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Purported ISIS militants post list of 1,400 U.S. 'targets'


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Purported ISIS militants post list of 1,400 U.S. 'targets'
By Dugald McConnell and Brian Todd, CNN

(CNN) A group calling itself the Islamic State Hacking Division this week posted online a purported list of names and contacts for Americans it refers to as "targets," according to officials.

Though the legitimacy of the list is questionable, and much of the information it contains is outdated, the message claims to provide the phone numbers, locations, and "passwords" for 1400 American government and military personnel as well as purported credit card numbers, and excerpts of some Facebook chats.

"We are extracting confidential data," the message says, "and passing on your personal information to the soldiers of the khilafah, who soon with the permission of Allah will strike at your necks in your own lands!"

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2015/08/13/world/isis-militants-american-targets/index.html

-- CNN 2015-08-14

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its rather easy for a willing individual, hitman

i never understood why they are called isis? islamic state is is not isis

edit: nevermind i saw its for "irak and syria"

Edited by srl1
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Cavemen with computers. Idiots with ideologies. Fools with foolhardy foolishness.

Extemporaneous excrement soon to be exterminated.

I am peaceful. They are not.

We are many.

They are few.


Roses are red and violets are blue . . .

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i never understood why they are called isis? islamic state is is not isis

We should not allow them the right to be referred to as Islamic, because what they represent is a perverse distortion of the faith and its followers.

They should be referred to as "Daish". Not only is this an acronym of the groups full name (al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham) but depending on how you pronounce it in Arabic, it can mean "a bigot that imposes his/her views on others".

It has been reported that the leaders of "Daish" hate this name.

Which, as far as I'm concerned, is great.

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i never understood why they are called isis? islamic state is is not isis

We should not allow them the right to be referred to as Islamic, because what they represent is a perverse distortion of the faith and its followers.

They should be referred to as "Daish". Not only is this an acronym of the groups full name (al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham) but depending on how you pronounce it in Arabic, it can mean "a bigot that imposes his/her views on others".

It has been reported that the leaders of "Daish" hate this name.

Which, as far as I'm concerned, is great.

You can call them whatever you like, the fact is they are Islamic puritans. As for Imposing ones views on others, what is Sharia law if not that?

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Now any Islamic Terrorist worth his salt would quickly realise that their real enemies are the banksters and not those on any hacked list. And yet those trouble making parasites and war for profit merchants never, ever get targetted (or jailed or prosecuted for that matter).

Just as well I'm not the conspitatorial type or I'd start wondereing if the Islamic terrorists are in fact indirectly working for said banksters. Cause by my thinking if a whole bunch of senior bankers in the usual criminal firms started getting knocked off you would suspect that the wars for profit might settle down real quick.

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Now any Islamic Terrorist worth his salt would quickly realise that their real enemies are the banksters and not those on any hacked list. And yet those trouble making parasites and war for profit merchants never, ever get targetted (or jailed or prosecuted for that matter).

Just as well I'm not the conspitatorial type or I'd start wondereing if the Islamic terrorists are in fact indirectly working for said banksters. Cause by my thinking if a whole bunch of senior bankers in the usual criminal firms started getting knocked off you would suspect that the wars for profit might settle down real quick.

Banksters and in turn arms manufacturers(all linked together) are truly in favor of war as they supply the winners and losers with fire power. To be a big war winner you have to come down on both sides of the fence.

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