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Arab-like man seen leaving bag at Erawan shrine before bomb explosion

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Arab-like man seen leaving bag at Erawan shrine before explosion
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A police source said police are now hunting for a suspect with an Arab look who was seen leaving a bag at the Erawan shrine shortly before the blast occurred.

The man was seen on a security camera sitting on a bench in the compound of the shrine after leaving his bag behind the bench.

After a while, he was seen standing and making a dial from his phone and walking fast from the area.

Police spokesman Pol Lt-Gen Prawut Thavornsiri confirmed Tuesday morning that so far 20 people were dead and 125 injured in the blast happened at 6:55 pm Monday.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Arab-like-man-seen-leaving-bag-at-Erawan-shrine-be-30266819.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-18

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Army chief says surveillance cameras capture bomb suspect clearly


BANGKOK: -- Army commander-in-chief Gen Udomdej Seetabutr said security officials have obtained video footages at the bomb explosion scene which clearly showed a suspect carrying a bag into the scene before it went off.

He did not elaborate the nationality of the suspect but said the bomb attack might be a retaliation to the recent operation of the Thai government.

He did not go further saying security officials are following the case closely.

Meanwhile the death toll in the explosion stood at 20 deaths.

They included two Malaysians, two Taiwanese, two Singaporeans, a Hongkongnese, and the rest Thais.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/army-chief-says-surveillance-cameras-capture-bomb-suspect-clearly

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-18


'Arab like man' Oh Please! What does that mean?

Did he have a white dish-dash and red and white headscarf with the words 'I love IS' written on it?

or was he an olive skinned man with a stubbly beard...like a billion other men from Buenos Aires to Athens to Dubai.


He did not elaborate the nationality of the suspect but said the bomb attack might be a retaliation to the recent operation of the Thai government.

Is the head of the Army himself is speculating here ? He really should keep his mouth closed until the evidence has been gathered and the investigations complete, pretty sure he did the same thing with the Samui bombing as well.

Seems that when it's senior Army and police making such statements, it's acceptable, but when it's members of TVF, they're labelled "conspiracy theorists" by a certain section of the forum.

Lets hope this isn't a prelude to more attacks, nothing but a cowardly and despicable act as it was.


A rumor only.

It may be possible, but all the television coverage on Thai T.V. has not shown this footage yet.

As any experienced policeman will tell you "eye witnesses" are notoriously unreliable...... they tend to see what they are preconditioned by their prejudices to see.

Just ask any Black American who, if someone yells, "Stop that man", the police will chase the white business man in a suit or the black janitor with a broom in his hand.


'Arab like man' Oh Please! What does that mean?

Did he have a white dish-dash and red and white headscarf with the words 'I love IS' written on it?

or was he an olive skinned man with a stubbly beard...like a billion other men from Buenos Aires to Athens to Dubai.

I don't know about you but, I among most other people that have ever been further than their own front door, don't need that white headscarf and can distinguish Arab like man from a westerner or Thai even when stripped naked.


I think we all know from past experience that any major crime in Thailand is never perpetrated by a Thai person.....its always, always put first on "Johnny Foreigner" !!


Would be interesting to see that footage.

The damage is done though. I will be working from home today, offices at Gaysorn Plaza...I passed the shrine yesterday at 5pm on my way home.

Two of my colleagues were still in the building when this happened, and what they described sounds disgusting.


'Arab like man' Oh Please! What does that mean?

Did he have a white dish-dash and red and white headscarf with the words 'I love IS' written on it?

or was he an olive skinned man with a stubbly beard...like a billion other men from Buenos Aires to Athens to Dubai.

I don't know about you but, I among most other people that have ever been further than their own front door, don't need that white headscarf and can distinguish Arab like man from a westerner or Thai even when stripped naked.


In my particular case I spent 5 years working in Saudi Arabia .... and I can tell a Saudi from someone from the U.A.E. most of the time.

But I still say that is just an unverified rumor.... possible, but hardly confirmed and definitely not proven,


This is a discussion forum. What would you expect the content to be?

I've come here for news, opinion and convincing hypothesis. I skip the posts from loonies... normally.

Me I'm more sympathetic to the victims of this horrible tragedy but perhaps you missed my sarcasm.


"sarcasm" on your part is totally outrageous in the light of this tragedy............how anyone can make "fun" of what has happened is beyond belief-go crawl back under the stone you appeared from sad.png

RIP to the victims wai2.gif


'Arab like man' Oh Please! What does that mean?

Did he have a white dish-dash and red and white headscarf with the words 'I love IS' written on it?

or was he an olive skinned man with a stubbly beard...like a billion other men from Buenos Aires to Athens to Dubai.

Duhhhh I guess your one of those left wing nutterS that cant see what is in front of your eyes THIS HAS EVERY MARKING OF A ISLAMIC ATROCITY

The chances that is Islamic is bit higher than a Greek bomb against the bailout and as long as I know there is no free Buenos Aires movement.

So it can be a hired Arab with a different purpose (I guess if you want to bomb you find the know-how in Arab countries) or it is Islamic motivated.

If Islamic motivated I think we should hear a statement from the group, soon. (What would be the purpose of the bomb if you can't claim credit....)

Islamic would be better for Thailand than a Red/Yellow/Democracy/Military/Police related reason.


I was reading a speculative article on the guardian last night, it mentioned there were three possible sources if it was Muslim related:

-Southern insurgents (but it doesnt fit their previous behaviour)


-Uighar muslims retaliating for the recent mass deportations to China

I almost hope it is one of those rather than something political, for the sake of thailand's stability.


I suspect it was Burmese. A Thai could never do such a thing. w00t.gif

Talk about beating a dead horse. I vote that the next person who uses this unoriginal post should be banned.


I'm a caucasisn American with southern European roots on my father's side. Thais have often said that I look like a "kaek," so I don't put much stock in this description yet. Early leads in an investigation like this are notoriously unreliable. Or, maybe it was the work of Basque separatists-- speculation leads to absurdity.


Whoever did it for whatever reason it is despicable and hopefully they are caught and suffer an equally horrible fate as their victims.

RIP to those that died, and condolences the families of the dead and injured.

It's sickening.


I'm a caucasisn American with southern European roots on my father's side. Thais have often said that I look like a "kaek," so I don't put much stock in this description yet. Early leads in an investigation like this are notoriously unreliable. Or, maybe it was the work of Basque separatists-- speculation leads to absurdity.

But skilled people (Thai Police??????) could easily tell that you aren't a Saudi Arab. Most Europeans can't see a difference between Thai, Chinese and Japanese, the same for the usual Thai, they can't see the difference between an Italian and a Iraqi.....


Seems that when it's senior Army and police making such statements, it's acceptable, but when it's members of TVF, they're labelled "conspiracy theorists" by a certain section of the forum.

Acceptable?! Where did you get that crazy idea Haggis. They get away with it because they are Generals and the Thai media bends over backwards to post up whatever outrageous statements, deliberate misinformation and outright porky pies they are spouting on a regular basis.. It is highly disturbing how many TV posters know better but join in the Kowtow party in treating their ramblings as having more veracity than your local Leo swilling X Pat from Nakhon Nowhere. .

That said when was the last time a General was posting on TV? Why would posters here treat him any different than your run of the mill CT nutter..


Why release a vague statement like you're looking for an individual with the physical characteristics native to a certain part of the world?

Why not share the actual picture so the public at large can be on the look-out as well?


Are the RTP going to show this video footage to us or do they need more time to manipulate it?

They're not gonna post it here, because that would kill the excitement, as the case would be solved before noon with so much many experts on board.



Arab-like man seen leaving bag at Erawan shrine before explosion ….


The police just released this composite, drawn by their own sketch artist. Please be on the lookout:



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