasich is too moderate (e.g., he doesn't hate gays enough). Rubio is too young and not quite American enough. The Reps have to send a team that will appease the looney far right. Bush may be the guy, but for VP, it will have to be someone like Walker or Cruz. And those dudes are way too far right for the majority of Americans.

Pretty silly thinking. The GIP will nominate whoever they think can win and Rubio is young, good looking, an excellent speaker and very conversant in the issues. He is is reminiscent of John F. Kennedy. He would be a great candidate and Kasich would bring age and experience to the ticket, like LBJ did.

I agree with most of your points....except for the "GOP will nominate whoever they think can win" comment. The far right base still wield significant clout and they want someone who has strong conservative values on a number of issues, including abortion, immigration, gay marriage, gun rights, etc. Unfortunately for the GOP, the changing demographics in America means that people who believe the same as them are vastly outnumbered by people who don't.

So the correct statement would be the GOP will nominate the candidate who they think can win AND best exudes core conservative values.

Like Mitt Romney and John McCain?

Who were their running mates? Ok UG, nevermind, you win. Have it your way.


When I wuz a kid I had to pay to see the circus....

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

Almost every time the camera goes to Charles Krauthammer he looks like he just sat up in his coffin. laugh.png

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

And she deserved it with her crass attempt to embarrass The Donald in front of millions- stupid girl.

Bet she regrets it for the rest of her life.

Ah, yes. The bigotry of the left. So, rape is okay as long as it is on a rightist woman? Pathetic.



Your predictions have been wrong numerous times. You really should give up on the fortune-telling business.

He's been so bad at predicting, he'd bet on the one legged man in a butt kicking contest.


When I wuz a kid I had to pay to see the circus....

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

Almost every time the camera goes to Charles Krauthammer he looks like he just sat up in his coffin. laugh.png

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

And she deserved it with her crass attempt to embarrass The Donald in front of millions- stupid girl.

Bet she regrets it for the rest of her life.

Ah, yes. The bigotry of the left. So, rape is okay as long as it is on a rightist woman? Pathetic.

As misguided as it was, it was obviously a figure of speech. Get off the high horse there Tonto.


When I wuz a kid I had to pay to see the circus....

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

Almost every time the camera goes to Charles Krauthammer he looks like he just sat up in his coffin. laugh.png

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

And she deserved it with her crass attempt to embarrass The Donald in front of millions- stupid girl.

Bet she regrets it for the rest of her life.

Ah, yes. The bigotry of the left. So, rape is okay as long as it is on a rightist woman? Pathetic.

As misguided as it was, it was obviously a figure of speech. Get off the high horse there Tonto.

Curlers too tight? It is stupid for you to defend his rape comments. That's not on any high horse. As always you and your ilk are such hypocrites, you can't even see your own loathing.


Trump will never be president.

Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think.

He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president.


Curlers too tight? It is stupid for you to defend his rape comments. That's not on any high horse. As always you and your ilk are such hypocrites, you can't even see your own loathing.

I suppose if he'd said Trump gave her a whupping you'd accuse him of glorifying wife beating.

Grow up.


How long until the right wing birther/conspiracy theory MORONS come up with:

Bill Clinton has made a secret deal with Trump to stir up the tea baggers and then run as independent handing the white house to Hillary. In return Bill will give Trump a few phone numbers of some of his favorite young ladies and invite Trump over for few late night parties.

The clown car rolls on.


How long until the right wing birther/conspiracy theory MORONS come up with:

Bill Clinton has made a secret deal with Trump to stir up the tea baggers and then run as independent handing the white house to Hillary. In return Bill will give Trump a few phone numbers of some of his favorite young ladies and invite Trump over for few late night parties.

The clown car rolls on.

But it is you that came up with the suggestion so its your clown car for now.


Wonder how many pro republican posters are still here from the last election where, no matter how much vitriol against Obama, they where terribly terribly wrong.

Oh, I have names! Great days, great great days. Towards the end there it was just so much fun watching so many mistake an oncoming train for the end of the tunnel. Each and every poll was an opportunity to practice skills used every day in denying climate change, but the train just keep a gettin closer until it ran right over them. After that, it turned out that it was all the fault of Mexicans who, surprise surprise, tend to vote for people who appear not to hate them.


When I wuz a kid I had to pay to see the circus....

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

Almost every time the camera goes to Charles Krauthammer he looks like he just sat up in his coffin. laugh.png

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

And she deserved it with her crass attempt to embarrass The Donald in front of millions- stupid girl.

Bet she regrets it for the rest of her life.

Ah, yes. The bigotry of the left. So, rape is okay as long as it is on a rightist woman? Pathetic.

As misguided as it was, it was obviously a figure of speech. Get off the high horse there Tonto.

I reckon it's right to pulled up on using this turn of phrase, especially when it's just a figure of speech. Just a pedantic point: it ain't bigotry, but more a form of intimidatory misogyny.


Trump gets my vote because I'm sick and tired of the same old bull shit from both the Democrats and Republicans that we've been hearing for the past 20+ years. He may not be the "best man for the job", but as far as I'm concerned, he's a hell of a lot better than the tired old cookie cutter politicians we have now.

yes we certainly need new bull shitlaugh.png


Trump gets my vote because I'm sick and tired of the same old bull shit from both the Democrats and Republicans that we've been hearing for the past 20+ years. He may not be the "best man for the job", but as far as I'm concerned, he's a hell of a lot better than the tired old cookie cutter politicians we have now.

Not a very bright way to pick a candidate but Trump does apeal to the lowest common denominator.

So, if everyone is feeding you bullshit, and then someone comes along and offers you a tuna salad sandwich, even thought it may not be the best tuna salad, you going to turn that down and just keep stuffing your mouth with bullshit?

I couldn't help hearing what you just wrote in Donald Trump's voice. Comedy gem!!!! Only change I would suggest is that you say "tuna fish salad sandwich" rather than "tuna salad sandwich" - just has a better ring to it.

Of course, lots of people are so full of bullshit that they don't have any room for the "tuna fish salad sandwich" and I'd suggest that the Donald is one of them.

And the other just left for a 16 day golfing holiday on Martha's Vineyard...


You've heard of the Manchurian Candidate?

Well, Donald Trump is the Argentinian Candidate (Greek candidate if you prefer):

  1. Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts.

Nice try, but the Manchurian Candidate analogy has been used many, many times in the last 7 years, but not for Trump... Guess who is the real Manchurian Candidate was? cheesy.gif

As far as Trumps bankruptcies, it's called smart business to incapsulate business activity for each property into it's own corporate structure... That way, if one property doesn't perform or fails, it doesn't drag down your other companies...

But I'll use your analogy for the current sitting administration, which has a net loss in the neighborhood of $9 trillion USD in the last 7 years... You call that "good business"? rolleyes.gif


Republicans are like naughty brothers who are jealous of how popular their sister is, so they keep running to mommy and daddy (congress and the courts) saying, "she sent emails, and we think they're bad! Punish her mom and dad. She's a naughty girl. and we're good. We believe the world was created 8,214 years ago and we think science is bunk. Punish her, pleeeeaase."

"Naughty brothers, Mommy, Daddy, punish her"????? What are you trying to do, get an award for most immature post?

Not me. Republican contenders for their nomination, more likely.

I've already got my award for best-looking and most-buffed farang ex-pat in Thailand. I printed it out, with a gold medallion, and it's framed on the wall.smile.png

Mrs .Clinton is not being investigated nor is she suspected by the inspectors general or the FBI of being a criminal while SecState.

You are as accurate as usual - NOT!

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.


I am accurate as usual when I say the New York Post linked in the post is a right wing rag owned by Rupert Murdoch which is why the far out right loves to quote it on everything all the time.

And as always the New York Post owned by Rupert Murdoch is out there in lunar orbit. Which puts the blue smoke and mirrors rightwingers quoting it out there with Murdoch and together lost in the dark matter soup of outer space.

My Thai fortune teller advises me btw that in the 2016 presidential election the Republican party will be unable to skirt disaster due to a pants suit. My Thai fortune teller told me to bet the farm on it. GOP RIP.

Watch your back, Publicus, Mrs. Murdoch might take off her high heel shoe and clonk you on the head with it.


You've heard of the Manchurian Candidate?

Well, Donald Trump is the Argentinian Candidate (Greek candidate if you prefer):

  1. Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts.

Nice try, but the Manchurian Candidate analogy has been used many, many times in the last 7 years, but not for Trump... Guess who is the real Manchurian Candidate was? cheesy.gif

As far as Trumps bankruptcies, it's called smart business to incapsulate business activity for each property into it's own corporate structure... That way, if one property doesn't perform or fails, it doesn't drag down your other companies...

But I'll use your analogy for the current sitting administration, which has a net loss in the neighborhood of $9 trillion USD in the last 7 years... You call that "good business"? rolleyes.gif

Nice try, for trying to justify Trump's nefarious biz practices. Yet you outlined what's probably the main reason (among many) why Trump should not be at the helm of America's ship of state.

He blusters, he shoots from the hip, he's as easy with telling lies to gain contracts as he is with filing bankruptcy papers. We agree (Loptr and I) that the US is in dire straits with fanatic borrowing, ....so we don't need a fanatic borrower in charge. We need someone with at least a modicum of fiscal responsibility.


My favorite answer of the night:

Megan Kelly: Senator Cruz, how will you put an end to ISIS in 90 days?

Ted Cruz: I will utter the words "radical Islamic terrorism."


Curlers too tight? It is stupid for you to defend his rape comments. That's not on any high horse. As always you and your ilk are such hypocrites, you can't even see your own loathing.

I suppose if he'd said Trump gave her a whupping you'd accuse him of glorifying wife beating.

Grow up.

Try saying it on the womans' forum. "We're just having fun," stops at felonies. And "grow up," is a pathetic attempt at bickering.


Look, this is really very simple:

Unless the GOP can field a candidate that can appeal to women, blacks and Latinos the republicans will never, ever win a presidential election again.

And we all know that's not going to happen with all the nutty rightist (birthers, teabaggers, gun nuts etc) that a candidate has to pander to. The era of the supremacy of the white male (and I say that with some degree of nostalgia as I'm a white male myself) is coming to a close and unless the GOP adapts it will fade into oblivion.

Here is a humorous take on what I just said:



Look, this is really very simple:

Unless the GOP can field a candidate that can appeal to women, blacks and Latinos the republicans will never, ever win a presidential election again.

And we all know that's not going to happen with all the nutty rightist (birthers, teabaggers, gun nuts etc) that a candidate has to pander to. The era of the supremacy of the white male (and I say that with some degree of nostalgia as I'm a white male myself) is coming to a close and unless the GOP adapts it will fade into oblivion.

Here is a humorous take on what I just said:

All is good!


Well judging by the reception Donald got when he refused to rule out running as an independent, let's hope he comes 2nd just for the comedy value.

I can't think of anything funnier than Trump attack ads, and it seems he can afford more than the Koch suckers.

He doesn't need ads with all the free publicity by the media.

Jeffrey Dahmer got lots of free publicity. So did the congressman from New York who couldn't resist posting images of his reproductive organ - his demacock if you will.

Your point is???????

They weren't running for president.


Look, this is really very simple:

Unless the GOP can field a candidate that can appeal to women, blacks and Latinos the republicans will never, ever win a presidential election again.

And we all know that's not going to happen with all the nutty rightist (birthers, teabaggers, gun nuts etc) that a candidate has to pander to. The era of the supremacy of the white male (and I say that with some degree of nostalgia as I'm a white male myself) is coming to a close and unless the GOP adapts it will fade into oblivion.

Here is a humorous take on what I just said:


Last time I looked there were approximately 50% males in the white Democratic party demographic and if HRC continues to expound the war on women BS she risks alienating most of them, and if they stay at home instead of voting Dem she could lose.


Trump will never be president.

Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think.

He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president.

I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure.

The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on.

I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains.


Trump will never be president.

Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think.

He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president.

I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people

that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure.

The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on.

I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains.

Surely you do not refer to one of the professional politicians on the panel? The very ones that have NEVER actually DONE anything to resolve the problems of the border, belong to the party that CREATED the 2007 financial crisis, and do nothing while the military is gutted and the vets abandoned. Grey men beholden to the money men all.

Competent, strong leader cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .


Trump will never be president.

Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think.

He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president.

I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure.

The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on.

I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains.

Hypocrite so called "Christians" that claim to be pro life on abortion, but are enthusiastic backers of military intervention overseas and support the death penalty sicken me.


Trump will never be president.

Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think.

He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president.

I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure.

The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on.

I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains.

Hypocrite so called "Christians" that claim to be pro life on abortion, but are enthusiastic backers of military intervention overseas and support the death penalty sicken me.

I didn't say anything about being an enthusiastic backer of military intervention overseas, and never mentioned the "death penalty" but I certainly do support the death penalty.

Thank you so much for sharing I make you sick. There are a few others on this site I hope I make sick as well. You have a nice day as well, lol.

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