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Massive manhunt on the way for Bangkok bomb suspect


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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

Well reading the Daily Mail reports from the UK someone in the Thai goverment has already stated they believe it was the red shirts cant post the link as this site is banned in Thailand

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I am not saying that Thaksin is involved in this but what I have said in the past is that if he isn't getting his way or his chances of a return to Thailand are slim to none he will do his utmost to ruin the place out of spite.

One thing to note - if this was carried out by southern insurgents then they will claim responsibility otherwise a pointless exorcise for them, the fact nobody has claimed responsibility tells of something totally different.

I also don't think that whoever planted this device realised its potential and ability to kill, if they really wanted to kill they would have added nails or similar for effect, who was responsible for the last device in Bangkok - that is were I'd be looking

Often the claim of responsibility is not immediate when it comes to terrorist attacks.... often the ones claiming immediately after an event are not the ones involved. So that is a reasonably useless conclusion. (not to mention sometimes they decide for whatever reasons not to claim responsibility - maybe because it's effects were not what they wanted etc.).

You might just be suffering from a mental illness - it is not unique to one group .... "Derangement Syndrome" in this case Thaksin Derangement Syndrome. Take a step back and wonder - hey what would he gain from attacking a religious shrine that is near and dear to the hearts of Thais? Do you really think he is that stupid? Remember the mentally ill person that attacked a religious shrine.... he was hunted down and killed by enraged Thais.

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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

blablabla...or they tell under Thaksin everything was peaceful and good economic...blablabla

One again, someone brings Thaksin into the game. That's ridiculous. When will this end? Stuck in the past. Must be a fetish.

Well love him or hate him he is the reason for the political problems in Thailand and was just ousted the second time by a coup. The discussion if it was the red shirts or if it was the military to let the red shirts look bad wasn't started by me.

Thaksin, the army and other political parties are together part of the problem that has lasted now soon for 100 years, and maybe even longer.

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There has been time to clean the photos shown of the suspect up and transmitt a faceial profile to every border crossing and on national televison and facebook. He will be seen and snintched on quite quickly as he does appear to be farang. Throw a high 6 figure breward in and wait for the call..

Farang now is it. Stroll on! Looks more Asian to me from that pic but hard to be sure with such a grainy image.
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Certainly doesn't look Thai … I have heard chat that may be a Uighur Muslim revenge attack for being sent back to China

'Thailand forcibly sends nearly 100 Uighur Muslims back to China ' http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/09/thailand-forcibly-sends-nearly-100-uighur-muslims-back-to-china

And what are you basing that on ? The fact he doesnt have a finger stuck up his nose ?

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The speed at which they apprehend this SUSPECT will depend on the community's participation. If they have a clear photo of this person captured on their digital CCTV, then it should be published so everyone can help. A hotline must also be published so that people can call in if they spot the SUSPECT. I should not have to say that at present, this person is merely a SUSPECT and not yet conclusively the perpetrator. But there you have it folks. He is a person of interest.

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Certainly doesn't look Thai … I have heard chat that may be a Uighur Muslim revenge attack for being sent back to China

'Thailand forcibly sends nearly 100 Uighur Muslims back to China ' http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/09/thailand-forcibly-sends-nearly-100-uighur-muslims-back-to-china

It could be any individual that is being radicalized.... taking revenge.....

What you are hearing is what people are trying to spin it as.... no political advantage on blaming southerners from a government perspective.... blame reds ... sure.... blame Uighurs.... sure there is some advantage..... Too many people ready to believe in propoganda.

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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

blablabla...or they tell under Thaksin everything was peaceful and good economic...blablabla

One again, someone brings Thaksin into the game. That's ridiculous. When will this end? Stuck in the past. Must be a fetish.

Fetishes can be good and not necessarily a mental health matter. Making this different.

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The reports I've read so far all say that a second bomb was found inside the shrine itself, so, is there cctv showing the same person planting the second device or is there more than one suspect?

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I doubt very much if the suspect still has long curly hair, the same glasses or watches on both arms, These people often know such places have CC cameras and dress up accordingly. He could have a bald head, no glasses, doesn't wear a watch or coloured clothes.

He could have gone back to a room, changed and out of the country withing a few hours of the blast.

The world has gone loopy!

Hopefully they will catch the right person, but where will the next tragedy occur?

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Maybe my eyes aren't so good but I would hesitate to describe him as Arabian in appearance, at least from that 'photo.

My thoughts exactly, I was looking at the photo and trying to get Arab extraction - I was more towards Thai extraction?

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There has been time to clean the photos shown of the suspect up and transmitt a faceial profile to every border crossing and on national televison and facebook. He will be seen and snintched on quite quickly as he does appear to be farang. Throw a high 6 figure breward in and wait for the call..

with this photo even cleaned up it can be just everyone who has two arms and a head.

yeah, but when correlated with other photos of him standing, it could add value. the pics of the guy standing show his height to be significantly taller than avg Thai. this does not mean he is not Thai. but it would make him easier to identify.

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They should be Thinking that those wrist bands are possibly covering tattoos or some form of injury!

And if they are what then Sherlock............arrest everyone with a tattoo? coffee1.gif Thank God we have you on the case should be solved by dawn

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There has been time to clean the photos shown of the suspect up and transmitt a faceial profile to every border crossing and on national televison and facebook. He will be seen and snintched on quite quickly as he does appear to be farang. Throw a high 6 figure breward in and wait for the call..

They will get him. So many under cover guys out there that have good contacts. And the interrogation by the police on suspects will find him. Especially that T Shirt some one will remember that.

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I am not saying that Thaksin is involved in this but what I have said in the past is that if he isn't getting his way or his chances of a return to Thailand are slim to none he will do his utmost to ruin the place out of spite.

One thing to note - if this was carried out by southern insurgents then they will claim responsibility otherwise a pointless exorcise for them, the fact nobody has claimed responsibility tells of something totally different.

I also don't think that whoever planted this device realised its potential and ability to kill, if they really wanted to kill they would have added nails or similar for effect, who was responsible for the last device in Bangkok - that is were I'd be looking

Often the claim of responsibility is not immediate when it comes to terrorist attacks.... often the ones claiming immediately after an event are not the ones involved. So that is a reasonably useless conclusion. (not to mention sometimes they decide for whatever reasons not to claim responsibility - maybe because it's effects were not what they wanted etc.).

You might just be suffering from a mental illness - it is not unique to one group .... "Derangement Syndrome" in this case Thaksin Derangement Syndrome. Take a step back and wonder - hey what would he gain from attacking a religious shrine that is near and dear to the hearts of Thais? Do you really think he is that stupid? Remember the mentally ill person that attacked a religious shrine.... he was hunted down and killed by enraged Thais.

I'm sorry are you calling me deranged or the person who planted the bomb

and your above post is mostly nonsense - trust me I know what I'm talking about

and when someone orders something like this without a claim of responsibility it is usually a devious act for effect and revenge a bit like a premeditated murder, you look for the motive and you will find the culprit

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Guess this means we'll have Prayut's smiling dial on the TV for the next 5 - 10 years while he brings peace, order and happiness to the people. It's kind of like his responsibility now, isn't it, This heinous attack "legitimizes" his "tenure" does it not. Seriously where would we be without his integrity, empathy and intelligence? My heart breaks for Thailand.

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