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Police need to overhaul traditional way of operating

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Police need to overhaul traditional way of operating
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Preventing political interference in the force is just part of the solution required to restore public faith

It may be a bit of a wishful thinking but a committee from the National Reform Council (NRC) is hoping to come up with a plan that would remove or prevent political intervention in police work.

The NRC panel said the police have often allowed themselves to be influence by politicians, especially in times of crisis. Therefore, the police force must be reformed to prevent such a thing from happening.

Some of the issues the NRC has been looking at include restructuring the Police Commission and the National Police Policy Commission, as well as the system of appointing a national police chief.

One of the challenges is, of course, revising the mandate of the National Police Policy Commission. The aim is to deprive it of the power to appoint the national police chief.

Under the proposed reform plan, representatives from the Office of the Attorney-General, the Lawyers Council of Thailand and the National Human Rights Commission, as well as members of the Royal Thai Police and other security agencies would be the ones who appoint the police commissioners.

Police superintendents with the rank of police colonel, meanwhile, would elect the national police chief. Once that is done, the commissioner would forward the selected nominee's name to the prime minister so the pick could be put up for Royal endorsement.

Moreover, other members of the commission also would be elected - six from deputy national chiefs or senior inspectors, three from retired police commissioners, the incumbent police chief, secretary-general of the Civil Service Commission, representatives from the Cabinet and Parliament, as well as two specialists.

What is not clear is whether the new process will help promote transparency and fairness, the two items that have plagued Thailand's police force.

Let's face it, in most circumstances, the public doesn't really feel that much more secure when they see Thailand's finest heading their way.

Besides that missing sense of comfort, there is also the practice of patronage and pulling strings within the police force itself. Needless to say, this eats into the kind of people that apply for the job, as well as the force's professionalism.

There is also the problem of institutional mindset and in this case, the country's police force desperately needs an overhaul.

The current system promotes patronage because officers don't think about the institution and whether it is respected. Too often it is what the boss wants, the boss gets - no questions asked - even it means breaking the law.

And in such an environment, it is fair to ask how can a clean cop operate and endure?

This problem cannot be solved overnight. Structural reform of the police force may help but if the problem with an outdated mindset is not fully addressed, then we can forget about seeing any meaningful change in the future.

Getting other agencies, such as a National Human Rights Commissioner, on board is a good start, but it's well short of what is required.

Better civilian oversight is needed and this is where the local population and community representatives should have a role.

Indeed, Thai police officers like to talk about how they are there to serve the public. Well, here is an opportunity for them and the NRC to put their money where their mouth is: make the public part of that oversight, to show that the police are accountable to the people.

It would be nice to have a police force free from political interference but the NRC needs to go beyond that. If the police force is rotten, interference or no interference, then it is still a rotten force.

We can talk about preventing political interference until we turn blue. But if we police don't clean up their act and behave in a manner acceptable to the public, nothing good will come out of this NRC reform.

In the end, we could end up with a police force that is not only free from interference, but much more arrogant and indifferent to the public's needs and concerns.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Police-need-to-overhaul-traditional-way-of-operati-30266661.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-16

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Well the new police chief just got appointed by the new PM and shortly so will the new commander in chief of the army. So clearly these 2 won't be affected by any politicians now will they? Oh <deleted> it I give up what's the point these clowns don't even realise they are in the circus little lone the main event.


"Let's face it, in most circumstances, the public doesn't really feel that much more secure when they see Thailand's finest heading their way"

Every time they are heading my way I got this feeling that it will cost me money, and I try to avoid to drive on the road in town where they got their daily money collection point ​​check point even if I have nothing to hide.


Maybe when the reforms that have been promised are finally implemented then the same prevention of political interference in politics by the military will also be put in place.


The whole police force has to be re educated and go thru a mind set change, when the lowly

police officer sees his superior engage in bribe taking, witness tempering and all around

un-police like dishonest activities, what he's to think? if it's good for the goose, than it must

be doubly good for the lowly gander....

Seriously, the police attitude will never ever change in this country, too much emphasis is put

on power, wealth and positioning in Thai society, and honesty and integrity never been traits

Thai people cherish or even strive to be....


Dysfunctional buffoons.....any comment would be superfluous.

As an after thought, how's this....."Enforce The Law For Mom" on the 15th day of each month.


There is so much money to be made by just enforcing the traffic laws. I love how they sit around thinking of ideas then pat themselves on the back.

Right , or just going in the countryside, in the villages to enforce the road laws .


Dysfunctional buffoons.....any comment would be superfluous.

As an after thought, how's this....."Enforce The Law For Mom" on the 15th day of each month.

Err........the 15th, what of every month!

Anyway can't do the 15th, no plastic bags to carry the cash away.


Dysfunctional buffoons.....any comment would be superfluous.

As an after thought, how's this....."Enforce The Law For Mom" on the 15th day of each month.

Err........the 15th, what of every month!

Anyway can't do the 15th, no plastic bags to carry the cash away.

Has to be the 15th, it's an auspicious day.


What is required is a "police the police" agency. An Independent Police Complaints Authority attached to the judiciary, that have powers to interrogate even the highest Police officers, and the power to charge law-breaking police officers. The IPCA should be very accessible to the public and to low and high ranking police officers, and all complaints should be on public record. The IPCA should investigate and charge in a very transparent way.

Officers of the IPCA should be appointed by the judiciary, transparently, on qualifications and merit.

No need for the complex system proposed. It's still old-boy network.


What is required is a "police the police" agency. An Independent Police Complaints Authority attached to the judiciary, that have powers to interrogate even the highest Police officers, and the power to charge law-breaking police officers. The IPCA should be very accessible to the public and to low and high ranking police officers, and all complaints should be on public record. The IPCA should investigate and charge in a very transparent way.

Officers of the IPCA should be appointed by the judiciary, transparently, on qualifications and merit.

No need for the complex system proposed. It's still old-boy network.

With the precurement of 152,469 Sig Sauer 9mm pistols on the way for the police force, yeah right, the carnage would be unimaginable.


What is required is a "police the police" agency. An Independent Police Complaints Authority attached to the judiciary, that have powers to interrogate even the highest Police officers, and the power to charge law-breaking police officers. The IPCA should be very accessible to the public and to low and high ranking police officers, and all complaints should be on public record. The IPCA should investigate and charge in a very transparent way.

Officers of the IPCA should be appointed by the judiciary, transparently, on qualifications and merit.

No need for the complex system proposed. It's still old-boy network.

It's a known fact, admitted by Prawit himself, that senior officers regularly cover up for their subordinates, so how do you believe any haha, 'independent' body would function any better. Remember where you are.


Overhaul corruption investigations, clean the house, increase salaries and you will see real police back at work. coffee1.gif

Sadly, no. Greed knows no bounds, and it's far too entrenched in this country to be easily tackled. An immensely powerful and independent internal investigation unit, with it's own legal teams and courts, backed up by extremely tough penalties would be a start. The only thing these criminals in uniform understand is power and fear. If there is a power far greater than them which they cannot counteract, they will fear it.


There is not much to be said about this , there is no way anyone on board the gravy train is in the slightest bit interested in reforms in the RPT, if they are here is a pointer , get some outside advice, you would feel at home with Asia's finest , HK Police force, ask them for help otherwise there are a few good police forces around the world contact them, why am I doing this , it won't matter who gives advice besides taking eons to introduce at great cost ( One Wonders) it will end up being a mish mash with a touch of Thainess , just like Thailand's version of Democracy and that other grand failure Education. Verdict: why Bother .coffee1.gif


No matter what I write, it won't matter.

Along with what you think, feel,know, or believe. As an individual and more specifically a non Thai it all accounts for SFA.
Preventing political interference in the force is just part of the solution required to restore public faith

You can't restore something that has never existed.


Many police forces especially here need to have rules of conduct similar to the elite military organizations of the world. Basically 4 ways to exit the force , ''Honorable, General, Dishonorable''

Guess where '' conduct unbecoming a officer'' fits in these discharge paper, loss of any/all benifets, and retirement pay.. Reql major offenses also include jail time.

These same documents are issued for enlisted men upon their exit from service and misbehavior goes thru the court marshal mentrioned above system.

Draw up a code of conduct for the police force and have a judical panel set up for hearing and making judgement on cases No civil courts need be involved unless a civilian wants to file suit againt military personel It would notke more than a year and you could clean up the majority of the corruption and clen out the misfits who want to be cowboys answering to no one but themselves.


Police need to overhaul traditional way of operating

Issuing each officer with a debit card reader would help with making sure everyone gets there share of the loot. Is that what they had in mind, or do they actually want to make the force better?


Only way to try and get rid of the corruption is to fire the lot of them. Then setup a firing squad shoot all of them down to sargent make the rest carry off the bodies and bury them. Then once house clean hire outside country police force to enforce all laws on the books. Once Thais get use to obeying all laws lets say in a thousand years or so give or take a thousand then start hiring from within the country.


Traditional ways of doing business. Such as stalling reforms as long as possible.

May 2014: Reforms within 4 months. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/729494-royal-thai-police-to-undergo-major-reform/?hl=+thai%20+police%20+reforms

June 2014: Reforms to be finalized by end of 2014: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/735032-thai-police-reform-to-be-finalized-within-this-year/

July 2014: Causing a stir but reforms in 3 months.http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/743138-thai-police-reforms-cause-a-stir/?hl=%2Bthai+%2Bpolice+%2Breforms

January 2015: Hey, let's ask the public what they think! (30 days allowed): http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/795746-thai-police-seek-public-advice-on-prospective-reform/

The goal was to sack the top echelons for their political crimes (fair enough) and ensure the remaining ones are reminded which flag, banner and color is the only one that matters.

As we can see by the endless, circular debate on the details, the rest of this reform krap ranks right up there with rights for the third gender, and jet ski scammers. Destined to drop out of the media cycle in a few days time.

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