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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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Maybe OP should be more concerned about protecting underage girls from getting pregnant from their Thai boyfriends than about imposing his self-righteous, intolerant, paternalist and puritan worldview on others.

This isn't a topic about underage Thai girls and their Thai boyfriends, is it?

It's a topic about barely legal Thai girls and the elderly foreign men who travel halfway around the world to indulge in activities with them that would see them heavily derided if they did the same in their home countries.

so what?

People can't be blamed for ageing, and normal men, regardless of their age, like young women - this instinct has been hardwired by nature.

And about beind derided, well, it is just in the nature of judeo-christian/muslim religions to chastitze people for natural urges...

Also, the topic of sex is not as grave in Thailand as it is in the sex-repressed areas of the world.

The way you handle the topic is not unlike some Russians going to California and explaining there how immoral Gay rights are.

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To be honest I must have missed something in the threads I have read, I can't remember too many where TV posters were bragging about sleeping with 17 year olds.

I have read a few posts though, where sanctimonious tossers start contentious threads that don't have factual basis. Similar to this one in fact.

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Maybe OP should be more concerned about protecting underage girls from getting pregnant from their Thai boyfriends than about imposing his self-righteous, intolerant, paternalist and puritan worldview on others.

This isn't a topic about underage Thai girls and their Thai boyfriends, is it?

It's a topic about barely legal Thai girls and the elderly foreign men who travel halfway around the world to indulge in activities with them that would see them heavily derided if they did the same in their home countries.

Anyone who doesn't give two F's about what people think of them, even in their home country, are the real people everyone should look up to, not some archaic wannabe Bible/Quran-thumping moralist.

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Maybe OP should be more concerned about protecting underage girls from getting pregnant from their Thai boyfriends than about imposing his self-righteous, intolerant, paternalist and puritan worldview on others.

This isn't a topic about underage Thai girls and their Thai boyfriends, is it?

It's a topic about barely legal Thai girls and the elderly foreign men who travel halfway around the world to indulge in activities with them that would see them heavily derided if they did the same in their home countries.

Do you think that you might feel a bit happier in Laos?

"Relationship with Lao Citizens: Lao law prohibits sexual contact between foreign citizens and Lao nationals except when the two parties have been married in accordance with Lao Family Law. Any foreigner who enters into a sexual relationship with a Lao national risks being interrogated, detained, arrested, or fined. Lao police have confiscated passports and imposed fines of up to $5,000 on foreigners who enter into unapproved sexual relationships. The Lao party to the relationship may be jailed without trial. Foreigners are not permitted to invite Lao nationals of the opposite sex to their hotel rooms; police may raid hotel rooms without notice or consent"

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And so by implication you think it's ok for those same girls to do it with 30 or 40 year olds? What's the difference? And if this issue really bothers you as it seemingly does, you must go ape-sh*t over the many countries or cultures that allow 14 and 15 year olds to be married off by their families to old guys. Another self-righteous ass trying to impose his brand of morality upon others. Go fight the good fight against countries who blatantly torture, rape, and murder their own citizens! Thailand is not perfect, but I guarantee your home country isn't also.

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The OP's premise - that 21 year old Thai women are categorically less mature than Western counterparts - is egregiously racist.

Indeed, and there are only a few billion people who live in countries and cultures outside US and Europe. As if these cultures are more mature and morally superior. How many humans in the world have been killed or maimed from wars started by which countries? Op needs to get his Bible-thumping head out of his as*
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Predictable cries of ageism when someone suggests that 50+ year old men actively pursuing 18 year old Thai girls for sexual relationships is morally repugnant.

Can't really expect anything else given the sheer numbers of sexpats and sex tourists on the forum but I think most right-thinking people in our home countries would fully support the imposition of a law that criminalised it.

Reply by MAJIC:

Didn't you used to be a narrow minded Bible Punching young Bigot in your last life?

Personally I don't find the need to chase young girls, but i'm sure you have some dark areas,in between the Bible Punching! moralistic claptrap!

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Thailand should also enforce a strict marriage ban, the maximum age difference being half the Aliens age plus seven years. For example if a 50 year old Foreigner wishes to marry he must take a 32 year old, and so on.

Beyond this no legal marriage performed in Thailand with Thai National and no extension allowed of stay allowed. If a Farang wants a much younger Thai spouse he can take her/him to his nation of origin.

Alternatively, nothing to stop one of these sweaty blimps from taking a child bride in their own country is there not?

Edited by arunsakda
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If Thai family won't "protect" their young girls from entering prostitution, why should foreigner(s) impose their biased morality on Thailand? Why isn't the Op equally horrified at the act of prostitution itself? But he's deeply irked at older guys vs younger guys who buy sex here with consenting young women. Methinks the Op needs to review his moral priorities, given his high-and-mighty stance in his post. And many here would agree it's time for him to go back to your home country that I'm sure has no young girls prostituting with old guys. He's way too worked up about this over here. Relax, live and let live. All ages.

Edited by jerojero
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Predictable cries of ageism when someone suggests that 50+ year old men actively pursuing 18 year old Thai girls for sexual relationships is morally repugnant.

Can't really expect anything else given the sheer numbers of sexpats and sex tourists on the forum but I think most right-thinking people in our home countries would fully support the imposition of a law that criminalised it.

Serious question OP: How do you feel about 25-26 yr old foreigners coming to Thailand to take advantage of 17-18 yr old Thai girls? Would that not be equally repugnant?

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Probably the same way anyone with a 17 year old daughter who has a 26 year old tourist show up at the front door to take her out.

Said foreign tourist covered in tattoos with facial hair and poorly dressed.

Unable likely to make or maintain a relationship in his own country due to unattractiveness, lack of social skills, poor education, or criminality.

Edited by arunsakda
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Predictable cries of ageism when someone suggests that 50+ year old men actively pursuing 18 year old Thai girls for sexual relationships is morally repugnant.

Can't really expect anything else given the sheer numbers of sexpats and sex tourists on the forum but I think most right-thinking people in our home countries would fully support the imposition of a law that criminalised it.

Serious question OP: How do you feel about 25-26 yr old foreigners coming to Thailand to take advantage of 17-18 yr old Thai girls? Would that not be equally repugnant?

After seeing some of the specimens that arrive here on holiday in Pattaya, I'd have to say yes. Don't forget, these are young guys who are repugnant to women in their own country, that's why they came to Thailand in the first place.

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It don't bother me when an older man has a young girl of legal age as a girlfriend as long as he is a decent guy that looks good and treats her well. What does bother me is when ugly fat young or old guys are with a lovely sweet looking girl and treats them nasty.

I would rather see a 60 year old decent looking nice guy be with a 20 year old girl than have some sloppy fat ugly 24 year old farang with that same girl.

And further more I think people like you should mind your own /$&(ing business. Go back under the rock you sled out from under.

Have a nice day :)

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Dunno why men want to bed inexperienced women in the first place. Some wierd power play or more likely some insecurity on their part.

Yeah, give me a 70 year old hooker any day, one with plenty of mileage on her, ridden hard and put away wet.

Maybe I should add this, just in case someone (there's always someone) thinks I'm serious.smile.png

Edited by giddyup
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I think the problem is that the OP sees older men with lovely girls and is jealous because he can't get one. Just a guess but I think he is young, fat or out of shape, socially awkward, has under developed penis, and has always been rejected by women. Only guessing :)

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I think the problem is that the OP sees older men with lovely girls and is jealous because he can't get one. Just a guess but I think he is young, fat or out of shape, socially awkward, has under developed penis, and has always been rejected by women. Only guessing smile.png

That makes no sense at all. Even if he was all those things, he could still hire a younger woman if he chose to - so why would he be jealous?

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I think the problem is that the OP sees older men with lovely girls and is jealous because he can't get one. Just a guess but I think he is young, fat or out of shape, socially awkward, has under developed penis, and has always been rejected by women. Only guessing smile.png

That makes no sense at all. Even if he was all those things, he could still hire a younger woman if he chose to - so why would he be jealous?

maybe he is one of those guys that can't even get laid in a cathouse. Thai hookers can pick who they go with and perhaps no one wants him. He sits alone watching the girls with a pocket full of money that he can't even spend because no girl wants him .... Such a sad story for such a sad little man ....

Could be ???

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As long as couples having sex are of legal age of consent it is nobodies business, Thats why we have age of consent laws. So people can go about their lives without fear of harrassment or legal actions. Sex at best is just an expression of affection, like a more intimate kiss. If 2 people of legal age wish to to experience close affection they should be allowed to do it. As far as lonely desperate people renting others for this experience if its the only way they can get that feeling of closeness let them have it. If they are legal then age difference is of no consequence.

Edited by metisdead
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The premise of the OP is: over age 50 foreigner with an under 21 year old local is the dividing line of decency. It would be interesting to know how he arrived at that determination. A 90 year old with a 23 year old is just fine I guess, as is a 49 year old with an 18 year old. But 50 + 21 is beyond the pale somehow.

I am not saying the OP is completely misguided. This is a mecca for predatory foreigners and the locals have plenty of their own sharks in the tank. But there needs to be a point with which a human is considered an adult, regardless of their emotional software. I have met quite a few people of all ages that are not equipped to handle relationships and are often a huge danger to themselves. But we can't ban them from engaging in the full human experience. We don't have the ability to make those judgements. The best the law can do is set the age of consent which should eventually be agreed upon globally. Also of course be vigilante of trafficking.

For females, society has idealized the beauty of late teens to early 20 year olds and that is considered the peak of attractiveness by nearly everyone. It therefore is logical that others will seek those who embody these ideals regardless of cultural and language barriers. For some that means crossing the ocean because their personal currency is better there. This is to be expected as human nature is predictable.

The real answer to protect those who are not equipped to handle sex and relationships is to have better communities which look after their own. Of course this comes back to morality and standards, which most of the world has made to be something backward and repressive we have progressed beyond.

Edited by canuckamuck
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Is there really such a thing? Seems unlikely.

I'm sure there are girls who can be selective, ie pick and choose their customers, but the majority have to take what's dished up. I have seen some true horrors, guys who are morbidly obese, with faces like a slapped arse, who still barfine a beautiful girl. When I see that, I think, there goes a girl who is really earning her money.

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I'm suggesting that Thai girls under the age of 22 - unlike similarly aged girls in the USA or Europe - don't really have the emotional maturity to consider the implications and ramifications of having a physical relationship with a man three times their age and, therefore, should be protected from predatory foreigners who are far more likely to seek them out purely for sex.

So why not ban them from driving a car, a motorcycle, having children or voting too?

If they ain't mature enough?

Anyway, pointless posting your ravings here, why not do it the proper way and stand outside PM Prayuts house with a placard?

Or lobby those guys writing the new charter?

We don't make the laws here, you're wasting your breath!

It would not matter who makes the laws in Thailand, they won't be enforced anyway, unless there is money going into someones pocket.

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I think the problem is that the OP sees older men with lovely girls and is jealous because he can't get one. Just a guess but I think he is young, fat or out of shape, socially awkward, has under developed penis, and has always been rejected by women. Only guessing smile.png

That makes no sense at all. Even if he was all those things, he could still hire a younger woman if he chose to - so why would he be jealous?

maybe he is one of those guys that can't even get laid in a cathouse. Thai hookers can pick who they go with and perhaps no one wants him. He sits alone watching the girls with a pocket full of money that he can't even spend because no girl wants him .... Such a sad story for such a sad little man ....

Could be ???

Or alternatively, he's not even in Thailand, but in some damp, depressing bedsit, or still living with his mum, and is just eaten up with jealousy and resentment.

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Often referred to as a "love hate relationship"..........she loves the Money, he Hates being alone, and look what the money can get.

This topic and subject matter just keeps on revolving. same old arguments, same old regurgitated but slightly re-worded responses.

I disagree.

I'm not suggesting that big age gaps in relationships are wrong because I don't believe they are. If a 55 year old wants to date or marry a 25 year old, all well and good. If that's based on money or whatever, who cares?

I'm suggesting that Thai girls under the age of 22 - unlike similarly aged girls in the USA or Europe - don't really have the emotional maturity to consider the implications and ramifications of having a physical relationship with a man three times their age and, therefore, should be protected from predatory foreigners who are far more likely to seek them out purely for sex.

I'd like to see it extended to Thai men too but there are some cultural aspects that might cause stiff resistance.

Most of us are from countries where the sight of a 60 year old man clearly in a physical relationship with a 17 or 18 year old girl would be considered highly objectionable so most of us wouldn't have a problem with the passing of such a law.

In many countries women 18 and older can join the armed forces. In Israel women who turn 18 MUST join the IDF. If they have the maturtiy to handle one kind of gun that kills, why not one that doesn't kill. You demean Thai young women's empowerment.

If not working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krt2HK05eWA

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Probably the same way anyone with a 17 year old daughter who has a 26 year old tourist show up at the front door to take her out.

Said foreign tourist covered in tattoos with facial hair and poorly dressed.

Unable likely to make or maintain a relationship in his own country due to unattractiveness, lack of social skills, poor education, or criminality.

In your second sentence, you missed out the fat belly.

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I'm happily married so not one of those the OP is talking about... But I don't have any problem with others dating or being with younger girls if that is what both want

After all any age of consent set is a value judgement set by society based on the belief that at that age the person is grown enough to make that decision

No matter what age is set it is arbitrary whether it is 18 or 20 or 25 or what ever age the OP wants

I also hope the OP has just as much distaste for the May Dec relationships in the west

Or Rock stars and Millionaires in the West sleeping with young girls as well..

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