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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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"Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should."

Speak for your self buddy... are you familiar with the term Age of consent? this is the law already, no need

for more laws that no body enforces anyway,,, and as far as decency concern, Thai society is very open

about such couplings, age means nothing to them, countless of very mature Thai men keep very young

and cared for Mia Nois,

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let me pluck apart your deficient logic for you:

"morally decent" : a question of perspective. you come with your Western morals and apply them to Thailand.

"my 17 year old daughter accepting a modest wad of cash for spreading her legs for an elderly sexpat" : this brings up a world of questions. first, why would my daughter want to sell herself for a modest wad of cash? If it's out of poverty, why does the age of the customer make a difference? Should old customers have to pay more? Is 17 years of age ok for having sex with someone? No? Or except if the person is old? Is there a law prohibiting prostitution of 17 year olds? yes? What about 18 year old? Is the whole prostitution thing wrong?

=> it all boils down to you wanting to impose your morals to others

"younger sexpats are not engaged in the pursuit of younger girls" : that's your perception because there are so much older sexpats than younger ones (because the 50-60 age range has the money and time to come stay in Thailand). I'd risk the assumption that young sexpats like young girls just like older sexpats.

"The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly."

=> you are deflecting the debate. 17 years old is illegal. your original post was about 18 years old. And then again, just because "some manage to conduct monogamous relationships", it should be the rule for everyone. Again you try to impose your superior self-righteous morals - a law has been made to protect underage girls and underage prostitutes, let's stick to it. We don't need you for that.

Sorry but you haven't plucked anything.

I'm not applying Western morals to Thailand, I'm applying universal morals because I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve

You're not going to prove your point by stating more misconceptions...

I'm applying universal morals

--> urban legend. there is no such thing. the "morals" we have in the Western world are heavily tainted by religion(s) (judeo-christianism)

I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

--> again you are wrong, there are (too) many Thai parents who have absolutely no qualms letting foreigners of any age have sex with their sons or daughters (many of whom have already given birth to a child from a Thai boyfriend) as long as they get money.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

--> it's up to the girl. not up to you

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

--> wrong. young Thai girls living for some time with older (Thai) sugar daddies is relatively commonplace in Thailand

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

--> there are several breaches of logic in your assumptions. first, I think the dirty old men don't deliberately target girls because they are 17. I think they will bypass that unnecessary step and rather directly target persons looking 14-15 without looking at their real age in the first place.

your second mistake is taking the role of the thought police - making assumptions about people's thoughts is dangerous and should therefore be off limits, especially to bigots.

Also, I can only notice that you again deliberately talk about ages of 17 and even 14, as these are just below the legal limits set by Thai law.

For other readers, legal ages in Thailand are:

- 18 for any legal sex (i.e. promiscuous/prostitution)

- 15 for non-promiscuous, non-commercial sex, i.e. boyfriend with the consent of the family, getting engaged, etc.

personally I think the ages defined by the law are sufficient.

at some point, people have to take responsibility for their actions.

probably not everyone is mature enough at 18 yo to make all kinds of decision, but laws cannot be made to suit every and each person's needs.

and finally... it's just about sex... sex isn't a big deal, at least not as big as the "universal morals" (LOL) want to have us believe.

What nonsense.

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Thais are not unaware that their country has an unfortunate reputation. One only need to look at the Hangover series of films to see "Thailand" is an international metaphor for debauched behavior. I think the authorities should randomly raid and prosecute for vague morals charges, these randy foreigners. From scummy bars in Patts to lobby lounges in 5 star Silom hotels. Name and shame and out put pictures in the media. Hopefully they will catch a few high profile western Ceo's or politicians.

This should stop many from flying halfway around the world to buy sex. They can take a prostitute in their own country, no? Plenty of slappers on West Street Scunthorpe for example. No need to come to Thailand to debase and violate local women.

I have not read the rest of the posts yet, so if there have been similar replies, I apologise.

So a man that uses a prostitute in his own country is simply paying for the services of a slapper

If he uses a Thai prostitute, he is debasing and violating her?

Wow, I am afraid that I simply do not see any logic in that argument

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I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18.

"The younger, the better" seems to be the order of the day provided they don't go below the legal age.

I find this morally repugnant and I know I'm not alone

Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind, do they really have the emotional capacity to make a decision to have sex with a man 3 times their age?

I don't think so

Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

Worthy sentiment but 'two

consenting adults' is the

well-worn line that these

men reel off with a really

smug look on their faces

as if it trumps anything you

could possiblysay


I have to say, I'd definitely be

in favour of that law. There's

nought wrong with older

guys going with younger

women but a line's gotta be

drawn somewhere.

There is a line drawn....where above a certain age is legal... and under it is illegal.

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Thais are not unaware that their country has an unfortunate reputation. One only need to look at the Hangover series of films to see "Thailand" is an international metaphor for debauched behavior. I think the authorities should randomly raid and prosecute for vague morals charges, these randy foreigners. From scummy bars in Patts to lobby lounges in 5 star Silom hotels. Name and shame and out put pictures in the media. Hopefully they will catch a few high profile western Ceo's or politicians.

This should stop many from flying halfway around the world to buy sex. They can take a prostitute in their own country, no? Plenty of slappers on West Street Scunthorpe for example. No need to come to Thailand to debase and violate local women.

I have not read the rest of the posts yet, so if there have been similar replies, I apologise.

So a man that uses a prostitute in his own country is simply paying for the services of a slapper

If he uses a Thai prostitute, he is debasing and violating her?

Wow, I am afraid that I simply do not see any logic in that argument

The OP's suggestion is that an 18-20 year old girl in the West is far more sophisticated and mature than her Thai counterpart, therefore the Thai girls are like lambs to the slaughter, being taken advantage of by rapacious, degenerate, falang senior citizens.

Edited by giddyup
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Personally I think it's disgraceful what goes on in these so-called 'a-gogo' bars; I have been shocked, SHOCKED, to see, during my in-depth sociological researches, that there are young foreign men with muscles cuddling what are known as 'mamasans' in these places.

This is nothing but wanton licentiousness, and in my opinion General Happiness should take action forthwith to put a stop to the defilement of mature Thai womanhood in this way.

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Often referred to as a "love hate relationship"..........she loves the Money, he Hates being alone, and look what the money can get.

This topic and subject matter just keeps on revolving. same old arguments, same old regurgitated but slightly re-worded responses.

I disagree.

I'm not suggesting that big age gaps in relationships are wrong because I don't believe they are. If a 55 year old wants to date or marry a 25 year old, all well and good. If that's based on money or whatever, who cares?

I'm suggesting that Thai girls under the age of 22 - unlike similarly aged girls in the USA or Europe - don't really have the emotional maturity to consider the implications and ramifications of having a physical relationship with a man three times their age and, therefore, should be protected from predatory foreigners who are far more likely to seek them out purely for sex.

I'd like to see it extended to Thai men too but there are some cultural aspects that might cause stiff resistance.

Most of us are from countries where the sight of a 60 year old man clearly in a physical relationship with a 17 or 18 year old girl would be considered highly objectionable so most of us wouldn't have a problem with the passing of such a law.

I guess those who are from countries where the sight of a 60 year old man clearly in a physical relationship with a 17 or 18 year old girl would be considered highly objectionable don't NEED the law to tell them not to go into such relationships. In Thailand the age of majority is 20. The age of consent is 18. You can't give the people the right to make a decision (to have sex at 18 or marry at 20) and then forbid them to do so with people of a too big age difference from you. Same goes for the other way - if the age of consent is 18 and of majority is 20, you can't tell someone over a certain age that that is not allowed for him.

There are some countries where the age of consent is at a very young age with a restriction on the age difference BUT ONLY until a second age of consent with no limitations as you CANNOT limit consenting adults what to consent to.

The MOST important thing IMO is that different cultures have different views on some aspects of life, and although people of other culture might not agree and take up on different culture than their own - they should respect other's cultures and points of view and not try to force their's

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Some people are never happy. We read countless posts about discrimination against foreigners then we get some (apparently) foreign resident suggesting special laws to discriminate against foreigners.If profanity were not prohibited... There are very specific laws in Thailand regarding age of consent and a quite sensible variation on age of consent when money is involved. Thailand has been run successfully for a long, long time by Thai people.

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I say NO to :

fat farangs with skinny women

dumb farangs with smart women

diseased farangs with anyone

broke farang with anyone

drunk farang with anyone

racist farang with anyone

ugly farang with anyone

this is repugnant!!!!!

So, how does it feel to be utterly alone?

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This isn't just foreigners, it's common practice for cashed up older Thai men to do the same if they can afford it. Once you get out and about in the Thai community more you'll see it everywhere. Young chicks with older Thai guys wearing a big gold ring, while his wife is at home with the kids. The girl (gik) gets free accommodation and a few other financial perks.

Allot of the high up law makers would be participants in this so I doubt they would make any new laws prohibiting them from their own activities.

Edited by kkup
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This isn't just foreigners, it's common practice for cashed up older Thai men to do the same if they can afford it. Once you get out and about in the Thai community more you'll see it everywhere. Young chicks with older Thai guys wearing a big gold ring, while his wife is at home with the kids. The girl (gik) gets free accommodation and a few other financial perks.

Allot of the high up law makers would be participants in this so I doubt they would make any new laws prohibiting them from their own activities.

There's no disgrace in Thailand for a young girl (sometimes several) to be the Mia Noi(s) of a much older, usually rich, Thai man.

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I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18.

"The younger, the better" seems to be the order of the day provided they don't go below the legal age.

I find this morally repugnant and I know I'm not alone

Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind, do they really have the emotional capacity to make a decision to have sex with a man 3 times their age?

I don't think so

Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

Worthy sentiment but 'two

consenting adults' is the

well-worn line that these

men reel off with a really

smug look on their faces

as if it trumps anything you

could possiblysay


I have to say, I'd definitely be

in favour of that law. There's

nought wrong with older

guys going with younger

women but a line's gotta be

drawn somewhere.

There is a line drawn....where above a certain age is legal... and under it is illegal.

yup, and that line is drawn two folded...

15 years is the legal age of consent, where as the parents still can file complaint (statutory rape) up till 18 years of age of the girl involved.

after the age of 18 y , a person can give consent as he pleased to do...

under the age of 13 y is always statutory rape

We are talking about the legal, existing line here, not about prostitution and human trafficking

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As long as two consenting people are legally adults, why is it anyone else's business if they are twenty, thirty, forty years apart in age?

If they wish to be together and take care of each other needs .... so what ? ? ?

Sounds to me like some people are Ageist.

Racism, Sexism, Anti-semitism, classism, We've been trying to get rid of those hatreds. But we still have the hatred against older men and women.

We look at older women who wish to be with a young guy as "Cougars". We don't call them "Dirty Old Ladies".

But we look at older men who wish to be with a younger women as "Dirty Old Men".

Racism... Sexism...Anti-semitism, classism...... but we still have Ageism....

Be careful..... if your health holds out... and you don't have an accident... you too will be much older someday. Do you wish society to look down on you and ghettoise you at that point because you grew old, tell you to stay away from younger people ? ?

As long as both are legally adults..... age should be just a number. Down with Ageism.


Edited by Catoni
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Either a Troll or a self righteous prat

Oh I get it.

I'm a troll because I dare to question what you perceive is your God-given right to pay to push your senile penile into a girl a third of your age?

Well alright then

What on earth has age - or God, for that matter - got to do with it?

I know lots of Thai girls who not only enjoy sex with older men (there's no substitute for an experience!), but who actually prefer to marry mature men who will love and cherish them more than their typically self-obsessed younger counterparts.

At least, that's what my Thai wife - who is 37 years younger than I am and has been my partner for 14 years - tells me.

One can only assume your uncharitable dog-in-the-manger attitude is the result of either jealousy or, more likely, inadequacy.

But don't worry - you'll grow out of it.

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Why can’t they take prostitutes in their own countries? Why do they have to come to Thailand to take prostitutes? I have no problem with prostitution and I think it should be legalized and sex workers should have all legal benefits and social protections、in fact sexpests who come to Thailand to take women may be actually undermining legal, unionized prostitutes in their home countries.

Whatever your on, time to give it a rest for a while. They're not called mind bending for nothing.

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Either a Troll or a self righteous prat

Oh I get it.

I'm a troll because I dare to question what you perceive is your God-given right to pay to push your senile penile into a girl a third of your age?

Well alright then

Actually, as long as a woman (W-O-M-A-N) is above the legal age, an elderly MAN may insert his senile penile anywhere he chooses. Get over it. You sound like a young fat chick who can't get laid who decided to make things worse for those who don't adhere to YOUR own moral code. Save your hot air.

BTW - what about the 50 and 60-year-old women using 20 and 30-year-olds as their boy toys?

Edited by ScottMallon
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Another nutjob with a low post count posts his ravings.

The Thais don't care what foreigners want or do ......... they just want the money.

I am another whatever you want to call me with a low post count. I have been reading these forums for years but find posting too time consuming.

My low post count is due to me having a busy life. Unlike nobs like you with tens of thousands of posts who have no life other than spending every minute of the day scanning these forums and imposing your self rightious remarks on others who try to express honest feelings and opinions.

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An interesting article here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3699814.stm

Argentina - 15
Bahamas - 16
Canada - 14
Colombia - male 14, female 12
India - 18
Indonesia - male 19, female 16
Hungary - 14
Peru - male 14, female 12
Tunisia - 20
UK - 16
US - federal age 16

Your information is way out of date.......I see it was last up-dated on Friday, October, 1, 2004 at 08:50 GMT.

Eleven years ago.

Canada raised the age of consent a number of years ago. No longer 14. It's 16 now. I live there.... it was a minor election issue and made all the newspapers and internet. Your age of consent for other countries is probably also eleven years out of date.

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Either a Troll or a self righteous prat

Oh I get it.

I'm a troll because I dare to question what you perceive is your God-given right to pay to push your senile penile into a girl a third of your age?

Well alright then

What on earth has age - or God, for that matter - got to do with it?

I know lots of Thai girls who not only enjoy sex with older men (there's no substitute for an experience!), but who actually prefer to marry mature men who will love and cherish them more than their typically self-obsessed younger counterparts.

At least, that's what my Thai wife - who is 37 years younger than I am and has been my partner for 14 years - tells me.

One can only assume your uncharitable dog-in-the-manger attitude is the result of either jealousy or, more likely, inadequacy.

But don't worry - you'll grow out of it.

It's Ageism........ as bad as racism.. They wish to stereotype and discriminate against people not because of their colour, religion or race, but because of their older age.

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Another nutjob with a low post count posts his ravings.

The Thais don't care what foreigners want or do ......... they just want the money.

I am another whatever you want to call me with a low post count. I have been reading these forums for years but find posting too time consuming.

My low post count is due to me having a busy life. Unlike nobs like you with tens of thousands of posts who have no life other than spending every minute of the day scanning these forums and imposing your self rightious remarks on others who try to express honest feelings and opinions.

You can read but you can't post? My, my you must be a busy man!

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