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Huge migrant camp in Calais takes on air of permanence

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Huge migrant camp in Calais takes on air of permanence

CALAIS, France (AP) — The kitchen is a rustic grill under a tarp in a fetid-smelling camp teaming with migrants — but for Zubair Nazari it means survival. The teen, who ended up in this port city after a perilous escape from the Taliban, sticks with a group of fellow Afghans who do their best to recreate the tastes of home — a stew of eggs, onions and tomatoes — amid a stretch of squalor known as "the jungle."

"We don't eat like this every day," said Nazari of the simple meal that was, in fact, a special treat cooked up for visitors. "The jungle is not a place for humans. It's just for animals."

An estimated 2,500 migrants are currently at the wind-swept camp surrounded by sand dunes that sprang up in early April when a state-approved day center for migrants was opened nearby. Unlike the others, this refuge far from Calais' city center — and more than a two-hour walk to the Channel tunnel — has mushroomed into a veritable village. A mosque, church and myriad shops, all built by migrants from plastic tarp and plywood, convey a sense of permanence. It's a sign that, while most migrants are desperate to leave Calais, they appear increasingly resigned to the long haul in a city that is groaning under the strain of the migrant load.

Maya Konforti of Auberge des Migrants — Migrants' Shelter — an NGO that helps supply food, tents and blankets, says the camp's building binge is due in part to its far-flung location, with no nearby grocery stores. But another reason is that some 30 percent of the camp population is seeking political asylum in France — and these people know they are in for a prolonged wait.

Squalor is the only constant between this new "jungle" and the makeshift encampments bulldozed by authorities. "There is no water, no food, no clothing," Nazari said. "Where are the human rights?"

Piles of garbage putrefy in the sun. The rare spigots of water and a line of portable toilets are difficult to access for many living in the kilometer-long stretch. One migrant said he last washed his pants in Hungary, weeks ago.

Yet this appears to be the place where France's government is encouraging migrants to huddle, out of sight for most Calais residents and from the Channel tunnel. For the first time since the 2002 destruction of a huge migrant camp outside Calais, Konforti said, "the government says 'Go there. You will be tolerated.'"

Fear follows migrants fleeing war, famine, human rights abuses or poverty — and pervades the camp.

Zubair has been in Calais for a month, and cannot shake his fear of the Taliban. He said threatening letters from the Afghan militants drove him to leave his studies and his country.

"My life was in danger in Afghanistan," he said. He refused to provide details, but some other Afghan residents in the camp said they left for similar reasons, and remain fearful of being targeted inside the "jungle."

"We will feel safe in England," said Zubair. "Maybe when we pass to England the fear will go away from us."

Calais is a necessary evil for migrants trying to reach Britain, which for many has become a kind of promised land. They believe the country wholeheartedly welcomes newcomers, and that living standards there are the best in Europe. It's a notion the British government is trying to dispel.

One Afghan, Khan Tarakhil, is proof that Britain's arms are hardly wide open. At 14, he sneaked into Britain on a ferry, hiding in a truck loaded with boxes of biscuits. He spent seven years in Manchester, only to be refused political asylum when he was no longer a minor — forcing him into a life in hiding. At 24, unable to apply for asylum elsewhere under European rules, he is trying to sneak back to Britain "to open my case again."

On Wednesday night, "I got over the last fence, dropped down, then the dogs came and they stopped me," Tarakhil said, referring to the dogs used by some security units as part of the effort to block migrants.

Some make it to the other side of the Channel, feeding the hopes of many others. Among them was the father of an 11-year-old who is currently living in the camp. The father reached Britain on Saturday, but the son was caught. His identity was being withheld because of his age.

The child, from Kunduz, Afghanistan, said that he and his father had been in Calais a month. Now, he is determined to join his dad — but knows the journey is daunting.

"He's scared about police spray in the eyes," said Tarakhil, acting as translator. It was a reference to the pervasive use, confirmed by French authorities, of pepper spray to force back migrants trying to sneak into the Eurotunnel site.

"He's scared of trains. People die there," said Tarakhil, referring to the 10 migrants killed by trains since the beginning of June. Still, Tarakhil said, "he goes every day."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-07

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Send them home or to another Muslim Country !!

Why must they go to a Muslim country? Some are fleeing persecution in a Muslim country. Some are Christians. Some may be gays who were terrorised in either Christian or Muslim countries. Some come from Eritrea (majority Christian country where there is a quasi-stalinist single-party regime in power) where the regime makes their ordinary citizens undergo "national service" aka forced/slave labour for years.

So, please tell us again, why must they go to a Muslim country?


Send them home or to another Muslim Country !!

Why must they go to a Muslim country? Some are fleeing persecution in a Muslim country. Some are Christians. Some may be gays who were terrorised in either Christian or Muslim countries. Some come from Eritrea (majority Christian country where there is a quasi-stalinist single-party regime in power) where the regime makes their ordinary citizens undergo "national service" aka forced/slave labour for years.

So, please tell us again, why must they go to a Muslim country?

Asking for a rational coherent response from him? Good luck...


Because they DON'T belong in Europe, that's why! And don't start with your stereotype counter responses we are responsibe for the mess over there or we are the so-called 'rich West" because that doesn't work anymore. Too bad they have suffered but the EU isn't a welfare garbage bin. I realize it offends many but it's the hard reality of today's GLOBALIZATION..... Take it from there.


Send them home or to another Muslim Country !!

Why must they go to a Muslim country? Some are fleeing persecution in a Muslim country. Some are Christians. Some may be gays who were terrorised in either Christian or Muslim countries. Some come from Eritrea (majority Christian country where there is a quasi-stalinist single-party regime in power) where the regime makes their ordinary citizens undergo "national service" aka forced/slave labour for years.

So, please tell us again, why must they go to a Muslim country?

Idiotic response,anyone with half a brain knows they are looking for free welfare, have you ever been to Afganistan , Yemen or any of the other shithole. S these people come from, uneducated no skills, no good to any country, if you love them sponsor a few and take them into your home,

Ps hope your a Muslim as if not could be a death sentence.


Why they just dont remove them?

Can u imagine this happening in russia or even poland?

Police would finish this in 1-2 days

If not police then patriots aka football hooligans would...


It is a HUGE problem with only ONE solution.

Keep refugees in internationally sponsored areas and as soon as the situation is acceptable to return, they MUST return.

This is the MOST social solution since we , sponsors and donor countries don't deprive them from their natural habitat.......language and norm and values, while tradition will be strongly preserved in these circumstances.

The Multi Cultural society has been blown out of proportions by politics who couldn't handle the arisen issue of guest labor and their status after work ended in the EU, and in a relative comfortable economic climate.

As the world is torn apart by religion and bombs the ultimate price should not be forced integration in a strange environment but a quick return to normal life in war torn and torn apart regions in order to preserve the cults and cultures of thousands of years.


once they get to the UK, and most probably do either by themselves or people helping them by being paid, then the UK deport very few of them, Australia appears to deport them all.


Yeah should borrow Aussie PM Tony Abbott, he knows a thing or two about stopping Muslims at the border, many would say it is all he knows. Just whatever you do don't let him touch anything else...


Yeah should borrow Aussie PM Tony Abbott, he knows a thing or two about stopping Muslims at the border, many would say it is all he knows. Just whatever you do don't let him touch anything else...

He was born in London. Didn't bother to get an australian passport till university.

You can have him back.


They blow their life savings, risk their lives spending months living like animals, traveling through several hostile countries just for a *chance* to get their sticky grubby hands on that luscious $200 or so a week in benefits. What a bunch of <deleted>. If we help them out, they'll think we're human, or something. I'm having none of that, mate.



They blow their life savings, risk their lives spending months living like animals, traveling through several hostile countries just for a *chance* to get their sticky grubby hands on that luscious $200 or so a week in benefits. What a bunch of <deleted>. If we help them out, they'll think we're human, or something. I'm having none of that, mate.


IF you were a welfare shopper, you'd head to Sweden. But I guess national pride runs strong with our local TV anti foreigner foreigners, and the UK 80 squid a week dole must be the bees knees uber alles in their eyes.


Calais Migrant Crisis: 'Songs Of Praise' Special Edition To Be Broadcast From 'Jungle' Camp (7th Aug 2015)
The BBC's decision to film a special edition of 'Songs Of Praise' from Calais' biggest migrant camp has inflamed opinions, with critics branding the move "insensitive" while others say it could help humanise the crisis.
Continued here


Because they DON'T belong in Europe, that's why! And don't start with your stereotype counter responses we are responsibe for the mess over there or we are the so-called 'rich West" because that doesn't work anymore. Too bad they have suffered but the EU isn't a welfare garbage bin. I realize it offends many but it's the hard reality of today's GLOBALIZATION..... Take it from there.

Smug attitude; what would you do if the shoe was on the other foot?


once they get to the UK, and most probably do either by themselves or people helping them by being paid, then the UK deport very few of them, Australia appears to deport them all.

It's off topic, but...

With the boat turn back policy, Oz is in the unique position of having paid additional aid (bribes) to corrupt governments for providing offshore processing facilities. In contradiction to the UN Convention for Refugees, Oz will not permit positively vetted boat people from the offshore processing detention camps entry to Oz. However, Oz government does currently permit 13,750 entries p.a. from other countries for holders of humanitarian & refugee visas.

BTW the large majority of illegal over stayers (more than 62k) in Oz are non-Muslim and include USA (5220) and the UK (3780).



Any commentary on this crisis sooner or later brings up comparison with the flight of Jews prior to, during, and in the later part of WWII. For this reason, several 'pro' open door articles on this, found on websites like Huffington Post and the Guardian, are from men who's Jewish grandparents or parents came to Britain from various parts of Europe, sometimes penniless but keen to contribute and make a new life. For them, they have fully put on those shoes and the argument is generally - "If Britain had taken an even harder line, I may not exist right now so I cannot support a tough stance".

I'm keenly aware of some 'similarities' and it acts as a moderating factor (to some extent) on what is an increasingly harder view on this issue. In my youth, the -"We're all one. One family under the stars. World without borders " concepts were very attractive. Of course, it would be because I was naive, hadn't read human history yet, didn't yet have enough experience of humanity and its ways outside of a protected bubble of family. In other words, it required nothing to enjoy that fantasy. The 'logistics' of it were irrelevant, not even considered and I believe that is the immaturity of some who are extremists of their own in adulthood, calling for a complete open door in the name of sharing / fairness / western wealth guilt offsetting.

For me yes there is an element of demographic concern in my general concern and I've been upfront before on that. I believe the last thing Britain requires right now, is 'more' Muslims coming in. 'Why' is a whole post in itself. My main concern though is the practically (or impracticality) of resettling a large number of people who are not Central Europeans and Eastern Europeans with that basic foundational understanding of western ways, and whether there is money, housing, jobs, enough capacity in schools, hospitals, dentists and other services to both handle more inflow and fulfill 'their' expectations after making so much effort to get to Britain.

Some may say - "Pull the other one. You don't give a toss about their well being or fulfilling their expectations". Infact, I do give a toss and have detailed this in other posts, having met quite a number of illegal immigrants in other parts of Europe. Greece, in particular, and in the soup kitchens (for want of a better word) set up locally to hand out food not only to people from all over North Africa and the Levant but also Greeks who's lives have fallen into a ditch since the financial crisis there

When you here what the former two have in their minds, the mythology about Britain doing the rounds, is of concern.

Being homeless in Greece is, for a fair slice of a year, a whole lot easier than it will be in Northern Europe. Currently they may be lucky to get a few hours of work every other week in Greece, hired off the grid by Greeks and treated badly, but in Britain replace that with harsh weather and hardcore gangs exploiting. People want a new and better life, and there is this fantasy of walking into a well payed secure job, affordable housing, a car, 'free' health care (as in magically, funded from the ether or something).

Had I not heard this from the mouths of illegal migrants, it wouldn't be written here. So, do we have a contingency plan for the day when they realise they've been duped about the 'above' and kick off? Do we believe they'll just dissapear and have no fallout effect when reality bites everyone concerned? (both those who came in, and those who sad - "come")

The British approach to the Jews was tough, contrary to revisionist portrayals today on programs such as - "who do you think you are?". Not many got in, really. Boatloads of the ones without the 'connections' / sponsorship sometimes met a terrible fate. Nobody wanted them around Europe, official policy in some areas meant boats were turned back or moved on from ports (after weeks of not being allowed to land nor move on, leading to health disasters onboard) leading to their eventual murder elsewhere.

Britain today is keenly aware of this (or at least, the offspring of those who got in, are). It is this which is leading to this - " never again " stance at the moment, but although there are 'similarities' the picture is different in many other ways. 'Options' and 'choice' are a much bigger part of today's situation. We have a mish mash of people 'truly' fleeing imminent death, and opportunists who always wanted to get into Europe but past controls were tougher in departure points such as Libya (yes, the situation now - our illustrious leaders' handywork) and the view of chancers was far more clear cut. Syrians are, to me, the ones truly fleeing an intolerable situation and contrary to popular belief surrounding nations have absorbed many. Others, well just turn up without paperwork and say you're a black Christian being persecuted in Libya. Who knows (or has the resources) to check if that is true or whether you come from Gambia, when you arrive on an overflowing boat or at Calais mixed in with Afghans, Syrians, Nigerians?

Does the average European dealing with this in situ know who is a Syrian war refugee or a Southern Turk speaking Arabic and Turkish who has slipped into the mix to enter Europe? If you get word that European leaders met and discussed shared 're-settlement' of arrivals, that doesn't sound like a temporary holding measure to me so why not take a shot and see what happens?

It is precisely because of how blurred and multi angled this latest crisis in history is, that the European sentiment is very suspicious and guarded.

It is not just one people, it is many, for a myriad of reasons.


Send them home or to another Muslim Country !!

Why must they go to a Muslim country? Some are fleeing persecution in a Muslim country. Some are Christians. Some may be gays who were terrorised in either Christian or Muslim countries. Some come from Eritrea (majority Christian country where there is a quasi-stalinist single-party regime in power) where the regime makes their ordinary citizens undergo "national service" aka forced/slave labour for years.

So, please tell us again, why must they go to a Muslim country?

Because they are almost all muslims. The claims that they are christian or gay apply to a small fraction of these people. The descriptions are used to gain sympathy. However, it is a rarity that any of these people are gay. The reality is that the Christians or gays have already been killed by the muslims along the way or by the muslims who make up the vast majority of bogus refugees.


Yeah should borrow Aussie PM Tony Abbott, he knows a thing or two about stopping Muslims at the border, many would say it is all he knows. Just whatever you do don't let him touch anything else...

Good man. Looks like he has saved Australia from the fifth columnists and associated patsies.


Send them home or to another Muslim Country !!

Why must they go to a Muslim country? Some are fleeing persecution in a Muslim country. Some are Christians. Some may be gays who were terrorised in either Christian or Muslim countries. Some come from Eritrea (majority Christian country where there is a quasi-stalinist single-party regime in power) where the regime makes their ordinary citizens undergo "national service" aka forced/slave labour for years.

So, please tell us again, why must they go to a Muslim country?

So, if they are Muslim send them to a Muslin country, and if not, put them in a camp where they will be safe and cared for, but not allowed into Britain. My pick would be Saudi Arabia. Strange that none of them want to go there ( not really- no generous welfare benefits ).


Because they DON'T belong in Europe, that's why! And don't start with your stereotype counter responses we are responsibe for the mess over there or we are the so-called 'rich West" because that doesn't work anymore. Too bad they have suffered but the EU isn't a welfare garbage bin. I realize it offends many but it's the hard reality of today's GLOBALIZATION..... Take it from there.

Smug attitude; what would you do if the shoe was on the other foot?

Well. I wouldn't borrow money so that I could run away and leave my family to suffer in the very conditions that I had to leave.


I think given time this immigration problem will dissipate on its own. By 2035, when Britain(or whatever name it will be called by then) is part of the Islamic caliphate and has returned to a simpler lifestyle more remeniscent of the bronze age, the ambitious foreign dole bludgers will have no desire to come all the way here. Just relax for 20 more years and voila, problem solved.


Why must they go to a Muslim country? Some are fleeing persecution in a Muslim country. Some are Christians. Some may be gays who were terrorised in either Christian or Muslim countries. Some come from Eritrea (majority Christian country where there is a quasi-stalinist single-party regime in power) where the regime makes their ordinary citizens undergo "national service" aka forced/slave labour for years.

I see a possible problem with this post.

It operates on believing what an arrival tells the host nation. Once you're in, you're in too. Even if you are sussed out later, it is highly unlikely you'll be put on a plane.

Let's be honest, arrivals can tell us whatever the hell they want to tell us if they arrive without identifying paperwork (which is common, because the way the European system works, having paperwork goes against you). Africans will be able to tell Africans apart, but can the processing system?

Furthermore, does the processing system actually 'have' that in place? Or, the time, resources or legal mandate to even differentiate? Are their interviews to suss this out via language knowledge (in itself, not full proof as on border areas languages often overlap), knowledge of town names and political leaders? On the way you had plenty of time to fullproof the sob story.

It is manageable at an airport, one on one in an immigration office, trained staff and phone calls etc. But many thousands arriving by boat / land with no paperwork? Not enough staff, time, means to filter who is coming in.

Don't look Eritrean, but rather Gambian? "How dare you Sir? My grandparents moved long ago". Questioning anything about Race won't happen in the EU though, anyway. Actually Muslim? Never mind, just say you are Christian. Islam gives you the doctrinal mandate to do as such, if required to.

How the hell is anyone going to know? (or have the time and resources to even ask? Answering would probably be voluntary in EU mindset anyway, as enquiring / doubting is probably deemed offensive).

I believe I'm pointing out several achilles heel here which is very likely to be exploited (or being exploited already). Friends of my parents worked with refugees for decades ears and said that the mindset will do absolutely 'anything' to succeed. I mean, 'anything'. True survivors, will. It is natural, but on the ground she said that amounts to lie after lie, theft, even murder of friends who may stand between you and your goal / next meal.

Anything is possible, and lying about country of origin / situation / faith can be viewed as !ightweight stuff really. We must keep this in mind, as this is a multi pronged influx of people from a variety of needs and ambitions. In this climate of confusion, chaos and no strict existing policy, NOW is the perfect window of opportunity to try, whether refugee or chancer.


Why they just dont remove them?

Can u imagine this happening in russia or even poland?

Police would finish this in 1-2 days

If not police then patriots aka football hooligans would...

Don't know about POland, but that's exactly what would happen in Russia. Police and hooligans would argue about who would be the "granted" the chance to remove them.



Very complicated situation...


Nothing complicated at all, Just illegal economic immigrants and the usual French attitude to any problem... just hope it goes away.

The UK solution should be make it impossible for illegal immigrants to live, work, bank and transfer money in the UK.

Firstly the UK needs to make it a criminal offence to:

  • Enter the UK unlawfully
  • Refuse to give or give false name and nationality information
  • Working unlawfully in the UK

Committing any of the above or any other criminal activities can be grounds refusing or revoking asylum.

Only allow illegal immigrants to live in the community if say a person who is British or are here legally put up a substantial bond.

otherwise send them to Immigration camps, maybe old army camps.

  • only basic food provided
  • not allowed to handle money
  • No mobile phones
  • Clothing, cigarettes, books, specialist food items, etc, provided by charitable donations.

If they abscond from immigration camps send the to more secure ones with less privileges or prison.

But this will only work if they can not get work or somewhere to live... Cameron has only gone halfway to addressing the problem, it needs to be an offence to harbour an illegal immigrant.


Only after a military coup would such a system manifest (IMO)

Until then, EU regulations will absolutely forbid such measures.

We'd see court claim after court claim for having infringed rights / dignity, for decades after. We'd see hunger strikes / riots taking place in camps, and the dilemma of whether to force feed or not because both options will have you damned. We'd see 'comparison' photos from Boer war British camps on leftist news sites. You can foresee how it would all play out.


Today's UK news headlines: "Illegal immigration: Minister pledges crackdown on 'rogue employers'" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33844047

To be sure, if an employer using an illegal economic migrant was fined 5 thousand quid per illegal, the problem would be solved pretty quickly. A special task force with powers to enter any workplace without notice and demand proof of legality would be required to enforce it.

I wrote that before I read the article. Employers can be fined 20 thousand quid and jailed for two years! However, I doubt any suffer the full penalty, or the problem would already have gone away. Perhaps they need to pull finger and actually raid more places than they are already doing.


Perhaps they need to pull finger and actually raid more places than they are already doing.

Maybe my watching of fly on the wall documentaries fo!lowing their work may not be an authorative source (especially as many are repeats from years ago, and policy may now be different) but one thing that cropped up a lot was that places raided, often 'knew' in advance (according to raid staff) because if they intended to target a takeaway in a Pakistani ghetto for example, everybody looked out for each other and once the van was seen several streets away, phone calls were made. If that was based on evidence or just their suspicion, I don't know, but it seems entirely plausible.

Raids occurred in full fan fare gear, and stood out like a sore thumb in cases where they walked to the establishment. Burly authoritarian types even in plain clothes would stand out in these areas as - "not from around here".

Ghettos of that kind know the vibe, the regulars, body language, even if minority staff are part of the team. Locals know an Oreo when they see one.

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