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Email troubles persisting, Clinton camp reassures backers


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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

from the OP:

And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

There must not have been any reporters from Fox News in the audience, as they love to keep stirring the pot about this non-important-issue. If Republicans could challenge Clinton on issues or policies, they would try doing that. But they can't, so they resort to what they're best at: Slinging mud, and hoping some sticks.

If/when the email issue blows over, what will Republicans attack next? ....her pants suit cut too high above the ankle? ....Socks the cat has bad breath?

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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

from the OP:

And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

There must not have been any reporters from Fox News in the audience, as they love to keep stirring the pot about this non-important-issue. If Republicans could challenge Clinton on issues or policies, they would try doing that. But they can't, so they resort to what they're best at: Slinging mud, and hoping some sticks.

If/when the email issue blows over, what will Republicans attack next? ....her pants suit cut too high above the ankle? ....Socks the cat has bad breath?

True. Remember how past campaigns were always about the economy and jobs? Well since the economy has been churning along and the unemployment rate relatively low, the Republicans can't crow about that. So it's about Benghazi and e-mail servers. Funny but even Donald Trump (back in the day) said the economy was typically better under the Democrats. He's actually right about something!

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In addition for those who still think HRC is a viable candiidate...



Hillary will be totally blackmail-able if elected.
Here’s the logic:

See the rest here: http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/

More rightwing howling at the moon.

Despite the right getting hammered on the Manchurian Candidate drivel against Prez Obama, the lunar right comes with it again, this time against former SecState Hillary Clinton.

Keep at it guyz cause there's no proof or any evidence of anything youse guyz keep making up full time and howling ever louder and longer about.

The link is to that widely known and hooded "anonymous journalist" writing creative fiction at the universally respected laughed at website "instapundit.com". laugh.png

And the flying rightwingers are only beginning to get cranked up in their crank websites and links. clap2.gif

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I'm actually gonna miss prez Obama and his wife and kids being in the White House. I watched a few music shows which were staged there with the Obamas hosting (google; Gershwin awards). They're genuine people - such a refreshing change from pretty much any of the candidates we're seeing now. Nearly every US prez in the past 60 years has had some drawbacks or screw-ups which rocked the ship of state:

Eisenhower: did ok overall, but had Nixon as a VP, and instigated the Bay of Pigs plan

Kennedy: inherited the Bay of Pigs plan and unwittingly carried it out

Johnson: gave impetus to the Vietnam war

Nixon: said he would end the war, but actually blew wind in its sails and allowed Cambodia to be bombed. Watergate and the only prez to be impeached and to step down.

Ford: Pardoned Nixon and got hit on the head with a golf ball.

Carter: Iran hostage crises and failed rescue effort (neither were his fault). Walter Cronkite said Carter "was the most articulate president" he's spoken with.

Reagan: Iran/Contra and the trillion dollar waste of 'Start Wars'. Lowered taxes, then raised them higher than before.

Bush Sr: 'Read my lips, no new taxes' (to get elected) ...then raised taxes.

Clinton: Lewinski and a wet cigar. The only one to have a surplus instead of a deficit.

Bush Jr: 2nd Iraq War

Obama: ....no big screw-up in 7 years and counting. Unless you're a Republican, Obama hasn't had any screw-ups at all.

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The right needs to put a tamp on its desperate search of a case to build. biggrin.png

The right doesn't have to do anything at the moment. The left is throwing her under their own clown bus now.

No matter how you slice it, it's still baloney.

It is the Republican party and the far right that control it that had recognized they don't have the votes to elect the next president so they've set out to try to prevail in the election by hook or by crook which is exactly what this is all about.

Except for 1996 and 2012, every election of the president since 1980 has (in one way or another) had a Bush in it to include this one, and we easily remember the Florida Chad Election of 2000.

By hook or by crook, the Republican party.

Btw, it could turn out Sen Ted Cruz might come out of the Republican nominating convention next summer as the 1964 Barry Goldwater of this election. Donald Trump might have that power of anointment at the convention. Let's hope so.

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It's baloney until it's not baloney.

I would not rule out at this point that there isn't something that can be nailed on Hillary Clinton that she won't be able to make go away.

There are good reasons to be very concerned about her candidacy now.

It's not over yet and maybe she can weather all this ... but don't be totally shocked if it becomes over.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's baloney until it's not baloney.

I would not rule out at this point that there isn't something that can be nailed on Hillary Clinton that she won't be able to make go away.

There are good reasons to be very concerned about her candidacy now.

It's not over yet and maybe she can weather all this ... but don't be totally shocked if it becomes over.

By hook or by crook.

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It is true the right wing badly wants to eliminate the Hillary threat and anyone but Hillary will have a harder time of winning ... but that doesn't mean Hillary hasn't supplied enough ammo to hang herself anyway ... because possibly she might have. Just keeping it real.

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It is true the right wing badly wants to eliminate the Hillary threat and anyone but Hillary will have a harder time of winning ... but that doesn't mean Hillary hasn't supplied enough ammo to hang herself anyway ... because possibly she might have. Just keeping it real.

This is 99% by hook or by crook.

Same as with President Obama and same as with President Bill Clinton.

Same as the Florida Chad Vote Count in 2000.

By hook or by crook.

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It is true the right wing badly wants to eliminate the Hillary threat and anyone but Hillary will have a harder time of winning ... but that doesn't mean Hillary hasn't supplied enough ammo to hang herself anyway ... because possibly she might have. Just keeping it real.

This is 99% by hook or by crook.

Same as with President Obama and same as with President Bill Clinton.

Same as the Florida Chad Vote Count in 2000.

By hook or by crook.

I agree. There is no layer of rank mud too low for Republicans to dig. The refutation of John Kerry's admirable service during the Vietnam War. Right after the Democratic nomination convention, when Republicans saw how John Kerry had an exemplary wartime record, the Reps realized that could blow their candidate out of the water. What did the Reps do in response? Did they try to publicize how great their candidate was? Did they showcase their policy suggestions to make America a better nation? No. They put all their resources in to throwing mud at Kerry's Vietnam record. I would amend Publicus' view: 'by hook or by Nixon-like crook, or by truckloads of steaming dank mud.....'

Get out your shovels, Republicans, you'all are going to need a whole lot of mud slinging to get any to stick to Ms Clinton.

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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

from the OP:

And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

There must not have been any reporters from Fox News in the audience, as they love to keep stirring the pot about this non-important-issue.

Non-important issue? Top Secret Government Data on a private server is non-important? facepalm.gif

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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

from the OP:

And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

There must not have been any reporters from Fox News in the audience, as they love to keep stirring the pot about this non-important-issue.

Non-important issue? Top Secret Government Data on a private server is non-important? facepalm.gif

It SURE was important when General Petraeus did it - on a much more minor level. whistling.gif

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Any time I hear Hillary say, "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my e-mail," I think of Bill Clinton when he said, "I did not have sex with that woman."

Hillary Clinton is the anti-Trump. The more people see her, hear her, and know about her, the less they like her. With Trump just the opposite. This is what happened to her in 2008. It's happening again. She simply is not a likable person. With this email business, in fact, she looks more and more like another Richard Nixon.

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I understand your POV but I have a feeling that she might really be in trouble.

Incessant spin is not a POV. It is propaganda.


But my POV is that Hillary has positions most democrats and even swing voters can support and she is definitely well qualified based on experience to be president BUT she also is both unlikable and damaged goods. Also, sorry, really old goods. So I see this as a tactical decision. Is she really the democrats best option now, assuming she dodges legal conviction which I'm not assuming? Like many other democrats I think there is a good argument to throw her to the curb.

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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.

from the OP:

And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

There must not have been any reporters from Fox News in the audience, as they love to keep stirring the pot about this non-important-issue.

Non-important issue? Top Secret Government Data on a private server is non-important? facepalm.gif

No person is being investigated by the FBI. No law is alleged to be broken. No charges are alleged. No prosecutor is involved. There is no grand jury.

The inspectors general are examining documents to determine the accuracy of the present classification status of certain documents.

Former SecState Clinton says she never sent a document that at the time she knew to be classified.

This is the Republican party in the control of Congress and the far right that controls the Republican party concocting their standard and predictable election politics that we first saw in the 2000 election Florida chad vote count. In that one, 5 Republican judges on the Supreme Court got to vote twice for the office of president.

So where is this going this time? This is finally going to backfire and explode in the faces of the Republicans and their rightwingnuts.

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Is she really the democrats best option now, assuming she dodges legal conviction which I'm not assuming? Like many other democrats I think there is a good argument to throw her to the curb.

We agree on this one. Hillary might not end up in the pokey, but it is unlikely that she will win political office any time soon. I like Jim Webb. How about you?

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More news released today that indicates Hillary might have a much larger problem than originally believed.

In order for a private contractor to receive either classified or sensitive information from the US government, the firm must first be cleared by the Defense Security Service (DSS). This agency investigates private companies to determine their suitability to handle, process and store sensitive government communications and documents. The investigative procedure is lengthy, cumbersome and thorough. If the applicant is found satisfactory, they may then enter into government contracts concerning classified or sensitive materials.

Where is all this leading, you ask?

It has been announced today that Hillary's private server did not have DSS clearance and was never authorized to handle her classified or sensitive government content. In short, every e-mail she sent relating to official government business was transmitted through an unclassified server in violation of federal security requirements.

While some will probably announce this is merely a snag in her operation, let me reassure you that anybody that holds a security clearance issued by the Defense Security Services knows enough not to perform work until a Contractor has been approved by the DSS with Facility Clearance.

This could be a serious infraction of federal security procedures.


Exclusive: Hillary’s IT Contractor Did Not Have Proper Security Clearance
3:13 PM 08/14/2015
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton entrusted her email server to an IT firm that was not cleared to handle classified materials, according to the chief spokesman for the Defense Security Service.
The DSS is an arm of the Defense Department and is the only federal agency authorized to approve private sector company access to sensitive or confidential material.
The agency reviews and approves private contractors to assure they have secure facilities and approves security clearances for employees to clear them for access to sensitive or classified materials.
Since 2013, Clinton used Platte River Networks, a small Denver-based company, to upgrade and maintain her private email server at her home in Chappaqua, New York.
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The GOP is trying really hard to push this e-mail issue, but nobody outside of the Republican Party really cares.
from the OP:

And Terry Shumaker, a longtime supporter in New Hampshire, said the issue didn't come up during Clinton's campaigning in the state this week. "People were free to ask about anything, and nobody asked about emails," he said.

There must not have been any reporters from Fox News in the audience, as they love to keep stirring the pot about this non-important-issue.

Non-important issue? Top Secret Government Data on a private server is non-important? facepalm.gif

No person is being investigated by the FBI. No law is alleged to be broken. No charges are alleged. No prosecutor is involved. There is no grand jury.

The inspectors general are examining documents to determine the accuracy of the present classification status of certain documents.

Former SecState Clinton says she never sent a document that at the time she knew to be classified.

This is the Republican party in the control of Congress and the far right that controls the Republican party concocting their standard and predictable election politics that we first saw in the 2000 election Florida chad vote count. In that one, 5 Republican judges on the Supreme Court got to vote twice for the office of president.

So where is this going this time? This is finally going to backfire and explode in the faces of the Republicans and their rightwingnuts.

Uh no. The investigators have already determined from the emails Hillary already submitted that there are 4 classified documents. The list will grow. Stop your idiotic strawman arguments about the Republicans.

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From California Senator Feinstein, who is one of the few people who have actually read the emails being discussed:

"“None of the emails alleged to contain classified information were written by Secretary Clinton,” Mrs. Feinstein said in a statement. “The questions are whether she received emails with classified information in them, and if so, whether information in those emails should have been classified in the first place. Those questions have yet to be answered.” Mrs. Feinstein also said, “None of the emails alleged to contain classified information include any markings that indicate classified content.”"

source / Wall Street Journal

Edited by boomerangutang
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hey amy, meet me in soi 7.



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The dispute is among the intelligence agencies concerning what gets classified when, and the how people with a security clearance can know to recognise classified documents when they are not stamped.

It's an ongoing major issue concerning the protection of proprietary information in the private corporate sector, and it is an issue in government in respect of security information.

What information is shared with whom when it is not stamped as classified, or when the material does not have any indication on it that it might be classified information.

What about unstamped materials whose nature would seem to merit being classified but are in fact not classified. Conversely, what about unstamped materials that appear to be common knowledge, such as another stealth weapon, but which is in fact classified.

It is a vitally important issue of national security with many nuanced questions, factors, considerations, yet it is being reduced to being a political football.

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After holding various types of security clearances for over 33 years, I can state without a shadow of a doubt what she did was WAY outside security regulations. How she was allowed to have her own server is beyond fathomable and logical thought.

Here:s the latest: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hillary-clinton-email-classified-information-public-domain-unredacted-form/

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