elgordo38 Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Given the latest reports of Iran's interpretation of what verification entails, expect further opposition to the agreement. Given the right wing hawks record, expect more sensationalist "news". Last travesty was "aluminium tubes" etc. As said in another news thread...selling fantasies. Ali Akar Velayati , a top advisor to Ali Khomeini said on Al-Jazeera in response to a question about UN inspection of Iran's military sites: 'Regardless of how the P5+1 countries interpret the nuclear agreement, their entry into our military sites is absolutely forbidden. The entry of any foreigner, including IAEA inspectors or any other inspector, to the sensitive military sites of the Islamic Republic is forbidden, no matter what.' Interviewer: 'that's final?' Velayati: 'Yes, final.' Well a bad deal is better than no deal according to Obama. Someone should print this interview out and give a copy to all those bleeding hearts in Washington who will be voting. This thing is going to blow up in their face for sure and the know it.
up-country_sinclair Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 No one really thinks that he is a friend of Israel I would imagine that the president is thinking, "with friends like Israel, who needs enemies". AIPAC bought and paid for Schumer a long, long time ago. Truth be told, Israel is a dead weight around America's neck, and eventually policy makers (unlike Schemer) are going to realize that it's in our strategic best interest to cast it off before it pulls us under.
sdanielmcev Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 What doesn't seem to be talked about here is whether or not Schumer is Jew or not, this is a big blow to Obama. Schumer holds good sway in the Senate. This will probably tank the deal.
Ulysses G. Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Truth be told, Israel is a dead weight around America's neck, and eventually policy makers (unlike Schemer) are going to realize that it's in our strategic best interest to cast it off before it pulls us under. Sounds like a VERY uniformed opinion. Israel is a very powerful military ally. The security cooperation between Israel and the United States is huge, and Israel has consistently been a major security asset to the United States, an asset upon which America can rely, far more than other state recipients of American funding. Israel is the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and in counter-terrorism. It provides military intelligence and know-how to the U.S. worth far more than what we give them in Aid and if there were no Israel, the US would have to deploy aircraft carriers to the area, along with tens of thousands of US soldiers, which would cost tens of billions of dollars annually. Most of the money that the USA gives Israel has been used by Israel to purchase goods and services, military and civilian, from America, so that American aid money is recycled back into the American economy. Nearly 90% of US aid to Israel is military, and Israel spends about 75% of that buying U.S. goods. This aid is an indirect American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/107007/us-aid-israel-why-its-must-david-meir-levi
Seastallion Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Given the latest reports of Iran's interpretation of what verification entails, expect further opposition to the agreement. Given the right wing hawks record, expect more sensationalist "news". Last travesty was "aluminium tubes" etc. As said in another news thread...selling fantasies. Ali Akar Velayati , a top advisor to Ali Khomeini said on Al-Jazeera in response to a question about UN inspection of Iran's military sites: 'Regardless of how the P5+1 countries interpret the nuclear agreement, their entry into our military sites is absolutely forbidden. The entry of any foreigner, including IAEA inspectors or any other inspector, to the sensitive military sites of the Islamic Republic is forbidden, no matter what.' Interviewer: 'that's final?' Velayati: 'Yes, final.' It could be "case in point"....but regardless, what country in the world would allow foreign aggressive nations access to it's military secrets????
up-country_sinclair Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 A geopolitical "cost benefit analysis" makes it abundantly clear to any unbiased observer that it is not in the strategic best interest of the US to continue down this path. Of course Israel Firsters are going to try and postpone this eventuality as long as possible.
Seastallion Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 What doesn't seem to be talked about here is whether or not Schumer is Jew or not, this is a big blow to Obama. Schumer holds good sway in the Senate. This will probably tank the deal. Do you just read the headline and form an opinion? Even then, the name should have given you a clue. From the OP, "Schumer, a leading Jewish Democrat,". And also, Obama was expecting this (he's not dumb) as Schumer is a big recipient of Jewish largesse, so it's not a blow on the face of it.
Ulysses G. Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 A geopolitical "cost benefit analysis" makes it abundantly clear to any unbiased observer that it is not in the strategic best interest of the US to continue down this path. If you say so and damn all the evidence to the contrary. Why would anyone doubt it after reading all those hateful, obsessive posts about Israel? http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/107007/us-aid-israel-why-its-must-david-meir-levi
Seastallion Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Truth be told, Israel is a dead weight around America's neck, and eventually policy makers (unlike Schemer) are going to realize that it's in our strategic best interest to cast it off before it pulls us under. Sounds like a VERY uniformed opinion. Israel is a very powerful military ally. The security cooperation between Israel and the United States is huge, and Israel has consistently been a major security asset to the United States, an asset upon which America can rely, far more than other state recipients of American funding. Israel is the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and in counter-terrorism. It provides military intelligence and know-how to the U.S. worth far more than what we give them in Aid and if there were no Israel, the US would have to deploy aircraft carriers to the area, along with tens of thousands of US soldiers, which would cost tens of billions of dollars annually. Most of the money that the USA gives Israel has been used by Israel to purchase goods and services, military and civilian, from America, so that American aid money is recycled back into the American economy. Nearly 90% of US aid to Israel is military, and Israel spends about 75% of that buying U.S. goods. This aid is an indirect American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/107007/us-aid-israel-why-its-must-david-meir-levi I think you just nailed it there, UG. Israel is a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR customer of US interests (particularly Republican interests). The customer is always right, right?
Ulysses G. Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 You are VERY selective about what you decide to read. Israel is the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and in counter-terrorism. It provides military intelligence and know-how to the U.S. worth far more than what we give them in Aid and if there were no Israel, the US would have to deploy aircraft carriers to the area, along with tens of thousands of US soldiers, which would cost tens of billions of dollars annually.
Seastallion Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 You are VERY selective about what you decide to read. Israel is the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and in counter-terrorism. It provides military intelligence and know-how to the U.S. worth far more than what we give them in Aid and if there were no Israel, the US would have to deploy aircraft carriers to the area, along with tens of thousands of US soldiers, which would cost tens of billions of dollars annually. Not selective at all...although you do avoid the point I made. The customer calls the shots. So, since you want to press this other aspect....firstly, why would the US have to deploy aircraft carriers (plural) and "tens of thousands of soldiers" to an area outside it's sovereign territory? And secondly, from where do you get that budget of "tens of billions (plural)"?
up-country_sinclair Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Over the years, Senator Schumer has frequently stated that he is a "guardian of Israel", which speaks volumes as to where is his true loyalties are held. The US government requires a purge to root out all the Israel Firsters and get back to putting our strategic interests first.
geriatrickid Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate. A Democrat whose loyalties lie not with his president and nation, but with his brethren of a different nation. He should be sacked. Another bigoted comment. Your hatred shines bright. The Senator represents the views of his voters from his state. His loyalties lie with the oath of office he took. Have you ever taken the time to read the oath? I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. Iran is seen as an enemy of the USA. After, all the supreme dictator of Iran has participated in mass rallies leading the Iranians in chants of "Death to America". You make your statement only because you disagree and because Schumer is one of those jew people. You obviously know nothing about the demographics of NY state. Upstate NY is conservative country. Outside of NYC, the over whelming sentiment is against the agreement. So you think the Senator should be sacked. That's nice. Fortunately, the USA doesn't "sack" elected senators. There's that troublesome Constitution thingie that gets in the way. Duh.
humqdpf Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Sometimes when international commentators/academics/politicians and the great and the good generally point to developing country democratise (or lack thereof), they cite the fact that there is not true Western democracy but simply parties that split along ethnic or religious lines as opposed to political lines. But no one ever makes this point about Western countries, where one can expect Jewish politicians to vote a certain way when the politics of the Middle East are concerned. Should Irish Americans still vote or spend their spare cash to support Noraid and, allegedly the IRA so as to keep them in guns and explosives? Why cannot we take this opportunity to vote for World peace for a change. Yes, we may all get it wrong and indeed Iran may turn out to be the kind of regime that will take the cash to use for its nuclear program and immediately face return to seclusion and poverty behind trade bans. But, lets face it, it is hardly likely. Iran is going through some real changes. They would like to modernise their economy, Their people would like to get access to Western education and goods. And how is this going to somehow make the majority of the population into rabid anti-western crazies? Yes, Iran supports its Shia interests just as Saudi Arabia supports its Sunni interests (as did the West's erstwhile friend, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, not to mention Pakistan). Can we not take this small risk? If the Iranians start developing nuclear weapons, they face immediate trade sanctions. And maybe this time the West powers won't close its eyes to some of the sanction busting that has been going on for some time, ironically from places like Dubai (ostensibly Sunni state).
SheungWan Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Over the years, Senator Schumer has frequently stated that he is a "guardian of Israel", which speaks volumes as to where is his true loyalties are held. The US government requires a purge to root out all the Israel Firsters and get back to putting our strategic interests first. Actually your contribution speaks volumes as to under which stone your politics are lurking and it isn't a pretty sight.
Anthony5 Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate. Schumer, a leading Jewish Democrat, That should answer all questions.
up-country_sinclair Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 An interesting development: Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is facing quick pushback after he said he will vote against the Iran nuclear deal, with one outside group saying he is "unfit" to be the next Democratic leader. "Chuck Schumer was wrong on Iraq and he is wrong on Iran. Schumer's decision to join Republicans in attempting to sabotage the Iran nuclear deal once again shows that he is unfit to lead senate Democrats," said Becky Bond, the political director of CREDO Action. Bond added that "perhaps it is time to change his nickname from Wall Street Chuck to Warmonger Chuck." http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/250541-progressive-group-slams-schumer-as-unfit-to-lead-democrats
humqdpf Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Truth be told, Israel is a dead weight around America's neck, and eventually policy makers (unlike Schemer) are going to realize that it's in our strategic best interest to cast it off before it pulls us under. Sounds like a VERY uniformed opinion. Israel is a very powerful military ally. The security cooperation between Israel and the United States is huge, and Israel has consistently been a major security asset to the United States, an asset upon which America can rely, far more than other state recipients of American funding. Israel is the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and in counter-terrorism. It provides military intelligence and know-how to the U.S. worth far more than what we give them in Aid and if there were no Israel, the US would have to deploy aircraft carriers to the area, along with tens of thousands of US soldiers, which would cost tens of billions of dollars annually. Most of the money that the USA gives Israel has been used by Israel to purchase goods and services, military and civilian, from America, so that American aid money is recycled back into the American economy. Nearly 90% of US aid to Israel is military, and Israel spends about 75% of that buying U.S. goods. This aid is an indirect American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/107007/us-aid-israel-why-its-must-david-meir-levi The last time I looked, this forum was called Thai Visa, not American Thai Visa. We have people from all over the world involved in this forum. The issues about support or not for the removal of trade sanctions on Iran are far greater for world stability and peace and far outweigh whether some Americans do better financially or not. If the USA could simply spent the funds on themselves, it is highly likely that even more cash would be spent on American goods. Israel is a military ally to the USA but is frequently an interferer in US politics, especially under the current Israeli government. The realpolitik of the matter is that the alliance is based on the powerful Jewish and pro-Israel lobby that exists in the USA. This is despite the fact that Israel's treatment of the refugees from what was called Palestine and the Palestinian territories is seen as ethnic/religious discrimination and persecution by Arabs and others throughout the Middle East. Much of this sentiment has played a part in rallying Muslims from all sides (despite historical enmity between Shias and Sunnis) against Israel and against the USA. Sometimes this also includes the EU and other countries. Wouldn't it be great is at least just once the Western countries including the USA could be seen to be evenhanded when it comes to Israel and other nations in the Middle East? Wouldn't that steal the thunder of the terrorists who can always claim that the USA/Western countries will always support Israel against the interests of all Middle Eastern peoples?
Ulysses G. Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate. Schumer, a leading Jewish Democrat, That should answer all questions. That should answer all questions for Holocaust deniers and other anti-Semites.
up-country_sinclair Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Truth be told, Israel is a dead weight around America's neck, and eventually policy makers (unlike Schemer) are going to realize that it's in our strategic best interest to cast it off before it pulls us under. Sounds like a VERY uniformed opinion. Israel is a very powerful military ally. The security cooperation between Israel and the United States is huge, and Israel has consistently been a major security asset to the United States, an asset upon which America can rely, far more than other state recipients of American funding. Israel is the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and in counter-terrorism. It provides military intelligence and know-how to the U.S. worth far more than what we give them in Aid and if there were no Israel, the US would have to deploy aircraft carriers to the area, along with tens of thousands of US soldiers, which would cost tens of billions of dollars annually. Most of the money that the USA gives Israel has been used by Israel to purchase goods and services, military and civilian, from America, so that American aid money is recycled back into the American economy. Nearly 90% of US aid to Israel is military, and Israel spends about 75% of that buying U.S. goods. This aid is an indirect American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/107007/us-aid-israel-why-its-must-david-meir-levi The last time I looked, this forum was called Thai Visa, not American Thai Visa. We have people from all over the world involved in this forum. The issues about support or not for the removal of trade sanctions on Iran are far greater for world stability and peace and far outweigh whether some Americans do better financially or not. If the USA could simply spent the funds on themselves, it is highly likely that even more cash would be spent on American goods. Israel is a military ally to the USA but is frequently an interferer in US politics, especially under the current Israeli government. The realpolitik of the matter is that the alliance is based on the powerful Jewish and pro-Israel lobby that exists in the USA. This is despite the fact that Israel's treatment of the refugees from what was called Palestine and the Palestinian territories is seen as ethnic/religious discrimination and persecution by Arabs and others throughout the Middle East. Much of this sentiment has played a part in rallying Muslims from all sides (despite historical enmity between Shias and Sunnis) against Israel and against the USA. Sometimes this also includes the EU and other countries. Wouldn't it be great is at least just once the Western countries including the USA could be seen to be evenhanded when it comes to Israel and other nations in the Middle East? Wouldn't that steal the thunder of the terrorists who can always claim that the USA/Western countries will always support Israel against the interests of all Middle Eastern peoples? An excellent post! Senator Schumer will never address these points, because the US support of Israel is illogical, and not in its strategic best interest. It's time to cut the cord.
Ulysses G. Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Senator Schumer will never address these points, because the US support of Israel is illogical, and not in its strategic best interest. Just your personal opinion - as usual - with no credible evidence. Israeli and American intelligence agencies continuously exchange information, analyses, and operational experience in counterterrorism and counter-proliferation. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and its Israeli counterpart share technical know-how in defending against terrorist attacks, countering unconventional weapons and cyber-threats, and combating the drug trade. On the battlefield, Israeli armaments protect Bradley and Stryker units from rocket-propelled grenades, while Israeli-made drones and reconnaissance devices allow for safe surveillance of hostile territory. U.S. fighter aircraft and helicopters incorporate Israeli concepts and components, as do modern-class U.S. warships. The IDF has furnished U.S. forces with its expertise in the detection and neutralization of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the largest cause of American casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/107007/us-aid-israel-why-its-must-david-meir-levi
Anthony5 Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate. Schumer, a leading Jewish Democrat, That should answer all questions. That should answer all questions for Holocaust deniers and other anti-Semites. WOW, that took 49 posts before you used your trademark, antisemitism. What has Iran to do with the holocaust by the way?
SheungWan Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate. Schumer, a leading Jewish Democrat, That should answer all questions. That should answer all questions for Holocaust deniers and other anti-Semites. WOW, that took 49 posts before you used your trademark, antisemitism. What has Iran to do with the holocaust by the way? You might initially ask the previous President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who asserted that the Holocaust was a myth and that 'Israel must be wiped off the map'.
Trouble Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 It is amazing to me that if one does not necessarily support the continued relationship with Israel as it has existed in the past, then one is an Anti-Semite. I am one who believes that Israel has always put its self interest before its relationship with the USA. The years of building settlements on Palestinian lands, etc. against almost every US administrations advise, has done nothing to secure Israel's future in the middle east or strengthened it's prestige. Israel is seen as a bully with little regard for those around them. I understand their fear of all around them but I have not in the years since the 1967 war seen them do anything but grab land and build settlements. The billion dollars that the US gives Israel each year is borrowed money. Israel has a 300 billion dollar economy and they should be funding their own needs not having the US taxpayer borrow money to give to them even if some of it comes back to the US. The US is seen by the Arab world as a stanch supporter of Israel whether they are right or wrong on an issue and US politicians are basically afraid to criticize Israel and everyone knows why - it's about the votes and the strong pro-Israel lobby. Obama, to his credit, has not just blindly followed the votes on this issue, but to his discredit seems to waffle on explaining his view of what Israel should be doing as he has no strategy of dealing with the middle east as a whole. So, I see him as very weak in foreign policy and in over his head on most issues. I have never understood his vision for either the US or the world. He just seems to lead from the rear or where the events of the day take him. I am still out on this Iran deal. On one hand it may be the best we can get given the fact that other countries probably won't continue to stick to the sanctions. However, I also believe that Obama and his administration negotiated from a position of weakness and the guiding light behind the urgency of this deal is Obama's need for a legacy of some kind on the international front considering his only signature legislation has been Obamacare, which caused havoc in the marketplace, when viewed in conjunction with the actual figures of who it has actually helped. The almost seven years of the Obama administration is a failure in my opinion. Sure he has been outspoken on many internal social issues but he has failed to address the underlying problems facing the USA. It is my opinion that the only way to insure that Americans are safe, strong and prosperous is to grow the economy. It has gradually limped back by itself, without any bold moves by the administration. The number of people on social programs is staggering. The world, as a whole, has never been more screwed up since WWII ended. Almost seven years into his Administration, many still want to blame Bush or the Republicans, but it is the lack of bold initiatives that have divided so many. Everything in the last 7 years is mired in muck with no clear objectives put forth for the American people. That is the President's job. I do believe that, wrongly, the US all to often believes that deposing despots will bring about positive change but in reality it destabilizes things. Religious and Ethnic strife is rampant in the world now, Sunni vs. Shia being a prime example. I am sure most people even in Muslim countries want some leeway in practicing their faith. It is the zealots that screw it up and that is about control of the masses not about living your religion. This Iran deal is probably a bad deal, was negotiated from a position of weakness, by a weak administration, but we are probably stuck with it. Whether the Congress passes or decides to rejects it, Obama will veto it and most likely there will not be enough votes to stop him. European leaders are probably weary of the deal but the economic sanctions probably do them damage as well. These leaders, like Obama, just want to kick the can down the road and hope something will get better after they are gone. Politicians the world over do little to make things better in the long run.
Seastallion Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Truth be told, Israel is a dead weight around America's neck, and eventually policy makers (unlike Schemer) are going to realize that it's in our strategic best interest to cast it off before it pulls us under. Sounds like a VERY uniformed opinion. Israel is a very powerful military ally. The security cooperation between Israel and the United States is huge, and Israel has consistently been a major security asset to the United States, an asset upon which America can rely, far more than other state recipients of American funding. Israel is the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and in counter-terrorism. It provides military intelligence and know-how to the U.S. worth far more than what we give them in Aid and if there were no Israel, the US would have to deploy aircraft carriers to the area, along with tens of thousands of US soldiers, which would cost tens of billions of dollars annually. Most of the money that the USA gives Israel has been used by Israel to purchase goods and services, military and civilian, from America, so that American aid money is recycled back into the American economy. Nearly 90% of US aid to Israel is military, and Israel spends about 75% of that buying U.S. goods. This aid is an indirect American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/107007/us-aid-israel-why-its-must-david-meir-levi The last time I looked, this forum was called Thai Visa, not American Thai Visa. We have people from all over the world involved in this forum. The issues about support or not for the removal of trade sanctions on Iran are far greater for world stability and peace and far outweigh whether some Americans do better financially or not. If the USA could simply spent the funds on themselves, it is highly likely that even more cash would be spent on American goods. Israel is a military ally to the USA but is frequently an interferer in US politics, especially under the current Israeli government. The realpolitik of the matter is that the alliance is based on the powerful Jewish and pro-Israel lobby that exists in the USA. This is despite the fact that Israel's treatment of the refugees from what was called Palestine and the Palestinian territories is seen as ethnic/religious discrimination and persecution by Arabs and others throughout the Middle East. Much of this sentiment has played a part in rallying Muslims from all sides (despite historical enmity between Shias and Sunnis) against Israel and against the USA. Sometimes this also includes the EU and other countries. Wouldn't it be great is at least just once the Western countries including the USA could be seen to be evenhanded when it comes to Israel and other nations in the Middle East? Wouldn't that steal the thunder of the terrorists who can always claim that the USA/Western countries will always support Israel against the interests of all Middle Eastern peoples? An excellent post! Senator Schumer will never address these points, because the US support of Israel is illogical, and not in its strategic best interest. It's time to cut the cord. Actually, the "logic" has been highlighted by the honourable member UG; Israel's hawkish stance provides billions (with a capital B ) of dollars of income to American weapons sellers.
Seastallion Posted August 7, 2015 Posted August 7, 2015 Schumer, a leading Jewish Democrat,That should answer all questions. That should answer all questions for Holocaust deniers and other anti-Semites. WOW, that took 49 posts before you used your trademark, antisemitism. What has Iran to do with the holocaust by the way? You might initially ask the previous President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who asserted that the Holocaust was a myth and that 'Israel must be wiped off the map'. You really ought to stick to forum rules and stop posting false information. "The Zionist regime" is not Israel, the country is not the regime that controls it. Your twisting of the quote is deliberate misinformation designed to rally people on a false threat. He never said "map" either. Besides, a past leader is not current. Ahmadinejad is irrelevant now.
Pakboong Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 I am of the opinion that if the deal fails, it will be much worse for Israel than if it passes. There will be a split that may never fix itself and maybe that is not so bad. Who knows what Obama will try and do in retaliation? The majority of Americans don't know who the Jews in Congress are. Why give them a reason to find out?It's almost a given with you that all American Jews are fifth columnists, am I right or wrong? That is not really correct. But, with that having been said, many are. I think the deal should go through for many reasons. . I am personally sure that if the bill passes, nothing will happen. If it fails, lots of bad stuff could happen. Israel has gotten too full of herself. She is taking on her only ally. That seems pretty stupid to me. It can't be a win/win but it could very well be a lose/lose. I posted a day or so ago, the Israelis in positions of authority who do not want the bill nixed. You have to go with the people who are most likely in the know and if those people I listed, do not know, Netanyahu doesn't know and clearly is playing politics. Israel knows what is likely and I am confident those guys on the first line of defense are in the best position to know. This war upon war business is bad for the world period. Pretty much all of us know Israel wants Iran destroyed. I don't share that desire and think it is stupid and costly to give it any serious consideration. All of the Shia Muslim countries have been on a hit list for decades. Iran was on the list long before A--------------jad made his speech that was clearly misinterpreted but used on a daily basis to demonize Iran. My interest in this has nothing to do with hate or loyalty. I find a lot of fault in the idea that we must beat up Israel's enemies so they can sleep better at night. They need to learn to get along and if that simply isn't possible, too bad. I do not have a dog in the fight, and I would like very much to keep my dog out of the fight. If Israel is so concerned with anti-semetism, why do they work so hard to create more? The fight for or against this deal, is going to bring this struggle to the front burner IMO. I don't think it is in Israel's best interest. The vast majority of Americans will sleep right though this and not care one way or the other. Why wake them up and rub it in their face? This stuff will create a lot of what many call hate. I call it a preference but what do I know? We don't need any more hate in our world. Learning to get along is a better road to travel. The real haters in our world are those that are constantly referring to others as "haters".
Ulysses G. Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 What has Iran to do with the holocaust by the way? Numerous Iranians have called for a new one - against Israel - including Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is far from the only one.
Steely Dan Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Looks like the gloves are off now. Schemer promises to vote against any Obama veto as well. http://www.algemeiner.com/2015/08/07/schumer-vows-vote-to-override-obama-veto-of-legislation-opposing-iran-nuclear-deal/
Ulysses G. Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Schemer is an American patriot. The politicians who support this crazy "deal" for self-aggrandizement or partisan reasons are treasonous.
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