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Thai Disease Control and Veterinary Services: Stray dog population out of control


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I think the Thais have a special bond with these animals. They Feed the dogs and cats. Its not a burden for the Thais

That's undoubtedly true. It doesn't make it an enlightened practice, however. If the locals want to do it as a matter of culture and tradition, public safety notwithstanding, it's up to them and not for foreigners to try and force the issue otherwise. BUT, foreigners are entitled to view it as a public health menace, which it is, publicize it globally, and carry on a discussion about it among themselves so other foreigners can be aware.

For a foreigner who knows better to actually be feeding this scourge himself is beyond bizarre. I reckon that neither he nor anyone in his family has ever had to undergo the rabies series (or died of the disease), but for some that's what it takes I guess.

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In Phuket some years back the rabies control unit would do the rounds and if a dog wasn't wearing a tag it would be put down, I'm not sure what they used, it was as large syringe attached to a stick and it dropped them instantly. An option would be to have pet dogs registered ( free ) and tagged and put a bounty on strays, if there's a baht in it they'll soon get cleaned up.

That would not work, people would be killing any dog they could get hold of for the bounty payment.

They have to have a yearly Cull like a lot of countries. If the animal population on certain species gets over populated they have a cull. Like Africa in national parks they have a Cull on the elegants, Canada have the yearly Cull on the baby seals.

"Like Africa in national parks they have a Cull on the elegants,"

Sounds like a great idea for the "hi-so's" who commit crimes and buy their way out of trouble!

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Must agree with all the dog haters this time something need to be done every dog in Thailand should be dressed / neutered so if it wanders at least no more unwanted pups plenty animal charities out there in Thailand to donate to who do this jobs so as a way of thanking them just donate rather than winge about all the stray dogs its everyones problem not just the ignorant uneducated dog owners. And yes my Thai dog is chipped and dressed.

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Dogs need to be neutered all over Thailand, then the problem will diminish and only then!

On the plus side, I was lucky enough to attend the recent ASEAN International Dog Show in BKK, and was amazed at the numbers of beautifully kept dogs and the devotion lavished on

them by their owners. The standard was high even by international standards, with hundreds and hundreds of Pomeranians heading the lists, with Yorkies in second place, but I was worried

by the new fad for taking on Siberians and Alaskans, who can be temperamental in the wrong hands, as well as frequently being a 'one person dog' !

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Bali is 83% Hindu. Hindus believe that all animals have souls, and that it is their duty to look after them and nourish them. There is a huge rabies problem in Bali. Many people have died. This problem with stray dogs should be handled at once, sterilizing also your own pets to bring the numbers down. I have also lived in soi s where it is hard to get to my front door without being surrounded by a pack of dogs, but this problem must be approached humanely. Most of these dogs are in a terrible condition and need to be put to sleep peacefully.

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Here's a link to a post I made about this topic a couple of weeks ago:


I think this is a perfect example of the ineffective approach to disease control and feral dogs in Thailand. Feed the dogs? Brilliant! That'll keep those bitches whelping. (Sorry if that seems politically incorrect, but it is the proper term for female dogs with puppies. That's my BS in Animal Husbandry talking.)

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Perhaps it's time now to stop this "dogooder activism", put all stray dogs down and also check up why these Soi Dog Foundations and similar organisations failed and if considered ineffective, shut them down... I always had dogs (and cats) and also now have one (Thai street dog) and took on 5 stray cats, never went for specials breeds or something as there are enough street dog puppies and kittens out there, so I took a couple of them in, but one can do only so much. If the population gets out of hand, it is time for drastic measures.

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Arf Arf...( Listen Up ) I am the mangy dog that lives near you and I disagree......Besides, I was born here in Thailand while I am a mangy THAI dog , not a Foreigner dog.... so no criticism please.....everything is under control and nothing to worry about...no problem here except all the meddling foreigners complaining about nothing important and none of you business anyhow, as all us mangy dogs are common in Thailand while mangy flea ridden dogs are a Thai peoples problem.. Arf, Arf. ( Nuff Said )

Posted on behalf of the: Coalition of Mangy Thai Dogs


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"Stray dogs were unclean, caused noise pollution and road accidents, and spread pestilence — particularly rabies."

That goes for the so called "owned" dogs too, Owners can't raise or take care of their dogs properly, and when they attack a child or a jogger they are suddenly not "owned" anymore. What kind of stupidity drives a person to get a puppy, then leave it alone around the house all day long while owner goes to work, barking and whining all day long. Then when owner comes home he lets it out on the streets to bite and maim the neighbors children, Just utterly stupid.

The concept of responsibility for your actions totally eludes the Thai population....

My neighbor in Pattaya had a yapping poodle that would come defecate in my driveway. The lady would feed mangy soi dogs right outside her front gate, so they naturally took up residence there, then the poodle would yap all night long at them.

It was quite maddening.


There was a community pool there, and they kept a soi dog (that was about as friendly as a rattlesnake), that would lay right in front of the bar and snap at customers if they got too close.

Utterly brain-less people.


My father-in-law up in Surin had a dog that looked like he was straight off the set of a zombie movie.

He got after me one day & all I did was walk by it. I happened to be wearing decent shoes (not sandals) & caught it in the throat with a good kick as he was charging in at me.

The zombie dog finally died (the rest of the way) & I got him a Golden Retriever, as I knew he'd just get another curr. That mutt was the sweetest dog ever when it came to people.

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The solution to this is very simple for ever two balls (Testicles ) brought to a specified vet centers the deliver recieves 200 baht. This solves the population problem very quickly. They don't have to kill the dogs. And once again the Author of the article like so many Thai's seem to blame the female dog, not the males. Since losing 4 puppies to a neighborhood cull last month I can assure you that the bitches are not going around humping the male dog's. It's the male that is responsible for the population explosion. Cut off his Balls and no more population problem!

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good to see the old dog back on the air.

TV administrators don't seem too bothered this time.

some of my, and others, previously deleted posts on this topic might have made it.

actions speak loader than

may the force be with you.

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For you doggy bleeding hearts, have you ever had a 3 yr. old son that almost lost an eye to a dog? A dog that was in your portion of a communal yard on your clothes line? A dog that "disappeared" along with it's owner before you could get there? A 3 yr. old son that you had to help hold down on a "pappose" board while his face was stitched up without anesthetic, too close to eye? A 3 yr. old son that you had to drive 200 miles, cross a ferry to the nearest source and return through the night so he could have rabies vac. for? I never found the disappeared owner or the dog (tracked the hiding place), but I did find the owner's brother who hid the dog, he was very, very out cold when I left him on the floor. You people know nothing. I owned and loved my dogs, not a one would ever bite a child and not a one ran loose. My dogs were trained, not allowed off property and loved. In fact the Shepard I trained as an attack/protection dog slept with me, ahem when I slept alone.

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It isn't like this happened yesterday, it has been this way for years.... rolleyes.gif

Read some reviews to send them to Viet Nam, they only want the good ones. And some think Thais do not eat dogs?

Hate to disappoint you but they do..... Just depends when you were there like years ago?

I and my wife are living here America, sometimes our neighborhood is a dumping ground for and I put it out clearly, this is wrong. They look no different than the dogs in the pics.....

What a shame. I love our dogs, they are like a soul mate in my book......

Just my opinion facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

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Of course they must be culled....actually, "cull" draws short of what should be done about strays...they should be wiped out.

One problem if they do a cull, will be well-meaning residents saving them out of pity or a sense of Buddhist piety and claiming them as "owned".

I reckon the answer is not to announce anything. Owned dogs should be inside or chained up, so have a pickup truck cruise the streets at 3 am dropping poisoned baits.

My ex's 22 year old brain dead son 'rescued' a dog that was going to be put down by a neighbor. He was so happy and fed her for maybe 2 weeks then the novelty wore off and ignored her ever since. It ended up with me on his case and feeding the poor dog for a while then refusing and putting the onus on him. This didn't go down well and he left taking the dog with him. 1 year later he returned with the half starved dog. After my ex and I and occasionally him feeding her the inevitable happened and she got pregnant. Along came 8 pups 3 of which dies inside 2 weeks I think by the mum lying on them though not sure. The rest ran wild never looked after or contained and eventually after 6 months 1 was left as all the others had been run down by bikes and cars. He didn't take kindly to my constant nagging that he needed to get her doctored and just used to smile. To this day he never walked the dog or interacted with her and now she too is dead after been run over . Stupidity doesn't sum it up enough.! Third world with a mainly stupid young male population. I might add that he went to Uni and got his degree! The only one in the village to do so. But not the only idiot ! Edited by Nigeone
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Damn! Four pages on disgusting dogs and I only just got to it! The majority of comments agree with me; non-working dogs are a menace to health; road safety and peace of mind. They are a waste of oxygen and protein. I am a self-confessed dog-hater but I wasn't born that way. It took a younger brother being savaged and a couple of accidents caused by roaming dogs to bring me to where I am today.

50 years ago in uncivilised Britain, every lo-so council estate had marauding packs of uncontrolled dogs. Education and bitter experience helped bring about Government initiatives. There are no cases of rabies and only the occasional child gets savaged/killed in UK. Perhaps in another 50 years Thailand will wake up to the fact that holiday makers abhor wild dogs; love uninterrupted sleep; and enjoy accident free roads. Until then TIT!

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This is a big problem where I live. The other morning I had 11 dogs sitting at my gate when I left in the car.

One of these dogs is savage, dangerous. I complained or at least I asked the land lord if something could be done about the stray dogs

No was his reply.

Today only one dog out there... What has happened?

I just hope they dont return.

They should be gathered up & exported to Vietnam. They love dogs.


I have 2 Soi Dog rescues that were destined for Vietnam on a meat truck. They do indeed love dogs as food. Your comment is very insensitive. I think the bigger picture is that the dogs cannot be blamed for what has happened. Indifference and a lack of a Spay and Release program are clearly huge contributing factors to the ballooning dog and cat population. Getting to grip with these two factors would definitely improve the situation long-term.

As for Thais feeding street dogs because they think its 'cute', I disagree. People, including myself, feed street dogs because they are hungry. We realise that nothing else can be done for these poor sods except make sure they have a meal in their belly. I'm sure you would do the same if you saw a starving person on the streets. To ignore it compounds the indifference that exists here.

As for the noise, disease, etc. that come with the dog population then if its really a burden perhaps move to a developed country. Don't come to Asia if these things bother you. It's rife.

I will enthusiastically back any program that humanely deals with the dog and cat population here. I have seen it work in the UAE where the stray population is now largely under control thanks to Gov policy and some very caring organisations that work closely with the Gov.

So please, before you start pointing blame to dogs and people that care, perhaps think of how you can support practical and humane solutions to this problem.

If you will feed stray dogs please go back later and pick up all the poo. To leave that lying around is a big part of the problem and unless you clean up you are part of the problem too.

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Of course they must be culled....actually, "cull" draws short of what should be done about strays...they should be wiped out.

One problem if they do a cull, will be well-meaning residents saving them out of pity or a sense of Buddhist piety and claiming them as "owned".

I reckon the answer is not to announce anything. Owned dogs should be inside or chained up, so have a pickup truck cruise the streets at 3 am dropping poisoned baits.

My ex's 22 year old brain dead son 'rescued' a dog that was going to be put down by a neighbor. He was so happy and fed her for maybe 2 weeks then the novelty wore off and ignored her ever since. It ended up with me on his case and feeding the poor dog for a while then refusing and putting the onus on him. This didn't go down well and he left taking the dog with him. 1 year later he returned with the half starved dog. After my ex and I and occasionally him feeding her the inevitable happened and she got pregnant. Along came 8 pups 3 of which dies inside 2 weeks I think by the mum lying on them though not sure. The rest ran wild never looked after or contained and eventually after 6 months 1 was left as all the others had been run down by bikes and cars. He didn't take kindly to my constant nagging that he needed to get her doctored and just used to smile. To this day he never walked the dog or interacted with her and now she too is dead after been run over . Stupidity doesn't sum it up enough.! Third world with a mainly stupid young male population. I might add that he went to Uni and got his degree! The only one in the village to do so. But not the only idiot !

Congratulations Nigeone, your description of the outstanding results achieved in road kill in your area have put you straight into the final three of this years "I'm not a dog hater but....." award.

Again, congratulations; stories like yours can only be an inspiration to the rest of us working towards the same ends.


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noooooooooo....based on what visual evidence.....duh..

did you just notice this?

did you think that perhaps they were freelance bargirls?

when the hell did you wake up?

Amazingly Blind Thailand

Lay off the juice, what the hell are you on about.

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