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Call for all children to wear motorcycle helmets

Lite Beer

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The Thai people have spoken.

They have considered the inconvenience and cost on one hand and compared it with the risk of serious injury and death to their child on the other hand. They have decided the cost is too high and the inconvenience is too great whilst the risk is insignificant.

Respect the will of the Thai people.

...one hand........the other hand.......CONFUSING.....Don't forget they have to use their mobile as well....! What hand for that?

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Ha they been calling for that for years. Still has not happened. The next level above talking is doing. That is what is missing. No one is doing it or doing anything about it? Good to raise awareness better to fine, fine, fine them till they get aware. Works better and faster.

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Some time ago, whilst living in the North East, I tried to find an adult, medium (6 7/8) full face lid, no can do, Large only! After trying many shops, I managed to find a lid which was quite a good fit, but still just about possible to lift the chin piece high enough to cause problems if it was ever needed for real.

The thought of having to find a lid for a child must be very difficult, maybe in BKK or similar cities however, I suggest the cost will be quite high. What cost a child's life especially if you have to change lids every year or so as the child grows? Difficult for the poor families for whom the bike is the only form of family transport.

Please don't think I agree with the everyday careless attitudes, I am just trying to consider the poor families and their immediate, day to day living expenses.

Finally, I have been a biker for over 35 years, and still love the excitement it brings, but a skid lid is a must, just look at the lid in the pic attached (not one of mine), what chance of survival without it's protection?


Edited by planemad
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Ha,Ha,HA. who is going to have the ba--s to enforce the laws, the police who rides with out a helmet, the PM who rides with out a helmet. you all readdy have laws, but no one has the ba--s to enforce them . it is only give the police a brown bag with tea money and all is well.

just another dog and poney show for the police to stand there with there hand out.

Thailand will never change, only the pay offs will change!!

in the U.S. if you are caught riding with out a helmet your motorcycle is impounded. when you see what it costs to get it back, you s--t at how much it costs. impound motorcycles here. remember driving is a privledge not a right.

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The attitudes are frightening. Couldn't comprehend letting my girls travel without.

I do even see the cops travel with their kids on after school and kids are minus helmets. The RTP ambivalence again to blame imo

Surely not!!


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Easy solution. Make the fine bigger than the cost of a helmet. Caught once and have lost more money than buying one. Caught twice then seriously out of pocket. Secret being the enforcement. Try to find some one that cares then you are half way there. Complacency due to the fact you come back next time better than the last life. Caveman attitude.

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The attitudes are frightening. Couldn't comprehend letting my girls travel without.

I do even see the cops travel with their kids on after school and kids are minus helmets. The RTP ambivalence again to blame imo

Surely not!!

attachicon.gifCop kid no helmet.JPG

notice even his helmet is not done up. How ca people do anything with the poor example set by their "so called" peers?

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The attitudes are frightening. Couldn't comprehend letting my girls travel without.

I do even see the cops travel with their kids on after school and kids are minus helmets. The RTP ambivalence again to blame imo

Surely not!!

attachicon.gifCop kid no helmet.JPG

His helmet s not even done up. Setting a great example to the people who he is supposed to be "leading". This is part of the reason there is chaos due to no one giving a sh#t about law and order. Keep going hard PM and try to restore belief in law and order to the people.

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Not sure it will make much difference with the quality of helmets used but it could encourage

helmet use later in life when todays child riders become tomorrows bike operators.

(when they turn 12) blink.png

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You know I was telling a Filipino friend about how it was not all that uncommon in Thailand to see four or five on a motorbike including little ones, with no helmets, with packages, etc. He just laughed at me and said in the PI they'll put a plank or something crosswise on the bike so even more can pile on. (And of course you can squeeze just about an entire platoon on one of their "trisykels", which are just motorbikes with bolt-ons.)

Edited by hawker9000
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Almost impossible to buy a m/c helmet in a child's size.

In Vietnam there are many ads on tv about children wearing helmets and there is also a scheme to make them affordable and they are available.

The only reason for them not being widely available in Thailand is that there seems to be next to zero incentive for parents to buy them.

A 16yo kid that lives near us rode off to the market without his helmet on, he had a helmet, under the seat, Police stopped him and confiscated the moto for at least 72hrs - cost him a weeks wages to get it back - 200,000 dong ($10) he won't do that again. If they would only do this in Thailand it 'just might' make a difference.

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It does not matter if the children are 10 or 12 years old they are to young to be driving on Thai roads. No matter how old every one should wear a helmet which is Thai law but no police to enforce it!

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As already posted, read this. http://www.bikersrights.com/statistics/notsafe.html

Another interesting question (for me) if the majority of a countries citizens disobey a law, (helmet law here) does that not question the validity of the law?

For every view there is an opposing one. As soon as I read 'safety nazis' I knew they were pushing a seriously flawed argument.



Helmets work and save countless lives, simple as that.

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Something is probably better than nothing, but with visible helmets that are, for the most part, a bad joke, and kids two, three, four up on a m/c that has just two seats, never mind how many adults might be on the thing, they seem, in true Thai style, to be approaching the issue a . . e about face.

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Almost impossible to buy a m/c helmet in a child's size.

In Vietnam there are many ads on tv about children wearing helmets and there is also a scheme to make them affordable and they are available.

The only reason for them not being widely available in Thailand is that there seems to be next to zero incentive for parents to buy them.

A 16yo kid that lives near us rode off to the market without his helmet on, he had a helmet, under the seat, Police stopped him and confiscated the moto for at least 72hrs - cost him a weeks wages to get it back - 200,000 dong ($10) he won't do that again. If they would only do this in Thailand it 'just might' make a difference.

Yes, but in Vietnam, every m/c rider follows the law. There seem to few, if any, exceptions.

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