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'Anna Reese' rejects Bt6.2mil settlement sought by dead cop’s family

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And I don't know why the press always insist on calling her British-Thai.

Her father was a Cypriot who held a British passport. She grew up in Thailand with Thai relatives, the father having died. Where is the British bit? Answer : Nowhere.

Glad someone mentioned, this, if there was any 'British'' in her she would of conducted herself in a rightful manner..

not Pussyfooting around, with the usual ''Thai'' crap, ''Temples, and forgiveness and ghosts'' and all that drivel....

what rightful manner? certainly you don't mean the "rightful" manner tat I have observed in bangkok? a bunch of drunken sots who drink and fight and watch football all day! have no manners and conduct themselves like a bunch of bums! is that the "rightful" manner you are refering to?

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To the hang 'em high brigade here who always seem to crawl out of the woodwork....do you remember the Thai girl who flipped her car off the highway killing eight(/) poor innocents? The red bull heir?

Do you really think these, and many, many more, were settled for 6.2M Baht each?

Let's see...say he earned (including a very modest tea money supplement) 10,000 baht a month...the 6 .2m baht would be roughly 52 years service.

Hell no...this is about soaking a foreigner in true Thai style. The sum demanded is a huge figure for a Thai family and especially one on a ridiculously low wage. I wouldn't call it a salary.

Unless you are a non-commissioned, column 1, Thai cop who entered the police department with a high school education you are paid after four years on the job (assuming no additional step increase beyond the usual annual increase). a salary of Baht 5,580 per month or US$177.42 a month. (another post says it is 10,000 baht).That works out to be 183 baht or just under $6 bucks a day. The minimum wage in Thailand is 300 baht a day, which is closer to $10.00 a day.

If officers are appointed to a position, such as inspector, chief inspector in suppression or forensic units they receive an additional 3,000 to 5,700 baht, or if they are investigation officers (regular to expert) they receive an additional 12,000-30,000 baht, in executive positions (5,600 – 21,000 baht) or special expert/teaching positions (3,500 – 15,000 baht), increasing with rank. As is evident, the chance for supplemental pay is limited to the higher ranks with officers who’ve received specialized education or training. Typically a university graduate would start as an officer with a higher pay.


what a thing to be remembered for, killing a cop and shitting yourself

That she killed a cop will be forgotten in 6 months,shitting yourself in public however is different,it's everlasting.


To the hang 'em high brigade here who always seem to crawl out of the woodwork....do you remember the Thai girl who flipped her car off the highway killing eight(/) poor innocents? The red bull heir?

Do you really think these, and many, many more, were settled for 6.2M Baht each?

Let's see...say he earned (including a very modest tea money supplement) 10,000 baht a month...the 6 .2m baht would be roughly 52 years service.

Hell no...this is about soaking a foreigner in true Thai style. The sum demanded is a huge figure for a Thai family and especially one on a ridiculously low wage. I wouldn't call it a salary.

Unless you are a non-commissioned, column 1, Thai cop who entered the police department with a high school education you are paid after four years on the job (assuming no additional step increase beyond the usual annual increase). a salary of Baht 5,580 per month or US$177.42 a month. (another post says it is 10,000 baht).That works out to be 183 baht or just under $6 bucks a day. The minimum wage in Thailand is 300 baht a day, which is closer to $10.00 a day.

If officers are appointed to a position, such as inspector, chief inspector in suppression or forensic units they receive an additional 3,000 to 5,700 baht, or if they are investigation officers (regular to expert) they receive an additional 12,000-30,000 baht, in executive positions (5,600 – 21,000 baht) or special expert/teaching positions (3,500 – 15,000 baht), increasing with rank. As is evident, the chance for supplemental pay is limited to the higher ranks with officers who’ve received specialized education or training. Typically a university graduate would start as an officer with a higher pay.

She isn't a foreigner,she is Thai


I hope that this arrogant,spoiled, self-centered, superficial HiSo brat will get 10 years in jail plus 40m compensation payment to the family plus all lawyers' and court expenses. She's stuffed so well that the money basically comes out of her a rse, and then she can't even cough up 5m after her shameful tantrum in an obviously drunk (and perhaps drugged) state? Oh, I would put her in the slammer, hard labour, etc... and revoke her driver's license for life for playing up now, if I were the judge. I'm against violence, especially towards women and children, but that disgusting tart desperately needs a good beating!

Hopefully she'll be remembered forever as the tantrum throwing drunk HiSo brat who killed a policeman and shat herself in public.

Spongebob Squarepants was yesterday - here comes Anna Reese Shitpants smile.png


I hope that this arrogant,spoiled, self-centered, superficial HiSo brat will get 10 years in jail plus 40m compensation payment to the family plus all lawyers' and court expenses. She's stuffed so well that the money basically comes out of her a rse, and then she can't even cough up 5m after her shameful tantrum in an obviously drunk (and perhaps drugged) state? Oh, I would put her in the slammer, hard labour, etc... for playing up now, if I were the judge. I'm against violence, especially towards women and children, but that disgusting tart desperately needs a good beating! Hopefully she'll be remembered forever as the tantrum throwing drunk HiSo brat who killed a policeman and shat herself in public.

Well, I guess we're all lucky you are against violence . . . It's also good to know that you are privy to her financial affairs . . . and her drug addictions, it seems . . .

Glad someone mentioned, this, if there was any 'British'' in her she would of conducted herself in a rightful manner..

not Pussyfooting around, with the usual ''Thai'' crap, ''Temples, and forgiveness and ghosts'' and all that drivel....

Really . . . if there were any 'British' in her . . . she would have conducted herself any better? laugh.png Luckily there were never any 'British' scumbags in history or, for that matter, in Thailand right now. . .


It should be based on the ability to pay, but then hiding and moving assets would make that a fruitless venture.

3.2 million - would that be about 15 years income for the cop? Not enough, really, especially if she can afford the it.

On another note, has the cop been found culpable of endangerment by just parking his car there and having a nap?


This is the problem with Thailand. This murderous cop killing woman should not have the option to dictate how much she should pay.

This poor family lost a bread winner in the prime of his life. she should pay through her nose plus jail time.

she gets to have it her way. kill an innocent man, avoid being tested at the scene for being under the influence, and and created a circus like atmosphere at the crime scene. Now she is trying to dictate the terms of her criminal act.

Thailand is a lovely country but the laws smells. the justice system is redicilous once again it is showing that one law exists for the rich and another for the poor,

This crmimial should not be in this position to dictate any option. should be in jail where she belongs and an appropriate part of her weath confiscated to help this surffering family


The depth of the ignorance on display on TV is always impressive, but especially in this thread.

1. The Reese woman is at at fault. She crashed her car into a parked car. Period. A car parked legally at the side of the road did not cause the car driven by the woman to hit it. Yes, the crash was an accident, which is to say no more than that she did not intend to crash into the parked car, but her responsibility does not depend solely on her intentions, but also on such factors as whether she was exercising due caution in driving her car on that occasion, to which the answer is clearly "no." Virtually all car crashes are accidents, but someone is always responsible legally.

2. She almost certainly broke the law even if she was sober and may yet be prosecuted for it, but the negotiations with the family do not concern criminal liability, but only liability for the damages she caused to the dead cop and his family. Civil and criminal liabilities are distinct. That said, it might be that the cops at the negotiations or the surviving family members may use the threat of criminal prosecution to pressure the driver into reaching agreement with the family.

3. Whether or not she broke the law, she did cause a material loss to the family of the cop. The principal of monetary compensation for the loss of life is well-established in Anglo-Saxon law and, I believe, at least as well-established in Thai law. The life of the person who was wrongfully killed has a value in baht which depends on how much he was earning, his prospects for futures earnings, and other economic considerations. The value of the life of a street bum is not the same as the value of the life of a successful surgeon. Every one knows that the real value of a human life cannot be converted into currency, but it is widely accepted that failure to compensate the victim or his survivors would be even more egregiously offend common sense.

4. The value of the cop's life that was lost does not depend on the net worth of the driver who killed him. However, the likelihood of recovering compensation for the amount of the loss does very much depend on the wealth of the person responsible. The notion that the woman responsible in this case should somehow be immune from making restitution for the harm she has caused because a poor person similarly culpable would be unable to compensate the victim's family, beggars belief. If no one ever had more responsibility that the least capable person in society there would be no liability ever. This fact of life is widely recognized in Anglo-Saxon law. Your unlikely to get a lawyer even to take your case if the other party is without assets.

5. Insurance companies agree to assume your liability under specified conditions, but always up to a certain maximum limit. That fact does not mean that the person who caused the loss is exempt from the actual, real losses of the victims beyond what the insurance company will assume. If that were the case, no insurance policy would every pay more than one dollar.

6. Reese may walk out on a negotiating session, but she knows that she cannot refuse to negotiate and that, in the end, she will have to pay an amount that the other side considers acceptable. Public opinion in Thailand strongly supports such an expectation. If she were to walk away from her responsibility the cop's family would have recourse to a civil suit for damages. She might be able to prevail in court, but that is far from certain.

The only aspect of this case that is particular to Thailand is the public nature of the bargaining that is going on over the amount of compensation from the guilty party. It may strike us unseemly, but such negotations are the norm even in the West although it is not likely to be so visible. In the US only the lawyers would be talking and they would be unlikely to talk to the press.

This thread presents a cornucopia of ways to fail to understand the obvious.


As she has already told the press that the ghost of the dead cop has forgiven her I await news that said ghost has ok'd the 2 million too.

The ghost may have. Wifey certainly hasn't.


The depth of the ignorance on display on TV is always impressive, but especially in this thread.

1. The Reese woman is at at fault. She crashed her car into a parked car. Period. A car parked legally at the side of the road did not cause the car driven by the woman to hit it. Yes, the crash was an accident, which is to say no more than that she did not intend to crash into the parked car, but her responsibility does not depend solely on her intentions, but also on such factors as whether she was exercising due caution in driving her car on that occasion, to which the answer is clearly "no." Virtually all car crashes are accidents, but someone is always responsible legally.

2. She almost certainly broke the law even if she was sober and may yet be prosecuted for it, but the negotiations with the family do not concern criminal liability, but only liability for the damages she caused to the dead cop and his family. Civil and criminal liabilities are distinct. That said, it might be that the cops at the negotiations or the surviving family members may use the threat of criminal prosecution to pressure the driver into reaching agreement with the family.

3. Whether or not she broke the law, she did cause a material loss to the family of the cop. The principal of monetary compensation for the loss of life is well-established in Anglo-Saxon law and, I believe, at least as well-established in Thai law. The life of the person who was wrongfully killed has a value in baht which depends on how much he was earning, his prospects for futures earnings, and other economic considerations. The value of the life of a street bum is not the same as the value of the life of a successful surgeon. Every one knows that the real value of a human life cannot be converted into currency, but it is widely accepted that failure to compensate the victim or his survivors would be even more egregiously offend common sense.

4. The value of the cop's life that was lost does not depend on the net worth of the driver who killed him. However, the likelihood of recovering compensation for the amount of the loss does very much depend on the wealth of the person responsible. The notion that the woman responsible in this case should somehow be immune from making restitution for the harm she has caused because a poor person similarly culpable would be unable to compensate the victim's family, beggars belief. If no one ever had more responsibility that the least capable person in society there would be no liability ever. This fact of life is widely recognized in Anglo-Saxon law. Your unlikely to get a lawyer even to take your case if the other party is without assets.

5. Insurance companies agree to assume your liability under specified conditions, but always up to a certain maximum limit. That fact does not mean that the person who caused the loss is exempt from the actual, real losses of the victims beyond what the insurance company will assume. If that were the case, no insurance policy would every pay more than one dollar.

6. Reese may walk out on a negotiating session, but she knows that she cannot refuse to negotiate and that, in the end, she will have to pay an amount that the other side considers acceptable. Public opinion in Thailand strongly supports such an expectation. If she were to walk away from her responsibility the cop's family would have recourse to a civil suit for damages. She might be able to prevail in court, but that is far from certain.

The only aspect of this case that is particular to Thailand is the public nature of the bargaining that is going on over the amount of compensation from the guilty party. It may strike us unseemly, but such negotations are the norm even in the West although it is not likely to be so visible. In the US only the lawyers would be talking and they would be unlikely to talk to the press.

This thread presents a cornucopia of ways to fail to understand the obvious.

parked legally you say. did you see the policeman's car before the accident and noted the position ?


The depth of the ignorance on display on TV is always impressive, but especially in this thread.

More words, more words more words....

This thread presents a cornucopia of ways to fail to understand the obvious.

But what does all that have to do with stringing the witch (with a capital B ) up???

She has upset the sensibilities of the TV hang 'em high brigade. Which transcends any law. Just ask these guys...

'Course, it would be different if it were them or a loved one on the gallows.


Amazing here how many posters here claim she committed a crime and therefor should be in jail, what crime exactly? she was involved in a road traffic accident,

Also amazing how many posters seem convinced she is wealthy, where do they get this information? in thailand especially its a huge mistake to assume a persons wealth by the car they drive.


This settlement would settle the civil case. I still don't quite see if she hasn't broken any laws, why she actually has to settle anything........

The answer to this question is that manifestly she was recklessly negligent. Negligent in her driving and negligent in not paying the premium necessary get her full insurance cover.


Amazing here how many posters here claim she committed a crime and therefor should be in jail, what crime exactly? she was involved in a road traffic accident,

Also amazing how many posters seem convinced she is wealthy, where do they get this information? in thailand especially its a huge mistake to assume a persons wealth by the car they drive.

And I also wonder about that ring on the 3rd finger of her left hand... Maybe it's not her acting money that bought the car?


Still waiting to hear about the beer tycoon's grandson who killed the cop in his Ferrari. (More x than Benz). I think I read he paid the family 100K baht, not sure. Rumors were the kid was drugged up as I recall. Was that cop sleeping on the roadside. Pretty stupid of anyone to pull over on a main drag to fall asleep. And a Thai cop of all people should know better. If she didn't hit him you can bet someone else would have. And it would probably have not been a farong.

So much hypocrisy on this board. Where is the beer kid today? What happened to him? Who got paid off? ?? That happened years ago, right. Might as well use that case as the template. So if the kid is still out of the country and the cops are still "investigating" the case hey, let's wait till that one gets settled and go from there. Sounds fair to me.

Beer ?

Are you talking bout the Red Bull kid ?

He paid the family 3 million baht.

Ok, there ya go if you are correct. A multi billionaire paid the family 3 million and you all want a nobody worth next to nothing 6 million. Makes sense to me. And do we know if that kid was under the influence of anything? If so it wasn't what I would call an accident. I doubt this woman intentionally hit the cop; however, if she was drunk she should hire the same lawyer the kid did. Again, what is the status of that case?


Still waiting to hear about the beer tycoon's grandson who killed the cop in his Ferrari. (More x than Benz). I think I read he paid the family 100K baht, not sure. Rumors were the kid was drugged up as I recall. Was that cop sleeping on the roadside. Pretty stupid of anyone to pull over on a main drag to fall asleep. And a Thai cop of all people should know better. If she didn't hit him you can bet someone else would have. And it would probably have not been a farong.

So much hypocrisy on this board. Where is the beer kid today? What happened to him? Who got paid off? ?? That happened years ago, right. Might as well use that case as the template. So if the kid is still out of the country and the cops are still "investigating" the case hey, let's wait till that one gets settled and go from there. Sounds fair to me.

Beer ?

Are you talking bout the Red Bull kid ?

He paid the family 3 million baht.

Ok, there ya go if you are correct. A multi billionaire paid the family 3 million and you all want a nobody worth next to nothing 6 million. Makes sense to me. And do we know if that kid was under the influence of anything? If so it wasn't what I would call an accident. I doubt this woman intentionally hit the cop; however, if she was drunk she should hire the same lawyer the kid did. Again, what is the status of that case?

Yeah Ahhh. If you bother to read the thread and in particular previous posts of mine you will notice Iam firmly planted in the "Why should she have to pay a single cent" camp.


Amazing here how many posters here claim she committed a crime and therefor should be in jail, what crime exactly? she was involved in a road traffic accident,

Also amazing how many posters seem convinced she is wealthy, where do they get this information? in thailand especially its a huge mistake to assume a persons wealth by the car they drive.

And I also wonder about that ring on the 3rd finger of her left hand... Maybe it's not her acting money that bought the car?

Chances are the car does not belong to her, possibly belongs to the loan company or another family member.


Are we missing something here? Rams a cop car at high speed, kills a cop, and leaves the scene? In a society of just laws she would be in jail; she's not. Why?


Are we missing something here? Rams a cop car at high speed, kills a cop, and leaves the scene? In a society of just laws she would be in jail; she's not. Why?

Harldy like she legged it from the scene immediately after the accident...... she hung around for a while.

Does not sound as dramatic as your waffle though does it.


There are astill a few issues that some posters have not taken into account here, - in addition to the earlier mentioned possiblity of karma sand potential corruption-

that aside probability of any thai parking safely - think on this one people, if any of you have found someone pulled over in the fast lane with blinkers on to make a phone call then raise your hands - the Thai is incapable of parking safely, they will park on corners, blind corners, opposite junctions etc all the stuff that would normally be filed under common sense.

assuminng the policeman had any sense at all - I know this one is harder, but hands up any that have almost been run over by police on motorbike on pavement? almost hit a police on a motorbike because they was doing counter current as you made the turn,turned the corner etc etc.

why so much hate , there was less hate for the red bull heir - ok if she was greek or cypriot she may have shaved her armpits anyway, but those countries problems do not deserve her to be victimised.j

I am begining to think that many tv are women haters, its a shame, but I guess it goes with the territory in some cases.

shitting yourself in public is not necessarily the end of the world, it could even be a career maker e.g. Paris hilton sex tape same same

the biggest issue here is youose think that she is rich. actresses and acgtors do not make that much, and even less can hold onto it,

also some of the thai ones end uip in the classy brothels selling it since they don't earn much.

don't hate people, its bad enough this country struggles with justice, sometimes I feel they may just base all judgements in court on tv


Are we missing something here? Rams a cop car at high speed, kills a cop, and leaves the scene? In a society of just laws she would be in jail; she's not. Why?

Seems the bib allowed her to leave the scene without a breath test or statement, think we can put that one down to gross stupidity on the part of the bib,

Just for a moment imagine she was a somtam stall owner driving an old rusty pickup...and the deceased had been a motocyc taxi guy with a wife and a couple of kids, the insurance company would have paid what they do as normal and end of, maybe would,nt have even made the news,

I fail to see why the fact she is an actress and the deceased a bib should make any difference.


What an unconscious jerk.

I'd like to encourage Ms. Reese to wake up.

OR, one of her friends step up tell her what to do, or do it for her.

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