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Trump the main attraction at 1st Republican election debate

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A recent poll I saw had Biden at 12%...and the guy hasn't even declared yet! Another poll I saw had over 50% of HRC supporters wanting Biden to run.

The GOP is a circus right now. Even HRC and her baggage can pull out a win over any Republican nominee. But if Biden runs, the Dems will win in a landslide.

Certainly Joe is more likeable than Hillary.

Everybody likes Joe. But some in the White House fear that going through a mud-slinging Presidential campaign may tarnish his reputation and legacy, which is one of being the respected elder statesman. I just wonder how HRC would take it.

I think Joe will only enter the race if HRC is forced out.

Yea, she'd probably have to voluntarily step aside. But if you can imagine Biden mobilizing all of HRC/DNC's resources? That would shake the GOP to the core. How quickly would Fox News be able to replace Hillary with Joe in terms of their smear campaign? It would be the last we'd hear of e-mails and servers. And when it comes to straight-talking, Biden can out-Trump Trump.

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Just how much airtime as he purchased on F-F-Fox news?

This bloke is a Shermon short of George Patton & totally out of step with the era.

What makes you think he pays? He is newsworthy and pays ZERO.

He made YOU pay attention, didn't he, biggrin.png .

Just like a car crash makes you pay attention. Doesnt mean you like it.

Why do you think boxers trash talk, gets people to watch them, even though they watchin the hope they get beaten.

What I meant, which you seem to have missed, is that Trump is making people take notice. If it was just Huckabee and all the other grey men, would there be ANY interest in the GOP primary race.

BTW, what a rubbish system, having to put up with all this political garbage for the next 18 months or so. Couple of months is barely tolerable. Trump has made this one worth watching, as the grey men squirm under his well deserved onslaught of derision for their establishment.


Trump is wonderfully funny to watch. To see him calling the other candidates grovelling toads, behaving like a group of fish tank hookers hoping to get picked by the cash rich hornbags (Koch of the day) on the other side of the two way mirror .... well, it's just priceless. Then Trump just flies off in his own corporate jet (F'ing A!!!) and takes another dump on them from another location. I have to say that he's much better value than Ross Perot ever was. Perot always reminded me of what would come from breeding a thin leprechaun with a yappy lap dog. Trump's vulgarity is so, so, refreshing - like playing ACDC very loud at a party full of prissy Conservatory students. May the force be with you Donald, may your hair never wilt or weather.


Or if it looks like it is really over for her. He's stalling now. Understandably so.

Sounds like you aren't so CERTAIN that she will be elected now as you were not so long ago smile.png .

That's very true and isn't news. If you check my posts, I have adjusted my opinion of her candidacy and personally I am ready to DUMP HER! The trouble for us democrats is that the bench is weak. So a strong Hillary was a great play but I am having a hard time imagining her emerging strong now. Stranger things have happened in politics of course ...


Biden would embarrass himself in the debates.

If anyone saw him in the previous debates, they know he is a buffoon and a walking gaffe machine.

It's just a matter if the left-leaning media focusing on his gaffes or not.

I will be willing to wager with anyone that if Biden is the Dem nominee, he does not win.

Not to mention he will be 74 years old in November of 2017

I'll say it again: Biden is not a viable candidate and is unelectable.

Bad news all around for Dems:



Trump is wonderfully funny to watch. To see him calling the other candidates grovelling toads, behaving like a group of fish tank hookers hoping to get picked by the cash rich hornbags (Koch of the day) on the other side of the two way mirror .... well, it's just priceless. Then Trump just flies off in his own corporate jet (F'ing A!!!) and takes another dump on them from another location. I have to say that he's much better value than Ross Perot ever was. Perot always reminded me of what would come from breeding a thin leprechaun with a yappy lap dog. Trump's vulgarity is so, so, refreshing - like playing ACDC very loud at a party full of prissy Conservatory students. May the force be with you Donald, may your hair never wilt or weather.

If someone told me 2 months ago that Trump was a viable candidate, I would have laughed at them.

Now I think he will actually win it. My instincts tell me he will anyways.

The guy is a no BS straight talker and is a refreshing change from the usual politicians that run for office.

The fact that he doesn't walk around on egg shells and doesn't run his campaign based on focus groups and polls is a nice change.

He just says what he thinks without a filter.

My guy is Ted Cruz, but the more I see Trump, the more I like him.

Another analogy would be that Trump is "Bluto" (John Belushi) in the movie "Animal House"


You're wrong.

Biden has a long track record as a master debater. thumbsup.gif

Yeah, maybe Trump will be nominated but if so, that makes things much easier for any democrat.


If the talking toupe dislikes his fellow party members so much the why in hell is he running with that party.

He's calling out the "RINO's" (Republicans in name only) that are currently running. Like Jeb Bush and others that do not possess true conservative values.

You won't see him call out someone like Ted Cruz, because Cruz isn't a "RINO"

And he was right about Bush today. What a snooze fest that was. Watching Jeb Bush talk is like taking an Ambien.

BTW, that's not a toupee.


If the talking toupe dislikes his fellow party members so much the why in hell is he running with that party.

He's calling out the "RINO's" (Republicans in name only) that are currently running. Like Jeb Bush and others that do not possess true conservative values.

You won't see him call out someone like Ted Cruz, because Cruz isn't a "RINO"

And he was right about Bush today. What a snooze fest that was. Watching Jeb Bush talk is like taking an Ambien.

BTW, that's not a toupee.

Trump hasn't attacked Cruz yet because Cruz has been unapologetically kissing up to him like a puppy dog. But the minute Cruz steps out of line (or moves up in the polls), you can bet that Trump will be all over him like a cheap suit.


A Sheldon Adelson backed and financed candidate, or Trump backed and Trump financed Trump Candidate. They say that the stock exchange is a glorified casino and that Wall Street has far too much influence in Washington. Well, we have raised the game. Actual casino owners to run the whole show! This is our new reality. It is the hyper-real. Where, except in this country, could it be sincerely said that simply (simplistically) saying what comes into one's head without filter is an admirable trait? It's not an admirable trait for a diplomat, a President or a spy - it's a trait that disqualifies one from being any of them.


A Sheldon Adelson backed and financed candidate, or Trump backed and Trump financed Trump Candidate. They say that the stock exchange is a glorified casino and that Wall Street has far too much influence in Washington. Well, we have raised the game. Actual casino owners to run the whole show! This is our new reality. It is the hyper-real. Where, except in this country, could it be sincerely said that simply (simplistically) saying what comes into one's head without filter is an admirable trait? It's not an admirable trait for a diplomat, a President or a spy - it's a trait that disqualifies one from being any of them.

Indeed, in "this" country (Thailand), it seems to be working out alright for some. tongue.png


Where, except in this country, could it be sincerely said that simply (simplistically) saying what comes into one's head without filter is an admirable trait? It's not an admirable trait for a diplomat, a President or a spy - it's a trait that disqualifies one from being any of them.

The points above are more than fair, in my opinion.

I've typed it more than once on this thread, and it's even more true now: If Trump doesn't get forced out of the spotlight quickly, the Democrats will keep the White House and quite possibly take back the Senate. Just yesterday Governors Bush and Walker were publicly questioning birthright citizenship. It was less than 3 years ago that GOP leadership was holding conferences on how to reach out to Latino voters. And this is what they came up with? If this keeps up, not only will Democrats win in 2016, they might hold the White House for a generation. facepalm.gif

I can't think of anyone who should shoulder more of the blame than Chairman Reince Priebus. While I don't envy him his position, but he's been outmatched by Trump every step of the way since he announced. And therefore, Priebus needs to go. Unfortunately that can't/won't happen until after the election.

And for all you bootlicking fanboys of "The Donald", try to remember the summer of '15 when we're deep into the next Democrat administration and all of President Obama's policies are still in place. Then you can tell us again how much you appreciate Trump's "straight talk". bah.gif


Where, except in this country, could it be sincerely said that simply (simplistically) saying what comes into one's head without filter is an admirable trait? It's not an admirable trait for a diplomat, a President or a spy - it's a trait that disqualifies one from being any of them.

The points above are more than fair, in my opinion.

I've typed it more than once on this thread, and it's even more true now: If Trump doesn't get forced out of the spotlight quickly, the Democrats will keep the White House and quite possibly take back the Senate. Just yesterday Governors Bush and Walker were publicly questioning birthright citizenship. It was less than 3 years ago that GOP leadership was holding conferences on how to reach out to Latino voters. And this is what they came up with? If this keeps up, not only will Democrats win in 2016, they might hold the White House for a generation. facepalm.gif

I can't think of anyone who should shoulder more of the blame than Chairman Reince Priebus. While I don't envy him his position, but he's been outmatched by Trump every step of the way since he announced. And therefore, Priebus needs to go. Unfortunately that can't/won't happen until after the election.

And for all you bootlicking fanboys of "The Donald", try to remember the summer of '15 when we're deep into the next Democrat administration and all of President Obama's policies are still in place. Then you can tell us again how much you appreciate Trump's "straight talk". bah.gif

Youse two guyz have rather distinguished yourselves as the thread has developed if I may say so, producing some of the best written posts since I can remember and I mean that in speaking straight forwardly.

The poster Neurath has taken to writing several posts with an incisive literary pen while your post is one among many like it that made me think of how the main text would read in a full page ad in the WaPo and NYT and other major papers in the country as a direct statement to the Republican party for its own good.

You already appreciate that The Donald would sneer and bark at the both of you but given the direct truth of your posts you'd have the distinction of his really turning his flamethrower on you. wai.gif

As I myself had posted recently, given the state of the R party and its candidates going in to this election, it is irrefutable that God has finally taken the giant step forward to become a Democrat. biggrin.png


Where, except in this country, could it be sincerely said that simply (simplistically) saying what comes into one's head without filter is an admirable trait? It's not an admirable trait for a diplomat, a President or a spy - it's a trait that disqualifies one from being any of them.

Good points. These "admirable traits" that you speak of are quite common and not as "refreshingly candid" as some on the right would have us believe. For example, 5 year old children will speak out without thinking because they don't know any better. Certain boorish adults may speak out without thinking because they simply lack the IQ/EQ to know any better. And in the medical field, certain individuals afflicted with Tourette Syndrome will speak out because, well, they just can't control themselves.

But oddly, within the GOP, these traits would be considered "straight-talking" and "anti-PC" and "honest" and so forth. Which explains why the Republican Party is so woefully out-of-touch with the average American.


Judging by his soaring poll ratings Trump seems to be very much in touch with his countrymen. seems he's saying an awful lot of what people want to hear, especially in a nation that has had to put up with seven years of weak incompetent leadership, more concerned about legacies than constructive policy making.

Then theres the phoney Hilary Clinton who currently has her lowest poll rating since 2001.


Judging by his soaring poll ratings Trump seems to be very much in touch with his countrymen. seems he's saying an awful lot of what people want to hear, especially in a nation that has had to put up with seven years of weak incompetent leadership, more concerned about legacies than constructive policy making.

Then theres the phoney Hilary Clinton who currently has her lowest poll rating since 2001.

Can't argue with that. Here's Trump on Bush Jnr Jnr and Bush Jnr's legacy:

“The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. The last thing we need is another Bush,” Trump said. “Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, you have Iran taking over. You tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Telling like it is.


Judging by his soaring poll ratings Trump seems to be very much in touch with his countrymen.

The polling data indicates he has the support of about 25% of Republicans. This means that 75% of Republicans don't support him. And when you consider that approximately 1/2 of American voters are Democrats, that leaves Trump with the support of 12-13% of voters.

By the way, if you want to know how Trump will eventually implode, I believe it will likely be due to his ignorance of serious policy issues. In his recent interview on Meet the Press, he was asked from whom he gets his military advice. This was his response:

"Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals and — and you have certain people that you like.”

How's that for straight talk, fanboys?


Judging by his soaring poll ratings Trump seems to be very much in touch with his countrymen.

The polling data indicates he has the support of about 25% of Republicans. This means that 75% of Republicans don't support him. And when you consider that approximately 1/2 of American voters are Democrats, that leaves Trump with the support of 12-13% of voters.

By the way, if you want to know how Trump will eventually implode, I believe it will likely be due to his ignorance of serious policy issues. In his recent interview on Meet the Press, he was asked from whom he gets his military advice. This was his response:

"Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals and — and you have certain people that you like.”

How's that for straight talk, fanboys?

False argument.

There are 17+ candidates in the GOP running right now so of course support is going to be split.

I'm behind Ted Cruz, but if Trump should get the nomination, I will back Trump like most in the GOP will.

Once the field thins out, the nominee, whoever it is, will get more than 25%

Did you even think of that before you posted your "straight talk" and your childish "fanboys" insult?

Did you also miss the news that 57% of Republicans expect Trump to be the nominee?

Or that up to 40,000 are expected to turn out to see Trump speak tonight?


Where, except in this country, could it be sincerely said that simply (simplistically) saying what comes into one's head without filter is an admirable trait? It's not an admirable trait for a diplomat, a President or a spy - it's a trait that disqualifies one from being any of them.

Good points. These "admirable traits" that you speak of are quite common and not as "refreshingly candid" as some on the right would have us believe. For example, 5 year old children will speak out without thinking because they don't know any better. Certain boorish adults may speak out without thinking because they simply lack the IQ/EQ to know any better. And in the medical field, certain individuals afflicted with Tourette Syndrome will speak out because, well, they just can't control themselves.

But oddly, within the GOP, these traits would be considered "straight-talking" and "anti-PC" and "honest" and so forth. Which explains why the Republican Party is so woefully out-of-touch with the average American.

Yet another fallacy. Comparing Trump to a 5-year old because he doesn't speak based on polls and focus groups and what is deemed to be "Politically Correct"?

It's called honesty instead of the carefully marketed BS that we've been getting from candidates for the last several decades.

Parroting polls and focus groups is not leadership.

Trump didn't become a Multi-Billionaire entrepreneur by acting like a 5-year old or because he has a low IQ

I find it ironic that people are calling one of the most successful American businessmen "stupid"

That's funny. If Trump is stupid, or has a low IQ what does that make you?

The more he is attacked, the more it tells me he scares the shit out of the Dems and the Status Quo GOP as well as squishy-spined liberals.

But I guess some people prefer a candidate like Obama who will recite a litany of carefully crafted lies and BS just to get votes than someone who is blatantly honest and says what he thinks and feels and it just happens to resonate with Millions of voters.

Maybe just enough voters to put him in office.


Trump isn't stupid but people supporting him for president, that's another matter.

Trump is a moron.

And you guys call Trump and Trump supporters morons and stupid?

What are you guys?

5 years old?

Sounds like his success is really getting under your skin to me.

BTW, Reuters has him now at 32% of support of Republicans.

I guess that means 68% of Republicans won't be voting for him based on the previously posted fallacy. cheesy.gif



Trump is a moron.

LIVE: #TrumpRallyAL Donald Trump Rally in Mobile, AL - 40K Expected to Attend

I think it is the biggest primary event so far......


Trump is a moron.

I believe that may be projection on your part but thanks for sharing.

That is no projection so the claim is outlandish again because my statement is written in the present tense.

I'm watching Trump's rally in Mobile Alabama on television and the building is reported half full, which given the right may not know it, that also means it is half empty.

And The Donald's prospects of being elected prez are less than zero, especially if he were to somehow win the R party nomination and run against HRC which the R party nominee will need to do. Less than zero all the way around for any of 'em.


Trump isn't stupid but people supporting him for president, that's another matter.

Trump is a moron.

And you guys call Trump and Trump supporters morons and stupid?

What are you guys?

5 years old?

Sounds like his success is really getting under your skin to me.

BTW, Reuters has him now at 32% of support of Republicans.

I guess that means 68% of Republicans won't be voting for him based on the previously posted fallacy. cheesy.gif

Don't lump he and I together plse thx.


Ladd-Peebles Stadium, capacity 40,000 looks like a few empty seats on the upper fringes of the stadium.


They had to change venues 3 times because of growing demands for tickets which were free.

Those that aren't rednecks that lap up sensationalist BS and Fox News lies, will no doubt be going along for the entertainment....some stand up comics charge quite a lot for a show...this one's free.


Trump continues his inevitable march to the White House. Hillary and Jeb can't draw 500 people to their events. Bernie Sanders' almost all White crowds consist mostly of hipsters and a bunch of retirees from the civil service bureaucracy and school teachers. And Biden is still afraid of Neil Kinnock.

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