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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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Just another typical "Waaaa I want my moral outlook to be imposed on other people" topic like so many before it. Oh but wait, he claims it's "universal morals". What a load of kwaii crap. It's no different than any other religious whacko who decides that his/her religious view should be "the law" because, in their tiny little minds, their religion is the only true one and their "god" created the universe so of course their interpretation of "his" views must therefore be "universal". Notice he's only upset about "foreign" men and makes no mention of older Thai men with women who've yet to hit the big "2-0".

I can almost imagine the scenario that led up to this topic. Happens a lot, especially in places like Pattaya.

Some under 50 guy who thinks he's a stud has eyes on some young hottie doing her thang on the stage. He's getting all sweaty imaging all the things she'll do for him (after she gets off work because, you know, no money for bar fines). Of course because it's "after work" and no bar fine, she won't (hopefully) expect to be paid so it's not like he's going with a hooker then, is it ?

Oh no ! Wrinkle in the plan. She's sitting with some 50ish guy with gray hair that has just bought her a drink. He's telling jokes and making her laugh. What ? She's gone off and changed into street clothes ?! Now the 2 of them are leaving - TOGETHER ?!?!?!?

That can't be right ! That offends my moral dignity ! Why would that hot girl go with that old guy for money when she should be with me (for free) !!!!!

Yeah - haven't seen that happen before a thousand (or more) times. rolleyes.gif

Say - you weren't that codger in that bar in Ban Chang a little while ago were you ? A bunch of us rode down there, had a pizza and were in one bar chatting up the girls when this one foreigner came in. He saw his "favourite" sitting on my lap and kept glancing over trying to catch her eye. He finally gave up and left with a dejected look on his face. (I even asked her if that was her boyfriend and she shook her head violently, hugged me tight and said "Not like him. Only like you.")

Of course she's going to say that - she's looking for a sexy older man she can settle down and have a family with ! w00t.gif (She was disappointed when we paid the bill and left without her though.)

Meanwhile if your an oil tycoon, a movie star or the publisher of a successful "mens" magazine and dating, even marrying women young enough to be your granddaughter, it's OK because you know, they are rich and famous. "But I tell you now from my self-righteous pulpit of moral authority, when I see some 20 year old Thai girl I can't afford leave with some ordinary 50 year old foreign guy - it fills me with fury !"

I often hit the bars with some Thai friends and it's often almost as much fun to watch the other people in the bars as it is to have fun with the girls. I've often said that Walking Street would make a most excellent reality TV show, except that unlike the brain-decaying mush that Hollywood puts out, on Walking Street pretty much all of the excitement and drama would be real.

I've watched awesomely hot young girls turn down young studly guys for a variety of reasons. I've had dozens and dozens of 20ish year old girls tell me they prefer older men. I call them out (โกหก) but they tell me it's true. They tell me that older men are usually better able to care for them and less likely to run around and cheat on them. (Of course if the young guy happens to look like the latest TV or music video star then it's a whole different matter.) Personally I prefer older girls I can have more than a 2 word conversation with and aren't expecting to hit the clubs and karaokes until 5am. (Plus I don't trust that a lot of the "young" ones are as old as they claim to be.)

Beyond all that though, if there is an issue with 20 year old Thai girls going out with 50 year old "foreign" men, then it's a Thai issue. If Thai culture accepts it then too bad so sad for you and your "foreign" sense of morals. I highly doubt you are being forced to be here, unless of course you are one of the many who can't afford to live in your home country and can barely afford to live here but expect everything to be the same as it is "back home" and are upset that the locals don't see you as some kind of "royalty" because of your nationality and skin colour.

Yeah, we see a lot of that here too. dry.png

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

My 42 year old Thai wife of 9 years quite likes holding hands. But she is a bit embarrassed in front of older close family members on a cultural basis.

Yea, it might be cultural, but 9 times out of 10 when I see pairs holding hands it's either a young thai couple (most likely still in the first overly romantic period of their relationship) or it's the old farang with a 20-something girl.

Hand holding is definitely a cultural thing, I couple of times when I lived in Dubai older local (non-gay) males sometimes took my hand when walking, especially if they were showing the way to somewhere. It felt strange, but when in Rome do as the Romans.... :-) But if I had held the hand of my wife it would have been frowned upon there.

I really don't care in general what people are doing what with who, but it annoys me when they block the already cramped sidewalks forcing the others out in the street because of their "affection".

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Another nasty narrow-minded and superior post. Do you personally know the couple in the photo? Do you know their ages and the circumstances of their relationship? You jump to the conclusion the woman in the photo is a 2-week rented prostitute. That's possible, it's also possible they have been married for 10 years and are a very loving couple. Posts like yours speak volumes about the state of your own mind.

I'm out walking about 200 km per month in Bangkok and I see a lot of people and pairs like this. I'm sure that there are some very loving and romantic couples out there and this couple might be one of them. But there are so extremely many of them that one can generalize a bit without being a condescending tosser. (The dude in the pic was about 60+, SEA females are extremely hard to guess the age of...)

You don't see this in Kuala Lumpur, London, Stockholm or Miami to nowhere the same degree. Maybe it's the Bangkok atmosphere that makes people overly romantic - there might me many who are getting turned on by the fragrance of the drainage system :-)

But as I said in another post, I don't mind what, how and with whom people lives - as long as they are considerate enough to not block the sidewalks.

Edited by matseng
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I'm out walking about 200 km per month in Bangkok and I see a lot of people and pairs like this. I'm sure that there are some very loving and romantic couples out there and this couple might be one of them. But there are so extremely many of them that one can generalize a bit without being a condescending tosser. (The dude in the pic was about 60+, SEA females are extremely hard to guess the age of...)

You don't see this in Kuala Lumpur, London, Stockholm or Miami to nowhere the same degree. Maybe it's the Bangkok atmosphere that makes people overly romantic - there might me many who are getting turned on by the fragrance of the drainage system :-)

But as I said in another post, I don't mind what, how and with whom people lives - as long as they are considerate enough to not block the sidewalks.

I've noticed the same thing. Pretty much the only couples you see indulging in public displays of affection around Bangkok are the older farang/younger Thai combos.

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?


Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

Then why isn't everyone else doing it?

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Same old song different lyrics.

Is this comment from the moderator being sarcastic? Do you agree that an old man should be with a women 1/3 of his age?

Doesn't matter what he or even you think about such issue.

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Legal age of consent in Thailand is 15. Obviously the Thai beleive 15 is old enough to have sex. Foreigners obey a different law that makes it a crime under 18. If it bothers you so much that an older man is with a younger woman of legal age then you have moved to the wrong country. 18 is legal everywhere in the world and very popular here. I really don't understand people like you.

Edited by bustit997
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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

Then why isn't everyone else doing it?

I guess everyone else is unromantic or doesn't like displays of affection in public. Rather sad really.

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

Then why isn't everyone else doing it?

I guess everyone else is unromantic or doesn't like displays of affection in public. Rather sad really.

So true romance only blossoms when there's a certain age gap involved and the chap has a certain amount of cash in the bank?

Seems unlikely.

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

Then why isn't everyone else doing it?

I guess everyone else is unromantic or doesn't like displays of affection in public. Rather sad really.

So true romance only blossoms when there's a certain age gap involved and the chap has a certain amount of cash in the bank?

Seems unlikely.

Not at all. True romance can blossom in any relationship.

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?


Why do you have a pathological issue with what other adult people do?

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

Then why isn't everyone else doing it?
I guess everyone else is unromantic or doesn't like displays of affection in public. Rather sad really.

Thats because im not very hansum. And i dont have young beauties hanging off me....... until i reach the airport in my home country

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There's various types of sex. Petting (incl. full body massage), protected penetrative sex, and unprotected sex.

The loss of virginity by penetrative sex is a problem within traditional Thai culture.

The real problem is unprotected sex which can lead to pregnancies and STDs.

Maybe a deposit should be recommended for the latter, to be paid back when it is clear that a certain man is not the father of his gf's child and did not spread STD. Of course this could only happen if sex work would be legal and sex contracts would be recognised.

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

Then why isn't everyone else doing it?

So... if everyone isn't doing "something" then it can't possibly, according to you, be true feelings or romantic?

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A bit off tangent to this thread - but why do most of these old geezers have a pathological need to walk with their GF-For-Two-Weeks holding hands all the time? Did they pay in advance and is afraid she will run off?

Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

Then why isn't everyone else doing it?

So... if everyone isn't doing "something" then it can't possibly, according to you, be true feelings or romantic?

Isn't this getting a bit silly now?

Does it seem likely that only these specific couples hold the key to true romance?

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I'm not suggesting that big age gaps in relationships are wrong because I don't believe they are. If a 55 year old wants to date or marry a 25 year old, all well and good. If that's based on money or whatever, who cares?

I'm suggesting that Thai girls under the age of 22 - unlike similarly aged girls in the USA or Europe - don't really have the emotional maturity to consider the implications and ramifications of having a physical relationship with a man three times their age and, therefore, should be protected from predatory foreigners who are far more likely to seek them out purely for sex.

I'd like to see it extended to Thai men too but there are some cultural aspects that might cause stiff resistance.

Stiff resistance?? Yes, I see what you mean...

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Holding hands is rather sweet and romantic. Where's your heart?

Then why isn't everyone else doing it?

So... if everyone isn't doing "something" then it can't possibly, according to you, be true feelings or romantic?

Isn't this getting a bit silly now?

Does it seem likely that only these specific couples hold the key to true romance?

Brewsterbudgen wrote that he though that holding hands is "rather sweet and romantic".

You interpreted that as "if it's really like that then why aren't EVERYONE doing it"? (notice the capitalized bold word)

The recurring theme in your texts is that "i don't see it like that so it can't be like that".

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Brewsterbudgen wrote that he though that holding hands is "rather sweet and romantic".

You interpreted that as "if it's really like that then why aren't EVERYONE doing it"? (notice the capitalized bold word)

The recurring theme in your texts is that "i don't see it like that so it can't be like that".

It's an interesting question. But this is getting us no closer to answering it, is it?

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I didn't get past those poor 'non-western' girls that aren't at the same emotional level of their farang counterparts

Those 17 and 18 year old farang girls are very clever and mature but those Thais ones ... they need super extra protection cause cause cause ... well, reasons!

I am sure the OP has loads of experience of Thai 17 and 18 year olds that he can explain why they need special protective treatment compared to other girls the same age around the world and how exactly it's different

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Why not make it world-wide, you can't just discriminate. So it would be illegal for some 60 year old, mega-rich rock star in America or the UK to marry or have sex with any girl under 20. Good luck with that. Why do you think all those 16 year old groupies are down at the stage at rock concerts?

Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies. Its all about the money honey. The whole world is changed. My Skype is constantly bombarded by young girls even from the USA looking for a hand out and a way out. Most though come from Ghana(a well know area for hustlers) There are marriage merchants/brokers representing young girls in the Slavic countries who just want a better life. They will hook up with a guy sight unseen. I have watched many TV programs on the subject. Young ladies today want to take a short cut the days of my hard working grandmother is long gone. She lost her husband and 3 sons including my father before she was 45 and managed to survive till age 91 what a sweet heart I really miss her. Getting back to the topic my g/f is more than 3 times younger than me but over the age of consent. We have been together over 3 years now. Everything works great. She is definitely one of a kind. Some lucky lad will meet a great lady after I snuff it. I sincerely hope he is worthy as there are a lot of bad apples from foreign countries out there.

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Either a Troll or a self righteous prat

Oh I get it.

I'm a troll because I dare to question what you perceive is your God-given right to pay to push your senile penile into a girl a third of your age?

Well alright then

If your looking for a free bible send me your address.

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Its not about protecting young Thai girls , it should be dont abuse any women, what ever Nationality,Many Do not understand or want to understand Thai culture, many men think All these bar girls and older women sell there bodys because they are nymphomaniacs. Most sex tourist come to Thailand because they can get away with things they would not dare to do at home.

If you want to get on a soapbox and preach about protecting women, young or otherwise, I suggest you get the next plane to Yemen or Saudi Arabia and see how you go.

Watch Bill Maher's a Muslim Fashion Show before you go. It may get your goat(your allowed to eat that) but forget pork. Yes goats eat tin cans.

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Either a Troll or a self righteous prat

Oh I get it.

I'm a troll because I dare to question what you perceive is your God-given right to pay to push your senile penile into a girl a third of your age?

Well alright then

no ,you're a troll because your question is really a proposition? and your motives hidden...

you really have nothing noteworthy to contribute,if a 40y old fornicates with a 18y o what would be different from the 60 y old doing the same?

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Well, if you wanted to stir the hornets nest you succeeded, but it appears the overwhelming majority think that you might be a tad misguided to put it politely. So, I suggest Thailand may not be for you, as the sight of all these lecherous old falangs arm in arm with nubile Thai ladies may cause you an unnecessary amount of distress. May I suggest Yemen as an alternative, as I'm sure this kind of debauchery is virtually non-existent, as the penalty is punishable by stoning, causing death.

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How many motorbikes, pick ups even houses are bought for good old mom and dad from these young girls????? That money train would take more than a ban or crackdown to derail.

It's the same the world over, it's just a difference of bank balance. Money and power attracts women like bees to honey.

Can you believe it? This guy wins$181million in the lottery and then finds the love of his life ....just2 days later. Talk about LUCK!!

From the look on his face I can only guess where he just had it.

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Brewsterbudgen wrote that he though that holding hands is "rather sweet and romantic".

You interpreted that as "if it's really like that then why aren't EVERYONE doing it"? (notice the capitalized bold word)

The recurring theme in your texts is that "i don't see it like that so it can't be like that".

It's an interesting question. But this is getting us no closer to answering it, is it?

It's cultural..

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Well, if you wanted to stir the hornets nest you succeeded, but it appears the overwhelming majority think that you might be a tad misguided to put it politely. So, I suggest Thailand may not be for you, as the sight of all these lecherous old falangs arm in arm with nubile Thai ladies may cause you an unnecessary amount of distress. May I suggest Yemen as an alternative, as I'm sure this kind of debauchery is virtually non-existent, as the penalty is punishable by stoning, causing death.

I don't like it, this has been my home for a long time..this never use to be an issue, it's uncomfortable when you have daughters..

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Well, if you wanted to stir the hornets nest you succeeded, but it appears the overwhelming majority think that you might be a tad misguided to put it politely. So, I suggest Thailand may not be for you, as the sight of all these lecherous old falangs arm in arm with nubile Thai ladies may cause you an unnecessary amount of distress. May I suggest Yemen as an alternative, as I'm sure this kind of debauchery is virtually non-existent, as the penalty is punishable by stoning, causing death.

I don't like it, this has been my home for a long time..this never use to be an issue, it's uncomfortable when you have daughters..

Unless you intend sending them to work in the bars, why should it be a problem? I would say that you might have more of a problem with young Thai guys sniffing around, no different than what faces any father of teenage daughters anywhere in the world.

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