CMNightRider Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Trump will never be president. Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think. He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president. I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure. The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on. I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. Surely you do not refer to one of the professional politicians on the panel? The very ones that have NEVER actually DONE anything to resolve the problems of the border, belong to the party that CREATED the 2007 financial crisis, and do nothing while the military is gutted and the vets abandoned. Grey men beholden to the money men all. Competent, strong leader . Thank you. This is exactly what I was referring to when I mentioned "intellectually changed posters." The silly laughing icon goes well with your comments.
brewsterbudgen Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Trump will never be president. Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think. He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president. I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure. The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on. I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. The problem for those who share your conservatism is that the majority do not. Obama was re-elected and the next President will also be a Democrat. Demographically America has fundamentally changed.
Publicus Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 GOP RIP. Your predictions have been wrong numerous times. You really should give up on the fortune-telling business. Last time I wuz in the US I visited with my Thai-American fortune teller in her orange and purple carpeted tent when a honking clown car burst through the opening to a screeching halt then Donald Trump and 16 Republicans running for president clamored out while shouting, elbowing and slapping... Trump strode over and bellowed to the Teller, "Are there elections in Heaven?" She replied calmly, "I have good news, and I have bad news..." "What's the good news?" Trump demanded. The Teller gazed confidently at her cards, smiled, and said slowly, deliberately: "The good news is that Heaven's elections are beautiful beyond anything you could imagine!" Trump and Jeb Bush at the same time blurted out, "How could there be any bad news with that?" Teller, "Youse guyz have an election booked for Tuesday, November 8, 2016." GOP RIP.
cantplay Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Trump will never be president. Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think. He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president. I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure. The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on. I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. Ted Cruz is a nitwit, the Republican field a catastrophe (exception: Kasich, Christie,Trump). A sorry state of affairs for the GOP. The Con Brothers and their ilk will do anything to keep the ball rolling against an increasingly powerful tide, 20 years max - bye bye. . . Jesus loves you.
Publicus Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 I'm not a Democrat, or even American. but a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be formidable and, by sewing up Ohio and Florida, would almost guarantee victory. That one has me in stitches. Neither Kasich nor Rubio would "sew up" their native or home state, Ohio or Florida if either or both might get on the ticket. With 270 Electoral College votes needed to be elected prez, the D party starts out with the same base it has achieved in each of the past four presidential elections, 240 EC votes, which always leaves the Ds needing only 30 EC more votes to win. The Republican party conversely in each of the past four presidential elections has never had an EC base of more than 180 votes. So the Rs need 90 EC votes each time, which means to never bet the farm or even one hog on the R party to win the presidency. Bush won Ohio twice, Obama won it twice. Bush won Florida once while his bro Jeb was governor, in 2000, and again in 2004. Obama won FL twice. If in 2016 Republicans win Ohio and Florida they still lose and the probability of the R's winning both next year or even one of the two are slim. Speaking of Slim, he's already left town. For one thing, all reliable polling shows suburban Republican women across the country will vote for Mrs. Clinton. R's to win next year need for the first time to break even in the women's vote yet they will get less of it than ever as a percentage of the general electorate. GOP RIP. I hope you're right. But Kasich is just the sort of centrist Republican who can attract independents and Rubio has the Kennedyesque youth appeal. Fortunately the GOP are more likely to prefer a red meat candidate or a Bush. If there is one single state to consider as the key to the election of the next prez it is Virginia, the Old Dominion of the Old Confederacy that in 1964 refused to open its schools rather than comply with the SCOTUS Brown v Board decision the US must racially desegregate its public schools. Polling averages in Virginia throughout this year show former SecState Clinton leads Jebush 47-40 while no other R currently running gets even 40 percent. It is becoming the new insight into elections of the prez that the party that wins Virginia wins the presidency. Until 2008, Virginia voted R for president in each election since 1968. Prez Obama also won VA comfortably in 2012. In 2014 the D Terry McAuliffe won election as governor in a mid-term election year that saw Republicans sweep a dozen governorships and win control of the US Senate. It is by no means conceded the Rs will win Ohio or Florida, or both, but even if they somehow pulled each out of their ten-gallon cowboy hat, without Virginia the Rs still lose. Virginia is in the eastern time zone which means its vote is among the first states to report. So after the Virginia vote is reported on election night 2016, everyone in the United States can go to bed.
lostoday Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 I hope you're right. But Kasich is just the sort of centrist Republican who can attract independents and Rubio has the Kennedyesque youth appeal. Fortunately the GOP are more likely to prefer a red meat candidate or a Bush. If there is one single state to consider as the key to the election of the next prez it is Virginia, the Old Dominion of the Old Confederacy that in 1964 refused to open its schools rather than comply with the SCOTUS Brown v Board decision the US must racially desegregate its public schools. Polling averages in Virginia throughout this year show former SecState Clinton leads Jebush 47-40 while no other R currently running gets even 40 percent. It is becoming the new insight into elections of the prez that the party that wins Virginia wins the presidency. Until 2008, Virginia voted R for president in each election since 1968. Prez Obama also won VA comfortably in 2012. In 2014 the D Terry McAuliffe won election as governor in a mid-term election year that saw Republicans sweep a dozen governorships and win control of the US Senate. It is by no means conceded the Rs will win Ohio or Florida, or both, but even if they somehow pulled each out of their ten-gallon cowboy hat, without Virginia the Rs still lose. Virginia is in the eastern time zone which means its vote is among the first states to report. So after the Virginia vote is reported on election night 2016, everyone in the United States can go to bed. Virginia 13 votes. NY 31 California 55
geriatrickid Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 If not for the presence of the Donald, the numbers of Americans paying attention to this primary would be a fraction of what it is now. No one can seriously argue that some of these candidates possess much charisma, or the ability to get people's attention the way the Donald can. Sure, some GOP folks are crying, but these are the people who have seen their idiotic agendas pushed aside in favour of the Donald's platform of vivid dreams and platitudes. The Donald offers hope and glory and draws people to these "debates" which would otherwise be rather boring events. I believe that the GOP leadership is grateful for the Donald's presence. It is an attention grabber, and every time the Donald says something off-colour, it allows the PC brigade so, oh no we don't agree. At this time the Donald is all upside for the GOP. He's forcing the other candidates to work harder, and that is a good thing. The Donald is saying a lot of things that Americans of all political affiliations are thinking and saying. He has his faults, and he has his warts, and he's a boor, but he's a heck of a lot more honest and decent than some of the folks he's campaigning against in the primary. He might be a pompous rich guy, but he has more in common with the regular American than the other candidates. I wish him all the best.
samran Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Trump will never be president. Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think. He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president. I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure. The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on. I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. Surely you do not refer to one of the professional politicians on the panel? The very ones that have NEVER actually DONE anything to resolve the problems of the border, belong to the party that CREATED the 2007 financial crisis, and do nothing while the military is gutted and the vets abandoned. Grey men beholden to the money men all.Competent, strong leader . Thank you. This is exactly what I was referring to when I mentioned "intellectually changed posters." The silly laughing icon goes well with your comments. Two conservatives going at it. One clearly not starched enough for the other. Love it.
samran Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Trump will never be president. Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think. He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president. I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure. The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on. I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. Ted Cruz is a nitwit, the Republican field a catastrophe (exception: Kasich, Christie,Trump). A sorry state of affairs for the GOP. The Con Brothers and their ilk will do anything to keep the ball rolling against an increasingly powerful tide, 20 years max - bye bye. . . Jesus loves you. Someone has to...
samran Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Trump and fox will now be at war. The channel won't know what to do with itself having to cut down the GOP front runner.
F430murci Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Lol, does anyone spending much time and energy commenting on this topic actually live in the US? Life is good, everything will be fine and good, honest, hardworking people in the US will continue to thrive. Heck, even our lower class and unemployed have a better existence than the middle class in most countries around the world.
samran Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Lol, does anyone spending si mych time and energy commenting on this topic actually live in the US? Life is good, everything will be fine and good, honest, hardworking people in the US will continue to thrive. Heck, even our lower class and unemployed have a better existence than the middle class in most countries around the world.And you'll even get to continue to listen to limp biscuit with your jeans hanging half way down your arse.Yes life will go on. Love, Samrans's People
Pinot Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 The world is going to become a much more interesting place when Trump becomes President, which I believe he will if he can see off Hillary. The panel tried their hardest to shoot him down last night, which i thought unfair as they did not do that in such a forthright way with the others I also like Ted Cruz from Texas, he has done a great job there by the sounds of it Yeah, they were both fantastic.
F430murci Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Lol, does anyone spending si mych time and energy commenting on this topic actually live in the US? Life is good, everything will be fine and good, honest, hardworking people in the US will continue to thrive. Heck, even our lower class and unemployed have a better existence than the middle class in most countries around the world.And you'll even get to continue to listen to limp biscuit with your jeans hanging half way down your arse.Yes life will go on. Love, Samrans's People With a smile on my face, cranked in high end sports car with a beautiful Russian bride by my side. Greatful, so greatful. Luv me some Chocolate Starfish and Hotdog Flavored Water. Keep on Rollin, Rolliin, Rollin . . .
bendejo Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 When I wuz a kid I had to pay to see the circus.... Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium. Almost every time the camera goes to Charles Krauthammer he looks like he just sat up in his coffin. Look up Charles the K's story. A psych student can do a masters thesis on him. Trump: WHAA! That lady was mean to me! MOMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! No one cries louder than a bully that has been punched in the nose.
55Jay Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Look, this is really very simple: Unless the GOP can field a candidate that can appeal to women, blacks and Latinos the republicans will never, ever win a presidential election again. And we all know that's not going to happen with all the nutty rightist (birthers, teabaggers, gun nuts etc) that a candidate has to pander to. The era of the supremacy of the white male (and I say that with some degree of nostalgia as I'm a white male myself) is coming to a close and unless the GOP adapts it will fade into oblivion. Here is a humorous take on what I just said: GOP and the establishment in Thailand have something in common.
bendejo Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 You've heard of the Manchurian Candidate? Well, Donald Trump is the Argentinian Candidate (Greek candidate if you prefer): Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts. About ten years ago I was talking with a friend who deals in bond trading. He told me that a few times (the number was 4 at the time of the conversation) Trump issued bonds that he prematurely defaulted on, or cancelled (I don't know anything about this sort of stuff myself). He explained that it was always above-board, not violating any laws, and too bad for you if you were holding those bonds. I hear endless political pundits saying "he's speaking his mind" and "he's calling it like he sees it." How do they know this? It's all a performance. Even worse are the ones who take him seriously as a candidate, dissecting his words as if there is something there. It sells airltime, I guess. Cruz is particularly taking aim at the dumbest elements of the electorate; read any of his missives and you can't help but see the assumption of the reader's stupidity (unless, of course, you are just as stupid as he assumes you are). He's hoping that when Trump falls he'll be the one to collect. Walk the Walk with Walker 2016! The Koch's are spending a lot on the guy, he'll make a great candidate. And by November 15th 2016 no one will remember his name.
Publicus Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 When I wuz a kid I had to pay to see the circus.... Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium. Almost every time the camera goes to Charles Krauthammer he looks like he just sat up in his coffin. Look up Charles the K's story. A psych student can do a masters thesis on him. Trump: WHAA! That lady was mean to me! MOMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! No one cries louder than a bully that has been punched in the nose. It isn't Mr. Krauthammer but we can understand what it was like to just get the word in 2012 that President Obama won re-election, so here's the first moment of truth.... And a bonus video as Karl Rove and Fox Can't Believe It in the second moment of truth... Ohio: President: 2012 Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote Electoral Vote Winner B. Obama (i) Dem 50.1% 2,697,260 18 M. Romney GOP 48.2% 2,593,779 0 The Donald really hasn't any idea of what he's in for as the Republican primary voting begins in the states. For one thing, his newly hired campaign staff of political pros are already knifing one another in the back state by state. This is politics, not corporate America and the cold hard fact is that Trump has no clue of the difference. Campaigning for public office --and Trump's first electoral experience is for POTUS-- is a beast Donald Trump has no idea exists.
Publicus Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 I hope you're right. But Kasich is just the sort of centrist Republican who can attract independents and Rubio has the Kennedyesque youth appeal. Fortunately the GOP are more likely to prefer a red meat candidate or a Bush. If there is one single state to consider as the key to the election of the next prez it is Virginia, the Old Dominion of the Old Confederacy that in 1964 refused to open its schools rather than comply with the SCOTUS Brown v Board decision the US must racially desegregate its public schools. Polling averages in Virginia throughout this year show former SecState Clinton leads Jebush 47-40 while no other R currently running gets even 40 percent. It is becoming the new insight into elections of the prez that the party that wins Virginia wins the presidency. Until 2008, Virginia voted R for president in each election since 1968. Prez Obama also won VA comfortably in 2012. In 2014 the D Terry McAuliffe won election as governor in a mid-term election year that saw Republicans sweep a dozen governorships and win control of the US Senate. It is by no means conceded the Rs will win Ohio or Florida, or both, but even if they somehow pulled each out of their ten-gallon cowboy hat, without Virginia the Rs still lose. Virginia is in the eastern time zone which means its vote is among the first states to report. So after the Virginia vote is reported on election night 2016, everyone in the United States can go to bed. Virginia 13 votes. NY 31 California 55 The obvious point is of course that.....what is the point of the post??? Don't know your Electoral College experience in politics and elections or in the national government, but I'd present this.... I'd pointed out that until 2008 Virginia hadn't voted Democratic for president since 1964, so given VA also voted D in 2012, the EC vote base of each party has undergone a plus/minus. That is, it is significant in the EC vote tally that VA now votes Democratic and not Republican. California is the Grand Prize of EC votes, 55 and the state hasn't voted Republican for president since 1988. Clinton-Gore colored CA blue in 1992, 1996, 2000 and the state since is only a deep, deep blue. Presidential elections in California haven't been even remotely close, as Barack Obama won over Romney by 23% in 2012. New York State is another Big Prize in the EC yet it hasn't voted Republican for president since 1984. It is a rule of thumb among political pros and analysts that once a state has voted for the same party in three consecutive presidential elections, the particular party has a lock on its Electoral College votes. The history of it is that if this gets reversed, it is reversed only after an extended number of elections, as occurred in 1972, when the states of the post Civil War D Solid South and the Old Confederacy began to vote Republican. California voters long ago put a D lock on the state's Electoral College column. New York state is a D lock in the Electoral College tally. Virginia voted D for prez in 2008 and in 2012; additionally, the Old Dominion state elected a D governor in 2014 which was a Republican sweep year across the country. VA votes D this time as expected, meaning voting D in three consecutive presidential elections, then the voters of Virginia will have put a lock on their state's EC tally for the D party for president. Since 1988, Republicans have lost their traditional long-term EC lock hold on California, Washington state, Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia. Ohio voted D for prez in 2008 and in 2012. Florida voted D for prez in 2008 and in 2012. Does one detect a decided three-time direction here? The party is over for the Republicans so will the last one out kindly turn off the lights plse thx.
samran Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 If there is one single state to consider as the key to the election of the next prez it is Virginia, the Old Dominion of the Old Confederacy that in 1964 refused to open its schools rather than comply with the SCOTUS Brown v Board decision the US must racially desegregate its public schools. Polling averages in Virginia throughout this year show former SecState Clinton leads Jebush 47-40 while no other R currently running gets even 40 percent. It is becoming the new insight into elections of the prez that the party that wins Virginia wins the presidency. Until 2008, Virginia voted R for president in each election since 1968. Prez Obama also won VA comfortably in 2012. In 2014 the D Terry McAuliffe won election as governor in a mid-term election year that saw Republicans sweep a dozen governorships and win control of the US Senate. It is by no means conceded the Rs will win Ohio or Florida, or both, but even if they somehow pulled each out of their ten-gallon cowboy hat, without Virginia the Rs still lose. Virginia is in the eastern time zone which means its vote is among the first states to report. So after the Virginia vote is reported on election night 2016, everyone in the United States can go to bed. Virginia 13 votes. NY 31 California 55 The obvious point is of course that.....what is the point of the post??? Don't know your Electoral College experience in politics and elections or in the national government, but I'd present this.... I'd pointed out that until 2008 Virginia hadn't voted Democratic for president since 1964, so given VA also voted D in 2012, the EC vote base of each party has undergone a plus/minus. That is, it is significant in the EC vote tally that VA now votes Democratic and not Republican. California is the Grand Prize of EC votes, 55 and the state hasn't voted Republican for president since 1988. Clinton-Gore colored CA blue in 1992, 1996, 2000 and the state since is only a deep, deep blue. Presidential elections in California haven't been even remotely close, as Barack Obama won over Romney by 23% in 2012. New York State is another Big Prize in the EC yet it hasn't voted Republican for president since 1984. It is a rule of thumb among political pros and analysts that once a state has voted for the same party in three consecutive presidential elections, the particular party has a lock on its Electoral College votes. The history of it is that if this gets reversed, it is reversed only after an extended number of elections, as occurred in 1972, when the states of the post Civil War D Solid South and the Old Confederacy began to vote Republican. California voters long ago put a D lock on the state's Electoral College column. New York state is a D lock in the Electoral College tally. Virginia voted D for prez in 2008 and in 2012; additionally, the Old Dominion state elected a D governor in 2014 which was a Republican sweep year across the country. VA votes D this time as expected, meaning voting D in three consecutive presidential elections, then the voters of Virginia will have put a lock on their state's EC tally for the D party for president. Since 1988, Republicans have lost their traditional long-term EC lock hold on California, Washington state, Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia. Ohio voted D for prez in 2008 and in 2012. Florida voted D for prez in 2008 and in 2012. Does one detect a decided three-time direction here? The party is over for the Republicans so will the last one out kindly turn off the lights plse thx. Let's not rush things here. We still need the entertainment...A striking parallel here... Australia 1992, the conservatives were cocky arrogant thinking they were going to win with the most right wing manifesto ever proposed to the australian public. They agitated for an early election, and this was the response they got (guess who lost?). See the vid below:
thaibeachlovers Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Trump will never be president. Who think he will leave his empire in the hands of somebody else will be very wrong i think. He only want to make money, money and more money and this he can't combine with being the president. I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure. The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on. I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. Hypocrite so called "Christians" that claim to be pro life on abortion, but are enthusiastic backers of military intervention overseas and support the death penalty sicken me. I didn't say anything about being an enthusiastic backer of military intervention overseas, and never mentioned the "death penalty" but I certainly do support the death penalty. Thank you so much for sharing I make you sick. There are a few others on this site I hope I make sick as well. You have a nice day as well, lol. I wasn't referring to you personally, but since you brought it up, how do you reconcile being anti abortion ( pro life ) with being pro death penalty? I hope that you would be personally prepared to kill someone being executed then.
thaibeachlovers Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 When I wuz a kid I had to pay to see the circus.... Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium. Almost every time the camera goes to Charles Krauthammer he looks like he just sat up in his coffin. Look up Charles the K's story. A psych student can do a masters thesis on him. Trump: WHAA! That lady was mean to me! MOMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! No one cries louder than a bully that has been punched in the nose. It isn't Mr. Krauthammer but we can understand what it was like to just get the word in 2012 that President Obama won re-election, so here's the first moment of truth.... And a bonus video as Karl Rove and Fox Can't Believe It in the second moment of truth... Ohio: President: 2012 Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote Electoral Vote Winner B. Obama (i) Dem 50.1% 2,697,260 18 M. Romney GOP 48.2% 2,593,779 0 The Donald really hasn't any idea of what he's in for as the Republican primary voting begins in the states. For one thing, his newly hired campaign staff of political pros are already knifing one another in the back state by state. This is politics, not corporate America and the cold hard fact is that Trump has no clue of the difference. Campaigning for public office --and Trump's first electoral experience is for POTUS-- is a beast Donald Trump has no idea exists. Yes it's all about politics, and that is the problem. Unfortunately the professional political class has forgotten it's supposed to run the country for the benefit of the citizens, not for themselves. The whole lot are a disgrace- talk talk talk and do nothing about the problems. HRC is the epitome of the worst in American politics, bur if she doesn't get indicted for the e-mail scandal she will probably get elected, to America's shame ( and to think I once supported her aaarrrggghhh )..
thaibeachlovers Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure. The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on. I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. Surely you do not refer to one of the professional politicians on the panel? The very ones that have NEVER actually DONE anything to resolve the problems of the border, belong to the party that CREATED the 2007 financial crisis, and do nothing while the military is gutted and the vets abandoned. Grey men beholden to the money men all.Competent, strong leader . Thank you. This is exactly what I was referring to when I mentioned "intellectually changed posters." The silly laughing icon goes well with your comments. Two conservatives going at it. One clearly not starched enough for the other. Love it. I hope you are not referring to me as a "conservative". I am a socialist. Did you not read my post where I want to tax really rich people at 99%? However, the modern Democrat party in the US is so loony tunes that it is impossible to support them.
samran Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those peoplethat participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure.The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on.I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. Surely you do not refer to one of the professional politicians on the panel? The very ones that have NEVER actually DONE anything to resolve the problems of the border, belong to the party that CREATED the 2007 financial crisis, and do nothing while the military is gutted and the vets abandoned. Grey men beholden to the money men all.Competent, strong leader . Thank you. This is exactly what I was referring to when I mentioned "intellectually changed posters." The silly laughing icon goes well with your comments. Two conservatives going at it. One clearly not starched enough for the other. Love it. I hope you are not referring to me as a "conservative". I am a socialist. Did you not read my post where I want to tax really rich people at 99%? However, the modern Democrat party in the US is so loony tunes that it is impossible to support them. My honest appraisal of most modern 'conservatives' is the they are really just closet socialists - stop the world I want to get off types spare me my benefits (but don't give them to anyone else) and whatever you do don't let us be over run by people seeking freedom we greedily save for oureleves!
thaibeachlovers Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 I think you are right about Trump not being elected as president, at least in this upcoming election. However, one of those people that participated in this Republican election debate will be Americas next president for sure. The looney left, socialist, communist, and other assorted political vermin will have to sit this election out. America needs a competent, strong leader who will strengthen the country's military again, secure the open border between the U.S. and Mexico, create employment opportunities for people willing and able to work, and discourage the welfare career track that so many low-lifes have embarked on. I am mildly amused by a few intellectually challenged posters who continually post nonsensical remarks about some "Republican clown car," make jokes about Christian beliefs, believe abortion is fine, and any number of other bizarre thoughts that enter into their pea brains. Surely you do not refer to one of the professional politicians on the panel? The very ones that have NEVER actually DONE anything to resolve the problems of the border, belong to the party that CREATED the 2007 financial crisis, and do nothing while the military is gutted and the vets abandoned. Grey men beholden to the money men all.Competent, strong leader . Thank you. This is exactly what I was referring to when I mentioned "intellectually changed posters." The silly laughing icon goes well with your comments. Two conservatives going at it. One clearly not starched enough for the other. Love it. I hope you are not referring to me as a "conservative". I am a socialist. Did you not read my post where I want to tax really rich people at 99%? However, the modern Democrat party in the US is so loony tunes that it is impossible to support them. My honest appraisal of most modern 'conservatives' is the they are really just closet socialists - stop the world I want to get off types spare me my benefits (but don't give them to anyone else) and whatever you do don't let us be over run by people seeking freedom we greedily save for oureleves! I earned my benefits by getting out of bed and going to work. Why should useless parasites ( the able bodied that could work ) that never did anything to help society in their entire life be able to suck off the hard earned tax of those that do?
geriatrickid Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 And you'll even get to continue to listen to limp biscuit with your jeans hanging half way down your arse.Yes life will go on. Love, Samrans's People Ding a ling..... the 1990's are calling to remind you that Limp Bizkit and its center piece angry refugee from munchkin land Freddy Durst, were not too popular with the cool people. No one was wearing their pants half way down their arse in the 90's. Grunge clothes still ruled and baggy pants were just becoming popular. It wasn't until the 2000's that the droopy please sodomize my young buttocks look was in. During that period, Mr. Trump was wearing the standard double breasted "power suit". He was a dapper chap. I have decided that we need more Trump. He brings the zing to the party. If he ever becomes POTUS, he'll cause the holy rollers and tea baggers to have conniptions as he hosts all the beauties from the Miss America pageant at the White House and tells the Koch brothers to go screw themselves. . Instead of G-7 meetings, he'll have the Miss Universe contestants over for cocktails.
Credo Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 And you'll even get to continue to listen to limp biscuit with your jeans hanging half way down your arse.Yes life will go on. Love, Samrans's People Ding a ling..... the 1990's are calling to remind you that Limp Bizkit and its center piece angry refugee from munchkin land Freddy Durst, were not too popular with the cool people. No one was wearing their pants half way down their arse in the 90's. Grunge clothes still ruled and baggy pants were just becoming popular. It wasn't until the 2000's that the droopy please sodomize my young buttocks look was in. During that period, Mr. Trump was wearing the standard double breasted "power suit". He was a dapper chap. I have decided that we need more Trump. He brings the zing to the party. If he ever becomes POTUS, he'll cause the holy rollers and tea baggers to have conniptions as he hosts all the beauties from the Miss America pageant at the White House and tells the Koch brothers to go screw themselves. . Instead of G-7 meetings, he'll have the Miss Universe contestants over for cocktails. Well, I hope no one does away with Obamacare because if Trump gets the conservatives' blood pressure will be rising significantly and the heart attack rate will go through the roof.
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