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Arab-like man seen leaving bag at Erawan shrine before bomb explosion

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i didnt notice anyone mention hes wearing 2 sweat bands half way up his forearms, theyre normally worn on the wrist. maybe he has tattoos under them? but then its not normal for arab looking people to have forearm tattoos, maybe hes a spray tanned brit? no ones got a dig in at them yet.

name it, blame it.

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Don't you miss the good old days when terrorists groups would at least claim CREDIT for "successful" attacks? coffee1.gif

more thna a few past bombings in Thailand where no one took credit or was found out who did


Chuwit ( the massage parlor king) was recently found guilty an told to report back for sentencing and to expect jail time

Thaksin just striped of his police rank

discredit the goverement

calls for demonstration cause government cant stop the violence

army steps in to stop the violence

civil unrest


Personally I think the perpetrator is non-Buddhist. No Buddhist will dare to do such unforgivable act at the shrine.

I personally think it was arranged by Thaksin and his camel hurder friends as pay back for revoking his police rank

That crossed my mind too.


Don't you miss the good old days when terrorists groups would at least claim CREDIT for "successful" attacks? coffee1.gif

They started getting quite punctual about for awhile, especially when worried that someone else may try to take credit for their actions. In Afghanistan every time someone tripped over a rock the loonie "spokesman" for the Taliban used to call the media and give credit to the Taliban. He was almost as bad as the guy in Baghdad (Comical Ali or more properly - Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf) the one who claimed (amongst other things) that there were no American tanks in Baghdad when in fact they were only a few hundred meters away from where his press conference was being held.

The Taliban guy would hear something on the local radio and flash up his sat phone and immediately claim Taliban victory ! Hundreds of infidels killed ! Bases overrun ! (And so on and so on.)

PR is a powerful weapon but it must be used carefully lest it backfire upon you. In some cases and some places, the reprisal may be quicker and nastier than expected.


That is a long time but what does that prove?

Very little Jingthing.

Just these little details that make me curious.

I'd be inclined to think the CC TV was showing an incorrect time, but I'd imagine that Hi-Tech kit like this to be sync'd and be 100% accurate.


heres the video;

i'd say he left something and with the blast starting there

they got who did it

now have to find him;


This could be the start.....

I saw this..

If you check the time on the video as he leaves the shrine 18:40:

Bomb went off at 18:55..

not in sync with what reported.

so the bomb went off 15 minutes after he'd left it ............


heres the video;

i'd say he left something and with the blast starting there

they got who did it

now have to find him;


This could be the start.....

I saw this..

If you check the time on the video as he leaves the shrine 18:40:

Bomb went off at 18:55..

not in sync with what reported.

so the bomb went off 15 minutes after he'd left it ............

Makes perfect sense to me. The bomber obviously wanted to be well away from the area before the explosion. Less chance of getting caught by it or by the police. By the time it went off he was probably miles away (well however far 10+ minutes by moto taxi would get you).


'Arab like man' Oh Please! What does that mean?

Did he have a white dish-dash and red and white headscarf with the words 'I love IS' written on it?

or was he an olive skinned man with a stubbly beard...like a billion other men from Buenos Aires to Athens to Dubai.

I don't know about you but, I among most other people that have ever been further than their own front door, don't need that white headscarf and can distinguish Arab like man from a westerner or Thai even when stripped naked.

oh gross, pleaaaaase, this is a family forum and often read at dinner time. The very thought of Arafat (or Suthep) stripped naked!

I suspect it was Burmese. A Thai could never do such a thing. w00t.gif

Talk about beating a dead horse. I vote that the next person who uses this unoriginal post should be banned.

Along with farang no understand Thainess or references to the Burmese guys in the clink for the Koh Tao murders.


"Arab looking" is a bit too vague for us to work on.

But it's definitely The Religion Of Peace at work again. Such pleasant chaps.

Definitely? Perhaps not.


"Arab looking" is a bit too vague for us to work on.

But it's definitely The Religion Of Peace at work again. Such pleasant chaps.

Agree, if we here on TV is going to solve this case for the thai police we need more facts.
hey, wasn't that Andy Mcnab on the desert ship?

Looking at the Facebook video of the Yellow-Shirted guy leaving a Shoulder bag at the shrine--he does not look Arab, Asian possibly but not Arab.


What reasons for this attack, no groups claiming responsibility. Some random attack for no reason?

The government now free to provide their own story on this to suite their needs.


I'm a caucasisn American with southern European roots on my father's side. Thais have often said that I look like a "kaek," so I don't put much stock in this description yet. Early leads in an investigation like this are notoriously unreliable. Or, maybe it was the work of Basque separatists-- speculation leads to absurdity.

i am caucasian american. all grandparents came from greece. Some thais thought a little bit "allah people", but most guess Roma, for italy. That's fine. Most don't really know what Greece is, and between my New England accent and the "R", they don't pronounce greek or greece very well.

I actually find Thais geographic knowledge surprisingly good, or at leased when it comes to European countries. I rarely hear Thais don`t know where this or that European country is, and often respond with "my -family-member- has a farrang from -a-neighbor-country-". The kids in school have fairly good geographic education. When it comes to Greece, they know. They saw the political unrest on the news and they`ve heard about the financial crisis. Many even knows about European regions such as "Scandinavia" and "Great Britain", European currencies and Schengen countries. I`ve even heard some Thai people say they have seen Svalbard on Thai TV. Svalbard is a Norwegian island with just a population of 2500 people, whereas 110 are Thais. How many of you have heard about Svalbard? :D
your right, we have been lucky so far. Now you have goneandunit!

Not sure if this was posted already, but here's a video of the guy leaving the bag.


What's the point of having security cameras if the footage is gonna be that grainy??

Not sure if people remember, but in the Boston bombing, this sort of crowdsurfing took place, and there were two guys spotted in an image with back packs, with what looked to be pressure cookers in the back.. Well, everyone was certain it was them, and, as we know now, it turned out to definitely not be them.

Just something to think about..


Tourists take a lot of photos. The police should check the photos from those people. Maybe find a better picture from him....

Brilliant idea call the BKK police commisionaire and let him know he might give you a medal for your genius


Why release a vague statement like you're looking for an individual with the physical characteristics native to a certain part of the world?

Why not share the actual picture so the public at large can be on the look-out as well?

The pictures are all over the Thai press eg see here.

In some of the pictures he's wearing a back pack, in others, presumably after he's leaving the Shrine, it's absent.


Not sure if this was posted already, but here's a video of the guy leaving the bag.


What's the point of having security cameras if the footage is gonna be that grainy??

Not sure if people remember, but in the Boston bombing, this sort of crowdsurfing took place, and there were two guys spotted in an image with back packs, with what looked to be pressure cookers in the back.. Well, everyone was certain it was them, and, as we know now, it turned out to definitely not be them.

Just something to think about..

That video is a video of a screen showing the original CCTV - showing a split screen showing the output of several CC-cams.. ..

I'm sure the original is high quality.



Image of the suspect released by police. Hard to tell ethnicity - could be anything from these, but that shirt is quite distinctive.

Looks like a Korean tourist to me.

Definitely not Arab in any way, shape or form.

I wss about to say the same thing. My suspicion is that he is a Thai muslim from the south.

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