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Police need to overhaul traditional way of operating

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No matter what I write, it won't matter.

Most probably, true.It is a Thai matter to be resolved by Thais.

However, the current structure and performance of the costume wearers seems dysfunctional. Dismantling and reorganization seems a logical option. The focus needs only look towards the Singapore Police as an ASEAN model to follow. Then again, logic seems in short supply these days.


The whole police force has to be re educated and go thru a mind set change, when the lowly

police officer sees his superior engage in bribe taking, witness tempering and all around

un-police like dishonest activities, what he's to think? if it's good for the goose, than it must

be doubly good for the lowly gander....

Seriously, the police attitude will never ever change in this country, too much emphasis is put

on power, wealth and positioning in Thai society, and honesty and integrity never been traits

Thai people cherish or even strive to be....

Are you generalising when you say "honesty and integrity never been traits Thai people cherish or even strive to be"?

Your post was fine up until that point. I have found the majority of Thai people do have honesty and integrity.


Police superintendents with the rank of police colonel, meanwhile, would elect the national police chief.

At least Prayut has seen the need to remove political selection of the police chief as paramount to an politically neutral force.

Better civilian oversight is also intrinsic to integrity and diligence while ensuring the police accord equal respect to all that they serve. Not just the political party that they serve.

To have a police force that is 1% better than the current force is a step in the right direction. Maybe a baby step, but a step none the less that no other govt had taken.

Well done to the Junta.


If you don't want political interference in the force then don't allow political selection of their leaders.

He was selected by a committee and it was based on service, merit, ability and suitability for the job.

This is a massive improvement from Thaksin's appointments which were selected according to their loyalty, allegiance and readiness to serve HIM unequivocally according to his needs and desires!!!


Sorry; they are more interested in staging useless 'Crime Reconstructions' where they get plenty of TV coverage showing all their medals as the accused spends a lot of time finger pointing. Multiples of them have to also make time for line-ups behind the accused at Police Stations facing the camera's, so that their proud families can see what wonderful crime fighters they are. They only bother with road check points when they can fit them in between TV appearances or when the Boss says he needs money for the coming wedding of his Daughter or such like.

If anyone believes that this useless bunch can ever be shaped up into a decent 'Police Force', they are either living in cloud cuckoo land or suffering dementia !


How did Singapore do it? Thailand cannot learn from Singapore? Or does not want to? whistling.gif

Singapore is streets ahead of Thailand in many areas in a very short period of time.

Does Thai leadership accept this "loss of face" within the SE Asian community? It seems so, unfortunately. coffee1.gif


Please read carefully


If they undermine there own people what future does Thailand have ?

The Prime minister has been here long enough to change it. What did he say at the start wont change anything sacking the police chief right,, Of course why would you want anything changed


The police may not want or need political interference but they sure as heck need oversight. coffee1.gif


Police needs to get paid more by the government... Less scams.

Does this solution also include other / non-law-enforcement scam jobs?

Could this generally be THE solution to eliminate the rampant scam infestation in the LOS?

Would this finally mean the end of the Jet-Ski- / Taxi- / Drug- / KT- / Whatever-Mafias which can only flourish under the direct protection of the police - The low level police officers in your thinking?

Do you believe this could motivate Thailands Finest to finally do their job? Again, in your thinking, the problem is rooted in the low-level / low-salaries officers and not in the high- / millionaire-level of the police farce. Is this correct?

Why do you think that enforcing (i. e. traffic) laws / regulations would not also create a never ending, gigantic stream of revenue / tea money for the costumed, state-approved looters and as a positive side effect also make the streets here a little bit more safe? And I'm not talking about cracking down on the no-safety-Helmut wearers, I'm talking about the red-light-runners, reckless mini van drivers, double parkers, drivers without license,... the list is ad infinitum.

There would be literally millions of baht to be "earned" (within minutes) just by a tiny little bit of enforcing the existing traffic regulations, only as one example to spice up the "salaries" of our beloved police farce. I really, really have no explanation for why this path has not yet been discovered here.

PS: My questions are meant to be rhetorical, not offensive.


Political interference is just a small part of the problem. Criminal interference is much worse. In addition the whole force is very badly organized. AND the force is so full of incompetent personel that none can feel safe. The incompetence is due to the insane recruitment and selection process. Corruption, criminal activities etc are equally problematic. The force is a joke, but not a funny one. It's a complete failure and the thai people have to endure a police force which is of one of the worst standards in the world.

The need a task group from countries with successful police forces, and adapt these standards. It will take time, but there is NO OTHER WAY.


Police superintendents with the rank of police colonel, meanwhile, would elect the national police chief.

At least Prayut has seen the need to remove political selection of the police chief as paramount to an politically neutral force.

Better civilian oversight is also intrinsic to integrity and diligence while ensuring the police accord equal respect to all that they serve. Not just the political party that they serve.

To have a police force that is 1% better than the current force is a step in the right direction. Maybe a baby step, but a step none the less that no other govt had taken.

Well done to the Junta.

Yeah except your hero just elected the National police chief not an independent body. Soooo not so well done Junta eh? Or are they allowed to slip their own puppet in before any changes are made.

Why do not they make a law that prohibits that police can take any cash.

The police will be completed only authorized to write paper tickets, payment can only be made by bank transfer or in the next 7/11.

And on their uniforms all pockets are physically sewn shut.

Then a law that at any bribe attempt ends with a double punishment.

Opening an anonymous website where all attempts of extortion and bribery operations can be posted. (Like they do it in india)

Establishment of an independent, internal police audit (revision) that reviews the activities of the police.
The results must be then presented to Parliament on a quarterly basis.

Establishment of another group, which works and reports under the tax authorities and checks policemen on unusual wealth back.

Dislocation of the top 200 policemen to inactive posts.

Increase in income for the policemen on duty.


"in other news, Mafias from all over the world today were asked to reform themselves and seek legal employment.

It is still unclear at this time how these groups will react to these requests or what progress has been made."


It makes absolutely no difference who appoints whom to what. Corruption and Thai attitudes toward "how things work" are just so ubiquitous and so deeply held and the conditioning so thorough, that the very word "reform" is a non sequitur. To foreigners it's a silly and highly dysfunctional game, but it's the national pastime and not going to change anytime soon or by any easy means, and certainly not as the result of what foreigners or even the entire global community have to say about it.


It makes absolutely no difference who appoints whom to what. Corruption and Thai attitudes toward "how things work" are just so ubiquitous and so deeply held and the conditioning so thorough, that the very word "reform" is a non sequitur. To foreigners it's a silly and highly dysfunctional game, but it's the national pastime and not going to change anytime soon or by any easy means, and certainly not as the result of what foreigners or even the entire global community have to say about it.

Sadly I have to agree. It can be changed, other countries have done it.

But, where there is no will there is no way and all the TALKING about change, changes nothing. sad.png


Dysfunctional buffoons.....any comment would be superfluous.

Reading Thai news events and experiencing "Thainess" is like watching a Kindergarten class of adults. They really have not progressed much beyond toddler mentality/behavior.


Overhaul corruption investigations, clean the house, increase salaries and you will see real police back at work. coffee1.gif

Start RULE OF LAW and sending individuals to prison and see the changes - guarenteed.


Why do not they make a law that prohibits that police can take any cash.

The police will be completed only authorized to write paper tickets, payment can only be made by bank transfer or in the next 7/11.

And on their uniforms all pockets are physically sewn shut.

Then a law that at any bribe attempt ends with a double punishment.

Opening an anonymous website where all attempts of extortion and bribery operations can be posted. (Like they do it in india)

Establishment of an independent, internal police audit (revision) that reviews the activities of the police.

The results must be then presented to Parliament on a quarterly basis.

Establishment of another group, which works and reports under the tax authorities and checks

W policemen on unusual wealth back.

Dislocation of the top 200 policemen to inactive posts.

Increase in income for the policemen on duty.

I rather like the idea of all policemen having the pockets on their uniforms sewn up!:)

Whilst at one level it seems very silly, and perhaps it is, it would also send a very clear and public message - we know what you're like and it has to change.

That public message and its attendant loss of face is an essential precursor to any effective reforms.


The PM is asking for his brother to get the top military job. Is his brother the best qualified or will they vote him in because of what his brother will do to them. Six top police will vote for new officers does that mean that these voting officers can pick the family members also. This system is about getting people who can watch your back and still help your family. In other countries you can not do this because it is called nepotism. If Thailand wants to every succeed you should not be able to give your family benefits or positions because they are your family. This government same as old government but only with different faces!


Police needs to get paid more by the government... Less scams.

Really? Can you tell me/us what the starting salary of a policeman/woman is? How about advancement e.g. time in service/promotion etc.? What might be their educational background etc. in relation to a factory workers salary? I often hear a/b low salaries of police/teachers but would LOVE to see the facts.

Thanks, looking forward to learning more on this subject.


Political interference is just a small part of the problem. Criminal interference is much worse. In addition the whole force is very badly organized. AND the force is so full of incompetent personel that none can feel safe. The incompetence is due to the insane recruitment and selection process. Corruption, criminal activities etc are equally problematic. The force is a joke, but not a funny one. It's a complete failure and the thai people have to endure a police force which is of one of the worst standards in the world.

The need a task group from countries with successful police forces, and adapt these standards. It will take time, but there is NO OTHER WAY.

I totally agree. In Thailand the power mongers don't want anything to change. So how can it? They are the only - well mostly - ones benefiting from this appalling system. People have no power and those who do only think of themselves TIT, Land of Scams/Lack of Sanctions. The "little people" really could benefit from a government by the people for the people. But that "ain't " gonna happen.

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