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If You Could Make The City A Nicer Place...


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1. Put all those bl...dy cables and wires underground.

2. Get rid of those horrible big screen TV/signs, as well as those huge signs on big metal structures that block the pavements, as well the billboards.

3. Stop them releasing 10 zillion lanterns on fire at major holidays. A few is OK but 10 zillion is ridiculous and I'm bored of having to stay home on fire watch for certain days of the year.

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Certainly the 'orrible bill boards are a blight on the city.

I once lived in a state in Oz where bill boards were still legal, and they were quietly sabotaged until bill boards were banned.

I agree with cmsally that the cables are an eyesore, and it would be a mammoth job getting them underground. I wonder if anyone has told those in authority about fibre optic cable?

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whistling.gif I live in Bangkok, but If I had my way ALL cities in Thailand would pass a law that required those shopping malls, and places like Banks that have sweeping circular or semi-circular stairways that do not have railings or handholds to use going up and down on those stairs would be required to put a railing or handhold for people using those stairs. ​

The reason is that I am partially disabled with a leg problem, and I NEED a handhold or railing to hold on to properly climb such stairs.

Especially coming down such stairs I need something to grip and hold on to, or I am in danger of stumbling and falling on stairs with no railing or handhold to hold on to.

It means a lot to me.

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I'd get rid of all the non-Asian foreigners.

They make the place look really untidy.

It would also solve all the complaints about the traffic and sidewalks.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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1) Ban four wheel drives from the city boundries

2) Ban all cars/ trucks (except residents) from the old city, deliveries vehicles allowed between 1200 and 0600 hrs

3) Free electric transport/ songtows/ samlors or equivalent inside moat

4) Quarterly emissions tests for all public transport vehicles, one week to rectify a failure then vehicle crushed. Free, government subsidized, brand new replacement as compensation.

That will do for now, see what the cranky b@$tards hurl back at me first.... coffee1.gif

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1) Ban four wheel drives from the city boundries

2) Ban all cars/ trucks (except residents) from the old city, deliveries vehicles allowed between 1200 and 0600 hrs

3) Free electric transport/ songtows/ samlors or equivalent inside moat

4) Quarterly emissions tests for all public transport vehicles, one week to rectify a failure then vehicle crushed. Free, government subsidized, brand new replacement as compensation.

That will do for now, see what the cranky b@$tards hurl back at me first.... coffee1.gif

The problem with these requirements is that you'd need someone with the moral fortitude (guts) to make them law, and then an honest, reliable and hard-working police force to enforce these.Traffic police need to be a separate division from regular plods, and a division of CMHIP, possibly THIPS started.

How many police are sent overseas to study how the job is done? I suppose language would be a barrier.

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Signboards and giant LED screens, vehicle emission pollution, pedestrian walk blockages all rate highly for me. Can't see how reduced wine taxes benefit society, nor the elimination of local housing for expats but this thread is totally... IMO.

Wine is healthy, and supports millions of jobs around the world. Fine wine is a true asset. Grapes are healthy, too.........http://www.grapewallofchina.com/2008/02/28/233/ seemed to work pretty well in HK, enough to make any socialist cringe with fear that it might catch on. Society benefiting from lower taxes? I doubt Michael Moore will cover the topic.


Edited by bangmai
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Definitely putting all the cables underground which means all the power poles and lamp posts can be removed from footpaths/sidewalks. Ok the lamp post will have to stay for street lighting but move them to the curb. Also fix up the footpaths so that driveways out of businesses and private residences are the same and allow for easier passage of pedestrians along the footpaths. I pity anyone in a wheelchair as those footpaths are a nightmare. Some very big `steps` from driveway to footpath around most of the CBD. No wonder most tourists prefer walking on the road.

Enforce the no double parking rule around the moat ring road.

Ban the noisy pickup trucks that cruise around the CBD advertising crapola via large bullhorn speakers.

Make the moat one big swimming pool!....... now that would be fun to watch. Imagine driving around the moat and seeing people swimming laps. As long as inexperienced drivers stop trying to `Dip` their headlights it should be relatively safe. Will have to erect noticeboards in varying languages that the local council will accept no liability due to ailments caught in such pristine water.

Hmmmmm Im sure there are a lot more ideas out there

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I agree with the comment regarding those dreadful speaker vans.

Not only do they create noise pollution going back some streets from the main road, but they usually drive in pairs and travel dead slow.

Do the operators really believe that their intended audience have no radios, no TV, or heaven forbid, no phones?

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Dreadful signs everywhere, on every tree and post, billboards and certainly the electronic billboards, they all detract from the otherwise beauty of Thailand. (The smoke and pollution is another issue.) Taking control of the ugliness and proliferation of signs, however, wouldn't be a very difficult fix, if anyone really cared.

Providing smooth and wider roads and walkways, burying the utility lines, and even changing drivers' behaviors would require much more. But the signs issue could be addressed if anyone in authority seriously wanted to clean up the unsightliness. Draw up some regulations, and implement them.

But, not being too hopeful of anything getting done on this issue, I know that in some dark office gratuities are paid for favors done, including looking the other way. The ugliness and unsightliness of pervasive signage in Chiang Mai--and Thailand as a whole--will most likely continue unabated.

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Upgrade the traffic lights controllers so that they are based on traffic volume not on time, ban the police from operating them manually, and make people emerging from a minor junction at crossroads turn left and U-turn later instead of having a long phase where one or two vehicles go straight across and everyone on the main road waits another 90 or 180 seconds with no traffic moving at all.

Fix the pavements and remove the obstructions, except at my jok shop where the tables are on the pavement!

Replace all the plastic barriers on the moat roads with concrete kerbs so that the right lane is only for turning right, not dodging in front of the traffic queue and forcing your way back in. Mark up all right hand lanes at traffic lights for right turn only, with concrete barriers again.

Then it would be even more Paradise than it is already!

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Ban the Chinese!

You know, if someone came out and said "Ban All Blacks" or "Ban All Indians" there would be a shitstorm and you would be heckled and hounded for being a fascist racist bigot, but because it relates to "Chinese" it seems acceptable.

Not really having a dig at your opinion, just the way there are double standards here where trashing Chinese is fine but never call a Spade a Spade!

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