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Trump says he can't recall using insults he's made often

Lite Beer

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If I were American, I think I'd have really conflicting views of Donald Trump as a candidate. On one hand, he says despicable things about certain people but he does have a good background in business. So many past presidents have lacked business acumen, I may be tempted to drink the Kool-aid and support the Trump. George W ran oil companies into the ground prior to taking office and look how he handled the economy. For all his flaws, Trump understands wealth creation and job creation in a way that many politicians do not. It's hard to balance how rude/racist/seyxist he is with how effective he may be as a leader. He funds himself so he's not beholden to lobbyists or companies.

Running a business is diametrically opposed to running a country.

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"You know, some of the statements she made about the women, I don't recognize those words whatsoever," Trump said on ABC's "Good Morning America." ''We're going to take a very serious look at it."

Ole Donald "Frump" and his faded memory...After dissing John McCain by saying he liked soldiers that didn’t get captured we find out there was no chance for Donald Trump to ever be captured because he was the recipient of 4 student deferments and one medical deferment… When quizzed about the medical deferment he couldn’t recall exactly why….

Actually, I think the questioning went like this:

Reporter: "Mr Trump, is it true you asked for and received a medical deferment - to avoid the military, by claiming you had a medical problem?"

Trump: "Yes. I had a spur on my foot."

Reporter: "can you tell us which foot?"

Trump: "I don't know. I can't remember. You can look up the records."

Boomer's response: if a person has a serious medical problem with a foot, that person is going to recall which foot it is, is he not?

Another Trumpism, again speaking with a reporter. A live interview while cameras and tapes were rolling:

Trump: "You have bad breath."

Reporter, "excuse me?"

Trump, "No really. Your breath smells awful. You should do something out that."

Boomer's response: Is this best candidate Republicans can come up - to put in a position of speaking on important issues with leaders of the world? I'm afraid of the answer - which some right wingers will throw back.

Speaking of records: You remember Trump kept badgering Obama to "Show us the Birth Certificate." When Obama complied, then Trump said, "Not good enough. Show us the long form."

Now fast-forward to recently. Trump was asked by Bill Maher to show the world his birth certificate. He did, but get this: it had a bar code on it (Trump was born in the 1940's).

HRC showed the world her tax statements. Will Trump do the same? HRC donates massively to charities. Trump donates to upkeep on his golf driving range in Malibu.

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Evidently this is your attempt to be funny since being intelligent is out of the question. I guess you failed to notice the Republican party is resurgent, with 31 governors, around two-thirds of all states legislative chambers, and control of both the House and Senate.

This along with the fact there are 17 talented Republican presidential contenders compared to the geriatric Democratic party of Clinton, Sanders, and Biden. Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

Not if you look at future demographics, it ain't.

It'll be extinct in twenty years if it doesn't start attracting Hispanics and first generation immigrants from Asia and Africa.

Exactly, and CMNightRider is a prime example of the GOP's impending doom. Unless the republicans reinvent themselves and enter the 21st century on issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage etc. etc, they will go the way of the Dodo.

Well, I certainly appreciate the heads up on my impending doom. I will gladly go the way of the "Dodo" bird before I sign on with abortion, agree with disarming law abiding citizens, or attend any gay weddings or hang out with homosexuals. One thing for sure, the liberals will never take me alive, lol.

Yes, those pesky gays. Drop something on the floor and - WHAM - there you have something shoved up your rear end. Actually, if a liberal wanted to he could take away your gun and have his way with you.

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

So "politically correct" is now a euphemism for demanding a basic standard of civility. Got it.

Complaining about political correctness in my experience is usually done by white males who want to make ignorant comments with impunity instead of actually think about why such a comment would be hurtful. It's born out of intellectual laziness.


No. PC is used by women's libbers to bludgeon men into being too afraid to speak out against their BS. Good on The Donald for not being intimidated by them.

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There is another way to look at intimidation. Most of the intimidation I've seen since Cheney/Bush et al has been by the right wing with the cowardly Democrats failing (purposely $$$$$$$ ?) to stand up to them. The Donald doesn't stand up to women's intimidation, he insults and tries to intimidate them. Then again, he is an equal opportunity intimidator, he tries it with everybody. Maybe someday he will run into somebody without any "crawdad" in them. He is an megalomaniac that would destroy what is left of America like all the rest of the GOP teabagging right wing, faux religious theocratic dominionists, racist, homophobic, misogynist, neocons. He is sometimes good entertainment. Unfortunately since Ronald Reagan began the destruction of the education system (along with all of America) the American people have become some of the most uneducated in the developed world and can no longer tell entertainment, fact from fiction or even right (no, not that right) from wrong. Which is why America is falling apart and people continue to vote against their best interests. Drive on Donald, drive faster, run that clown bus off the cliff and take the GOP with you.

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If I were American, I think I'd have really conflicting views of Donald Trump as a candidate. On one hand, he says despicable things about certain people but he does have a good background in business. So many past presidents have lacked business acumen, I may be tempted to drink the Kool-aid and support the Trump. George W ran oil companies into the ground prior to taking office and look how he handled the economy. For all his flaws, Trump understands wealth creation and job creation in a way that many politicians do not. It's hard to balance how rude/racist/seyxist he is with how effective he may be as a leader. He funds himself so he's not beholden to lobbyists or companies.

because he is successful in business, does not mean he would make a good president

Business and government are two different things.

Why (Some) Psychopaths Make Great CEOs

"the incidence of psychopathy among CEOs is about 4 percent, four times what it is in the population at large."

Even Trump would not be able to fix the broken thing that is Congress and the federal government. It is a beast out of control and uncontrollable.

However, he could embarass them, and that would be entertaining.

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There is a fix to the government, quit starving it and let it do it's job. Get rid of people like the Koch (John Birch Society) bros. Get rid of the "gang of 5". Congress is broken because of the Republicans and they have been working on that since Reagan. The Donald has no intention on fixing anything except fixing a position to earn more money. Just like the rest of the Republicans. Drive Donald, drive. Petal to the metal and may the brakes fail. The Donald (along with the entire clown bus) is a prime example of the failure of America.

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There is a fix to the government, quit starving it and let it do it's job. Get rid of people like the Koch (John Birch Society) bros. Get rid of the "gang of 5". Congress is broken because of the Republicans and they have been working on that since Reagan. The Donald has no intention on fixing anything except fixing a position to earn more money. Just like the rest of the Republicans. Drive Donald, drive. Petal to the metal and may the brakes fail. The Donald (along with the entire clown bus) is a prime example of the failure of America.

What a relief it must be for the Democratic Party to know they had nothing to do with all that is wrong in the world.

Blame it all on those nasty old Republicans.

You're a broken record, Sarge.

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If I were American, I think I'd have really conflicting views of Donald Trump as a candidate. On one hand, he says despicable things about certain people but he does have a good background in business. So many past presidents have lacked business acumen, I may be tempted to drink the Kool-aid and support the Trump. George W ran oil companies into the ground prior to taking office and look how he handled the economy. For all his flaws, Trump understands wealth creation and job creation in a way that many politicians do not. It's hard to balance how rude/racist/seyxist he is with how effective he may be as a leader. He funds himself so he's not beholden to lobbyists or companies.

Running a business is diametrically opposed to running a country.

It certainly is in Greece if you are looking for role models.

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

So "politically correct" is now a euphemism for demanding a basic standard of civility. Got it.

Complaining about political correctness in my experience is usually done by white males who want to make ignorant comments with impunity instead of actually think about why such a comment would be hurtful. It's born out of intellectual laziness.


No. PC is used by women's libbers to bludgeon men into being too afraid to speak out against their BS. Good on The Donald for not being intimidated by them.

Your comment is an example of what I'm talking about. It is a general lashing out and doesn't really mean anything in the context of Trump's offensive remarks against various women, which is what the moderator had asked about, and which is the subject of this thread.

As a high profile public figure who has designs to be the leader of the free world and President of the world's only superpower, Trump *should* be concerned about what he calls "political correctness" but what most of the rest of the world considers plain good manners. His support base, which constitutes about 6% of US adults can be excused for not knowing what manners are, but not him.


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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

So "politically correct" is now a euphemism for demanding a basic standard of civility. Got it.

Complaining about political correctness in my experience is usually done by white males who want to make ignorant comments with impunity instead of actually think about why such a comment would be hurtful. It's born out of intellectual laziness.


No. PC is used by women's libbers to bludgeon men into being too afraid to speak out against their BS. Good on The Donald for not being intimidated by them.

Your comment is an example of what I'm talking about. It is a general lashing out and doesn't really mean anything in the context of Trump's offensive remarks against various women, which is what the moderator had asked about, and which is the subject of this thread.

As a high profile public figure who has designs to be the leader of the free world and President of the world's only superpower, Trump *should* be concerned about what he calls "political correctness" but what most of the rest of the world considers plain good manners. His support base, which constitutes about 6% of US adults can be excused for not knowing what manners are, but not him.


"Political correctness" means nothing when it comes to the super-pacs. They'll stab you in the back, rob your momma and laugh at you while doing it.

No....... they are not on your side and justice has little meaning.

Jesus loves you.

Edited by cantplay
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Evidently this is your attempt to be funny since being intelligent is out of the question. I guess you failed to notice the Republican party is resurgent, with 31 governors, around two-thirds of all states legislative chambers, and control of both the House and Senate.

This along with the fact there are 17 talented Republican presidential contenders compared to the geriatric Democratic party of Clinton, Sanders, and Biden. Anyway you look at it, the Republican party's future looks much brighter than the Democratic party.

Not if you look at future demographics, it ain't.

It'll be extinct in twenty years if it doesn't start attracting Hispanics and first generation immigrants from Asia and Africa.

Exactly, and CMNightRider is a prime example of the GOP's impending doom. Unless the republicans reinvent themselves and enter the 21st century on issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage etc. etc, they will go the way of the Dodo.

Well, I certainly appreciate the heads up on my impending doom. I will gladly go the way of the "Dodo" bird before I sign on with abortion, agree with disarming law abiding citizens, or attend any gay weddings or hang out with homosexuals. One thing for sure, the liberals will never take me alive, lol.

Just one point here: if you were to attend a gay wedding you would be hanging out with homosexuals. Ah hell, and one question: would you be happy to hang out with a homosexual if s/he had lots of guns and promised never to get married and advocated anal sex as way of reducing the number of abortions??

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Exactly, and CMNightRider is a prime example of the GOP's impending doom. Unless the republicans reinvent themselves and enter the 21st century on issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage etc. etc, they will go the way of the Dodo.

Well, I certainly appreciate the heads up on my impending doom. I will gladly go the way of the "Dodo" bird before I sign on with abortion, agree with disarming law abiding citizens, or attend any gay weddings or hang out with homosexuals. One thing for sure, the liberals will never take me alive, lol.

Just one point here: if you were to attend a gay wedding you would be hanging out with homosexuals. Ah hell, and one question: would you be happy to hang out with a homosexual if s/he had lots of guns and promised never to get married and advocated anal sex as way of reducing the number of abortions??

There would be no reason for me to attend a gay wedding. As far as the rest of your question, you need to share your sexual preferences with you boyfriend. I'm not amused or interested in your nonsensical remarks.

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Trump claims he didn't mean menses. Does anyone believe that?

He probably doesn't even know anything about female biology, other than t*ts/as$?

My sense is that he meant that he effectively "bloodied her nose" with his vicious rejoinders.

But he got all confused during the radio interview, and messed up his intended "message".

Not that hitting a woman, and bloodying her nose, is particularly engendering, unless you want to appeal to the Neanderthal segment of the Republican base (which, come to think of it is 100% of the base).

Not sure how many of these "candidates" know about the 19th Amendment.

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Exactly, and CMNightRider is a prime example of the GOP's impending doom. Unless the republicans reinvent themselves and enter the 21st century on issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage etc. etc, they will go the way of the Dodo.

Well, I certainly appreciate the heads up on my impending doom. I will gladly go the way of the "Dodo" bird before I sign on with abortion, agree with disarming law abiding citizens, or attend any gay weddings or hang out with homosexuals. One thing for sure, the liberals will never take me alive, lol.

Just one point here: if you were to attend a gay wedding you would be hanging out with homosexuals. Ah hell, and one question: would you be happy to hang out with a homosexual if s/he had lots of guns and promised never to get married and advocated anal sex as way of reducing the number of abortions??

There would be no reason for me to attend a gay wedding. As far as the rest of your question, you need to share your sexual preferences with you boyfriend. I'm not amused or interested in your nonsensical remarks.

You are what you think, Ladyboy biggrin.png

Edited by cantplay
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There would be no reason for me to attend a gay wedding. As far as the rest of your question, you need to share your sexual preferences with you boyfriend. I'm not amused or interested in your nonsensical remarks.

You are what you think, Ladyboy biggrin.png

Well, I have had some bizarre thoughts enter my mind over the years but I can assure you none have anything to do with transvestites (ladyboys). In the future, please send your man love messages along with your smily face icon to one of many Thai Visa posters who I'm certain would enjoy the attention. This site is infested with those people.

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Run Trump Run. It's good entertainment, and it exposes a side of the Republican party which Republicans don't want shown. Everybody gets a little brown smear on their undies once in awhile, but no one wants it hung up and shown to the neighborhood.

He's like General Custer the day before Little Bighorn. He thinks he is superior and can handle any adversary with his more forceful bluster.

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There would be no reason for me to attend a gay wedding. As far as the rest of your question, you need to share your sexual preferences with you boyfriend. I'm not amused or interested in your nonsensical remarks.

You are what you think, Ladyboy biggrin.png

Well, I have had some bizarre thoughts enter my mind over the years but I can assure you none have anything to do with transvestites (ladyboys). In the future, please send your man love messages along with your smily face icon to one of many Thai Visa posters who I'm certain would enjoy the attention.

This site is infested with those people.

The last sentence is a disgraceful use of words..regardless.

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

So "politically correct" is now a euphemism for demanding a basic standard of civility. Got it.

Complaining about political correctness in my experience is usually done by white males who want to make ignorant comments with impunity instead of actually think about why such a comment would be hurtful. It's born out of intellectual laziness.


No. PC is used by women's libbers to bludgeon men into being too afraid to speak out against their BS. Good on The Donald for not being intimidated by them.

Your comment is an example of what I'm talking about. It is a general lashing out and doesn't really mean anything in the context of Trump's offensive remarks against various women, which is what the moderator had asked about, and which is the subject of this thread.

As a high profile public figure who has designs to be the leader of the free world and President of the world's only superpower, Trump *should* be concerned about what he calls "political correctness" but what most of the rest of the world considers plain good manners. His support base, which constitutes about 6% of US adults can be excused for not knowing what manners are, but not him.


what most of the rest of the world considers plain good manners

What utopia do you live in? There are no "good manners" in public life anymore. However they were really in with the Brits when they were exploiting the "inferior" races all over the world.

Personally, as women demanded equality with men they are entitled to it with all the bad stuff as well. Few treated me with "good manners" when I was working in a female dominated environment, so why should I treat them any better?

At least Trump is up front with his opinions of offensive women like Rosie O'Donnell and doesn't have "good manners" and stab people in the back like most politicians.

BTW, Kelly did not have good manners when she attempted to humiliate the Donald in front of millions and deserved her humiliation when he put her down.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Trump claims he didn't mean menses. Does anyone believe that?

He probably doesn't even know anything about female biology, other than t*ts/as$?

My sense is that he meant that he effectively "bloodied her nose" with his vicious rejoinders.

But he got all confused during the radio interview, and messed up his intended "message".

Not that hitting a woman, and bloodying her nose, is particularly engendering, unless you want to appeal to the Neanderthal segment of the Republican base (which, come to think of it is 100% of the base).

Not sure how many of these "candidates" know about the 19th Amendment.

The anti Trump mob will seize on any excuse to attack him. It's obvious to any one with a brain that he wasn't referring to menses. He's not that stupid, unlike them if they think anyone else believes it. Just keep on telling the lies and eventually people will believe it, like Hitler said.

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Not if you look at future demographics, it ain't.

It'll be extinct in twenty years if it doesn't start attracting Hispanics and first generation immigrants from Asia and Africa.

Exactly, and CMNightRider is a prime example of the GOP's impending doom. Unless the republicans reinvent themselves and enter the 21st century on issues like abortion, gun control, gay marriage etc. etc, they will go the way of the Dodo.

Well, I certainly appreciate the heads up on my impending doom. I will gladly go the way of the "Dodo" bird before I sign on with abortion, agree with disarming law abiding citizens, or attend any gay weddings or hang out with homosexuals. One thing for sure, the liberals will never take me alive, lol.

Just one point here: if you were to attend a gay wedding you would be hanging out with homosexuals. Ah hell, and one question: would you be happy to hang out with a homosexual if s/he had lots of guns and promised never to get married and advocated anal sex as way of reducing the number of abortions??

I'd hang out with a female homosexual if she was fit with a fit lover and let me watch giggle.gif .

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.
So "politically correct" is now a euphemism for demanding a basic standard of civility. Got it.

Complaining about political correctness in my experience is usually done by white males who want to make ignorant comments with impunity instead of actually think about why such a comment would be hurtful. It's born out of intellectual laziness.

No. PC is used by women's libbers to bludgeon men into being too afraid to speak out against their BS. Good on The Donald for not being intimidated by them.

Your comment is an example of what I'm talking about. It is a general lashing out and doesn't really mean anything in the context of Trump's offensive remarks against various women, which is what the moderator had asked about, and which is the subject of this thread.

As a high profile public figure who has designs to be the leader of the free world and President of the world's only superpower, Trump *should* be concerned about what he calls "political correctness" but what most of the rest of the world considers plain good manners. His support base, which constitutes about 6% of US adults can be excused for not knowing what manners are, but not him.


what most of the rest of the world considers plain good manners
What utopia do you live in? There are no "good manners" in public life anymore. However they were really in with the Brits when they were exploiting the "inferior" races all over the world.
Personally, as women demanded equality with men they are entitled to it with all the bad stuff as well. Few treated me with "good manners" when I was working in a female dominated environment, so why should I treat them any better?

At least Trump is up front with his opinions of offensive women like Rosie O'Donnell and doesn't have "good manners" and stab people in the back like most politicians.

BTW, Kelly did not have good manners when she attempted to humiliate the Donald in front of millions and deserved her humiliation when he put her down.

I feel you're confusing "forthright" and "frank"with "rude" and "uncouth"

To be properly and effectively frank requires subtlety and sensitivity. To be uncouth requires only for one to unthinkingly and unfeelingly say the first hurtful thing that comes to mind. Only buffoons do that.

By the way, I am in no way defending Magyn Kelly because she, along with the rest to
Fox, are complicit in creating the kind of subculture that has elevated the likes of Trump. And within that culture, Trump's response is no doubt considered appropriate (the audience certainly approved). In the sane world, it is properly recognised as boorishness.

The "Britishness" you decry is in fact quite admirable. Under no other colonial master would Gandhi's Satyagraha, or non violent, movement have succeeded in throwing off colonial shackles.

Your personal beef seems to be with a particular group of women you worked with that you may have suffered some sort of abuse under. Why take it out on all women?

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Nothing wrong in calling a Spade a Spade - the problem these days is way too much of this PC nonsense.

So "politically correct" is now a euphemism for demanding a basic standard of civility. Got it.

Complaining about political correctness in my experience is usually done by white males who want to make ignorant comments with impunity instead of actually think about why such a comment would be hurtful. It's born out of intellectual laziness.


No. PC is used by women's libbers to bludgeon men into being too afraid to speak out against their BS. Good on The Donald for not being intimidated by them.

Your comment is an example of what I'm talking about. It is a general lashing out and doesn't really mean anything in the context of Trump's offensive remarks against various women, which is what the moderator had asked about, and which is the subject of this thread.

As a high profile public figure who has designs to be the leader of the free world and President of the world's only superpower, Trump *should* be concerned about what he calls "political correctness" but what most of the rest of the world considers plain good manners. His support base, which constitutes about 6% of US adults can be excused for not knowing what manners are, but not him.


what most of the rest of the world considers plain good manners

What utopia do you live in? There are no "good manners" in public life anymore. However they were really in with the Brits when they were exploiting the "inferior" races all over the world.

Personally, as women demanded equality with men they are entitled to it with all the bad stuff as well. Few treated me with "good manners" when I was working in a female dominated environment, so why should I treat them any better?

At least Trump is up front with his opinions of offensive women like Rosie O'Donnell and doesn't have "good manners" and stab people in the back like most politicians.

BTW, Kelly did not have good manners when she attempted to humiliate the Donald in front of millions and deserved her humiliation when he put her down.

I feel you're confusing "forthright" and "frank"with "rude" and "uncouth"

To be properly and effectively frank requires subtlety and sensitivity. To be uncouth requires only for one to unthinkingly and unfeelingly say the first hurtful thing that comes to mind. Only buffoons do that.

By the way, I am in no way defending Magyn Kelly because she, along with the rest to

Fox, are complicit in creating the kind of subculture that has elevated the likes of Trump. And within that culture, Trump's response is no doubt considered appropriate (the audience certainly approved). In the sane world, it is properly recognised as boorishness.

The "Britishness" you decry is in fact quite admirable. Under no other colonial master would Gandhi's Satyagraha, or non violent, movement have succeeded in throwing off colonial shackles.

Your personal beef seems to be with a particular group of women you worked with that you may have suffered some sort of abuse under. Why take it out on all women?


I know many really wonderful women, and am good friends with a few, so I hardly "take it out on all women". That is a typical women's lib argument, that if a man attacks ANY woman, he is against ALL women.

My beef is with aggressive arrogant women that think attacking any male that stands up to them for any reason is being strong. If a man does stand up to them, like Trump, they cry that he is anti women and has bad manners.

In the female dominated occupation I used to work in, there were many women in management that behaved badly, in a way that no man would have been allowed to get away with, but got away with it because every man was afraid of being labelled anti women.

Re your admiration for British rule in India, I doubt the Sikhs would agree with you ( see Amritsar massacre ).

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My expressed admiration was not for British rule in India, but for the kind of general British genteelness that you seemed to have decried. I am acutely aware of the various British atrocities carried out in India and elsewhere. The elimination of nuance and ability to see things at multiple levels are some of the hallmarks of the Fox-created culture.

As to the issue of Trump's behaviour towards women, you continue to confuse forthrightness with uncouthness. Trump the billionaire is living proof that you cannot buy class.


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The anti Trump mob will seize on any excuse to attack him. It's obvious to any one with a brain that he wasn't referring to menses. He's not that stupid

You think because he parlayed daddy's fortune into a heavily leveraged property "empire" and steamrollers any opposition with lawsuits that he's too clever to make an ar$e of himself with comments like the "blood" one?

I disagree.

But it hasn't done him any harm, because the Fox audience of angry old white men probably all nodded in agreement.

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